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How to Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle

As the COVID-19 pandemic rages, the importance of keeping yourself healthy cannot be stressed enough so that we can combat the threat. Though there is no specific solution to get rid of this virus yet, having mental and physical stability is essential, especially at this point. For good health, we need different nutrients and one single food cannot provide that. A balanced diet as well as a balanced life are both equally important.

Strategies for Making Healthy Habits

Making a healthy habit is not easy. You will need to be consistent and energetic to follow your goals. You can make small strategies which can be helpful in your daily life. Like at first, consuming low-fat milk, no refined sugar, moderate coffee and green vegetables are some of the options to start a healthy diet. If you are living in an unhelpful condition you can ask a friend to have sessions for exercise or walk with you. Along with physical health, take care of mental health too,

Cognitive Goals

Maintaining a healthy life is not a task to do, you can choose some cognitive goals to fulfil the target. A smart way of goal setting is to recognise your objectives and deal with the smart criteria to set your health and lifestyle goal. Be as specific as possible, for example, it is better to say ‘I want to lose 5 kg’ than ‘I have resolved to lose weight’. Be relevant and set a goal which is meaningful to you and makes sense to you. Be happy and enjoy the healthy process.

Focus on the Long Term and Short Term Aims

When you aim for something, setting up a goal is essential. You can make it easier by setting up a long term and short term goals. While both are different, each one is important in its own way. They will go a long way and help you to achieve your desired final goal. Short term goal is the aim you can achieve in a short amount of time and long term goal is the thing you want to achieve at the end of all your efforts, like living healthier for the rest of your life.

Take Small Steps


Getting excited is normal when you are determined to live a healthy life and step up to maintain healthy habits. But there can be health issues during the changing of your routine for a new lifestyle. Don’t take huge steps at the beginning like suddenly conducting an excessively strict diet or having hours of exercise..You need to slow down and take one thing at a time.

Prioritize Yourself and Enjoy the Moment

Always take out some ‘me-time’ from your daily chores and other essential duties. It is important to take some moments for yourself regardless of what you need to do every day. Giving a specific time to nurture yourself for healthy living can make you happy. This happiness will reflect on your work and behaviour towards family friends and professional life. Always enjoy what you do and do it with a positive attitude.

Motivate Yourself

Making a healthy choice can lead us to live a healthy and long life. Know your good habits and repeat them regularly. Repetitive behaviour can motivate you, make you feel good and this will affect your brain in a way to make it automatic and do it every day without much thought.

Some Healthy Habits for Adults to Pursue

Your happiness depends on the conscious choices you make throughout the day. With time your choices become your habit which automatically becomes a part of your life. Healthy habits boost your happiness, increase energy level throughout the day and decrease stress. These good habits give you time to do the things that bring joy to you.

Daily Walk and Exercise

Physical activity is important for anyone, irrespective of age, weight or health condition. Different people need different types of exercise but everyone should have some kind of activity every single day. It is good for the circulatory system and your heart. It helps to focus and improves overall health. You don't have to be an athlete to become fit and healthy, but by adopting a few techniques you can be fit. You can use stairs instead of the elevator, go for a walk in the morning, after lunch or at night, and also make an effort for a weekend family activity with outdoor games.

Sleep Enough as per Your Health

Your health condition depends on a major factor which is your sleep pattern and timing. Keep a consistent sleeping schedule and do exercise regularly for a good night's sleep. Never be awake till late at night or go to bed until you feel sleepy. Limiting your day-time nap will let you sleep for longer at night. If you work at night then a 30-minutes' day-time nap is necessary to keep yourself awake till you need to.

Eat Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast gives you the option to start a day with nutritious food. There are several benefits of healthy breakfast which includes more intake of vitamins and minerals, control on weight and blood sugar, and performing better work for the rest of the day. Children also get immense health benefits from taking proper breakfast on time. A healthy breakfast meets the daily nutrient requirement, helps to build up concentration and immunity which means no more missing of school days. You should take whole grains, lean proteins, low-fat dairy, fruits and vegetables in your breakfast to start a healthy day.

Turn off Your Bad Habits

Bad habits interrupt daily peaceful life and prevent you from accomplishing the list of goals in your checklist. They bring a problem to your health - both physical and mental and also waste your valuable time and energy. How to make a healthy habit comes after the answer, of how to break a bad habit. In many cases the bad habit is the way to cope up with your stress, so replace the bad with the good first. For example, pulling your jaw or biting your nails are signs of combating stress inside you. So you need to replace stress with stress relief activities like yoga. To return to your old self and break the bad habits, you need to be a new person. You will also need to overcome negative self-talking and the word ‘but’, to be less judgmental towards yourself and to break the bad habits.

