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Thinking of Planning a Tea Party? Make It a Huge Success!
Summers are here! The weather is well on its way to become warm – and while it has its charms, one can’t help but get excited at the prospect of hosting a party – a tea party, to be exact. If getting an opportunity to host a tea party at your very own space, who wouldn’t jump at the chance!
If you too are well on your way to host a tea party, how about taking note of a few tips – and we assure you that your tea party will be a huge success.
Set Up a Proper Decorum
What About the Drinks for the Tea Party?
Don't Forget About the Tea Party Food!
And, of Course, the Tea Party Favours
10 Tea Party Favors to Have in Your Tea Party That Guests Will Absolutely Love
1. Lavender Infused Sugar
When it comes to the tea party, infused sugars always makes for the best tea party favour. Ideal for the summers, they are quite versatile, and you can customise it with any flavour with ingredients like lavender, vanilla beans, lemon, and even exotic fruits.
As for the ‘lavender infused sugar’ tea party favour, it’s quite easy to make. All you need are two ingredients – sugar (1 cup) and 2-3 tsp. of culinary lavender. To make it, however, it’s even easier – you need to pour your sugar and lavender in an air-tight container, and seal it. Every day, however, you should remember to shake it well, and after two weeks, your infused sugar will be ready.
Want to make it more fun and personal? You can add a handwritten tag to the jar and add to it, the recipe of how you have made the infused sugar. Your guests are surely going to appreciate this one.
2. Mini Apple Pie
If you have planned to hold your tea party outdoors, then, this tea party favour is one of the best ones that you can think of.
You can make mini pies with an apple as the main ingredient, and to make it more endearing, you can put in those mini apple pies in small pie tins. You can even take four of five of them to make a gift box, wrap it with a linen napkin, and add to that a small handwritten tag for that special personal touch.
3. Orange Ginger Tea
Even though your party is tea-themed, who says that you can't add tea as your tea party favour?
Want your guests to have a trending blend of tea that you want to give them? Try out this orange ginger tea. A favourite of many during the summers, this tea party favour is remarkably easy to whip up with.
You will need black tea (in a loose form), dried orange peel (also in a loose form), licorice root (loose form) and ginger (dried and in a loose form). You will also need a few mason jars (small ones will do).
Mix all of them in a bowl and put them in the mason jars. For that special touch, you can wrap twine around the mason jars neck and add in a handwritten note.
4. Vanilla Pumpkin Spice Cupcake
Holding a tea party and no cupcakes? That will be like a tea party without any tea – so, it makes sense to add ‘cupcakes’ as a delectable tea party favour, such as this vanilla pumpkin spice cupcake.
This cupcake is just like any other cupcake, of course, you can add any ingredient of your choice – the pumpkin spice is just an excellent little addition that you can give to your usual cupcake.
Consider making the cupcakes as you usually do, but only, add a bit of pumpkin spice for that unique flavour. After that, all you need to do is to top the cupcake with buttercream or any other icing of your choice!!
5. Strawberry Jam
Did you know that you can even add your homemade jam (strawberry jam works best for tea parties) as a tea party favour?
Homemade products have always held a special place in people’s hearts – and what better reason is there to not add them as a tea party favour in your tea party? Make a whole lot of strawberry jam and put them in mason jars – cover their lids with either a printed cloth or linen napkin and wrap twine around it.
Add in a little handmade note, and they are good to go; though, you can also add a recipe along with the mason jars – the recipe of your favourite homemade strawberry jam.
6. Lemon Lavender Cupcakes
Did you know that you can make lemon cupcakes and topped with lavender buttercream frosting, they would make for a great tea party favour?
Put them in a gift box, and cover it with a printed cloth of printed lemons. Wrap both the ends of the box with twine, and add to it a handwritten note, and it will make for an amazing tea party favour.
Want to notch up the gift box a bit more? Try considering adding a few sprigs of lavender by sprinkling over the cupcakes – it will make do as a lavender garnishing!!
7. Rainbow Candy Kit
By the way, you can even add candies to make do as a tea party favour, did you know that?
All you have to do is either make your homemade candies or buy a few – take a few mason jars, cover the lid with a linen napkin. Add to that a colourful ribbon by wrapping it around the pot, and put in a handwritten note.
