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The Goodness of Honey!

With a fresh wave of interest in health worldwide, people have started taking better care of their health and are keen to know what goes on their plate. With that knowledge comes the desire to replace certain foods with healthier ones, often starting with staples like sugar. Honey is a natural substitute.
It's use goes back several millennia and it has been called liquid gold, food of the gods, and closer home it is one of the Panchamrita, or the five foods of immortality. Being held in such high esteem the world over, the estimated virtues of honey sometimes reach mythical heights, but many of its properties are scientifically backed. Honey is anti-bacterial and rich in antioxidants, making it useful in treating colds and sore throats, and as an immunity booster. Coupled with it's delicious taste, those reasons alone make it a good addition to your diet.
Is There an Innovative Way of Relishing Honey?

We all know that honey is beneficial for health, and that replacing sugar with this liquid gold can only do good things for us, yet eating it is not always easy. It drips, it is sticky, and even the smallest of jars of honey cannot be simply tossed into a bag the way a sachet of sugar can. Hence switching to honey means that you still need to rely on sugar from time to time. At least you did, until now.
In our quest to hunt down the purest and most delicious indigenous honeys available in the Indian market, BP Guide came across what is probably the most innovative way to package honey - in single serve, one teaspoon measure twigs. The slim, clear tube is made of a biodegradable material, is easy to rip open and is super portable. And that the honey is all natural, antibiotic free and sustainably sourced, only sweetens the deal.
Five reasons why we like Honey Twigs
- high quality, all natural honey
- completely free of antibiotics and sustainably sourced, supporting ethical bee farming
- clear packaging that allows you to see the honey, and is also biodegradable
- portable enough to go in a lunch box and even a purse
- easy to use as there is no need for spoons, and does not get your fingers sticky
With so much to like, BP Guide decided to find out more about the people behind the brand. It was started by co-founders Paras Fatnani and Jigar Mehta, one with a background in higher education and the other in theatre. The two first met when studying for their masters in marketing in London in 2008. Another meeting years later in 2015, this time in Delhi, paved the way for Honey Twigs. At the time Fatnani was working for QS, a body that ranks universities worldwide, and Mehta was the head showcaller at Kingdom of Dreams which launched the first 5D theatre in India.
We decided to have a tête-à-tête with co-founder Paras Fatnani.
Q&A with Paras Fatnani, Co-Founder of Honey Twigs

Co-founder, Nectwork Foods Private Limited Paras Fatnani

Interviewer BP Guide

Co-founder, Nectwork Foods Private Limited Paras Fatnani
The first and foremost thought when thinking about being healthy was replacing the two evil brothers somehow - processed sugar and salt. We decided to go down the sweet route. Honey was an instant first click - a healthier natural alternative. We spent about six months and did a survey of about 3000 individuals to figure out if there was a real problem we could solve. We found 3 key challenges consumers face while using honey. We went back to his university dissertation, a honey cafe concept for inspiration where these twigs were actually testers.
We understood the three most challenges people faced with honey. For one, there is a lot of mess with honey as it spills. The second thing that everyone talks about is purity. What does pure mean? It means there isn't enough trust in a product. The third was portability.

Interviewer BP Guide

Co-founder, Nectwork Foods Private Limited Paras Fatnani
Then we got approached by Cafe Coffee Day for a solution to their honey wastage problem. It wasn’t something we had thought about, but if you go to a cafe or hotel you see a 28-gram jar and most times people use a teaspoon and the rest goes to waste. Our packs were designed as teaspoon packs. That's how the whole B2B world opened for us. Based on feedback we further refined the product to make it attractive as well as effective. If you look at the pack today they are transparent so you can actually see the honey inside.
Next we tried to solve the mess problem. There is a small tear on the top so all the honey will come from one side, and that's a controlled pour. We spent a lot of time creating the pack so that it is convenient and mess free.

While convenient, what about all the packaging that goes into making single serve packs of one teaspoon honey?
- The packs are made of oxo-biodegradable laminates, a food grade plastic that takes 36 months to start biodegrading.
- The company is currently in R&D to make even more sustainable packaging
- It is working with Nepra, a waste management firm, to become a plastic neutral company

Interviewer BP Guide

Co-founder, Nectwork Foods Private Limited Paras Fatnani

Interviewer BP Guide

Co-founder, Nectwork Foods Private Limited Paras Fatnani
What to Buy from Honey Twigs: 3 Must Haves
Himalayan Multiflora Honey 10 Twigs Pack, 80g

