10 Quirky and Unique Gifts for Your Husband That May Not Be on His Wishlist But He'd Love to Have. Plus How to Find New Ways to Be Romantic in 2019
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How to Pick a Gift for the Boyfriend You Have Been Dating for a Month

- It should be a small gift, don't buy anything extravagant
A gift at this is more a token of affection and to indicate how much you're into him. It's not a time to show off your gift giving prowess and how much you can spend. Too expensive a gift and you're going to scare him off - he'll be left wondering if exchanging pricey things every month is something you expect. Another important point to keep in mind is it sets up a kind of bar. Any gifts in future will have to be better than this one. It is best to make the gift simple and sentimental. If you're not sure, discuss the idea with him first, whether he'd like to celebrate your first month together. - Try to make a gift on your own
There can be no match for something that is made by you, just for him. Even a simple homemade meal can be a memorable gift. You can include all his favourite dishes or snacks. Or else, you can watch his favourite movie together followed by a dinner made by you. Go with your strengths, if you bake, make him heart shaped cookies or a cake. If the idea for cooking doesn’t appeal to you, buy a few nice snacks, a couple of bottles of something to drink, make a few sandwiches and head for a picnic. - Sentimental gifts that convey the future of your relationship
Show him he's a big part of your life, and that you want him to continue being a part of it. A great way to do this is through a photo frame for his desk with a picture of the two of you. Or send him a card with a cute message on the day you complete one month together. It can have some simple thoughtful lines or just something to make him happy. Instead of buying him a gift you can send him text messages flirting with him, telling him what you like about him and how pleased you are to be dating him. - Something based on his personality
The best gifts are those that make someone happy so give him something that he loves. If he's into fashion and brands, buy him a shirt from a designer he likes, a sweatshirt for the sporty guy, or a movie date for a film buff are all good ideas. Plan out a late night show with him after a romantic dinner. Nearly all men love some sport. If he plays one, buy him an accessory like a water bottle or merchandise from a team he supports.
DIY Gifts and Gestures to Celebrate One Month With Boyfriend
Bake Him a Heart Shaped Cake

After spending one month with your boyfriend the perfect gift would be a cake to make it memorable. Ideally, it should be heart shaped as nothing spells romance like the occasional corny and mushy gesture. In case you are good at baking this would not be a difficult task for you. There are several recipes available online, pick one that you like and decorate it nicely.
If you aren’t terribly good at baking yet want to try making a cake yourself, consider using a ready cake mix. That way the impossible challenge of baking a cake is removed and you focus on decorating it. And making a cake from a mix still counts as a DIY gift!
Here is a simple recipe you can try:
Champagne Cake with Fresh Strawberries
What you need
- 1 pack white cake mix
- Champagne or sparkling wine
- 1 can of vanilla frosting
- Few drops red food coloring
- Sliced or whole fresh strawberries
- Preheat your oven to 175 degrees C. Grease and flour two 8 inch round cake pans, use heart shaped if you have.
- Make the cake mix according to the instructions on the package, with one small difference - instead of using water, use an equal quantity of champagne to make the mix. When the cakes are done, transfer to a wire rack for cooling.
- While the cake cools, mix a small amount of food colour into the icing till you get a blush pink colour. Begin frosting only when the cakes are completely cool. Place one cake on the serving board, cover with about ½ cup of frosting, place the second layer on top and cover completely with remaining frosting. Garnish with strawberries. Use sprinkles and heart shaped garnish to give it a more romantic look.

In case you are not keen to spend time in baking a cake, several options are available in the market. A Red Velvet Heart Cake is available at Ferns N Petals for Rs.1,299 This is a red velvet cake that weighs 1kg. If the heart shaped cake didn't already get the message across, there are heart shaped chocolate decor on it as well.
Make a Date Jar

One month with boyfriend must be celebrated with something special and unique. It must be something that is personal and made specially for both of you. That way it isn’t a gift just for him but for both of you. A date jar is a good option here. Making a date jar is fairly easy. All you need is a jar, paper in two different colours cut into strips and pens.
On one colour write down your ideas for a nice date. This can be a movie outing or simply lying on the terrace and counting the stars. Use the other colour for date ideas that you think will appeal to him. These could be something like attending the concert of his favourite band or going on a trek together. This is a gift that can be used for a long time. Whenever both of you have time or cannot decide what to do on a date, just pick out a strip. You will be surprised to see how many exciting things you can do together. You will also come across many things that both of you like but had simply forgotten all about.
Send Him Hand Written Letters

