Make Your 1st Anniversary a Stepping Stone for the Years to Come: Gifts for Husband on 1st Wedding Anniversary

Make Your 1st Anniversary a Stepping Stone for the Years to Come: Gifts for Husband on 1st Wedding Anniversary

The first wedding anniversary is probably the most exciting one; as the years go by the numbers roll forward and you may even sometimes forget an upcoming anniversary, but the first one? That's a biggie. With that comes the pressure of getting your husband a brilliant and touching gift. We understand the stress of looking for the right gift and come to your rescue with some wonderful anniversary gifts for husband. Also, browse through our shopping guidelines to get ideas of your own.

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Four Ways to Start Your 1st Wedding Anniversary Celebrations

First of all congratulations, you have just achieved the remarkable landmark of your 1st wedding anniversary; we wish you a very happy wedding anniversary. The first wedding anniversary is always very significant as you have completed the one year as a wedded couple. That's why the first wedding anniversary celebration has to be personal and intimate in every way. If your husband has made a big gesture and has planned something special as your wedding anniversary gift, then wives you also have to buckle up and buy the best anniversary gift for your husband. But, before we share some romantic anniversary gift ideas with you all, we would like you to include following in your first wedding anniversary celebration.

Celebrate the Little Things

Your first wedding anniversary is going to be the stepping stone for the all coming anniversaries. So, use your first marriage anniversary gifts as traditions that you can repeat every year. The anniversary tradition could be anything from picking fresh fruit and vegetables from your local market and then cooking a homemade gourmet meal together, or even something simpler like having breakfast in bed. You can pick any anniversary tradition according to your interest. And, without any gap repeat this tradition every year and turn it something both of you look forward to each year.

Pursue a Shared Interest

Marriage is a bond between two people where they have to share everything with each other. So, try to find the common ground between you and your husband. There might be something which you both can do together as a couple. To find your common areas of interest, you should try different couple activities together on your first wedding anniversary and pick the activity you both can enjoy the most. Or you can try new things together during the year, pick things you both are interested in and turn it into an activity. Trying new things together will blossom the feeling of mutual understanding and respect. So, try new things on your anniversary and create some new memories.

Make Sure to Mark the Day in an Unforgettable Way

You have to mark your first year of love and companionship in a unique way. To mark your anniversary in a different way, you should organise a therapy session for each other. No, we are not recommending you to celebrate your first wedding anniversary is therapist's office, no. We are recommending you to sit together and share the dark and happy moments of the past one year of marriage with each other. Because an open line of communication in a marriage lasts lifelong and is a very important way to keep your marriage healthy. So, on your wedding anniversary or in the days leading up to it, take stock of things by talking to each other.

Take the Time to Thank Your Partner

In the first year of your marriage, your husband has done so much for you. He was there for you, he helped you and look after you in so many ways. So, as an anniversary gift for him, appreciate him and thank him for everything. To make your husband feel appreciated, you don't have to perform any grand gestures, just look into his eyes and say to him how much you love him and appreciate his efforts. This will be the best way to make your man feel cherished and loved, and is a great way to start your anniversary.

First Anniversary Traditions for a New Couple

We have talked earlier about setting a wedding anniversary tradition as your marriage anniversary gifts. Well, you can set any kind of anniversary tradition, but if you are looking for some suggestions, then we have got some really good anniversary gift ideas for setting traditions.

Write Love Letters to Each Other

Saying I love you and expressing your love in the form of love letters can be your perfect wedding anniversary tradition. You and your husband can write down love letters for each other on your wedding anniversary and exchange your letters just before the midnight. Pour down your emotions and feelings into the love letter and start your anniversary with the declaration of love. If you don't know how to shape your words, then you can take help from Shakespeare anthology for some inspiration.

Gaze into Each Other's Eyes

Have you ever played the eye game we used to play in childhood where two-person look into each other's eyes and the person who blinks first loses the game? If yes, then play this eye gazing game with your husband and get lost in each other's eyes. Because sometimes these small gestures hold more meaning and spirit, then any grand anniversary gift for husband. Just hold each other's gaze and communicate through the language of love.

