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Some Advice on How to Deal with a Cheating Husband
What to Do if You Think Your Husband is Cheating on You

Never confront your husband without proof. Most cheaters will try to cast doubt on your claims and suspicions by calling you paranoid or crazy. Make sure you have irrefutable proof before you decide to confront him. Even if you're willing to forgive him and stay with him, you will still have to reveal that you know everything and both of you will have to work through it together.
Think Long and Hard on How to Move Forward

Deciding whether to stay or leave should not be done lightly. Think long and hard about whether you're willing to forgive his transgressions or whether it is too much for you to live with. If you choose to leave make sure to wait till you are in a position where you are economically independent from him and that you will be able to support your children.
If you decide to stay, consider going to a counsellor to talk through the reasons as to why you have arrived here. Remember that if you decide to stay and forgive him, bringing up his mistakes every time you have an argument isn't fair either. Staying and using guilt as a weapon will not make your marriage anymore healthier, for you or for him.
Pros and Cons of Staying with a Cheater

The cons of staying with a cheater are many. The broken trust can never really be rebuilt, you'll always be paranoid even if you have forgiven them. You'll always feel inadequate, you'll feel like you're not good enough and this is not a healthy way to look at yourself. You might blame yourself for his mistakes, etc.
The pros of staying with a cheater are not exactly none either. It'll be better for your children to have a father figure at home. If you're financially dependent on him, leaving will only make things worse for you. Sometimes people do genuinely realise their mistake and never repeat it, so to make a decision without giving them a chance to better themselves isn't wise either.
10 Gifts to Give a Cheating Husband
Wash Away Your Sins Soul Saver Pak
The Wash Away Your Sins Soul Saver Pak includes frankincense scented bubble bath, holy water and a 32- page guidebook on how to better yourself. A funny gift to give someone, this can be a subtle way of letting your husband know that you're aware of all his secrets. Gift him a bunch of these together to show him the depth of his wrongdoings because just one might not be enough. Priced at Rs.4,020, the Wash Away Your Sins Soul Saver Pak can be ordered from Amazon.
Jumbo Novelty Eraser for Big Mistakes

Buy the Jumbo Novelty Eraser For Big Mistakes and gift it to your husband as another subtle way to let him know that you know all about his secret lover. For added effect rub it on his face while muttering how it doesn't seem to work as advertised. Or you could mention how he particularly needs it because he's prone to making big mistakes. The potential of this gift as a passive aggressive way to mess with a cheating husband is really high and varied. Priced at Rs.2,159, it can be ordered from amazon.in in pink.
Oye Happy Glitter Popper Prank

The Oye Happy Glitter Popper Prank is a great way to cause incredible frustration while you get revenge. Shaped like a gift, the second it is opened. the spring inside spills glitter everywhere. Incredibly hard to get completely rid off, just make sure that they open it away from your house and belongings, preferably in a place like his office.
He will spend ages trying to clean it all up with the added advantage of him probably getting into trouble at work but still not ending up fired. Send it anonymously to truly mess with his head. Priced at Rs.999, the Oye Happy Glitter Popper Prank can be ordered from Amazon.
Loftus International Joker Sac-O-Crap

A great Christmas gift for the cheating husband, the Loftus International Joker Sac-o-Crap is a stocking filled with fake crap, as in feces. A 21" mesh stocking filled with seven different types of fake crap, this gift will truly show your husband what exactly you think about his behaviour as of late and is a perfect way to thank him for ruining your Christmas.
Simply hang it up wherever you choose and make it known who it's intended for. If he denies what he's been doing, tell him that his excuses sound exactly like the what's inside his stocking. Priced at Rs.2,405, the Loftus International Joker Sac-O-Crap can be ordered from Amazon.
Maybe You Touched Your Genitals Hand Sanitizer

Let your husband know that you're completely aware of where he's been putting his hands and genitals with BlueQ's "Maybe You Touched Your Genitals" Hand Sanitizer. A great way of promoting public health and welfare along with shaming a cheater, this gift lets you rub their mistakes in their face every time they decide to clean their hands by rubbing them together with hand sanitizer.
Don't be surprised if he takes offence and tries to make you feel terrible about gifting his such a thing, it's completely normal for a cheater to try and turn the tables around. Stick to your guns and tell him it's so that he doesn't bring back god-knows-what into your household and near your children every time he's out with a mistress.
Priced at Rs.2,501, the Maybe You Touched Your Genitals Hand Sanitizer can be ordered online via Amazon.
Naughty List Lump of Coal Stocking Stuffer

The Naughty List Lump of Coal Christmas Stocking Stuffer is another great Christmas gift to express your displeasure at your husband's infidelity. Made from premium grade anthracite, the lump of coal, fortunately or unfortunately depending on where your husband decides to open it, does not leave a mess.
With a variety of package types to choose from, each lump comes gift-wrapped and a with personal message that can be customised. With a sender's address that mentions the north pole as well as a postage stamp, let your husband know that Santa (you) know what he's been up to this past year and that He (you) is not one bit happy about it.
Priced at Rs.4,000 the Naughty List Lump of Coal Christmas Stuffer can be purchased online from Amazon.
Thinkgeek Canned Unicorn Meat