If you are a honey lover then you will instantly fall in love with the Himalayan Multiflora sachets and if you don't love honey then you've ought to try this to change your mind. The product comes in a pack of 10 Twigs. It is a single-serve sachet with 80 grams of pure honey for you to carry with you and enjoy any time you want. Buying the pack will get you unadulterated Multiflora honey made by combining the nectar from various flowers. The pack is available for Rs.70 here.
You can also buy it in a pack of 30 Twigs and enjoy it with your tea, coffee, cereals, waffles and many more. The 30 sachet pack can be bought for Rs. 200 from Honey Twigs.
Vanilla-Infused Honey 10 Twigs Pack, 80g

Another one of Honey Twigs wonder products is the Vanilla Infused Twigs which comes in a pack of 10. It has the best natural Vanilla powder sourced right from Kerala which gives that beautiful flavour of vanilla with the sweet taste of Honey. It is a great way to enhance the taste of your desserts and increase their nutritional value. The shelf life of this pack is 12 months and you can buy it for Rs.120 here.
Cinnamon-Infused Honey 30 Twigs Pack, 240g

Adding Cinnamon to anything enhances the flavour of anything you make and add it with honey creates an exquisite flavour not to mention the health potion it provides you and your family. The Cinnamon Infused Honey Twigs pack brings you the best Ceylon Cinnamon powder added with honey which gives you a delicious sweet and spicy flavour to each twig. The pack contains 30 Twigs and can be bought for Rs.295 from here.
Where Can You Find Them?
- www.honeytwigs.in
- Also at Food Hall, Nature’s Basket and Amazon
The Process of Creating an Innovative Product

Interviewer BP Guide

Co-founder, Nectwork Foods Private Limited Paras Fatnani
We also have four different honeys now - Himalayan multiflora, natural lychee, cinnamon-infused honey, vanilla-infused honey and we are about to launch a lemon-infused honey and turmeric-infused honey.

Interviewer BP Guide

Co-founder, Nectwork Foods Private Limited Paras Fatnani
As I said earlier, we wanted to solve the problems around using honey. After making it convenient, we moved to the qualitative aspect and decided all our honey will be antibiotic-free. Every batch is lab tested from inception and the quality standard maintained. The third was portability, (demonstrates by squeezing tube) as you can see I can squeeze it hard and it will not break. I can put it in my pocket or bag and use it as and when I want.

Interviewer BP Guide
It was a big decision after 10 years in the corporate world and a 6 figure job to come to zero and start from scratch. I didn't take that decision lightly at first, to say it very openly. I spent about a year thinking about it but I said if I wasn’t going to do it now I was never going to do it.

Co-founder, Nectwork Foods Private Limited Paras Fatnani
Building the right team is important, so half of my excitement comes from the people I work with. My co-founder is a hardcore product person. The fact that I have known him over a decade and we knew from the get-go what our strengths and weaknesses were, that affected my decision.
When you think about honey do you think anybody is innovating? It is such a nascent stage. Today we are present in India, Bahrein, and South Korea, and we are in talks to launch in the UK. We see this as a global business, not as an Indian consumer business alone. India is a very price-sensitive market so our belief is we would make a product in India for the world. That excites me.

Interviewer BP Guide

Co-founder, Nectwork Foods Private Limited Paras Fatnani
I would say, in principle look also at something like consistency. If a brand can give you the same colour, the same taste, the same everything every time, there is a process behind it. I don't deny that there can be standardisation but I don't think you can make it taste exactly the same if it’s a natural product.

Interviewer BP Guide

Co-founder, Nectwork Foods Private Limited Paras Fatnani
How Best to Eat Honey and Other Sweet Notes

Interviewer BP Guide

Co-founder, Nectwork Foods Private Limited Paras Fatnani
In terms of innovative ways of using it, when making juices, fresh food or drinks often the sweetener may still be sugar. Replacing that with honey is a quick change someone can make. I think a lot of our food has sugar so it's a conscious choice to replace it. Nontraditional routes would be salads, replace maple syrup with honey on pancakes. When baking at home you can swap sugar with honey.
We have always ensured that we are an innovation-driven service lead brand that works with companies to achieve their goals as well. We don't see ourselves as stand-alone, we see ourselves as a partner to everyone’s health journey.

Interviewer BP Guide

Co-founder, Nectwork Foods Private Limited Paras Fatnani
What I have learnt is that the benefits that honey has as a stand-alone product are so high but we are yet to use this as an everyday lifestyle product. It is a form of sugar but it's so much healthier. Replacing sugar is not easy as it is in every kind of food that we have, but personally, I have learned that you can live a much healthier lifestyle if you start removing it from small things.
What's next for Honey Twigs?
- New flavours that will be called the Immunity Booster Range
- Making honey fun for children through a kids range
- Launch in a few international markets
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Interviewer BP Guide