Appearance Does Matter a Lot. Try These Handy Grooming Tips for Women that Will Help You in Achieving that Well-Groomed Look (2020)

Appearance Does Matter a Lot. Try These Handy Grooming Tips for Women that Will Help You in Achieving that Well-Groomed Look (2020)

Every woman must be peculiar about being well-groomed. Grooming does not narrow down to looks. It is an art of nurturing and polishing your existing self to look presentable. It’s time you sit back and start probing some questions to yourself about the usefulness of grooming, how would it make an impact in your life? Read on to find everything about grooming and find the best for yourself.

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Why Personal Grooming Is More Important Than We Perceive It is

Let us start by addressing the common misconception first that grooming is about using make-up products and doing make-up. Although some of us have already developed an understanding of the subject with age, we request our young readers to read throughout the article and know more about grooming. Grooming is all about ensuring that you take care of your skin, hair, eyes and all other body parts. Most of the time we just limit all our skincare routine to face leaving other body parts less loved. We will start by talking about a few Grooming Tips that you should start with.

Quick Tips to Make Personal Grooming Doable

You will find a host of Women Grooming Products on online websites and in offline stores. For the shortage of time or just sheer laziness, we tend to overlook homemade skincare products. However, there is so many quick skincare regimes that you can follow with home-made products. For instance, applying a honey-lemon mixture is one of the best ways to take the tan away.

Nothing Like Homemade Products

You can follow the normal face care routine such as cleansing, toning and moisturizing on a daily basis. However, fix a day every week for other body parts such as hands, feet, eyes, hair and so on. Take for example you can clean and massage your hands, remove the cuticles and so on every week.

Have a Day Assigned for Every Body Part

You can follow the normal face care routine such as cleansing, toning and moisturizing on a daily basis. However, fix a day every week for other body parts such as hands, feet, eyes, hair and so on. Take for example you can clean and massage your hands, remove the cuticles and so on every week.

Include Regular Facial Exercise

When it comes to a fitness regime, face and neck are often most neglected. While we take care of our face by applying a different types of packs and lotions but drag a bit when it comes to proper exercise. There are so many face exercises that are exaggerated vowels wherein you stretch the mouth to say vowels. This facial exercise should be done regularly along with whole body workout.

Here is a Grooming Bible for All the Ladies: Must follow Grooming Tips for Women

Let’s now discuss the essentials of women’s grooming habit which all of us should follow irrespective of our profession and demography.

Dole Out Few Bucks on Hair Cutting Kit

Although we know your first reaction would be surprised and imagining you cutting your hair yourself and messing it up. However, having the right pair of haircutting tools only means that you can quickly trim the length and shape it a bit without having to go to a salon. Of course, hair cutting and styling is an art but having split ends could be a nightmare at the time when you have an important occasion to attend to. Having a pair of shears in women grooming kit can come in handy for quick shaping and styling your strands. One product that we liked, in particular, is the Leysin Professional Hairdressing set. For just Rs. 350, you get essentials such as haircut comb, shears, a sharp scissor and double-sided haircut blade comb.

Trimmer or Tweezers for Eyebrows

This one is a bit tricky as often we cannot decide between the trimmer and a tweezer for women grooming kit. Well, the function is more or less similar to both tweezer and trimmer give you more defined eyebrows. We would say that it depends on your choice to either have a tweezer or a trimmer in your grooming kit. However, make sure that you definitely have one of the two because eyebrows in every way play a very important role in defining our look. Some of us do not like threading as it takes away that natural look of the face. Enter tweezers and trimmers which can be used to only take out that extra hair and give a clean look. We think tweezer or trimmer is one such women’s grooming product that just defines your face a bit more.

Sun Protection is a Must,Even Indoors

If you work outdoors for long hours, having a good SPF sunscreen lotion in a must. We bet you will raise your eyebrows by reading this thinking that we are doubting your understanding of the product. However, the misconception that we want to address here is that sunscreen lotion is necessary even if you are exposed to sun just for few minutes.

Not seen as a very essential part of women’s grooming habit by some of us, we often tend to skip sunscreen thinking that it’s not sunny today. However, the sun rays are strong enough to harm our skin even after a very brief exposure. The right way to use sunscreen is to apply it evenly all over the face and neck at least 30 minutes before going out in the sun. Further, while choosing a sunscreen make sure that it protects against UVA as well as UVB radiation. Also, water resistant sunscreen would be a better pick along with high SPF. You can take a low SPF sunscreen if most of your time is spent away from the sun.

Chapped Lips are a Big No

This is often the worst neglected part of our body despite the fact that our lips skin extremely vulnerable to the harsh environments. A good SPF lip care balm is a must in women grooming kit because just like our entire face and body, lips are also affected by the sun. Yet another habit that causes chapped lips is drinking less water and not keeping body hydrated enough. Further, make sure that you buy a lip balm that has natural ingredients such as shea butter or coconut butter to keep your lips moisturized naturally.

We liked Lip Care Strawberry from the house of Nivea as the lip balm is rich in castor oil and other natural essential extracts. Also, it is a 2-in-1 product giving a glossy pink touch to your lips and at the same time retaining the moisture and keeping them smooth. Available for just Rs. 157, this lip balm is worth to be a part of your grooming kit.

