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The Art of Working Out

Source l The Art of Working Out

Yoga means union. It is an activity that joins your individual self with the Infinite Spirit. This is possible when you have complete control of your body and mind and yoga enables you that control. Yoga is both an art and science. It is a science because it teaches you practical methods to control your mind and body. It is an art because until and unless it is practiced sensitively, with deep devotion, the results will be superficial. Raja Yoga is the actual yoga. It involves a series of meditation techniques that help you harmonize your consciousness with the divine consciousness. The physical branch of yoga is called Hatha Yoga. Thus, yoga is a unique type of workout that is more than just losing fat and toning your muscles. It is an artistic way of exercising.

Benefits of Yoga

Source l Benefits of Yoga

Yoga has a lot of benefits for both the body, mind and soul. The best part is that it has no side effects and has the least possibility of injuries. It can be practiced by anyone who is determined to achieve well- being. Besides, yoga can be easily incorporated into a busy lifestyle. Yoga sessions do not require a lot of time; just 30 minutes a day is enough. Let us look at the physical and mental benefits of yoga:

Physical Health Benefits

Source l Physical Health Benefits

The relaxation techniques that are characteristic of yoga has many positive effects on the body. It lessens chronic pain associated with lower back, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome and headaches. It can also reduce insomnia and lower blood pressure. People who lead sedentary lives experience frequent muscle aches and stiffness throughout the body. Neck pain, back pain and joint pain are regular occurrences in a sedentary lifestyle. The stretches associated with yoga are highly beneficial in alleviating such pains. Other physical benefits are increased flexibility of the body and muscle strength, improvement in respiration, vitality and energy, balanced metabolism, weight reduction and improved overall health.

Mental Health Benefits

Source l Mental Health Benefits

The biggest mental benefit of yoga is that it reduces stress. Unfortunately, our lifestyles have become such that stress has become a companion. The effects of stress are devastating. You lose peace of mind, are always irate and exhausted. Your behaviour towards others becomes rude and insensitive which can damage relationships. Strain in relationships is one of the causes of the depression-a mortal disease plaguing modern society. Yoga reduces stress levels and makes you calm. The meditation sessions keep any negative thought at bay relieving much of your burden. You are more confident and surer of yourself and much less vulnerable to overthinking, tension and panic attacks. You also do not deposit your frustration on an innocent family member thus keeping your relationships functional and positive.

10 Yoga Essentials You Need for Your Yoga Sessions

Source l Yoga Sessions

There are some essentials that you need for a successful yoga session. These essentials are designed to help you go through your yoga practice smoothly. They range from the basic yoga mat to potted indoor plants to create ambience. Since you are a beginner in this field, it is understandable that you do not know or know less about these essentials, and so BP Guide has created a list of 10 essential items that you need as a beginner in yoga. They are as follows:

Yoga Mat and Mat Bag

Source l Yoga Mat and Mat Bag

The first object that you need when you are starting out on yoga sessions is a yoga mat, and Dr. Trust’s Yoga Mat is the best for the purpose. It has a width of 12 mm and has high rebound resilience quality making it durable and fit for daily use. Moreover, it is water-resistant and is easy to clean. So, you do not have to worry about sweating on it. Sweat also doesn’t make the surface of the mat slippery so it doesn’t cause problems while exercising. The mat is made of materials that are non-toxic and environmentally friendly. Priced at Rs. 1,500, this resilient yoga mat must be the first item in your paraphernalia of yoga essentials.

Yoga Outfit

Source l Yoga Outfit

Yoga cannot be done in any outfit. What you are wearing during your yoga sessions must be stretchable and made of breathable fabric. Consider this T-shirt and leggings. They have been made exclusively for yoga workouts. The t-shirt is made of a material that doesn’t cause chafing, instantly dries sweat and allows for free movement. It is made of polyester and is comfortable to wear. This peach coloured Sports Tee comes at a price of Rs. 437.


The Stretchable Leggings is made of polyamide elastane. The fabric is super soft and feels comfortable on the skin. The tightness of the apparel keeps the muscles in place and the stretch recovery feature of the garment increases its longevity. It is medieval blue in colour and costs Rs. 777

Yoga Socks

Source l Yoga Socks

This pair of Yoga Socks has an open toe that ensures flexibility and grip during yoga workouts. It also has a grooved bottom that prevents slipping, gives balance and control over your yoga poses. It is grey in colour and comes at a price of Rs. 267.

Yoga Strap

Source l Yoga Strap

A yoga strap has multiple utilities. It can be used as a contraption to carry your yoga mat. This can be done by slipping your yoga mat in between the loops at each end of the strap and using the length of the strap as a sling. But more importantly, a yoga strap is beneficial in assisting you in doing your yoga stretches. This Strap from Reebok is made from cotton polyester blend and is green in colour. It is priced at Rs. 799.

Yoga Blocks

Source l Yoga Blocks

This set of 2 yoga blocks is made of foam, is lightweight and water-resistant. The dimension of each block is 6.1 inches x 9.1 inches x 3 inches. These high -quality Yoga Blocks will provide you with the right amount of support and stability while you are doing advanced level poses and stretches. The smooth texture of the blocks also imparts comfort while using. These violet coloured blocks come at a price of Rs. 521.

