एक वर्ष के लड़कों के लिए 2019 के 10 सबसे उत्तम खिलौने: एक साल के बच्चे रोज नई चीज सीखते हैं, उन्हें ऐसे खिलौने दें जो मज़ेदार हों और उनके विकास में मदद करें
10 Thoughtful Toys for A 1-Year Old Boy That Will Keep Him Engaged And Happy
You Don't Need Batteries Toys to Encourage Kids to Play! 14 Cool, Creative and Fun Wooden Toys That Will Keep the Child Engaged for Hours(2020)
Why Toys Are Most Important for a Child?

Toys are probably the only thing that can bring a smile on a crying child's face. Toys play an important role in a child's life. A toy is his/her all time companion, sleeping buddy and a great learning tool. They influence a child in many ways and help the child to understand simple concepts of life. They help to cope with up difficult emotional issues and bring loads of joy and happiness into their world.
It would not be wrong to say that a toy is an instrument which helps the child to discover his/her true self, to learn new skills and to prepare them for the life ahead. It can build up a child's self-esteem, his/her personality and help them in improving their abilities.
You can see a significant change in your child by letting them play with age appropriate toys. The most important thing to remember here is not to buy unnecessarily expensive gifts for them, as children like to play rough with their toys. They also have a short concentration span, therefore tend to get bored easily with their toy. Not to mention, they outgrow them pretty quickly. It is always better to get toys that are cheap but at the same time meaningful to them.
Some of the most important skills that are enhanced by playing with toys are:
- Motor Skills: Toys help children develop their motor skills, activities like colouring, dressing a doll or pushing a toy car strengthens their arms and legs, resulting in enhanced motor skills.
- Emotional Development: Toys also help them in expressing their emotions through role playing, pretend games and thus, enable them to venture into their imaginary world.
- Social Development: They help in improving their language skills and teach them how to interact with other kids of their age through playing together and sharing toys with each other.
- Cognitive Development: Toys helps children by enhancing their concentration levels and memory skills with the help of things like board games, puzzles or building blocks etc.
Educational Benefits Of Toys

Kids' minds are like a blank slate; they learn whatever is written on them. They learn through things that are present in their environment, like new shapes, textures, tastes and sounds. Buying your child toys that reinforce the development of these skills is a good way to prepare them for their future. Infants like to play with toys like building blocks, which helps them in coordinating their body motor skills.
When a child joins a preschool they need to learn colours, alphabets, numbers and language skills. There are tons of toys available for this purpose over there. So it is a good idea to introduce these things at home, too. Giving an educational toy to a child helps him to learn while having fun, without putting them into any pressure. A simple activity can teach them so many wonderful things. It also gives you a chance to sit with them and bond with them. These toys help them to retain what they learn because they get entertained while learning.
Here is a list of toys that are easily available online and are also inexpensive, so you can buy as many as you want.
Cheap Toys for Kids Under Rs. 200

Anindita Toys Tic Tac Toe Game Set - Multicolor

We all remember playing a game of tic tac toe when we were kids. You can find adults playing them even now, especially when they are bored. Tic Tac Toe is a great game and children above the age of 5 can have fun while learning strategy skills through this game at the same time. It helps them in developing logical thinking, improves their analytical skills and improves their visualization, planning and strategy skills.
It’s an easy game and can be played for hours without getting bored. In fact, it can be addictive too. You can find this interesting game of Tic Tac Toe for Rs. 170 on Amazon.
Toysbox - Mind Puzzle Set 1

The toybox mind puzzle set is a great game, which helps a child in developing their creativity and logical thinking. Puzzles are usually a child's favourite, as it gives them the challenge to finish it in order to achieve perfect result.
This particular toy is great, as it is made up of soft plastic, is small and your child can easily keep it in his/her pocket to enjoy it anywhere, anytime. It encourages your child to put the picture together, which helps them in improved visualisation.
This great toy can be bought for Rs. 87.50 and is appropriate for children above 5 years of age. You can buy it from firstcry.com
Mattel Games UNO

If you want to buy a game which allows you to play together in pairs or even with groups, then you should buy a game of UNO. This is a great card game, which helps the child to learn social skills and teaches them to interact with people. It also helps them in developing strategic planning.
It can be played anywhere and a total of 10 people can enjoy this game together. Buying this game will allow you to bond with your child while helping them learn a lot of new skills. Children above 7 years will enjoy it thoroughly.
Go ahead and buy this wonderful card game of UNO from Flipkart and watch your child getting better in this game day by day. It can be bought for Rs. 126 only.
Toyztrend Mind Challenging Brainvita Nano

