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How to Choose the Right Toys and Games for a 2 Year Girl
Pick Games That Combine Learning with Play
Educational toys play a great role in the development of the child. They foster numerous motor, analytical, and sensory skills in the child. The new-age educational toys teach children to discover new emotions. Children develop their senses a lot through play and educational toys play an inherent part in this aspect. Toys of different materials, shapes and sizes teach the kids about different types of sensory feelings.
Educational toys teach children about 'cause and effect', which is very important. Children learn to trigger something then observe its outcome. Multi-player educational toys increase the social skills of the children and also increase their peer group as well. They learn to share their toys with their friends and peers and play in a wholesome fashion. When children are able to complete the challenge of the educational toy on their own, then they feel a sense of accomplishment and pride, their self-confidence also increases.
Educational toys help to foster creativity and imagination in children. Adults are often surprised to see as to what innovative uses children can find for normal day-to-day entities. They help to think innovative solutions to common-day issues in later life, as well.
It Must Catch Her Attention
Our eyes are the window to the world and bright colours are one of the first aspects of sight that help us distinguish and categorize objects. These colours appeal to young children too, as they are easier for them to see. At about 5-months old, children can see colours with their still-developing vision, though distinguishing bright colours comes easier to them. As children grow, they continue to be drawn to brighter colours. Colour has also been known to affect their moods and behaviour. Children tend to get more attracted to the bright block colours of the colour wheel rather than pastels or muted blends.
Primary colours red, yellow and blue, and secondary colours green, orange and purple, are more appealing than light shades of pink and beige or neutral shades of grey and brown. Colour and Mood Doctors understand that colour affects emotions, and can have a significant effect on developing children. Warmer colours like orange and yellow bring happiness and comfort. Red has been known to increase the heart rate and therefore increase alertness and the appetite, while cooler colours like blue and green tend to have a calming effect.
Toys for 2 year olds need to be colourful, interesting, hard wearing but above all stimulate the curiosity that lives within all 2 year olds.
Think Ahead When Buying Clothes and Shoes
There are a lot of considerations for buying clothes for your two year old. The sensitive children’s skin needs the best materials. Cotton is still the most popular material because it is the least likely it to contain harmful substances. If you want to make sure that the clothes are safe for your child, you should wash them before first use, just as well as towels, linens and other home textiles. Thus, you can exclude that some residues of substances might irritate the skin of your kids.
Even if you think that you know your child’s clothes size, be careful, when making this purchase. Very often parents cannot judge well and buy clothes, which then turns out that they are not the right size for their child. This is especially true for babies and toddlers, who grow at a fast rate. Fit is always important when buying clothing. Take the child’s height and weight measurements and consult a sizing chart. Generally, children’s sizes correspond to the child’s age. An average 7 year old will wear a size 7.
You can bring the child with you to try on clothes, but this can be difficult with younger children. It would be better for you to be informed about how they can be returned and how you can get your money back. If you are unsure about the size, always buy kids clothes in a slightly larger size. Even if the child cannot wear clothes now, at a later stage, these clothes will certainly be appropriate for him. Avoid designs that can irritate skin. Look out for appliqués, sparkles, and other designs that might rub and irritate skin. These might look pretty, but are not very practical if they cause discomfort.
10 Unique Gifts to Buy a Two Year Old for Her Birthday
Baby Doll Gift Set
Imitating the way adults care for babies requires thinking about what someone else might need: a baby needs to be fed, kept warm, cleaned, and comforted if it’s sad. In caring for their doll, children practice empathy. There are infinite important lessons to be learned by playing with a doll, especially if a parent is on hand. For instance it will help your girl learn the names of body parts by having them pointed out on the doll. And narrating what he’s doing with his doll is a great way for your child to practice and reinforce language skills.