If you have made your homemade candies to add as a tea party favour, you can even add in that recipe along with the mason jars – we assure you that your guests will surely enjoy these sweet little delights.
8. Fortune Cookies
Are you planning to add fortune cookies as a tea party favour? Well, you are thinking the right way! It will be like you are going for the Orient style at your tea party!!
All you need to do is to bring out a few takeout boxes and fill them up with fortune cookies. Not only your guests will love it, but it will also make do as a great source of entertainment. For best results, it is recommended that you should let your guests open the fortune cookies together!
9. Boxed Sweets
This is one sweet tea party favour that will leave your guests wanting more! Go for a few frosted bags (you will find them on many online stores, and they comes in bulk of 100 pcs or 500 pcs or more) and put in a lot of coloured candies. It’s sure going to pique the interest of the guests when they see the frosted silhouette of the sweets.
Stack a few of them but wrap them in cellophane so that transparency exists – because after all, that’s why you took the frosted bags – and gift them to your guests.
10. Mini Flower Bouquets
If you had held your tea party outdoors, nothing comes close to an idea like this – in short, you can bundle up a few of freshly cut flowers, and wrap them with paper (and the more printed they are, the better it is) and attach a ribbon to each of those bundles. They will make some of the prettiest bouquets that your guests will ever see!
When your guests are done with the party and about to leave, thank them and send them off with these lovely bouquets.
Want to Throw the Perfect Tea Party? Follow These Tips & Tricks to be the Perfect Host!
Having a tea party always feels like you have stepped back in time – after all, it is during tea time, when you feel pampered, and things begin to look like they are simple and slow.
Do you know that when you serve tea, you give off an aura of elegance by creating an atmosphere that is tinged with anticipatory delight? Of course, today, the form of the tea party is still alive and is a form of modern entertainment, most often seen in birthday parties, business meetings, bridal showers and any other social gatherings that require something unique.
Just like other parties, there are specific rules and etiquettes to be followed in tea parties too.
- Use Your Best China
You are about to hold a tea party, so, you should make sure to use the china that you have – and if you don’t, it is advised that you should invest into getting a tea set. Speaking of china, you should avoid using heavier sets. If possible, invest in a small tea set that will consist of a teapot, sugar bowl, milk pitcher, saucers, teacups, and cake plates. - Don't Forget the Linen
Before you decide to bring in the plates, it is suggested that you should, at first, adorn your table with a beautiful lace tablecloth – and white is often preferred, as it shows off the other colours in the best possible way. Ditch the tissue papers – under no conditions you should use them, instead, opt for cloth napkins – linen or cloth napkins work best - It's All About Presentation
As with any other party, when it comes to food, the tea party is also the same. It is recommended that you should present the food attractively – and if possible, you can also take the help of a food stylist, if you want to take things up a notch.
You can cover the tray with a tray cover or cloth or cotton napkin. If you want to add warmth to the scene, try considering adding a bunch of flowers, or you can also add in a basket of fresh fruits. Then, you can serve in your food items in a tiered tea party tray, that will not only make it look beautiful but also would be coming off as an appealing presentation. - Decide a Theme for the Party
It’s not exactly necessary, but if you want to add that fun element, opt for a theme for the tea party, and you can either make the decorations elaborate or straightforward as you wish. Say, if you are holding a tea party in the summers, you can opt for a yellow-coloured theme – well, it all depends on your imagination!! - Setting the Right Tone
At a tea party, you should know this that the atmosphere is the essential part, and since, you won’t be holding the party in your kitchen, you should add the element of a crackling fire. If possible, you can decorate the entire space with flowers and consider adding quiet and harmonious background music of either a pianist or a harpist. As for the conversation part, it should always be light and filled with fun – and that means, no gossiping or any deep subject that might disturb others.
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DIY Ideas May Prove to Impress Your Guests Even More
If you're someone who loves to experiment with things, step out of your box and create your tea party favours. Everyone always appreciates DIY ideas and gifts as they show your efforts and hard work you've put into making the item. All it's going to take is a google search, and you're hooked with a plethora of ideas to try on your own. Our only motto here, at BP-Guide, is to make your work easier by presenting you the best of the internet at one place. For more interesting pieces like this, check out more of our articles.