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How Flu Occurs in Humans and Symptoms

Flu, or influenza, is caused by a virus that affects the respiratory system. It includes symptoms like chills, cough and sore throat, headache along with fever. Doctors understand the patient's history and do a physical examination to diagnose the disease. On the flip side, the virus undergoes genetic mutation every year. For this reason, you need to have a flu vaccine every year. The changing virus can evade the immune system as the antibodies are unable to recognise the newer virus.
For the high-risk category like senior citizens, influenza can be very risky. Also, people with chronic diseases can be placed in a vulnerable position. Chronic diseases like COPD, asthma, heart and kidney disease, anaemia, etc. can lead to further complications. Conditions like AIDS and ongoing chemotherapy can also lower immunity levels.
How to Fight the Flu Early

You may try to stay fit to fight off diseases. But you must also know what to do if you fall sick. More so when the flu is contagious and spreads even through droplets. It does not show any discrimination among the population. Anyone can fall ill. You need to take some medicines, but the initial time is essential in fighting the disease. You can do these activities to fight the flu more effectively.
No Need to Exert Yourself

The early stages of flu are when you can beat the disease. You need plenty of rest as you are sick, and the first 24 hours is essential. As you are sick, you must not go to work as you could be spreading the disease among your colleagues. You must also drop the idea of continuing your workout session as you must preserve your energy to fight the disease. Too much activity may lead to severe repercussions and prolong your recovery time as well. Moreover, exerting yourself could lead to dizziness and nausea.
Have Adequate Sleep

When the flu strikes you, you tend to be weak. It is not time to do normal activities. You must take rest as the first day is vital to cure the disease. You must have adequate sleep as it will give you the required amount of rest and give your body the requisite energy to heal. Doctors also suggest taking rest and sleep as it will ensure that you distance yourself from your family and acquaintances. When sleeping, have another pillow under your head to drain your nasal passage and have a better sleep.
Give Your Stomach Rest Too

When you are ill, the digestive system is also weakened and does not function to full potential. You must reduce your diet and have bland foods as they will be easier for your stomach to digest. Moreover, you can have bananas, some toast or cooked cereals. Boiled potatoes, soup or some boiled chicken, is also useful when you are ill. Always have some electrolyte based drinks to keep you hydrated. Always keep your diet in check, or it may lead to indigestion and diarrhoea.
Have Plenty of Fluids

The body needs to be hydrated at regular intervals as it helps the immune system to fight against the disease. You can have lots of water and any sugarfree drinks. Do not have refrigerated beverages as it will aggravate your condition. Have hot black tea with lemon as it can lessen the throat congestion.
Hot chicken soup is also good for your health during the flu. Studies have shown that it contains carnosine that boosts your immune system and helps your body to fight the disease. It also has anti-inflammatory benefits and may lessen the symptoms of the infection.
OTC Medicines can Help

The symptoms of flu include headache, fever and body aches. The disease can be treated with regular over the counter medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen. You must consult with a physician before buying these medicines. Take the medicines as per the dosage prescribed by the physician. You must take more dosage as it could be harmful to you. Be extra careful if it is for children as their height and weight are important factors.
Gargle Periodically with Warm Water

When you have a flu, it causes a sore throat too. You must gargle warm water along with some salt at least five to six times every day. Do not swallow the water. With children, you must ensure that they can do so safely as it could lead to complications.
Inhaling steam from a pot is another way to soothe your throat. It helps to smoothen nasal congestion apart from relieving the lungs. Steam also soothes an irritated nose and tightness of the chest. Always be careful so that the steam does not scald you. Medication can also be dissolved in the water, and the steam can be taken. Your doctor is the best person to advise it.
Use Natural Methods

Diffusing natural oils in the air can help in reducing the effects of flu. The oils include eucalyptus oil, thyme oil, cinnamon oil, lemon oil, etc. These oils must not be ingested as they are mainly toxic. You may apply them on the skin after mixing with almond oil. Adding some herbs to your diet can also help.
The virus survives in dry air in your room. Do not use air conditioning in your place. Also, it is best to use a humidifier in your to increase the humidity levels in your room. It helps to reduce the spread of the virus.
Chicken Soup Helps

If your dietary habits allow, then having warm broth made of chicken and bones would be welcome to the taste buds during this time. Apart from letting you stay hydrated, it opens up your nose. It is nutritious too and is a natural source of minerals like potassium and sodium and proteins. The ready-to-make ones are best avoided, and you should make one for yourself by boiling shredded chicken and bones.
How to Cure Flu During Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, any medication or remedies you take can affect your child. So, you must be cautious, or else it could lead to complications. You could otherwise take some over-the-counter drugs, but you must know if they are safe. If you have the flu, you must always consider the health of your baby too and take the necessary precautions.
Take Medication

