एक वर्ष के लड़कों के लिए 2019 के 10 सबसे उत्तम खिलौने: एक साल के बच्चे रोज नई चीज सीखते हैं, उन्हें ऐसे खिलौने दें जो मज़ेदार हों और उनके विकास में मदद करें
10 Thoughtful Toys for A 1-Year Old Boy That Will Keep Him Engaged And Happy
You Don't Need Batteries Toys to Encourage Kids to Play! 14 Cool, Creative and Fun Wooden Toys That Will Keep the Child Engaged for Hours(2020)
Benefits of Educational Toys

Kids love to play and wouldn't it be great to give them toys that will enhance their abilities? There are endless educational toys available in the market for kids of all ages. Giving them an educational toy allows your children to release that extra energy and helps in their development at the same time. Playing with educational toys helps them to learn different skills that help them later in life.
These toys help in boosting their IQ level, it enhances their senses like touch and feels, it develops problem-solving skills and enhances their creativity and imagination power, their concentration improves, they learn to find and gross motor skills, it also improves their self-esteem and they learn great communication skills when they play in groups.
Why Should You Get Physics Toys for Your Kids

Science especially Physics is amazing and fun but it is sometimes difficult to understand. Fun and entertainment can make things easy for anyone, especially for kids. Getting toys related to physics can help them become interested in science. It can lead them to explore more and even think of making a career out of it.
The fun of learning and educating themselves will keep them busy for hours and out of your way. Toys related to physics is a great way to teach a child the basic principles of science. When we talk about physics, we understand that it usually involves motion or interaction between objects thus toys based on Physics are a great tool for the kids to learn about science. Playing with toys based on Physics helps them to learn the practical aspects of science and related fundamentals.
It is a proven fact that kids learn more if they get pleasure during the learning process. The theory is boring even for adults and it makes children run away from science. These toys are designed to bring excitement and helps them experiment with Physics. The information they collect while playing will help them strengthen their knowledge of Physics. These toys and not only fun for the kids but adults who play with their children enjoy it as well, it’s good to see your child learning stuff and it helps you to interact better with your child. Here is a list of 10 cool toys based on the simple laws of Physics. Since the festival season is around the corner you can gift them to your child and watch him learn with fun.
Top Physics Toys You Should Consider Buying
Magnetic Levitation Pen Physics Experiment DIY Science Educational Toys Kit

When children watch something in the air without any support, they get excited even we as adults are mesmerized with it. It is called Levitation and is a basic principle in Physics. Levitation requires an upward force that cancels the weight of any object and avoids it to fall down. If you want your child to experience the thrill of levitation through a toy you should buy the Magnetic Levitation Pen DIY kit from banggood.in for Rs. 419.74.
It is a great toy that is easy to play with. It will help your child to enhance their observation and analytical skill. The kit's size is(L*W*H): 16x8x5 cm and the kit consists of 1 Magnetic Levitation Pen. The learning point of the toy is to understand that same polarity magnet repel each other and opposite polarity attracts each other which helps the pen to stay in the air without any support.
Ballon Recoil Car Physics Experiment DIY Science Educational Toys Kit

If you want your child to learn the power of air the Balloon recoil Car DIY science educational toy would be a great gift for your child. It is available on bangwood.in for Rs. 343.03.
This toy is based on Newton's third law, every action has an equal but opposite reaction. When your child sees the car zooming in a room without and electricity or battery, they will understand the power of the air that helps the car to move forward. The balloon-powered car uses this law of Physics by using the straw which helps the air rushing outwards and pushing against the air behind the car making it move. This is an easy DIY kit which your child can easily put together and play with.
Tengxin Galileo Thermometer

The Galileo Thermometer is a great toy that teaches the physics of density. The density of liquid changes in proportion to its temperature and teaches the child that if an object is denser than the liquid it will sink and if not then it will float. The liquid inside the Galileo Thermometer is ethanol and its density changes with temperature which causes some bulbs to rise and some to sink to the bottom. Your child has the time of his life watching the colourful bulbs move in the liquid and learn to read the temperature with it. You can buy a Tengxin Galileo Thermometer for Rs. 198 on Flipkart.
Generic Tesla Coil Working Science Model

Everybody knows about Dr. Nicolas Tesla and if you want your child to know the magic of Tesla then buying a toy based on his theory would be a great idea. A Tesla Coil working science model is available for Rs. 449 on Flipkart. With the help of this magnificent model, your child will see how the primary coil's capacitor acts like a sponge and soaks up the charge. This coil is made of copper which is a good conductor of electricity. The current flows out of the capacitor down the primary coil and creates a magnetic field. It will keep your child busy for hours and learn with fun.
DESI TOYS Nail Bottom Spinning Top Lattu Pack Of 2