Foam Roller

Source l Foam Roller

A Foam Roller is integral to executing many yoga poses. Besides, it helps in relaxing the muscles that have become stiff due to exercising. The grooves on this foam roller provide a deep tissue massage that replicates the hands of a therapist. It is very useful in relieving stress, stiffness and pain from the muscles and joints and prevents your body from becoming sore all over. It is made of high- quality materials that make it both lightweight and durable. The dimension of this product is 12.75 inches(length) x 5.25 inches(diameter). You can get this grid foam roller for a price of Rs. 799

Workout Towel

Source l Workout Towel

One thing that you can be sure of when doing yoga is that you will sweat. Hence, make sure to have a towel beside you when you are at your yoga sessions. This sports towel from TEGOFit is the one you should get. These towels have been engineered especially for such demanding physical activities that cause a lot of sweat. The towel has antimicrobial properties that protect you from germs and odour during fitness sessions. It is jet black in colour with an orange beat across it. This Towel is priced at Rs. 499.

Yoga Mat Cleaner

Source l Yoga Mat Cleaner

Your yoga mat will get dirty with your sweat and grime as you use it. You must keep it clean, especially during such times of Coronavirus pandemic, so that you don’t fall sick. This Yoga Mat Cleaner Spray from Yogikuti is perfect for that job. The formula of this mat cleaner liquid is free of paraben and SLS and is made from completely herbal and organic elements. It has natural antimicrobial and moisturizing properties that kills pathogens and keep your mat fresh. The spray has an aroma of green apples and lavender. Use it before and after your yoga session. Wipe it after spraying or just air dry your mat. 100 ml of this spray costs Rs. 350.

Sports Water Bottle

Source l Sports Water Bottle

Hydrating yourself while exercising is very important but you must make not to have too much water during your yoga sessions or your body will become heavy. This is easier said than done because exercising makes you parched and you would involuntarily chug down water when given a chance to drink. To prevent that, use a sports water bottle. Sports water bottles are designed in such a way that you can only take a swig and not gulp down water. This Sports Water Bottle from Nike has an asymmetrical shape that makes it easier to grab with one hand. It is also a beautiful blue and black in colour and is leakproof. It holds 600 ml of water and comes at a price of Rs. 746.

Indoor Plant for Stress Free Environment

Source l Indoor plant

The environment is a very important aspect in yoga. Without the proper environment, your yoga sessions are a waste of time. Yoga affects both your physical and mental faculties, and the proper environment is quintessential for the latter. The most effective way to instil a yoga friendly environment is by keeping indoor plants in the room where you do your yoga. Green plants have a soothing effect on your senses that make you calm and feel stress-free. This potted money plant can be one of those indoor plants to decorate your yoga studio. Money plants are known to spread positive energy and create an atmosphere of spirituality. The plant comes in a 4 inches tall vase that is the shape of Buddha’s tranquil face. Together they make a peaceful Combo and comes at a price of Rs. 949.

Yoga Videos for Beginners

Source l Yoga for beginner

Yoga, like dance, cannot be truly understood through text and theory. You need to see and understand the various poses and stretches and the alignment techniques associated with them. This is so true if you are a beginner in yoga and have no or inadequate knowledge about the yoga poses. The following are 4 videos that are meant for people who are beginners in the field of yoga. Watch and follow them for a better and safe practice session:

Video 1

This video is by SarahBethYoga and is about morning yoga movements and stretches for people who are beginners in this field. It focuses on several basic warm-up movements and exercises that remove the stiffness from your body so that you are energized to take on the world. The video is just 10 minutes long and runs at an optimum pace so that it is easy for you to follow. The best feature of this video is its clear and concise instructions.

Video 2

This 13-minute video has been uploaded by YogiApproved and shows sun salutations which are a basic sequence of poses that are linked to each other and helps to energize and warm the body. The video does a marvellous job at breaking down each pose of the sequence and show its proper alignment technique to prevent any unfortunate injury. Following this video is necessary if you have just started out in yoga.

Video 3

This video has been uploaded by mindbodygreen and teaches you 18 basic yoga poses. You will learn about some common asanas like a plank, Tadasana, Cobra, Up Dog, Downward Facing Dog, Warrior 2 and 3, Bridge, Tree and many more. The instructor clearly explains about the alignment technique of each pose before proceeding to show the asana. This video is almost 30 minutes long.

Video 4

This video is the perfect one for beginners. Uploaded by Yoga With Adrienne, this 23-minute long video shows a slow and mindful yoga practice that beginners will find easy to follow. It is also a good “back to basics” class for advanced yoga practitioners. The instructor in this video has a very engaging personality and explains with dexterity the alignment techniques of the poses.

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Don’t Stress!

Buying and researching yoga gear can be overwhelming, but it does not need to be. Take a deep breath and remember that the desire to learn is the most important thing to begin a yoga practice. If you approach yoga with an open mind, the items you have brought to the class will matter much less in the long run than the connection you may discover between your body, mind, and spirit. That's our list of essential items for the beginning yoga practitioner. What items are on your to-buy list before that next class?