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The Trick to Finding the Perfect Present for an 8 Year Old
A Mix of Toys, Games and Books

Choosing a gift for a budding 8-year-old can be a daunting task. She is at the cusp of starting to understand the world around her and her grasp on many basic skills is vastly improved. A wide range of presents or perhaps a mixture of various kinds can be available to choose from. A bedtime story book or other educational toys can be a good choice. Sky Kidz offer a wide range of such educational toys like the Sky Kidz 120 Colour Collection, Multi Color which retails at Rs.468. With premium quality pigments, the colour set can be instrumental in stimulating imagination and enhance her creative skills.
Since she can do many more things by herself such as read with minimal supervision, eat on her own, can play with a wide range of toys, there is a lot of option in choosing gifts for her. Give her a good mix of toys, games, books, colouring sets and puzzles.
Unless You are a Parent, Skip the Clothes and Shoes

Unless you are the parent and buy clothes for her regularly, thus are absolutely sure of what size to pick, it is better to avoid gifting dresses or footwear. There are several reasons why this isn't a good choice. Primarily, the difficulty faced in trying to judge the right size is a factor here. The kids in this generation tend to understand fashion much better and hence might not like the idea of clothes that do not fit well.
You may think buying a bigger size may serve well in the future but children can be quite picky about what they wear, so even if she likes the style you picked, her taste may change by the time she grows into it. It can also be difficult to decide what style and colours they are likely to appreciate, hence it is advisable to stick to something more general and not gift clothes.
Gifts that Enhance Her Creativity and Learning

Gifts that stimulate growth and enhance creativity are the best kinds. It should be kept in mind that such gifts should have a fun element to them along with providing a learning experience. Custom made presents, colourful books, art sets, building toys and games can nurture creativity and enhance the overall growth of your child.
An even better idea is to match the gifts to her interests so she will be more keen on playing with it. Every child is different and a math nut, a science geek or an avid reader may not enjoy a play makeup set or hair accessories, just like a girl who loves to be be outdoors and be physically active may not be thrilled to receive books. It is alright to want to nudge her in a certain direction but if you are buying a birthday gift, giving her things that she is excited by is a better alternative.
10 Gift Ideas Perfect for 8 Year Old Girls
Crafting Sets

Innovative and creative presents are not only likely to be enjoyable but can also help to enhance and stimulate imaginative skills. Various such presents can be chosen. One such option is the American Girl Ultimate Crafting Kit for You and Your Doll is a 1500+ piece set. It retails at Rs. 3945.39 at Amazon.in. It includes mini bottles, large bottle, spools, twine, elastic cord, embroidery floss, mini clothespins, round beads, iridescent doughnut beads, wooden beads, pearls, cube beads, buttons, mini start beads, cylinder beads, earring hooks, jump rings, and design guide and instructional design guide. It can be used to create fun jewellery for your girl and her little doll.
Piggy Bank

As your young girl grows up you can start inculcating in her the values of saving money from her little pocket money. A little piggy bank of her own can be really exciting for her. You can even encourage her to collect money for her favourite toy for a sense of accomplishment. The Worthy Shoppee Brown Wood Piggy Bank retails at Rs.349 at snapdeal.com. It is handcrafted from wood, is polished and decorated with a smooth finish. This can be an ideal present for your 8-year-old.
Bracelet Making Kit

Little girls are often thrilled with the idea of jewellery. They have always been fascinated by what they see they mothers wear and do but at this age they want to start experimenting with fashion and makeup too. You can get your little girl a bracelet making kit to enhance her creativity and at the end she will have accessories she can wear. The Paracraft Paracord DIY Bracelet Kit is a perfect option. It is available on Amazon.in at Rs.499. It includes all the materials for making and decorating cute bracelets which she can make herself. This will help enhance her fine motor and coordination skills to a new level.
Lego Blocks

Building toys can be a fun idea for a growing kid. It can enhance your child's creativity to unimaginable extents and further stimulate the imagination of your child. LEGO bricks are the best option when this is considered. They tend to be slightly more expensive than other building blocks but their application is very wide and the good quality ensures they last for years. Various themes are made available under this brand for you to choose from. You can buy the Lego Park Animals which retails at Rs.1,079 at flipkart.com. It includes building blocks and animals figurines for the theme. This can be an excellent present for your 8-year-old.
Star Constellations Model