Dressing and undressing a doll is a great way for your child to learn how her own clothing works and practice using zippers and buttons. Bathing and feeding a doll will also help your tods learn to bathe and feed themselves. And a doll can be a powerful ally in potty-training. Role play with a baby doll is a great way to get a big sister or big brother used to the idea of not being the baby of the family anymore, and they’ll be very proud to be a helper when their new sibling arrives. Your child can practice fetching diapers, wipes, and towels, and making funny faces and singing songs to cheer up a crying baby.
Bring home this cute Barbie Doll with Pets. This Barbie doll comes with her two cute little pets and accessories. It is suitable for children aged three and above, so supervise her play time so she doesn't swallow the small pieces. Let your children weave their stories around her and her pets. It can help your girl in developing motor and emotional skills along with imagination. Barbies are the figurehead of a brand of Mattel dolls and accessories, including other family members and collectible dolls. Barbie has been an important part of the toy fashion doll market for fifty years and has been hugely successful. It is available on for Rs.643.
Kitchen Play Set
As all parents will know, organisational skills are one of the hardest concepts to teach. However, with a play kitchen, it’s easy to demonstrate and share examples of why it’s both beneficial and smart to be organised and plan things out. As the old saying goes, practice makes perfect. Whether your child is beginning to learn or already knows how to count, a play kitchen is great practice that draws no negatives. It doesn’t matter whether you have a small or big play kitchen; the element of sharing will remain the same. Whether your child is playing with siblings or friends, there are always going to be times in which they will have to share the food and tools.
JVM Luxury Battery Operated Kitchen Play Set Super Toy for Kids is priced at Rs.1,099 on It operates with light and sound and can be converted into a carry along brief case after dismantling. This Luxury Kitchen Super Set is all that the children need to cook in their own pretend play kitchen set. It contains cookware set and other kitchen accessories, etc. It is made of high quality material and can be self-assembled in easy steps by following the illustrations on the package. It has light and sound that excites the children. It requires 3 AA batteries to operate and is suitable for kids aged 3 years and up.
Lego Starter Kit
Using Lego bricks is the perfect opportunity for building fine motor skills. When children have finished their amazing work of art, they are beaming to show their creations. They have made something they are incredibly proud of, which is good for their hands as well as good for their heart. Building with Lego bricks sometimes leads to heartbreak. A beautiful tower comes crumbling down with one wrong move. Initially, this is frustrating, but children who use Lego bricks regularly are not defeated by this. Instead, they make it again. It doesn’t matter whether a child uses an instruction booklet or builds completely from their imagination. They are solving a puzzle!
When children are picking up little pieces around them to form a building, plane, or creature, they are bringing order out of chaos. A bucket of Lego bricks becomes a new opportunity. Every Lego creation is a form of art. A child’s imagination is the only limit! Children become creators with the hundreds of tiny pieces. It can be useful, entertaining, or even therapeutic. Volume, quantity, one to one correspondence, symmetry, patterns, and more all can show up when a child plays with Lego.
If you want to enhance the hand eye coordination skill of your little one in the disguise of a game, these building blocks from Lego will be an excellent pick. These are crafted from a premium quality material, hence these are nontoxic. The rounded edges further ensure not to harm his or her tender skin. Buy a Classic Lego Starter Set on for Rs.399. Play with her, showing her how to make simple objects till she is old enough to try it on her own.
My First Purse
My First Purse will promote basic organisational skills in your kid and is suitable for children of two years and above. Keep little shoppers content in long checkout lines or at home with a purse of their own. This polyester and vinyl My First Purse by International Playthings holds all sorts of fun stuff just like Mom's. Toy contents include a cell phone, lipstick, mirror, cash card, makeup and car keys. Little ones will love imitating mom and spend hours of imaginative play. It is available on priced at Rs.1,146.
Puzzle Games
Kids love games and if a game is used as an aid to develop their personal skills, it serves dual purposes of fun as well as education. The Skillofun Wooden Alphabet Picture Puzzle alphabet picture puzzle is an informative puzzle game that consists of 52 puzzle pieces engraved with alphabets that help your child identify alphabets as your kid tries matching the puzzle. This activity helps in improving your kid’s alphabet identification skills considerably. The alphabet picture puzzle also aids in enhancing your kid's motor skills by using coordination to arrange the pieces correctly.
