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Understanding Panic Attacks

Have you ever had the feeling of self doom or feel like you are about to have a heart attack but after a while you felt ok? It was probably a panic attack. If you have heard the term panic attack before but don't know what it is then this article will help you understand it completely and will also help you to deal with it if you ever have one.

A panic attack is when you feel an intense fear which leads to severe physical reactions and makes you think that you are in danger even though you are not. This is a very frightening feeling. It makes a person think that they are losing control of themselves and at times feel that they are having a heart attack and are about to die.

Most people experience this once or maybe twice in their lives but if it is a continuous thing for you then you might be suffering from panic disorder. A panic attack is usually not life-threatening but it leaves a person scared and worried about their life. It may also hamper the quality of life and keep you feeling unstable.

The Triggers for Panic Attacks and Typical Symptoms

Most of the time these panic attacks are due to a specific situation, it could be anything like about to give a speech or going on a hunting trip, etc. It could be due to the same kind of situation you were in before and panicked. These attacks may make you feel you are in danger and trigger the body's fight or flight response. Normal people like you and I can get a panic attack even if they are perfectly happy and healthy, it could also get triggered due to past experiences like social phobia or depression, etc. The main thing to remember here is that it can be treated.

There could be many symptoms of a panic attack but usually, they appear suddenly and last around 10 to 20 minutes. Some of the most common symptoms are:

Chest pains, getting hot or cold chills, feeling of choking, feeling lightheaded or even faint, fear of dying, thinking of going crazy, nausea or a tingling sensation, palpitations, or an accelerated heart rate, shortness of breath, sweating or shaking, etc.

What Causes of Panic Attacks?

Research has been going on to find out the cause of these panic attacks but they are still unknown although there are some factors that may trigger it. Most of us go through these situations many times but not all will experience a panic attack for those who do can lookout for the following symptoms and figure out if you are about to have a panic attack.

  • Panic attacks could be genetic. If you have had people in your family experience these panic attacks you are most likely to experience it once in your lifetime.

  • It can also be caused due to major stress. You could be stressed about situations like your financial state, due to the news of deaths on COVID 19 or being scared of earthquakes. It could be anything under the sun. If you are under major stress you might get a panic attack.

  • If you have a tendency to get overly emotional on minor issues or are dealing with negative emotions then you could experience a panic attack.

  • It is also believed that your body's fight or flight response can also trigger a panic attack. It may happen if you get into a life-threatening situation although it may also happen if you are not in any danger but feel like you may be getting into one.

  • Your brain also plays an important role as it depends on how your brain and the nervous system handles certain situations.

  • Drug or alcoholism can also trigger a panic attack.

Self Help During a Panic Attack : 12 Top Tips to Make It Through It

If you ever feel that you are about to have a panic attack and there is no one around to help you then there are certain things you can do to help you get out of it. These are simple steps that can help you relax and calm yourself down. They can be easily done when you are alone. Remember panic attack is not fatal, it comes and if you are able to cope with it, it will pass rather quickly. Stay focused and away from stress.

  • The 5-4-3-2-1 grounding technique is a good one to help you during a panic attack. It helps you reorient your mind and get out of the fear you might be experiencing. You will be using your 5 senses in this technique. You start with the 5 things you can see; these could be things in front of you. Then you need to concentrate on 4 things you can feel like the temperature. Next, you need to pinpoint on 3 things you can hear like the TV or the birds outside. Then think about the 2 things you can smell and one thing you can taste. You can do this by looking at calming pictures or touching your favorite cushion on your sofa, make some tea and sip on it. This method can divert your mind and get you through an oncoming panic attack.

  • Another way is to look for transition object/objects. It could be a blanket or your husband's shirt. Anything that will make you feel safe and loved. You can also listen to voice messages left by someone who loves you and cares for you.

  • During a panic attack, you will be hyperventilating therefore you need to learn to breathe properly. A panic attack can increase your fear which leads to labored breathing but if are able to control your breathing you will be able to get out of it quickly. Focus on deep breaths. Take air in and out through your mouth. Breathe and count till four and then slowly breathe out for a count of four. This will surely help.

  • Another great trick during a panic attack is to inhale lavender. Lavender is known for relieving anxiety and calms you. You can have lavender oil or a perfume within reach and inhale it if you feel a panic attack creeping in. You can also rub some lavender oil on your wrist and smell it. Lavender oils can be easily bought online but if you have taken benzodiazepine then you should avoid inhaling lavender or it may heighten drowsiness.

