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Why Do We Celebrate Birthdays and How to Remember Them?


Birthdays are special for all regardless of age and sex. They are meant to be celebrated with family and friends to show that they are loved and thought about. Even though birthdays remind us of the passing years and that one is getting older with each passing year but it also shows how far the person has come in their lives and has so much to appreciate for.

There are many ways of celebrating birthdays but a surprise party makes it a lot more fun and creates a memory that lasts forever. Planning and organizing a surprise birthday party makes the day even more special for the person as well as the people involved in preparing for the surprise. The problem arises when you have to remember all the birthdays. Since our lives are mostly depending on digital tools it has become a lot easier to remember birthdays.

  • 1. There are end numbers of apps that can help you remind birthdays like Birthday Express. You can enter all the birthdays you wish to remember and when you want to be reminded of. It works like an alarm clock and will send a notification on your phone on the exact date.

  • 2. You can also use Facebook to remind you of birthdays of special people but it will show you birthdays of the people on your friend's list only.

  • 3. You can sign up for My Calendar Birthdays and you'll get early notifications. You can write a sweet birthday message in advance and it will be delivered to the person on the right date.

  • 4. You can also write down the birthdays immediately in your phone contacts or calendar as soon as someone shares their birthday date with you.

  • 5. Another easier way is to add birthdays to a digital calendar like Google Calendar and receive notifications of the exact date.

Birthday Surprise Ideas for Your Spouse

Have Something Special Delivered at Her Work


It’s your wife's birthday and even after trying everything under the sun, she could not get a day off from work. Spending your birthday in the office without your loved one is not the best thing in the world but you can still make her feel loved and special on her special day.

The best way to do that is by having a surprise gift delivered to her office. You can have flowers, a cake or a stuffed toy sent to her to surprise her and let her know that you miss her. Another good idea is to send a box of balloons that pile out when she opens the box. Include a love note in it and it will be a sure-shot way to bring a smile to her face. She will be surprised and will love the attention she got from you. She would love to show off your sweet act with her co-workers.

Record a Fun Birthday Message or Song for Him/Her


Remember when people used to make mixed tapes of fun songs to gift to each other, well now you can do the same except in a little more creative way. You can record videos of yourself and other close friends of your husband with fun birthday messages and send them to them on their phones. This will be a great surprise for your husband especially if he is travelling on his birthday. It will remind him of how much you love him and the effort you put in to make his birthday a little more special.

Fly-In a Long-Distance Friend He/She Has Been Missing


We all have that one very special friend or a relative whom we would love to see any time of the year. If your wife has that one special person she would go crazy to see at the door, you can have that person fly over on her birthday. Imagine her opening the door and finding that person standing to wish her a very happy birthday. It will make her day and she will be ever so grateful to you for having that person come over as a birthday surprise.

Plan Gifts That They Get All Through the Day


Birthdays are special not only because you were born that day but also because you get a lot of gifts. If your wife loves to get presents on her birthday you can plan to have gifts delivered to her throughout the day. You can plan it for every hour and it will make her feel very special and loved to see how much thought you have put in to surprise her on her birthday. To make it special you can find gifts that remind her of the time you both spent in the past years. You can have them gift wrapped in unique ways and either hand it to her every hour or have it delivered by someone.

Birthday Surprise Ideas for Parents

Plant Hidden Birthday and Appreciation Notes for Dad


Our parents spend most of their lives doing little things to make our lives special and memorable and their birthday can be the day when you can return the favour. The best way to do that is by taking a few pieces of paper and writing appreciation notes and sweet birthday messages on them and hiding them in places around the house. You can try hiding it in the bathroom to start with so that they get a lovely note the first thing in the morning. You can also try hiding notes for your mom in the kitchen or on a study table for your dad to find. Soon, it will turn into an exciting game for them to find these hidden notes that will make their day special.

Pamper Mom with Royal Treatment


You have seen your mom working day and night around the house to take care of the family and just being there in time of need. If you want to do something special for your mom and surprise her on her birthday you can start her day with royal treatment. Ask your mom to leave all the worries for the day on you and simply sit back and relax. You can serve her a delicious plate of breakfast on the bed, then get a warm and relaxing bath ready for her. Light some scented candles for her around the bathroom for her to feel pampered. This will be a great surprise for her and she will remember it for the days to come.

Arrange a Social Gathering for Dad


All dads love to sit with their kids and share the stories of how they used to spend time with their friends and do fun things when they were young. If your dad loves social gatherings and misses his old pals then you can surprise him by inviting all to his old pals and relatives from within the town or even from out of town. This will surprise him out of his wits and he will thank you for making some of his memories revive again. You can plan a surprise birthday party with all his friends and he will be shocked and happy to be with his friends on his special day.