Dresses that Fit the Occasion and the Venue

All this while you must be thinking how come we did not discuss the importance of choosing the right dress and accessories. Well, there is no denying that selecting the right apparel for every occasion is an art. Working women could also relate to the fact that powerful dressing at work makes a lot of difference. Dressing up nicely instills confidence in all of us but it is more than just that. The way you dress tells a lot about your personality even if you are quiet. Planning your look carefully shows your commitment towards yourself and exhibits positivity. We are never too sure about the willingness of a person to be present at a place or an event if he has not dressed up for that occasion. Moreover, choosing the right accessory can make or break your entire look. You can start by following the latest trends in shades, matching accessories etc when out buying a new dress.

Right Pair of Shoes Can Win You the World

If anyone can make clear the importance of right pair of shoes, then that's Cinderella. The pair of glass shoes changed her entire life, of course for good. Okay, before we go so far in our imagination, let us circle back on the point that right pair shoes are as important as the dress you are wearing.

Well-fitting, classy shoes lift up and complement your entire look adding to your confidence. While talking about women grooming products the mention of shoes is inevitable. The pair of shoes that you choose should be of good quality as well as comfortable. At times we give up on the comfort because the shoes is simply complementing the dress etc.

However, wearing an uncomfortable pair for too long is not only bad for your feet but also overall health.Moreover, select the pair of shoes in which you can walk comfortably. At times we tend to go for shoes that just do not fit right resulting in that awkward walk throughout the day. Make sure that you have walked a bit in those shoes to test the comfort level etc before buying it.

Take Care of Your Nails with Nail Conditioners

Since our hands are exposed to a lot of things throughout the day, so are the nails. Keeping nails clean and dry ensures that the growth of bacteria underneath the fingernails is restricted. Nails are exposed to hard water, chemicals, soaps and so on which can cause split fingernails over time. Make sure to condition your nails regularly to keep them soft and moisturized and prevent the breakage. Among other products, the nail conditioner from Aroma Magic caught our attention. You can buy this nail conditioner from at just Rs. 166. A must add in the women’s grooming products kit, this conditioner strengthens and hydrates the nails. Apply the solution on the nails and avoid them from getting brittle and breaking.

White and Healthy Teeth

Brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day is a part of daily hygiene for most of us. However, we tend to overlook the deeper care that out teeth require. Overtime the outer surface of the teeth starts fading thereby making our teeth look yellowish despite proper care. Visiting the dentist once in six months and getting proper checkup and treatment if required. However, depending on the specific needs, your dentist might ask you to visit more often which you should not avoid.

Essential Oils are a Must-Have in Women's Grooming Kit

Essential oils as the name suggests should be included in your grooming regime. You can find so many types of essential oils such as Hiprose oil for radiant skin, lavender oil for aromatherapy and good sleep etc. Identify your skin type and do a bit of research in understanding which essential oil would be the best for your skin. In addition to essential oils, you should also buy a carrier oil, mix both and then apply on your skin.

Essentials oils are basically raw extracts from the plants and trees and therefore we need a carrier oil to dilute the intensity without compromising on the effectiveness of the oil. Not only essentials oils work wonders on skin problems but are also proven to be helping with sleep disorders, headaches and other such issues. We all know how reducing stress can be a potent catalyst in rejuvenating the skin.

Get Proper Sleep to Rejuvenate Skin and Eyes

Last but not the least, proper sleep is essential for healthy eyes, skin and of course mind. Having a good sleep is important because that way you are simply giving your organs enough time to rebuild collagen, bringing down the stress level and ageing marks. There has been a lot of research in this field proving the positive effect of sleep on the skin and overall health.

Here is What Not to Do

Having spoken about the entire grooming routine you should follow, let us also talk a bit about things we do need to.

Do Not Overspend on Expensive Products

During our entire article, we emphasized on how we can take care of ourselves by spending very little. There is no need for expensive products because having a consistent routine is more important than products. For instance, you can buy the most expensive night cream on the earth but not using it regularly would not do any good for your skin.

Check Your Skin Sensitivity Before Applying Something

Be it a homemade product or some product from any brand, directly applying on the face is not at all recommended. While we tend to test the cosmetics by applying a small amount on hand, home-made products should also be tested. Your skin might be too sensitive for some products and packs and therefore hand skin test is advised.

Don't Stress Out Too Much, It Only Causes More Stress

Let’s not make a big deal out of a single pimple on our skin and other such smaller issues. There are so many reasons that can cause pimples and acne. More than frantically applying all sorts of chemical-induced products, finding the root cause is important.

Shachi Singh
Shachi is a research analyst with a working experience of over 7 years. An inquisitive soul, she is passionate about learning about all things beautiful in life.
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Let Your Confidence Be the Last Icing

Once you have done all that you need to in terms of hygiene and an overall makeover with learning on techniques to dress well keeping in mind the occasion and its suitability. Beat the clock by carrying your well-groomed self well, walk with your chin up and head straight boldly in all confidence. Being confident post the grooming is like a remarkable icing on the cake. Recapitulating the grooming tips for women, one need not be like a model in the way they dress but it is always good to have some quotient of interest in one of the aspects of grooming at least to just feel good if not appear good.