  • Ice works great during a panic attack. Always have some ice in your freezer. If you feel a panic attack coming you can take two ice cubes and hold them in your hand and keep 2 on to your lower back. If you are facing difficulty breathing then you can put on your belly and rub it from the middle of your chest to the bottom of your belly to calm yourself down. This helps with chest pain.

  • You can also try meditation. You can have some meditation apps on your phone and follow them during a panic attack.

  • Some panic attacks leave you overwhelmed. If you feel it coming in a crowded place you can try closing your eyes and block out the stimuli. It will help you focus on your breathing and help you relax.

  • A panic attack may make you feel detached or separated from reality. You need to practice mindfulness. Focus on real or physical sensations like rubbing your hands on your jeans or touching the carpet with your toes. This will help you bring back into reality.

  • A panic attack may be triggered due to specific things like closed spaces therefore think what triggers yours and focus on other pleasant things in your life.

  • Light exercise will also help you stop a panic attack. When your exercise your release a hormone called endorphin which relaxed your body and improves your mood. You should take a short walk in a pleasant environment. It also helps in regulating your breathing.

  • Think of a happy place. We all have a happy place it could be the home you spend your childhood in, a beautiful lake you visited. Simply close your eyes and imagine the joy and peace that place brings you. Imagine what you feel when you are there, it will relax you instantly.

  • You can try repeating a mantra; it could be a phrase, a word, or a sound. It can be anything like "all is well" or "OM". Anything will work as long it calms you down and regulates your breathing.

Questions on Panic Attack

Here is a list of FAQs which will help you understand panic attacks better and you can help yourself better if you feel one coming.

How Does Panic Disorder Come about in a Person?

Panic disorder is "the fear of fear". A person might experience one panic attack and then starts to fear having another one. The fear of having more than one panic attack causes palpitation, sweating, dizziness, and difficulty in breathing, etc. The more a person fears a panic attack the more they are likely to have it again; therefore we can say that more than one panic attack can lead to a panic disorder. The symptoms of a panic disorder are having more than one panic attack or changing your daily routine thinking you are being tracked or might be attacked.

Who Suffers More Panic Attacks? Men or Women?

Anyone can experience a panic attack but women are believed to have more than one panic attack in their lives. Not everyone who gets a panic attack will develop a panic disorder and most of these attacks usually occur during teens or early adult years when people are stressed about different issues in their lives.

People Who Have Panic Attacks Often Mistake Them for Heart Attacks. True or False?

It is true that most of the time people who feel a panic attack coming mistake it to be a heart attack. They feel pain in their chest, shortness of breath, agitation, increased heart rate, and feeling of being scared. People tend to rush to the hospital thinking it to be a heart attack which is actually advised because they might be actually having a heart attack.

How to Asses If You Had a Panic Attack?

A panic attack can be determined by both physical and emotional symptoms. If you feel a rapid pulse, hot flashes, sweating, shortness of breath, or feel like you are choking, having difficulty in moving your hands and legs then you are facing physical symptoms of a panic attack. If you feel that you are going to die or are going crazy even losing control, feeling of disconnections then you might be feeling the emotional side of a panic attack.

Can Panic Attacks Be Treated?

Yes, it can be treated. The treatment of panic disorder is very effective because your body sends you a signal before a panic attack and if you are able to recognize them well before the time you can treat it or stop it from occurring. There are many techniques that can help you control it. There are some medications available for panic attacks as well. They help you ease anxiety although they might have some side effects. The objective is to control anxiety be it with simple techniques or medications.

People Who Suffer from Panic Disorders Should Avoid Chocolate. True or False?

It is true that a person suffering from panic disorder should avoid chocolates. They should also avoid alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine as well. These substances are believed to increase anxiety and worsen the situation.

Is It Possible to Prevent a Panic Attack?

Yes, it is possible to prevent a panic attack if you start by getting rid of stress in your daily life. You need to eat and healthy and nutritious food and drink a lot of water. You also need to exercise and maintain a proper sleep pattern. Exercising for about half an hour can help lighten your mood and keep you away from depression. Make sure to stay away from your phones before going to bed if you want to sleep peacefully. You can also try meditations or yoga to keep your mental health balanced and focus on your thoughts. If you follow these simple tips you can keep panic attacks away from you.

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