Plan a Party Full of Fun and Games


Your parents may seem dull to you but remember they were young and loved to have fun. If you want to surprise either of your parents on their birthday, planning a party full of games and fun can help them live their golden days again. You will be surprised to see how much fun they can be and how childlike they can be when asked to play fun games with friends and family. You can plan a treasure hunt with puzzles and riddles for them to solve or introduce some new games to them. You can also turn the party into a costume party and ask their friends to dress up according to the theme. They will remember this fun-filled birthday for many years.

Birthday Surprise Ideas for a Friend

Plan a Surprise Group Getaway


Spending a day with your friends is the best thing a person can do and if that day is their birthday then it becomes even better. Most of us are busy during the week in our offices and don't get enough time to spend with our friends let alone plan a journey with them but you can plan and invite all your friend's friends to join in on a long or even a short journey on their birthday. This can be a sweet and simple birthday surprise for them as they will spend a whole day travelling to different places, maybe hit some joints where they used to go when they were younger and bring back some crazy memories for them.

Take Out a Birthday Parade in Front of Their House


Can't think of a creative yet simple way of surprising your friend on his birthday? Well, you can try taking out a parade in front of their house. Have all your friends gather in their cars and motorbikes, deck them with balloons, flowers and birthday banners. Put a sound system in one of the cars with some loud music and drive in front of their house early in the morning or when you know they'd be home. This will surprise them and make them feel special on their birthday. They will be grateful to you for planning a creative way of surprising them.

Make a Mixed Tape


Yep, those mixtapes again. It was a lot of work to have them made back in the 90s but it is super easy and fun now. You can check out the Birthday Spotify playlist for inspiration and get all their favourite 90s jam for them. You can also try to add in some corny, angsty or raging music for them and hand it to them on their birthday. This can be a great surprise for them and will bring back a lot of fond memories of their childhood. They will thank you for the tape each time they listen to it for sure. You could make this into a playlist and give it to them on a USB drive or, go the whole way and actually make a tape. But do the latter only if you have a tape record player in working condition at home!

Air a Radio Message


If you have that one friend whose radio is on almost all through the day then you can surprise them by airing a birthday message on one of their favourite channels on the radio. You can simply dial up the station and give a shout-out to the birthday friend, choose a song that they love and ask them to air it for you. The radio people will be more than happy to comply. This can be a very sweet and innovative way of surprising them on their birthday, imagine hearing your name on the radio on your birthday, yes sound fun right?

Go Down the Memory Lane


Want to do something special for your best friend that will surprise her on her birthday? Try taking her down memory lane with you. If she is your best friend chances are that you have been together for many years and have shared many moments together.

Her birthday can be a great day to remind her of what her friendship means to you and how much you cherish those moments you spent together. You can collect all the photos from the old albums hidden in the cupboard and create a collage for them. You can also dig into their cell phones or their social media accounts to find some memorable pictures and turn them into a beautiful collage with sweet birthday messages on it and give it to her on her birthday. It will be fun sitting together and reminiscing about the events captured in those photos on her birthday.

Birthday Surprise Ideas for Kids

Say It with Balloons


Kids love birthdays for so many reasons. They love to feel special on their birthdays and of course, tons of gifts make them want to continue their birthday celebrations for days. If you want to surprise your kid on her birthday and make her feel extra special you can start with when they wake up. It is quite easy, simply fill up their room with tons of balloons when they are sleeping and they will be thrilled to see it when they wake up.

Birthday Morning Mirror


Another surprise that can wait for them as soon as they wake up is to have a birthday message written in their bathroom mirror. Imagine them waking up all grumpy in the morning and walking in the bathroom to find a sweet birthday message from you. You can use window crayons, dry erase markers or even your lipstick to draw a funny face and write something on the mirror to surprise them.

Turn It into A 'Yes' Day


Most of us spend our days saying 'no' to our kids not because we don't love them but because we want to discipline them and keep them safe but that can change for a day. Surprise your kid by telling them that today is a 'Yes' day but do have some boundaries. It will make them the happiest child of the year because they will be able to ask or do things you usually say no to.

Invite Their Favourite Relative


Kids love to have relatives around as they get a lot of attention and pampering especially if it is their grandparents. To make their birthday a surprise you can ask the grandparents to visit for the day or have their favourite aunt or uncle show up on their birthday. They will love the idea of spending their special day with their favourite relative and getting all the attention in the world.

Sarita Tiwari
Sarita worked in the development sector for 20 years but found her passion in writing. She is a blogger, a content writer and a ghost writer for various industries. When not writing, you will find her spending time with her family, cooking and traveling. She is an introvert and feels that writing gives a voice to her thoughts.

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Start Your Birthday Surprise Plans Today!

Everyone loves to feel special on their birthday, and your loved one is no different. By filling the day with things, just for them, they are sure to have a birthday surprise they’ll never forget. Hope this list of simple and fun ways to make someone's birthday special gives you some inspiration and helps you make those special people in your life feel extra loved. Check out our other posts for more birthday surprise ideas.