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You Need to Keep Your Cool in Summer!

Source I girl eating watermelon

It isn’t easy to keep your cool in the hottest summer months. The hot and humid weather is not only uncomfortable to face but the hot sun’s rays also pose great health risks for the body. Well, it isn’t practically possible for you to sit in an air-conditioned room or under the fan for the whole day. So, the call of the hour is discovering natural ways to get through the heat and keep your cool to remain relaxed and healthy. Here are some interesting ways to lower your body temperature and feel refreshed on any summer day!

Top Tips to Beat the Summer Heat

Source I kids in a pool

Some people are pretty enthusiastic about summers. Some are overly cautious. While some people find it more like a nightmare to even step out of the house. The truth is, that summer like any other season of the year has its own positives and negatives. The trick is basically understanding how to keep cool in summers with clever tips and tricks. Some of the below mentioned tips have been told time and again and may sound familiar to you. But a few will definitely sound new to you!

Soak Your Feet in Cold Water

Source I soak feet in water

Feet are a commonly overlooked pulse point. They have spots where the blood vessels are closest to the surface. As a result, when you keep your feet soaked in cold water for some time, it will help to bring down the body temperature and will instantly make you feel cool. So, on a hot summer day when you are back from outdoors or if you simply want to feel relaxed while you are indoors, indulge in a cold feet bath. For added coolness, you can also add a few drops of peppermint oil if you wish.

Wet the Curtains

Source I woman drawing the curtains

Yes, this may sound a bit quirky and weird. But it's true. Spritz or spray some water onto your window curtains. This is probably one of the easiest ways to bring in some cool and refreshing air into the room on a hot summer day. The sunlight will cause the moisture in the curtains to evaporate, thus leaving a cooling effect in the room. If you don’t have curtains in the room, you can alternately hang a wet sheet on the window instead.

Practice Sithali Breathing Technique

Source I sithali breathing technique

This is an age-old yoga breathing technique that has a cooling effect on both the body and the mind. Also known as the cooling breath technique, the sithali or sheethali breathing method has amazing health benefits too. Apart from reducing heat in the body, sithali breathing also provides relief from stress, anxiety and anger.

To do this:

  • Sit in a comfortable position with your spine straight.
  • Bring your tongue out and curl it inwards to form a tube-like shape.
  • If you can’t curl the tongue, pucker the lips instead.
  • Slowly inhale through the curled tongue.
  • Hold your breath for around 5 secs.
  • Exhale through the nose.

Use (Do-it-Yourself) DIY Body Sprays

Source I man using body spray

The heat on a summer day indoors, let alone the outdoors, is sometimes overwhelming and unbearable. In such a situation you can find solace in a refreshing and soothing technique. Make your own body spray with natural ingredients. Here is how you have got to go about it:

DIY Body Spray Method:

  • Mix 4 tbsp of witch hazel, 4 tbsp of aloe vera gel and 10-15 drops of peppermint oil or lavender oil in a small bowl.
  • Now transfer the mixture into a spray bottle.
  • Now generously spray yourself with this soothing solution to keep cool.
  • Don’t forget to shake the bottle well before each use.
  • Refrigerate it for added coolness.

Try Wearable Ice!

Source I wearable ice hat

Here is a quick cooling and soothing trick. This wearable ice hat from Kriva is ingeniously built for the user to cope with adverse situations like the summer heat. The cryogenic gel pack has individual ice cubes to be reused. The hat perfectly contours to the head and stays securely in place. Although initially designed for migraine sufferers, this hat is equally great for any normal person to beat the heat in summers. So much for keep your head cool, isn’t it?

Keep Your Body Hydrated All the Time

Source I kids drinking water

Getting dehydrated is probably one of the worst things to do to yourself in summer. Hence, make it a point to stuff yourself with water and water-rich foods whenever you get the chance. Seasonal fruits like watermelon and mangoes are jam packed with water and are one of the best solutions to keep yourself cool in summer. You can also choose to have cool drinks like peppermint tea and lime juice at least once in a day.

Increase Your Vitamin-C Intake

Source I orange juice vitamin c

Scientific studies show that vitamin-C has properties of increasing your heat tolerance in the body. Vitamin-C delays sweat gland fatigue and thus reduces heat exhaustion and prickly heat rash. So, make sure to consume lots of vitamin-C rich food items like citrus fruits, broccoli and squashes.

Wear Light Coloured Clothing

Source I summer clothing

It is scientifically proven that light colours reflect light. This is especially applicable in summers since you want to keep away from the hottest rays of the sun. Wearing dark colours like black will make you feel hotter than ever! Hence, it is always best to wear light coloured clothing in summer. Moreover, always stick to loose fitting and light fabrics in clothing.

Concluding Note: Extra Tip

Source I woman cooling off with water

What better way to beat the heat than to take cold showers in the day! Soak yourself up in cool water under the shower for a few minutes to feel refreshed and cool. Ayurveda suggests to smear coconut oil all over the body and massage it in once a day before taking a shower. This helps to lower the body temperature. Moreover, it is a great moisturiser and keeps the skin hydrated all day long! Besides, coconut oil has properties that are same as that of a sunscreen, good enough to protect your skin from harmful UV rays and also to treat sun-burnt skin!

Rubina Cheruvalath
Rubina is a free thinker and a dreamer. She believes that there is something to be learnt from everything. In spite of securing a technical education, Rubina chose to think beyond it and work in the management field. A proud mum of two boys, she aspires to explore the world with her family and create cherishable memories.
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Don't Worry About the Summer

As you would have probably appreciated by now, there is no need to be wary about summer and you can enjoy the season just like all the other seasons around the year. We hope this BP Guide would have helped you discover some simple tips and tricks which will enable you to keep your cool this summer. Stay connected with us for more such engaging content.