Children are very curious by nature so take advantage of that and introduce her to as many things as possible. Since she has already started learning about different countries at school, a globe can stimulate her mind by providing a visual element to things she is learning. You can also be inclined toward an educational present for your daughter, niece or granddaughter. Such a present can help your kid learn in an innovative way.
If your child takes a keen interest in space-related things you can also go for a star constellation model. The Illuminated Globe - Earth and Star Constellations retails at Rs.13,099 at Amazon.in. It is a 2 in 1 globe that serves as a normal globe as well as lights up to display the star constellations. It forms a 3D globe along with being a star guide. This can be an interesting educational present for your kid.
Robotic Sets

If your kid has a fascination for machines and robots then you can choose a gift in that domain. You can gift a robotics set that she can experiment with to learn and understand the functioning of this technology. The Miss & Chief Optimus Prime Transformer RC Car is a great option. It retails at Rs.1,979 at flipkart.com. It includes an interaction with robots and robotics. It is battery operated and rechargeable batteries are provided for this purpose. This can be a fun learning gift for your kid.
Barbie Doll Sets

Little girls love to play with Barbie dolls. There are various kinds of dolls available with different features and based on various characters. You can get a Barbie doll for your girl. This will not only encourage her to play fun games but will also help to build her emotional quotient while she plays pretend with her dolls. You can buy her Barbie Fashions and Accessories, multi-colour for dressing up her dolls while she plays. It retails at Rs.1,079 at Amazon.in. It consists of accessories such as trendy shoes, purses, jewellery and a hair band. It can be a perfect tool for your girl while she plays dress up with her dolls.
Board Games

Another interactive form of play can be through the medium of board games. This can be a fun group activity where your girl can learn to play with a group of friends or with the family and improve her perceptive and word forming skills. It can also be educational in various ways. The Mattel Scrabble Board Game retails at Rs.645 at Amazon.in. It is a classic game that needs the player to make the best word using 7 letters. This can be a fun game which will also help to enhance her language and vocabulary skills.
Emoji Toys

The tech-savvy generation of kids today is obsessed with emojis and emoticons, if you buy toys and games that are based on or feature them, it's one way for your gift to be a sure shot hit. From plush toys in the shape of emojis to puzzles and games, there is a lot you can choose from. You can gift a fun emoji game to enhance her visual perception and analytic skills. The Giant Emoji Puzzles game is a massive 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle featuring all the popular emojis and it retails at Rs.2,601 at flipkart.com. It will help to develop the fine motor skills and can be a fun learning experience for your kid.

Puzzles can be a fun way of enhancing your child's problem-solving skills. The can help her understand the methodology of following stepwise procedures to obtain a result and can further assist in the development of fine motor skills. You can buy the Skillofun Wooden Alphabet Picture Puzzle which retails at Rs.364 at Amazon.in. It is made of non-toxic and eco- friendly materials which are fit for being used by children. This can be a fun learning tool for your 8-year-old.
Pair Your Gift with a Box of Chocolates

Chocolates are an all-time favourite for kids belonging to all age groups. When consumed within a limit, they are known to have various health benefits including improved blood flow; dark chocolate is known to have an effect to improve the memory skills, not that an 8 year old could care about any of this. Also, children rarely like dark chocolate; buy her a slab of chocolate, a bag of candy or any sweet treat and give it to her along with her present - she will be delighted.
You can buy Ferrero Rocher Chocolates, 24 Pieces from amazon.in where it retails at Rs.1,650. They are premium chocolates with the goodness of whole hazelnut in milk chocolate and are are hugely popular with children and adults alike. They are 100 percent vegetarian and can be the best gift for any occasion. Do tell her to be good and not eat all of it at one go!
Bonus Tip: Buy Her Things She Needs

You can even opt for presents which include things of her daily requirement. School bags, geometry boxes and lunch boxes can be few of such kinds of presents. If you feel a practical gift may not appeal to a child, you couldn't be further from the truth - little girls adore school supplies! Buy her shiny, glittery, colourful stationery and watch her face light up with pleasure.
The Butterfly Lunch Bag available at lovethisstuff.com retails at Rs.625. It is available in pink colour which is often a favourite among young girls. It has a zipper closer and is machine washable. It can also be personalised with your little girl's name on it which makes it a perfect present for her.
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8 Year Olds Have an Impressionable Mind
What a child learns at an early age forms the foundation for the rest of her life. Young children are very impressionable, every day is a learning experience for them and they absorb knowledge and information like a sponge. This can go both ways - she can learn a ton of interesting and useful things and also pick up not very healthy habits such as get the impression that if she creates a fuss she will be given more toys. Provide her with all the right learning toys but also be aware of the ideas you are helping form in her mind.