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10 Bestselling Baby Gifts: Great Ideas for a Gift for a Baby Girl & How to Pick the Right Gift for Her Age
एक वर्ष के लड़कों के लिए 2019 के 10 सबसे उत्तम खिलौने: एक साल के बच्चे रोज नई चीज सीखते हैं, उन्हें ऐसे खिलौने दें जो मज़ेदार हों और उनके विकास में मदद करें
Christening Tradition in India

There is hardly a more joyous occasion in any Indian household than when a new baby is born. It is a time for a celebration where the entire family comes together to share the love and affection for the newest member of the family. And what better way to celebrate it than on the Christening ceremony of the child.
The christening ceremony in India has less to do with religious dictates and more to do with the cultural tradition. Whether it is a Christian baptism or the 21st-day celebration of a Hindu child, it all involves some aspects of religion and more aspects of dancing and singing and sharing the happiness with the family.
Hence, our desires towards giving gifts to the child and the parents of the newborn baby come as a very natural way of showing our affection and love. But it can be quite a confusing task when wondering about choosing the right kind of gift that you would want to give. There are many different options to select from, and although you can give any kind of gift to show your love and affection, giving the right kind of gift definitely has more impact.
So, if you are having trouble selecting a gift for the christening ceremony of a baby girl, then let us help you with some of our own suggestions for gifts that you can give during the ceremony. But, before that, there are a few factors you need to look upon that will help you choose the right gift for the occasion.
How to Choose Gifts for a Baby Girl's Christening
Gift for the Baby

The first thing you need to decide is whether the gift you are taking to the christening ceremony is for the baby girl or for her parents. If it is for the baby, then you would proceed to choose baby products that she can use or play with, or keepsakes from this day that she can look at when she understands what christening is.
Gift for the Parents

If you are planning to get gifts for parents, then you have to choose accordingly. Although giving gifts to the parents rather than the baby is not conventional, it is frequently practiced by many people. There are many things you can select that the parents might find useful while taking care of the baby. If you choose to buy presents for the parents, then it should be something that should be in connection with the baby. Any gift that can facilitate and ease the whole parenting process is definitely a great option.
Religious Gifts

Gifts based on the religion of the baby is also acceptable for the christening ceremony. The gift should be something that would tie the baby and the religion together in a positive manner. For Christian baptism ceremonies, even gifts that can facilitate the baptism ceremonies are also pretty good options as gifts.
Gifts as an Heirloom

These are basically gifts that are to be given to the baby as an heirloom. These gifts might not have any particular purpose or use other than to give it to the baby so that she can cherish it during her lifetime. Gifts like these are not necessarily bought by you but generally by a previous generation. If it is bought in this generation then it should have a deep meaning attached to it and the family that you want to pass it to the baby. Gifts that are related to the family legacy etc., or very rare and unique gifts are what that fall under this category.
Budget for the Gift

Your budget is ultimately the main decisive factor when it comes to choosing gifts. They would be based on what you can afford. This is something that shouldn’t be elevating or a dampening factor, however. The occasion is for the baby to be introduced to the family and the family’s religion. Therefore, the gifts should be based on love and affection for the newest member of the family. The baby herself wouldn’t care about how cheap or expensive the gift will be. All she would care about is to receive all the love and warmth from her loved ones. So do not stretch too much for the budget if you cannot afford to do so.
10 Baptism Gifts to Give Baby Girls on their Christening
Giving gifts can be quite an intimate and private matter and should be subjectively based on how much you know the person. But, if you are really out of ideas on what to give, here are some of the options you can choose from.
Baby Christening Set

This is a very cute gift that can be given as a gift to the baby for his baptism ceremony. It comprises of a cotton bib, a porcelain cross that is meant for hanging on the wall and a small Bible all in matching colours. You can check out this product on amazon.in. The price for the entire set is around Rs.3,400, so it can be considered a bit expensive. However, it cannot be denied that the products are indeed fit for the occasion and they definitely look cute.
Pink Rosary Gift Set

This pink rosary that comes with its own porcelain box is definitely a worthy gift to be given during the baptism ceremony to the baby girl. The rosary can be either put around the baby right from the get-go or parents can wait a few years for the baby to grow up before giving her her first very own rosary. For a price of Rs.1,439 it is a gift that wouldn’t burn a hole in your wallet. Buy it on Amazon.
Baby Walker

If the parents don’t already have it, then baby walkers are something that would make a great present for the baby. The baby girl would love the entertainment that it would bring with it as well as train her to walk. Plus, it would be a great help for the parents who wouldn’t have to constantly stick with the baby to keep her entertained. Here is a cute purple coloured baby walker that the baby girl is sure to love. It is priced at Rs.1,430 on First Cry so it is quite within the average budget range for most people.
Baby Care Collection