No matter where technology has reached, there are certain things that will always be cherished for long. These include handwritten letters which can be one of the best gifts for giving a loved one. Everyone is overloaded with SMS, WhatsApp messages, YouTube videos and much more. These become irritating and irrelevant after some time.
This is why a handwritten letter is something unique and very different. Such a note indicates that the person really cares. Also, it is something that cannot be deleted and people tend to keep such letters in a safe place. Nicely written letters are something they would love to read again and again, which is not possible in any other form of modern communication. It is a gift that has stood the test of time. The message conveyed this way will always remain beautiful and timeless.
Go for a Candle Light Dinner

There cannot be a more romantic gift than a surprise candlelit dinner with homemade food. This is because homemade food is made with love, unlike any other type of food from outside. Besides, it is personal and helps to bring people together. However, is cooking isn't your forte, don't feel guilty about ordering in, and instead channel your energy into creating a romantic setting.
Select a romantic setting for your meal. One of these can be while watching a romantic movie together. Another option is to have it on the beach by the seaside while watching the waves of the ocean. You can get adventurous and even organise a romantic candlelit dinner outdoors in a tent if you like travelling and camping. Another option is to have it in an open area under the stars.
It is important to ensure that you cook the favourite dishes of your boyfriend. In addition, these must be non-messy and easy to cook and eat. The food should be simple as the focus has to be on the setting and you should also be able to have a good time.
Frame Your First Travel Picture Together

A photo speaks a thousand words. Framing your photos with your boyfriend can be a very memorable gift, specially for a new relationship like this. These can cover all the important events and times in your lives. Since it is a new relationship, you will not have too many memories together or even be able to take a trip down memory lane, but a framed pictures is a nice reminder to have of a loved one.
You may even add on a description to each photo in order to make it more personal. If one picture in a frame is not enough you can have a wall that can be decorated with all these photos. Another option is to have a photo album that can accommodate all these photos. Months and years later it will be good fun to go through all these memories together.
Make a List of Things You Love About Him

A lovely gift for your boyfriend can be making a list of things that you love about him. Write them on cards and leave these cards at several places around the house. It would be delightful for him to find these at all kinds of places in the house. You can place a card in his pocket as he goes to work. Or else, you can place one on the bedside table where he can see it when he gets up in the morning. There are a number of things that you can write on these cards. You can write your own versions to make them more personal. Here are a few ideas to inspire you:
- I like how you wake me up with a cup of coffee each morning
- I like how you do not mind when I do not make dinner in the evening
- I like how you help me to clear up after a party at home
- I truly appreciate how you help me to do the dishes after dinner
- I like it when you watch my favourite movie with me again and again
- I love it when you get roses for me
6 Cute Monthsary Gifts to Buy for Your New Boyfriend in 2019
Playing Cards with a Music Theme

Does he live and breathe music? Then get his a pack of playing cards that feature music greats - past and present ones, with the genre indicated by the suits. They can be played with of course, but also make for a great collector's item.
The four suits represent four genres - hearts is pop, spades indicates the rock stars, diamonds is reserved for folk and country musicians while clubs is marked out for soul, blues and R&B. So who's made it to the deck? There's Elvis and Freddie Mercury, Beyonce, Prince and Lady Gaga, Bob Dylan, Taylor Swift, while David Bowie and Bjork make up the joker cards. Buy the pack for about Rs.700 on Uncommon Goods.
Get Him a Cute Couples Mug

A monthsary gift can be something like His and Her mugs. This is something that everyone uses when they get up in the morning to drink their tea or coffee. It is nice to wake up to mugs with some hilarious message or some kind of loving quote. It would also help to rekindle romance in the relationship on a daily basis.
One option is to buy these cute Couples Mugs from Etsy. The set of two mugs priced at Rs.1,807. Made with high quality white ceramic. This high quality ceramic mug set looks good and lasts long. It would be a happy start to a new day.
There are several kinds of permanent markers available in the market that don't rub off even after several washings. These can be used for writing a customised message on plain ceramic mugs and making them truly unique.
Cork Board World Map

Move over scratch world maps, give him a world map to pin his dreams on! If your man is bitten by the travel bug or has already been around a lot, he will love this self-adhesive map made of cork. It comes with a set of 16 push pins with which he can pin the spots he hopes to visit, ticket stubs to places he's been, or images from his favourite destinations. The map is fairly generous sized at 45.5 x 100 x 0.5 cm and there are endless ways he can customise it. Whether blank or with things pinned on, it's going to brighten his wall as well.
Buy it for Rs.2,199 from Big Small.
Get Cute Couple T-Shirts

Another unique gift for boyfriend on 1st monthsary can be the couple t-shirts with innovative comments on them. You can pick up a pair that meets your fancy. Couple t-shirts are available at Ektarfa for Rs.799. These are made of pure cotton and are available in various sizes and colours. There is an option for customising your own message and having it printed on the t-shirt of your choice. This is an easy way to get personalised clothes for both of you that can be worn to flaunt your affection for each other.
Buy Sexy Lingerie for Yourself And Thrill Him