If you're husband is a bit of a geek, especially a fan of Harry Potter and cheating at the same time, he might get exactly what you're going for with this gift. Perfect for the husband who enjoys killing and destroying beautiful things for no reason other than to satisfy his base and animalistic urges, the Thinkgeek Canned Unicorn meat is a great way of letting them know what you think about the things he's been up to recently.
If he asks why you think he'd enjoy eating a mythical creature, tell him it's in line with his habit of destroying lies, such as his wedding vows of "till death do us apart." A perfect way to get back at any cheater, the Thinkgeek Canned Unicorn Meat can be ordered from Amazon for the price of Rs.3,499.
Gift of Nothing

For a truly scathing gift that shows how little you think of your husband's infidelity and character, buy him the Gift of Nothing. The gift is exactly what it sounds like, nothing, except that it comes in empty packaging that helpfully shows the dictionary definition of the word 'nothing'. Bonus points if you decide to give this to him on his birthday.
He might initially think you're pulling a prank on him but once he realises that 'nothing' is all he's going to get, he will ask you 'Why?'. Simply tell him that you wanted to get him a gift that showed how much you seem to mean to him these days.
If he still doesn't get what you mean by then, it's probably because your gift is what occupies the space inside his head. Priced at Rs.2,530, the Gift of Nothing can be ordered online from Amazon.
NobleWorks ''Lying Cheating Bastard'' Valentine's Day Greeting Card

NobleWorks is a greeting a card company that makes cards with a twisted sense of humour. Sized at 5 x 7 in. and perfect for calling a cheater out on Valentine's Day, this funny card is the perfect gift for a cheating husband though you'll have to wait till Valentine's day for the best effect.
Simply gift it to him and watch his face turn pale when he realises how bad he is at keeping secrets. A perfect way to burst his bubble as well as ruin his valentine's day, the Noble Works "Lying Cheating Bastard" Valentine's Day Card can be purchased from Amazon for the price of Rs.870.
Douche Gum

Shaped like the temporary sticker name tags used at support groups, The Douche Gum is a great way of showing your husband you're ire. Though he might think it a joke or a prank at first, quickly disabuse him of this notion by telling him you know the truth about his so-called "business trips".
The eight pieces of gum in this gift, as minty as they are will sadly not do anything to freshen up the crappy excuses that'll come rolling off his tongue. Watch him prove your gift right by lying to your face when asked the truth with Blue Q's Douche Gum. Priced at Rs.2,699, the Douche Gum is available for purchase on Amazon.
Oye Happy Potato Prank Gift

Reciprocate how little they considered your feelings when cheating on you by putting as little effort as possible into their birthday or anniversary gift. The Oye Happy Potato Gift is exactly what it sounds like, it's a perfectly made gift box that when opened contains only a potato. With a card that can be customized to bear a personal message, tell them what you really feel along with a potato that is as subpar as a gift as they've been a husband. Priced at Rs.599, the Oye Happy Potato Gift can be ordered from Amazon.
DIY Gift: Cardboard Boxes Packed Together with Nothing Inside

It's not necessary that you have to spend money to call out a cheater. The same effect can be brought about by things that you can do by yourself at home. You can always make him a card or just do one of things given below. Spending more than you can afford to buy your husband a gift to prove how terrible he's been might only end up making you feeling worse afterwards.
Pack a bunch of different sized boxes together with nothing inside. Put the smallest inside the second smallest box, then put the second smallest box in third smallest and so on. Make sure to tape up each incredibly well with wrapping paper and watch as he frustratedly opens each box to find nothing inside except another box only to finally open an empty box. For added effect you can also leave a small message in the last box, something along the lines of "I Know". Watch his face change as the nature of the gift finally dawns on him.
If You've Made Up Your Mind: Divorce Papers

Hate gifts may help provide an outlet to what you're feeling but cheating is not acceptable in a marriage and choosing to leave him does not put you at fault. At the end of the day a marriage is about two people and if you cannot trust him again or bear to live under the same roof, divorce is a definite alternative.
There will be as many opinions and advice as there are people you know, many of whom may guilt you into staying, and vice versa, but the decision should be your own, one taken after careful thought an deliberation.
Since we're on the subject of gifts, divorce papers can serve as one if you choose a gift giving occasion to serve him with them. Ruin his birthday or your anniversary the same way he decided to ruin your marriage.
Seek Help and Stay Strong

With this guide you should probably have some idea on how to let your husband know that you're aware of his infidelity. Remember that there are a lot of reasons as to why someone decides to cheat, and that sometimes punishing them for it isn't the way to go forward, especially if you're planning on staying with him.
Seek counselling and help from your friends and family for support or to work out the problems in your marriage but remember that while it's not impossible for your husband to never stray again, many cheaters have a history of repeated infidelity and will keep on doing it even after being caught.
Always remember that cheating is a sign of an unhealthy marriage and while you are not to blame there are ways you can make it easier for them to stay faithful if you decide to give them another chance.
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It's not your fault
One of the biggest mistakes that even strong, confident women often make is to share in the blame. If you're starting to wonder if you could have made more effort, spent more time at home, or done any of the zillion other things you think you should have, stop. Cheating, breaking your trust and insulting the institution of marriage is all on him, and if you'd done the things you think you should have, he probably would have strayed anyway. A cheater will look for ways to pass on the blame, don't help him by taking it on yourself.