Return Gifts for Birthday and Kids' Party Planning: 10 Great Gift Ideas Under Rs 100 and Rs 200 & Awesome Party Hacks
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Preferred Gifts for a 3-Year-Old and How to Select Return Gifts for a Party

Birthdays are always an important event in our lives, be it any year, 3 or 30. As parents, we always make sure our children’s birthdays are celebrated with such joy and pleasure. We make sure that everything is done to their wishes. It is no doubt that it always ends up as relatively expensive affairs. It’s quite common these days to gift the children attending the party with return favours. Having a birthday party that is unique and entertaining every year in itself is a daunting task. Choosing a return gift that is equally appealing is yet another matter. Return gifts need not be expensive to be a hit among children.
When it comes to 3-year-olds, it is really hard to keep them happy and entertained. So, the gifts you choose for them need not be complicated. It should be something they enjoy like a board game or an art kit. This article guides you through gifts that are easy on your pocket as well as trendsetting.
Superhero Toys and Books

Kids are exposed to superheroes everywhere. Be it movies or TV series or cartoons, they are everywhere. At this stage, every child starts an obsession with superheroes. It might be a Marvel or a DC superhero or maybe even Paw patrol, they have their eyes and heart set on one. Superhero toys are a good option to give kids at this age since they encourage pretend play. Look for one similar to Super Hero Action Figure Set from shopclues.com for ₹169.
Story Books with Loads of Pictures

3-year-old kids don't have the patience to read books. But it is advisable to introduce books at this young age. Superhero books are a wonderful way to introduce kids to books. If you are looking to keep their interest and attention fixed on the book for any amount of time, the best option is to choose a book with pictures. The pictures will keep them occupied while parents read the book to the kids.
Art Kit with Crayons and Sketchbook

If there is something that gets the attention of 3-year-olds. Its colours and crayons. They love colouring. Papers or even walls, nothing gets past their artistic self. This is a great way to improve hand-eye coordination and also introduce them to colours. An art kit with crayons and sketches are wonderful return gifts for 3-year-olds. It is sure to bring a smile to their faces. You can get a readymade kit or buy individual ones and make a gift set yourselves.
Mini Board Games

3-year-olds might not have the self-control to sit and play board games. But these are the go-to stuff if you need to teach the kids about patience and taking turns. There are many board games designed to involve preschoolers which are also educational. It not only keeps the kids occupied but it also makes for a fun family time where you can involve your preschooler too.
Scooters and Balance Bikes

3 year old is the best time to teach the kids more about balance. While they might not be ready for a proper scooter or a balance bike yet, there are three-wheeled scooters that can give them the perfect start. The three-wheel stance gives them a good start and gets them ready for the real thing. However, it would cost you in the upwards of ₹700 which might end up being expensive if you are to get it for all the attendees of the party.
10 Rocking Return Gifts that will Make You a Rockstar Among 3 Year Old Kids
Colour and Wipe Animal Cards

Preschoolers are just mastering the hand-eye-mind coordination at this age. It is not an easy task for the kids and they are easily distracted if it isn’t something interesting. The colour and wipe animal cards work in the same way as crayons and a colouring book but here you can wipe the colour off the animal cards and reuse it again and again. To retain the attention of kids, the cards have interesting animal pictures. Priced at ₹319, the set contains 20 animal cards, 1 set of crayons and 1 duster. Colour and Wipe Animal Cards are available to buy at amazon.in.
Dinosaur Model

Tell us which child doesn’t go through a dinosaur period. No toy basket is complete without a set of dinosaur toys. Though these majestic beings have been extinct for some time now, they hold the curiosity of countless kids across the ages and gender. With this set of toy dinosaurs, all the kids need are the imagination and the world is in their hands. The Dinosaur World Series toys have a set of 6 colourful dinosaurs with a few other accessories to play to their heart’s fill. It is available at igp.com at a discounted rate of ₹560.
Farm Animals Memory Cards

Memory games are a wonderful way to sharpen kids’ memory skills. Not only that it also sharpens his/her concentration and help teach the kids the sorting and pairing skills too. The game itself is contained in a cylindrical container making it perfect for travel too. The Farm Animals Memory Cards game has 9 pairs of animals which the child has to match. Priced at ₹275, the memory game is available at amazon.in.
Coloring Book and Crayon Combo

This is the age when 3-year-olds learn to hold their pencils, scribble and colour. The results are something of an attraction for the kids. With this set of books the kids can not only colour they also can enjoy doing what they love the most. For ₹380, the set comes with 2 books and a set of 18 colouring pencils. This is an apt return gift for any preschooler attending your party. You can purchase it at igp.com.
Velvet Plush Backpack

Kids love imitating the parents at this age. Even to the extent of carrying your handbags and backpacks. As a nod to that intent, a velvet plush backpack is an ideal gift for a preschooler. For ₹399, you get two sets of backpacks which includes Panda, Pikachu and Penguin. Gift the Velvet Plush Backpack to your birthday party attendees and see them jump with joy. The backpack holds a minimum of a couple of books, snacks and a water bottle which is what a preschooler would require. The Velvet Plush Backpack is available at amazon.in.
Wooden Floor Puzzles