It is surprising if you didn’t think of it already but your best gift for your boyfriend on 1st monthsary can be a sexy night. Get dolled up in sultry lingerie that you can buy for yourself. Look for sexy combinations or if you know he has a certain fantasy you can even try to recreate that. The options are simply endless. Sexy lingerie is always romantic and desirable. This is why it can serve as the best gift for your boyfriend. This is a perfect option for a romantic date.
This Spice Sexy Mesh Babydoll Woman's Lingerie is an ideal option that is sure to blow your boyfriend’s mind. Buy it for Rs.2,099 on That’sPersonal. There is a huge variety of saucy options for you to pick from.Go with something you are comfortable with and you know you will be able to pull off with elan.
Buy Him A Personalised Keychain

One thing that your boyfriend will always have with him is his car or bike keys, and likely a set of keys for his house, locker at the gym or at work. Now a small gift for boyfriend can be a keychain that is personalised with a short message or his name. You may put in his name, or his initials or even the names of both of you on it.
There is a wide variety of materials that keychains are made from, choose from metal, leather, plastic, wood, ever ceramic. Whatever you select, make sure it is sturdy and can be used for a long time. You can check out Engrave for this personalised keychain in brass bearing both your names within a heart. This Personalised Cupid Strikes Brass Keychain is available for Rs.449.

If a Cupid struck heart is too much and he's unlikely to ever use it, go for something more subtle but just as useful. These Personalised Keychains by Tisora Designs are a sleeker design and are available in a number of different finishes like matte gold, croc finish in black, a plain navy blue and gold glitter. Of these we would recommend the croc finish or the navy. Have his name engraved on it. Order it for Rs.250 also from engrave.in.
4 Key Points to Remember Before Buying Gift for Boyfriend
The fact is that your boyfriend probably has everything he needs. Hence you need to think really hard in order to buy something that is unique and special. These are the points that must be remembered in order to buy him things he will really value.
Be Bold

You need to be bold as you buy gift for boyfriend 1st monthsary. After all, you are paving the way for how you move ahead in this relationship. Do not be afraid to show him just how much you like him and where you this this relationship going. It may have been only a month but a gift would be a good way to show him how well you already know him and understand his tastes.
If your boyfriend has good taste, give him perfume so he also smells good. Gift him some vouchers to a body spa. Boys also like to get groomed and pampered. If possible, go to a unisex spa so that both of you can enjoy the relaxation. Buy the membership of a local gym.
Be Emotional

The gift for your man must convey your true emotion. For some, it is through gifts that you can buy from a store, for others it is through promises of love. Often your boyfriend may prefer if you do something for him. This can include spending time with him, listening to him talk about things that are important to him, or if he is overworked and may be touched if you do small chores for him to lighten his responsibilities. Make your gift personalised, it will show him how much you care. Plan out a dinner date with him. Do the bookings at the restaurant as well as decide the menu. He will appreciate the effort that you have made.
Be Passionate

The fact remains that passion tends to die down with time. You may not have experienced this yet being only in the first month of your relationship but there is no reason why you should even have to. You can work towards always keep it alive, just remember to do simple things. Hold hands whenever you go out, this is a simple gesture but says a lot about the way you feel. While having a conversation, touch your boyfriend often, it will help to keep the romance alive. Telling your boyfriend about your feelings for him will ensure he doesn’t have to keep guessing his place in your heart. This can often happen in a new relationship, especially when girls feel its best to be coy and not let him know how much you like him. The security of knowing his place in your life is sealed will help him be a more loving boyfriend.
Be Creative

The gift for boyfriend on 1st monthsary has to be creative. You are unique and so is your relationship. You need to think beyond the movie and dinner routine. Your boyfriend will love this skill of yours to innovate and be creative with your dates. This will also tell him that you are serious about this relationship and wish to move further up. Ask for your special song to be played when you go out for dinner with him. If you are having trouble thinking outside the box do not hesitate to seek help, there are umpteen options and ideas available at the click of a button.
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10 Quirky and Unique Gifts for Your Husband That May Not Be on His Wishlist But He'd Love to Have. Plus How to Find New Ways to Be Romantic in 2019
Don't Go Overboard
Although the world seems to be moving in the direction where no event is too small to be celebrated, a one month relationship is in its infancy and does not warrant a large scale celebration or big gifts. Coming on too strong at the start of a relationship will not come across well and may make him nervous. It is alright to acknowledge and mark the day in small romantic ways but no more than that.