This game encourages your child to think and match the alphabet and the corresponding object that starts with the same alphabet. This alphabet matching puzzle is made from MDF or medium density fibre board that makes it lightweight. Paints used are non-toxic, making this puzzle safe for young children. It is available on for Rs.575.
Mini Scooter
Children’s scooter exercise can increase the height; enhance the function of each organ system. By exercising the limbs, it increases the power of muscle and the muscle gradually become plump. Children’s scooter sports can promote the development of the nervous system by coordinated movement of the body ministries under unified control and regulation of the nervous system. Kids Foldable Personal Mini Scooter is available for Rs.1,525 on
Shoes with Light and Sound
We all know the fondness of kids for lights and colours. Passion Petals Printed Shoes are the best for your little one's footwear collection. Not only are they stylish but also very comfortable so that your child enjoys every moment of wearing it. Your little tyke will get an extra thrill running around when she watches her shoes light up and you may find her dashing around the house a lot more just to see them blinking lights. Priced at Rs.1,499 it is available on
Musical Choice Game Set
All that running around the house leaving you exhausted from chasing her? If you want her to settle down for a bit give her something engrossing like the Musical Fish Catching Game; it comes with total 26 fishes to be caught, player catching more fishes wins. Beautiful music and lightning effect entertain kids even further indulging in hours of fun. It can be played with 2 to 4 players can players. The battery operated fish pond keeps on rotating and the fishes keep mouth open for a short period of time, thus imposing a difficulty level to catch rotating fishes whose mouth keeps closing and opening. She may eventually lose patience if she cannot catch enough fish but it will keep her busy and out of your hair for a while. You can buy it from for Rs.1,499.
Hair Accessories
Smart Tots Attached Flower Hair Band will add some style to your girls outfit when you buy her this trendy accessory from Smart Tots. Brighten up your little ones wardrobe with this new collection of accessory that will make her look glamorous. It holds hair in place without breaking hair strands, perfect for on the go use. It costs Rs.399 on
Princess Outfits
When children play dress up, they root their imaginative stories in reality for a short while, giving them a chance to explore it more thoroughly. Dress up play lets them explore themselves. By pretending to be other people, children experiment with new ideas and behaviours. They can decide what they like and what they don’t. They can explore the elements of a new identify and take back to themselves whatever they like. It will help them deal with and work with people in school and at their jobs. Princess Cinderella Fairytale Cosplay Costume is a piece of art you would love to have for your child. It costs Rs.803 on
Bonus Tip: Decide on a Budget Before Gift Shopping
Gift giving is one area that you may be forgetting to include in your budget or you may be budgeting the wrong amount for. It is also common to have to give a gift that you were not planning on before. Tackling the world of gift giving can be complicated, especially when you consider the office, the holidays, and special occasions. You can make shopping for gifts much easier by following a solid strategy.
The most important thing you can do is set aside money each to cover gifts throughout the year. When you are thinking about the amount you should budget you should consider the expected gifts. You need to budget and plan for birthdays and anniversaries. Then add a little bit to cover the unexpected gifts that may come up over the year. Simply divide the number by twelve and you have the amount that you will need to budget each month.
When it comes to shopping for children people tend to spend more freely than they otherwise would, but what you must remember is small kids are not picky about the gifts they receive. A 2 year old may wind up having a gala time playing with the packaging that her gift came in. So budget wisely and try to stick to it when at the store or browsing online.
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Assess What She Already Has
Children being as cute as they are, it's common for family and friends to dote on them and buy them gifts even when it's not their birthday. Visiting relatives, cousins dropping in from abroad, indulgent aunt picking up things for the toddler, and parents themselves buying things for their little girl. Try to access what the 2 year old already has, ask the parents if you need to, so you avoid giving her similar gifts.