Puzzles are tried and tested method of teaching the kids hand-eye coordination and also concentration. This particular set of puzzles are based on different transportation methods. Say goodbye to missing pieces with marked puzzle pieces and also a light-weight metal box for storage. The puzzle pieces are big enough for little hands to hold properly. Buy the Wooden Floor Puzzles for ₹377 at amazon.in.
Home Building Blocks

When it comes to engaging kids, building blocks is a no-brainer for 3-year-olds. It keeps the kids engaged for hours on an end. Building blocks also help to develop creative skills in the kids. The building blocks by Amigoz are made of soft plastic and non-toxic hence safe for the kids. The set which costs ₹240 at amazon.in comes with 20 pieces including square and triangle pieces.
Superman Mini Cricket Set

Superhero and cricket, two of the most favourite things that kids adore. The Superman Mini Cricket Set brings both together in this cricket kit. Be the rockstar who breaks the gender stereotypes with this cricket set. This kit is sure to be hit among kids of both genders. Priced at ₹269, this set has a bat, a ball and 3 wickets. Superman is embossed in every piece included in the set. Buy the Superman Mini Cricket Set at amazon.in.
Pre-School Learning Pack

3 years olds are usually preschoolers since this is the age when they start preschool. This learning kit aimed at preschoolers has 4 board books and 2 flashcards to help teach them basic skills including alphabets, numbers shapes and colours. The colourful set is aimed at maintaining the kids' attention while making teaching fun. At ₹299, the kit has everything a 3-year-old loves in a book. You can find the Preschool Learning Pack at Amazon.in.
Peppa Pig Board book

Board Books are an amazing way of introducing books to preschoolers. The thick pages make it difficult for them to tear or spoil it. The board books contain the story about Peppa Pig who is the most famous piggy among all kids. The books are small and sturdy enough to fit in toddler's small hands. Peppa Pig: Little Library has the following stories: Peppa's Family, Peppa's Garden, Peppa's friend, Peppa at Home, Peppa's favourite things and Peppa at Playgroup. You can buy the books set from amazon.in for ₹155.
Shopping for a 3-Year-Old: What Not to Give
Guidelines for Buying Gifts for Small Children:
- Absolutely no small parts
3-year-olds always put anything and everything in their mouths. If the toy has small parts it really is not safe for preschoolers. They provide a choking risk for the kids. You do not want the return gift you had given them to be harmful to the attendees. - Toys with safe, non-toxic paints
Can you name a toy that isn’t painted bright and beautiful to attract the kids? The key is finding toys that are painted with non-toxic and environmentally safe paints. Kids at 3 years old still put everything in their mouths. This habit would not have stopped as of yet. So if the paint has toxic chemicals, they will be harmful to their health. - Toys with sharp edges
Toys with sharp edges again are dangerous when in the hands of 3-year-olds. Even if the parent is very careful, there are chances that the toy can hurt the child. You would not buy any toys with sharp edges for your children. Extend the same courtesy when buying return gifts for your kid’s birthday party too. - Toys with loud sounds
Unless you have a feud with the child’s parents, don't get any toys with loud sounds. Kids are quite attracted to toys with bright colours, lights and loud noises. But they can be a source of irritation for the family. There will be no end to the noise unless the toy runs out of battery or breaks. Unless you would buy the toy for your child, don't buy it as a return gift too. - No paints! No watercolour or poster colour or oil paint
While 3-year-olds can enjoy finger painting, thumb printing and more, paints are usually a source of ultimate mess. And when you gift them with paints of any sort other than crayons or sketches, the mess created by them would really be uncontrollable. Don't be a source of irritation for other parents. You wouldn’t like to be in their position. - Makeup for girls
There are many creative craft toys you can gift a 3-year-old girl child. Makeup is not one among them. Unless you can vouch for the safety of the products, makeup is not advised for kids even though they might enjoy it a lot. Be a forward thinker and get something educational and build confidence in the child for which makeup doesn't do anything. - No guns of any sort!
Gun culture is a harmful weed that grows everywhere. Kids will eventually be exposed to it. But a 3-year-old need not be exposed to that at this tender age. While it will make you famous among kids especially boys, this might not be acceptable to their parents. This will be a point of controversy among parents which is not so good. - Puzzles
Unless the puzzle is big enough for little hands to handle and with big pieces kids will not be interested. One missing piece can derail the whole game. Even if the child loses one piece the parent would have to shelf the whole game. - Karaoke machine
It is a trend among parents to get karaoke machine with the conception that it encourages kids to find their passion. Instead, it is a source of noise and irritation for the parents. As if 3-year-olds aren’t loud enough the microphones make them louder. You do not definitely want the wrath of the parents, believe us. - No slime, please!
Slime is everywhere. Slimes and Slime making kits. While slime making kits are not suitable for kids this age, slimes are used by everyone as a stress reliever. When in the hands of 3 yr old little monsters, it equates to mess. It ends up being a stress inducer and not a stress reliever.
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A mid range budget is ideal
Inexpensive items are usually given as return gifts but when it comes to small children, you may want to spend a little more. At this age kids are still chewing on their toys and testing their strength on them so you want to give them presents that can withstand rough play. There is plenty of choice for good toys below Rs.500 so you need not spend too much either. But whatever you do buy, make sure it is of good quality as safe for small kids.