The name itself suggests all the qualities that this game has. The mind-challenging brain vita game from toy trend is a great game, as it helps in developing your child's concentration level along with teaching them strategies by making them place marbles correctly in order to win the game. It is a game enjoyed not only by kids but by adults as well. This game can be played for hours, and children above 4 years of age can enjoy this game thoroughly.
The Brainvita game comes in a package, which includes a playing board, 33 glass marbles. It is advised to keep an eye on the child while playing the game so as to avoid choking accidents by the marbles.
You can buy this great game for just Rs. 149 from Amazon.
Soft Bullet Gun with Darts

Boys will be boys and their love for guns is forever, but girls also like to play guns, sometimes. This great soft bullet gun with darts from Fab N Funky is a great gift for children around 6 or above. It comes with 5 foam bullets and this cool gun for kids. They can pretend to be a cop or a hunter and play for hours with their friends. They are sure to enjoy each moment with it. If your kid loves action-packed pretend play, then he will love this gun for sure.
You can buy this super cool gun for Rs. 178.75 from firstcry.com.
Multicolor Fidget Spinner

Fidget spinners are the latest must-haves for every child these days. They are cool and fun to play with. You may find many adults playing with these fidget spinners, as well. This might be because they are great stress relievers as well. Your child will love this set of 5 multi colour fidget spinner.
Fidget spinners are usually made of metal or plastic and come in various vibrant colours. They are very stylish, and you can see children of all ages showing off their spinning skills. Doctors have also used fidget spinners to treat anxiety and over energy in kids, especially those who have been diagnosed with ADHD and ADD.
So, if you see your child is stressed or is troubled due to excessive energy, you can try handing him this great fidget spinner and let him play with it to release that energy.
You can buy this set of 5 spinners for Rs. 200 from Snapdeal. It comes with a 3-month warranty as well.
Cheap Toys for Rs. 200 to 500

Arha International Kids Toys Robot Car

A robot car is an all-time favourite for kids of all ages. This robot car from ARHA IINTERNATIONAL is a great buy for kids above 3 years of age. It is an attractive car with flashing lights and bright colours, which will surely keep your child busy for hours. The flashing lights help your child with colour recognition, as well. The best part of the car is that it turns into an auto robot, which will excite your kid for sure. It also has a bump and goes technology, which means that it changes direction on its own whenever it hits an object on its way.
The toy works on 3 AA batteries and is made of non-toxic ABS plastic. Your kid will fall in love with it immediately. You can buy this great car for Rs. 360 from Amazon.
Grab & Go Monopoly

The author of the book "Rich dad, poor dad" states that if you want your child to learn anything about money, then make him play monopoly. This is one of the best educational toys you can get for a child. This Grab & Go monopoly is a version of the original Monopoly, which lets your child buy and trade properties. It also has the Chance and Chest card, just like the original one, but it is compact and can be carried with you everywhere.
Your kids can play it while a long car ride, without bothering you, as they will be busy playing this fun game. A monopoly is appropriate for kids of 8 years and above and comes with a board, card sheets, plastic tokens and monopoly money.
You can buy this game for Rs 399 from toyhome.in.
Ratnas Calligraphic Cum Chalk Board

Kid's minds are loaded with creative ideas, and you often get to see this creativity on the walls of your houses. It can be fun to watch their little hands scribble on the walls, but a nightmare to wipe it all clean. Buying a Calligraphic cum chalkboard from Ratnas would be a great toy for your kid, to make your life easier.
They can write whatever they want and then wipe it right away. They can use a marker on it, as long as it is not a permanent one. Using this board will help them in developing their writing skills and enhancing their hand-eye coordination. The good part is that if you flip it around, you can write on it with chalk, which is even greater. Kids love to write with chalk, as it is easily erasable.
You can buy this calligraphic cum chalk board for Rs. 239.85 firstcry.com. The board comes with a duster, chalk and marker.
Slingshot Catapult Gulel

Slingshots are the best for a hyperactive and you can't deny it. Kids of all ages love slingshots, and we as parents love them too. It takes us right back into our childhood. This is a great toy, as it helps your child build their concentration levels, aiming skills and coordination of the body.
This is a very desi toy, which has been a favourite with all kids since ages. You can buy this cool slingshot or gulel for Rs. 399 from shoppersstop.com.
Binomial Squares

