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Why is the Kitchen Not the Place to Be in Summer?

The summer is here and with it the sweltering heat and high humidity that makes it unbearable. While you may feel that the best idea is to be at home, if you step into the kitchen, you will think that this notion is wrong. Why? Because the temperature of the kitchen is usually a few notches higher as it usually does not have the best of ventilation. But you cannot stay out of the kitchen throughout the summer. There must be a few hacks that can ensure that the kitchen stays cool too for some time during the day.
Few Tips to Keep the Kitchen Cool

It is not possible to keep the kitchen closed just because of the unbearable heat. However, it is nearly impossible to concentrate on the cooking amid the intolerable heat. Sometimes, the heat could be unbearable enough for you to suffer heatstroke. You may prevent this from happening if you follow these tips.
Do Most of Your Cooking Early in the Day

The weather gods are a bit generous with the sweltering heat not present all through the day. The mornings are quite pleasant, and you need to hurry up and squeeze in the cooking activities early in the morning. Also, you may break down the activities and leave cooking dinner late in the afternoon. You can also improvise breakfast and have something quick to make. It will save the cooking time for the more essential items.
Plug in a Fan

Being under a fan, if not an air conditioner, is an ideal place to be during the summer months. You may buy a portable fan or plug one in the living room. A portable one will be great as it will not spoil the overall looks of the kitchen but can relieve you of the intense heat it can generate while cooking. You can also position it as per your wishes. There are numerous such fans available at low prices. You must also invest in a blower as it will help to blow out the heat generated from cooking.
Improve Ventilation in the Kitchen

You can improve the ventilation in the kitchen and remove the unnecessary items. Creating more space will make the kitchen airier. Also, you must open the windows in the morning that will allow fresh air to come in, and this can reduce the overall temperature of the kitchen. Remove the furniture that is usually not required in the kitchen and place the racks on the walls. It will help to make more room in the kitchen. Also, keep the cooking table clean and transfer all the cooking utensils and accessories in a drawer. It will help save on space in the kitchen that will save cooking time for you.
Use the Microwave More

Using gas and ovens produces more heat in the kitchen. One option is to serve cold food during breakfast, like cereals and juices. It will also save time on cooking during which you can cook the items for lunch. Moreover, it will also help to keep the temperature down. In case you have to cook, then why not try using the microwave. It will not generate much heat and keep the kitchen cooler. You may also lookup a recipe to find out how you use the microwave for cooking your favourite dishes.
Cook Smart

During the summer months, do not experiment on food. You much try to cook as fast as you can and cook the items that you are well conversant with and have cooked earlier too. Moreover, it is best to cut the meat into smaller pieces as larger pieces take longer time to cook.
Moreover, it is not advisable to invite people for lunch as it will involve spending more time in the kitchen in the morning and later in the day. It is better to invite friends and family for dinner, and instead of cooking at home, you may order something online.
Plants can Help

You may place plants strategically in the kitchen. It will help to keep the kitchen naturally cooler. Shrubs and other plants will act as natural air conditioners and help in cooling the environment. There are various options available that are easy to maintain, and you may buy them online too at rather cheap rates.
Setting up window boxes for plants is another cool option in front of you. Green plants can keep cool air flowing into the kitchen. Having flower plants can also be a welcome change and energize you too. It can also be strategically placed to block sun rays.
Use Blinds to Cover the Windows

The summer temperatures become unbearable as the day progresses. You can set up blinds in the kitchen that you can use to block the sun rays, and it will keep the kitchen cooler. You can also use breathable curtains that can let the kitchen be airy while blocking the sun rays effectively.
Also, the fabric of the curtains or blinds is essential. You must not buy any material that is thick or has a dark colour. Instead, you must light coloured curtains that are made of very light fabric, like cotton. Always remember to keep the curtains and blinds drawn for the rest of the day to keep the temperatures lower.
Change the Way You Cook

As an additional step, you must change the way you cook. Using gas or stove and a cooking pan will generate more heat. Instead of the oven, you can opt for solar cookers or induction cookers. It will create less heat, and they are cost-effective as well. There are numerous options available online for you.
Using a pressure cooker is also a faster method of cooking. As it will take lesser time to cook, you can be saved from staying in the intense kitchen heat for long hours.
Make the Experience Less Miserable!

The kitchen may feel as the worst place to be in summer. But small tricks can help.We have also discussed other ways to keep your kitchen cool in summer. Few other ways are Always wear light coloured and loose clothes. You may do away with the apron as it could prove to be too tight.
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Stay Hydrated
It might sound simple, but staying hydrated is one of the key steps to staying cool in a kitchen that is blazing hot. Any chef that works in a restaurant or kitchen daily can attest to how important it is to pour yourself a big glass (or jug) of ice water to keep your body temperature down while you work. Before your next summer culinary masterpiece, pour yourself a glass of something cold before you get to cooking. You can also try adding lemon and a pinch of sea salt to your water for extra electrolytes. Or try freezing fruit in an ice cube tray for a sweet treat.