Various studies show that you must avoid medication in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy and also after twenty-eight weeks. You must consult with your doctor before taking any medication. There are, however, some medication considered safe after the first twelve weeks. You may rub menthol on your chest and under the nose. Cough drops and suppressants are also useful. Plain cough syrups can be helpful, and you can take calcium carbonate for nausea and heartburn.
During your pregnancy, paracetamol is the preferred medicine of doctors. It helps to treat moderate pain and fever. However, take it for the lowest dose and the minimum number of times. If the symptoms do not minimise, you need to consult your doctor.
Take the Help of Home Remedies

While it may not be safe to take a few medicines during your pregnancy, you may opt for some home remedies instead. A face steam bath or hot vapouriser is helpful and can ease out the nasal opening. A hot shower also works at times. Have chicken broth at regular intervals to give you the necessary energy to fight the disease. Black tea with lemon will also enliven you when ill.
Get Vaccinated

Minor flu can also turn dangerous for expecting mothers and can lead to encephalitis or meningitis. You can get vaccinated against flu at any stage of your pregnancy. It does not pose any risk to lactating mothers too.
Visit Your Physician

Common cold can be easily cured, but you must be serious about the flu. It can lead to severe conditions, but these are rare. If you do not want to take any chances, you must visit the doctor.
Take Warm Beverages and Rinse with Warm Water

Taking warm drinks, like black tea with some lemon, will soothe your sore throat. You can have some piping hot chicken soup, and it will energise you too. While having water, you will feel better if you have warm water. Having lots of fluids during the flu is good. A gargle with brisk warm and saline water can help to reduce the effects of a sore throat. Doing it three or four times daily will make you feel better.
Eat Well

Having a proper diet is necessary when you are ill. However, you should have a bland food if you are sick during pregnancy. You must continue the prenatal vitamins that provide you with zinc too apart from Vitamin C. If you can, have lots of citrus fruits, tomatoes, broccoli and spinach. Food with high zinc content is also helpful. You can have chicken breast, cereals, eggs, etc. But do take care of your bowel movements at this time.
Ways to Beat the Flu Faster

There are many reasons why you may catch the flu. It could be because you could have deprived yourself of nutritious food. Whatever it could be, you must take steps to do a few home remedies so that the fever subsides fast. We will discuss some of these now.
Have Honey

Do you tend to catch a cold quickly? Do you dislike the taste of cough syrups? If the answer to both is yes, help is near. As per recommendations from WHO, honey can be used as a substitute for cough syrups. It is mainly for kids, but adults can also take the benefits of honey. Honey can also be had with hot black tea to soothe your throat. Studies have also shown that parents who gave to honey to their children were relieved from cough faster. However, honey should not be given to children below one year as it could lead to a fatal illness.
Applying Oils Help

Applying essential oils can also help in reducing the effects of flu. Lavender oil can help to minimise the inflammation. On the other hand, lemon oil is laden with Vitamin C and helps to unblock your nasal passage. These oils can be found across chemists in your city.
Other oils like the peppermint oil can help to clear congestion and reduce headaches. Eucalyptus oil can clear your nose and is usually rubbed on your chest and shoulder.
Take Rest

Having proper rest can help if you are fatigued by the flu. Your body needs lots of rest when flu has struck to fight back the disease. Doctors suggest that you take ample rest. Sleeping for seven to nine hours at night can beneficial. Taking rest helps the immune system to bounce back and help in the fight against the disease. Patients who have flu must stay at home and rest. There is no need to carry out routine from home as it will delay the recuperation efforts.
Try Zinc Supplements

Studies have shown that patients who had taken zinc were cured faster. Zinc can prevent flu viruses from multiplying and helps to heal more quickly. It can also stop the virus from being in the mucous membrane and in the throat of the patient.
Our immune cells rely on zinc to function, and deficiency of zinc can prevent the T-cells from functioning correctly. However, the dosage needs to be as per the doctor's advice as additional zinc can lead to opposite effects. Zinc has several side effects, though. If taken in lozenge form, it leaves a bad taste in the mouth. If taken in large amount, it is toxic and can cause damage to the nervous system.
Use a Decongestant

A decongestant helps to unblock the nose and makes the patient feel better. If taken before sleeping, the patient has a better sleep. It shrinks the nasal blood vessels, which also opens up your airway. You must not use them for more than three days; otherwise, it could lead to side effects.
There are various over the counter remedies too. An expectorant can loosen the thick discharge in your nose. You can also take Antihistamine along with the decongestant for a better effect.
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When Should You Consult the Doctor?
You can weather your flu at home when the symptoms are under control. But even the fit and healthy can get seriously ill with the flu. In that case, you need to approach a doctor for appropriate treatment. Symptoms of the flu include cough, fever, tiredness, sore throat, runny nose and chills. But when you start getting tightness in the chest, chest pain and difficulty in breathing you might want to visit the doctor since you be suffering from pneumonia. If you are vomiting frequently and not able to keep liquids in you might get dehydrated. Keep an eye out for it. And lastly, if you have heart disease or asthma, you might have to keep a keen eye on your symptoms and visit the doctor if you feel anything different.