If your kid is having a hard time in an algebra class or is super talented in it then he will enjoy the Binomial Squares. This toy has 4 two dimensional pieces which depicts the formula (a +b)2 =a2+ b+ 2ab. These pieces are perfectly cut in such a way that all the pieces are exactly adjacent to each other.
The lid also has printed corresponding colours of the same pattern to help the child assemble the pieces correctly. This can be a time consuming and interesting game for a child who is interested in maths-based challenges. It is really helpful in training your child's mind for difficult tasks. It is basically advanced puzzle solving, suitable for older kids.
You can buy the Binomial Squares for Rs. 385 from kidkenmontessori.com.
Annie Fashion Model Show Doll

No child's childhood is complete without a doll, especially girls. Girls love dolls and playing with them is a part of their personality. They dress them like they would want to dress themselves up, have tea parties with them and cry or sleep with them.
Dolls are really essential for any pretend play activity of girls, especially when in groups. They are their all-time friends and girls absolutely adore their dolls.
You can buy a beautiful Annie Fashion Model doll for Rs. 530 from ttoys.in. The doll comes with 4 extra dresses, a beautiful and stylish handbag and 2 accessories. Watch your baby girl turn into a mother and take care of her doll-like you take care of her.
Jungle Magic Garden Scienz

This is a great educational toy, which can prove to be an excellent learning tool for all kids aged 7 years and above. The jungle magic garden set is a DIY toy, which comes with environmental friendly parts. It also has an easy instruction manual, therefore any child who can read well can handle the toy all by themselves.
They can do 20 great experiments with it and learn all about the science of growing plants. They will also learn about the type of soils found in India and how plants are grown from seeds. They will feel a sense of achievement when they see little sprouts coming out of the soil. They will have a blast taking care of the little plants and transferring them into a bigger garden to watch them grow and flower.
You can buy this great DIY Jungle Magic Garden kit for Rs. 449 from Amazon. It’s a great toy for them to learn the importance of growing plants and keeping the Earth green.
Things to Keep in Mind While Buying Toys

Buying toys is a great way to show your kid that you care and it's fun too but finding the right age appropriate learning tool which is a toy and is affordable is the tricky part. Here are some tips that will help you in this task:
- Always read the labels carefully before buying a toy. You should check for the age, and if the toy is safe for kids to play with, then check if it has small parts which can be choking hazards for kids. It is advisable to buy large toys with big parts for little kids, so that it does not fit in their mouth.
- You should avoid toys that have shooting objects, unless they are made of soft foam or rubber, in order to avoid injuries.
- You should also not buy toys that make too much noise to avoid damage to their ears.
- If you are buying a soft toy then make sure that it is made from a good material with tight seams. They should also be machine washable. You should take of the ribbons and check if the eyes and nose are perfectly sewn in.
- While buying plastic toys make sure that they are not made of toxic materials, which can endanger your child's health in many ways.
- Don't buy science kits, especially chemistry ones, for children below 12 years of age, as they can cause fire or explosion. Always stay close-by if your child is playing with one.
- Buy UL approved electronic toys
- If you are buying a toy for your baby's crib, make sure they are soft and do not have any parts that can cause suffocation or strangulation. If the toy is hanging over the crib, make sure it is out of the baby's reach.
- Make sure that the toy encourages creative thinking in your child. Buying building blocks is always a good choice for kids, as they encourage them to create new things out of the same blocks and feel proud of it.
- 10. Buy budget friendly toys. Your kid will outgrow them within months, therefore don't invest too much money on a single toy. You can buy a couple of great toys in the price of one expensive toy.
You Don't Need Batteries Toys to Encourage Kids to Play! 14 Cool, Creative and Fun Wooden Toys That Will Keep the Child Engaged for Hours(2020)
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Cheap Toys As Exchange Gifts
The most vast use of these cheap toys is no doubt in making of the exchange gifts in kids parties. Small and cheap toys are mostly preferred while making birthday party favours or goodie bags. Parents often prefer you gift their child a small toy instead of all types of unhealthy snacks like jelly beans and candies. You can buy a small and useful toy, like a craft set or a puzzle box. You can also choose one that is appropriate to the theme of your party. The kids are sure to remember such a gift forever!