You can never go wrong with the gift of baby care products. Parents of newborn babies are always short of such products and they would thank you immensely for providing them with some quality babycare sets. They are also light on the budget and are available almost anywhere. This, for example, is a perfect baby care set by Johnson & Johnson that would be extremely useful for the baby. Plus with its price only at Rs.403 on firstcry.com it is quite an affordable gift.
Handmade Photo Album

This is one beautiful gift that you can give to the parents. It has become rare to store photos in the physical album. But, that has also made it all the more special to have a physical photo album in which the parents can store all the beautiful pictures of their baby girl. This is one such handmade photo album. It is beautiful, elegant and something that can be used to store those precious memories for a really long time. They are available for Rs.1,500 on First Cry. That might seem a bit pricey, but this album is handmade so it has that unique value going for it.
Herbal Care Set

If the parents of the christening girl are sensitive about the products that they use for her, then you can try giving them herbal based baby care set. They are made of natural ingredients and can be safely used to take care of the baby. Hence, if the baby is suffering from any kind of allergic reaction or any other skin-based problem, then gifting a herbal based skin care set would be a great option. Like the Himalaya Herbal Babycare Basket Gift Pack with 7 products. It has a number of herbal based products for body and skin care and provides a great value for money as it only comes for Rs.524 on First Cry.
Baby Bath Tub

Another unique gift for the baby that she is sure to enjoy. If the baby is afraid of the bathroom or the bathtubs, then gifting a baby bath-tub is a great option to give to her parents. These small bathtubs can be used anywhere and it would be a lot more intimidating than a bathtub, such as this Baby Bath Tub Bear Print. It comes in vibrant yellow colour and is priced at Rs.676 on firstcry.com

If the girl who is undergoing her christening ceremony is a bit older, then you can consider gifting her a tricycle. They are perfect for toddlers and provide a great source of entertainment. Here is a pink tricycle with a canopy on top that provided protection against sunlight. The toddler can either pedal the cycle herself or she can be pushed by her parents using the handle situated at the back of the tricycle. These are one of the innovative products that act as a tricycle as well as a stroller. It is priced at Rs.1,980 on First Cry which is a pretty decent price for such a product.
Baby Bedding Set

Another wonderful gift that can be of great use for the parents. Bedding sets comprise of a comfortable mattress and pillows that can be placed anywhere at home for your baby to lie down on. These bedding sets can be either placed independently on the floor for the baby to sleep comfortably on it or can be placed over a cot as a regular mattress. This here is an example of a nice comfortable bedding set. It comes with a set of matching pillow that acts as a headrest and two cylindrical side pillows that can be placed on the sides to prevent the baby from rolling out of the bedding. For a price of Rs.647, this gift is highly affordable and unique that can be given for the christening ceremony. Buy it on First Cry.
Baby Carrier

If the parents of the baby girl are constantly moving from one place to place and find themselves having trouble taking care of the baby or bringing her along, then you might try gifting them a baby carrier. These carriers can be worn by parents upon which they can place the baby and comfortably carry her around wherever they went. They are highly useful and make carrying babies extremely convenient. Parents who have to juggle multiple things at a time while still needing to take care of the baby would love this gift. Here is an example. This black and yellow LuvLap Elegant Baby Carrier is ultra comfortable and can be worn in a variety of ways. It is secured with multiple straps so that you wouldn’t have to worry about the carrier slipping off. And with the price tag of Rs.1,804 on First Cry, it is quite an affordable product which gives its value for money.
One Present Not Enough? Pair Your Baptism Gift with an Extra Side Gift
Well, Christening ceremonies can be quite an important event in a family. As such, there are some people who might find that giving just one gift wouldn’t be enough. However, giving multiple gifts can also be quite an expensive ordeal. So, following are few suggestions for side gifts that you can give accompanying with the main gift that wouldn’t be a heavy burden on your budget.

It is never too early to introduce the baby to the world of books. And there are multiple options available in the market for books that are targeted towards toddlers. These books have big attractive pictures and many even come with audio features, songs, lullabies, poetry etc. There are even books with 3D cutouts that your toddler will definitely enjoy

Another one of those things which the parents can never have enough of. Good quality and soft diapers are always welcomed by parents as constantly buying them can be quite expensive. Therefore, a couple of bundles of soft diapers are always a good idea to accompany with the gift.

Gifting money is always considered as a symbol of wishing good luck to the recipient. You can tuck a little money envelope inside your gift or hand it to the parents. You can also give just plain cash if you can’t think of anything else; it would be a far better gift than buying something unsuitable that's of no use to the baby or her family. But, do not forget to add the extra Rs.1 coin!
10 Bestselling Baby Gifts: Great Ideas for a Gift for a Baby Girl & How to Pick the Right Gift for Her Age
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Look Beyond the Obvious
What with all the festivals, birthdays, anniversaries and more, there may be many gift giving occasions and you don't always feel like putting thought into selecting presents. However, giving gifts is a wonderful way to connect with people close to us and even with acquaintances and worth putting effort in. Instead of reaching for the standard gifts for each occasion, search for something different. You effort will be recognized with deeper, better relationships.