Hearing about this old fashioned lattu brings a smile on everyone’s face, it instantly takes you back to your childhood where you spent endless hours spinning it with your friends. You can give your child the same thrill by buying a Desi Toy Nail Bottom Spinning Top Lattu Pack of 2 for Rs. 299 from shoppersstop.com.
With the help of this fun toy, your child will learn the conservation of angular momentum and observe that the top balances on a tiny point which gives a minimal amount of friction and helps it to continue spinning for a long time. When the friction slows down the top becomes unstable and wobbles which teaches another principle that is "precession".
Buy this toy for your child and you might enjoy it too.
SLIMJIM Plasma Light Ball Lamp

Plasma lamps look great and are a fun toy for kids as well as for adults. These glass orbs are filled with gasses like helium, neon and krypton kept at less than one hundredth the pressure of the outside air. The smaller sphere at the centre is an electrode which is an electrical conductor that is used to transfer electricity from the circuit. When you plug in the lamp, high-frequency current flows in the electrode and passes to the gaseous atoms. The current gives an electric charge causing flashes of light, this ionized gas is called plasma.
You can buy Slim Jim Plasma Light Ball Lamp for Rs. 1,299 on Amazon. Your child will love to place his hand on near the glass which alters the electric field that exists between electrode and glass orb. The plasma filament seems to attract your child's hand when he touches the ball.
Metal Slinky Spring

A metal slinky is a classic toy that exhibits physics through it. When the slinky is held up and let go the bottom remains stationary until the rest of it comes down on top of it. It seems like it defies the laws of physics by hovering in the air. This toy will help the child learn that the bottom of the slinky stays at its place due to gravity pulling it down and tension pulling it up.
You can buy a metal slinky spring for Rs. 158 on Amazon and let your child learn the power of gravity through it.
NeoMag 216 Magnet Golden Balls

Magnets tend to amaze all; they are weird but a lot of fun too. Jearl Walker, a physics professor at Cleveland University explains that magnetic fields naturally radiate outward from the electrically charged particles that make up atoms like electrons. Magnetic fields of electrons point in different directions and cancel each other but when it aligns in the same direction a net magnet is generated which causes it to attract or repel depending on the direction of their magnetic fields but try explaining it to a child, in theory, you'll see him run and hide from you. If you get him NeoMag 216 Magnet Golden Balls from amazon.in which costs Rs. 1,249, you'll see him learn this basic physics law in no time.
EISCO - Potato/Lemon Clock - DIY Electricity Experiment in Blue Plastic Holder

Electrical circuits are fun to learn about and making one with potato is a great way to learn about it. Making a potato battery at home teaches the child about the inner working of electrical circuits. In this DIY experiment, the potato acts like a battery, generating a current of electrons that flows through the wire. The acid in the potato induces a chemical change in the zinc on the nail.
You can buy this cool EISCO Potato/Lemon Clock DIY electricity experiment from amazon.in for Rs. 325 and watch your child learn to create electricity on its own. This model will generate enough power to light a light bulb which will bring a sense of accomplishment to your child.
The Famous Drinking Bird - Pack of 2

We all have seen the drinking birds mostly as decorative at many houses, they are a fun toy, you can sit and watch it endlessly drinking from the cup of water placed Infront of them. This toy is a heat engine that converts heat energy derived from water into mechanical work. It will leave your child amazed to watch the birds tipping their felt beak in water over and over again without any battery.
The famous drinking bird pack of 2 is available on Amazon for Rs. 1,602 and makes a great physics toy for the child to learn the power of vaporization.
You Don't Need Batteries Toys to Encourage Kids to Play! 14 Cool, Creative and Fun Wooden Toys That Will Keep the Child Engaged for Hours(2020)
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एक साल के नन्हे लड़के के लिये 10 दिलचस्प खिलौने जो न ही उसका ध्यान खीचेंगे, परन्तु पकडे रहेंगे और साथ ही उसका मानसिक विकास भी करेंगे (2019)
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Pick Toys That Match Your Child’s Interests and Abilities.
Before a toy can contribute to your child’s development, she must be interested in playing with it. If your kid is into dinosaurs, look for games and toys that focus on prehistoric concepts. Or if your preschooler likes building, think about incorporating a set of alphabet blocks to encourage letter and sound recognition. Also, keep your child’s age in mind when selecting the right toy. A toy should be challenging enough to be fun, but not so difficult that it’ll frustrate your child enough to stop playing with it.