Floss Everyday

We do brush our teeth once or twice a day and think it is enough for our oral hygiene. But the reality is you will need to do flossing regularly with brushing. Flossing helps to remove the build-up of plaque which can lead to tartar. It also makes your teeth look instantly brighter as it can remove the food particles that you might not see in the mirror or your toothbrush cannot reach that place. It also prevents tooth decay and reduces the risk of gum disease. Many people suffer from sensitive or bleeding gums and they fear from flossing as it can bleed gums easily. But flossing helps to improve the condition of the gum and can prevent it from deterioration. Flossing, combined with brushing and rinsing can prevent gingivitis, keep your teeth and gums healthy and give you a beautiful smile.

Drink Plenty of Water

Water doesn't have any calories or organic nutrients, but it is vital for almost all kinds of life on the planet. It fuels the oxygen delivery, regulates temperature, lubricates the joints, and regulates gastrointestinal health. It is found that the human body can survive without food for two weeks but cannot survive without water for more than two days. Water is called the ‘Elixir of Life’ and it is the ingredient of human existence and survival. During illnesses like fever, diarrhoea or vomiting, your body needs to consume more water. It protects the spinal cord and sensitive tissues, it also assists in the removal of waste products via perspiration, urination and bowel movement. It maintains a healthy digestive system by breaking down the food. As a result, it prevents constipation and reduces gas and bloating. It also aids in weight management by increasing metabolism, suppressing appetite for calorie contained food and beverages. It reduces the risk of urinary tract infection, migraine and It also promotes proper kidney function. It flushes out the toxins and promotes healthy skin and hair.

Consume Healthy Food

The key to having healthy food is to have the right amount of calorie intake which balances between the energy you consume and energy you use. You should not eat or drink more than your body needs as it will put on weight. You should also not drink less water as it will make you dull and weak as it will reduce your weight. Make sure your body is getting a balanced diet and you are receiving all the important nutrients throughout the day from various foods. Keep whole grain varieties and starchy carbohydrates in your diet, like potato with skin, brown bread, brown rice, whole wheat pasta and cereals. Keep an eye on the fats when you are cooking and also check the oil and butter or sauces on creamy pasta. Eat five portions of fruits a day and avoid sugary content. Eat more fish and always include a portion of oily fish in your diet now and then. Keep the healthy items in your plan and avoid saturated fat and sugar for better.

Reduce Stress

Healthy lifestyle habits make you less reactive to stress in the long run. The benefits you get from maintaining a healthy lifestyle are worth more than the effects of maintaining it, which can be a wonderful source of continuing motivation. Not only you can avoid, but also reverse the negative effect of chronic stress. Healthy eating, regular exercise, quality sleep, spending time with your hobby can help reduce everyday life stress.

Stay Connected with Real People

Social isolation may affect your lifespan, as it is bad for your health. Adults who are more socially connected live healthier and longer than others. Social isolation can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure or other diseases. Social interaction keeps your mental and physical health at peak position and boosts your immune system. We get caught in our day to day responsibilities and lose touch with others. Make a point to call, e-mail or meet up with family and friends and make your social connections a priority.

Smile and Reignite Your Hobbies

The key to improve your overall health is to make the smallest positive changes in your lifestyle. With each healthy change, you gain some energy, clarity, and confidence which empowers you to make a move towards another healthy change. Always smile and keep yourself in a positive atmosphere to be happy and lively. Start your left out things and hobbies which used to make you happy.

Tricks to Maintain Healthy Habits all Year Round

Healthy habits help to maintain both physical and mental health and provide numerous health benefits. Here, we will discuss some tips which will help you maintain your healthy lifestyle.

Don't Skip Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and skipping breakfast can lead to major chronic diseases like heart problems, anxiety or diabetes. It also leads to obesity which can become uncontrollable later in life. Taking an early and nutritious breakfast will give you the most needed energy of the day and provide a healthier diet with more fibre and micronutrients. When you skip your breakfast for a few days it becomes a bad habit and you might continue it as a result of your bad routine. As a healthy breakfast provides you most of the calories you need for the day, you should maintain a perfect early hour for your breakfast time.

Keep 'Post-it ' Motivational Quotes

For some people motivational words play a vital role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle regularly. You can keep some post-it notes on a place where you can see them easily and put those lines that will motivate you to continue towards your goal. This can be used as your daily to-do list also.

Journal Your Progress

Maintaining a daily healthy lifestyle is not at all easy if you have just realised it’s importance and started it. Think of your workout to be a reward rather than punishment, take organic foods and make a small garden on your patio, maybe for natural raw veggies and use them. Walk everyday and take note of your progress. If you journal your daily activities you can easily reach your goal earlier than you have planned.

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