Dance, Even with Two Left Feet!

Dancing is the most intimate and dramatic activity for couples. While dancing couples move in sync and share the most intimate body contact. So, go for dancing on your wedding anniversary to share happiness with each other. Well, if your husband hesitates to dance and complaints about having left feet, then you have to play your wife card here. And, if your husband doesn't want to dance in front of other people, then organise an intimate dance night at your home, or simply turn up the music and dance in the privacy of your own house or room. Because what matters here is the close proximity bought by the dance, nothing else.

Have Regular Date Nights

Before marriage, you both use to go on lots of dates, so why have you stopped after getting married? It doesn't matter whether you are married for one year or ten, don't let your date nights become routine or stop them altogether. For marriage anniversary gift ideas, you should go on a date with your husband to the same restaurant or place where you used to go before marriage. Take a trip down memory lane and organise a date night with your husband. Do some fine dining and sweet talking on your first wedding anniversary night.

No Anniversary is Complete Without a Remarkable 1st Wedding Anniversary Gift for Husband: 10 Ideas to Get You Started

Well, as by now you have picked your first wedding anniversary tradition, but, still, there is a something missing. A beautiful anniversary gift for a husband is still missing as no big celebration is complete without the special gift. So, now we are going to look at a few romantic anniversary gift ideas for your husband to complete the 1st wedding anniversary. The meaningful marriage anniversary gifts for your husband are below.

Leather Passport Holder

Well, if your husband travels a lot because of work or out of the hobby and he is a super absent-minded person. Then, this American Tourister leather passport case will be a perfect anniversary gift for husband. As your husband can easily and safely tuck his passport and other important cards in this case. This leather passport case is very compact and stylish, your husband can easily tuck in his pants pocket. For this utility wedding anniversary gift, you don't have to spend much as on Leather Brown Passport Holder is available for Rs.499 only.

Personalised Anniversary Calendar

For wedding anniversary gifts add this customised photo calendar to your list. You can customise the calendar with the special dates, text and cute image to gift your husband on the wedding anniversary. This calendar will solve the purpose of the photo frame and also remind your husband of the important dates. Moreover, with the high-resolution image, you can customise it with beautiful texts and quotes. Order this Fragrance Personalised Calendar from the online Archies store for a mere Rs.399.

Multiple Photo Collage


For your first wedding anniversary gift, you can create the image collage of your all one-year memories. From your wedding day to the current day, plan a beautiful collage of pictures on one your walls. You can order an image collage from Amazon, such as this Painting Mantra Painting Mantra Decorative Premium Nebula Set of 12 Individual Wall Photo Frames.This set of 12 picture frames in different sizes will make a lovely display on your wall. So, you can take an image every month of your marriage and add it to the collage. The size of the entire installation can be large or small depending on how you place the frames. Buy it for Rs.1,199.

Wedding Anniversary Memory Book


Start a new wedding anniversary tradition by penning down notes about your marriage into a memory dairy. For your wedding anniversary gift, you can buy Our Wedding Anniversary Memory Book from Amazon and write down your yearly experiences together. This memory book contains 24 pages which you can fill together every year on your anniversary and from the 25th anniversary start a new book. Moreover, you can give this book to your children as your experience of marriage to them. This memory book will be your perfect way to form a beautiful memory in just Rs.3,604. Buy it here.

Embossed Wooden Box

This is a very old Indian tradition where people mark important occasions and dates on the trinket and wooden boxes. You can also be old school and as your anniversary gift for husband, have a wooden box marked with your wedding date and a special message. You can present this keepsake box to your husband as the first wedding anniversary gift. You can order customised handcrafted decorative boxes, such as this Rectangular Embossed Painted Wooden Box With Four Drawers from online for Rs.2,095.

Personalised Message in a Bottle

A sweet note can make your husband super happy. For anniversary gift for husband buy Light Up My Heart, a message in a bottle which can be personalised with special notes of love. Make each love note unique and quirky so that your husband can enjoy reading it for a while. This message in a bottle can also become your annual tradition as you can send such a love bottle to your husband every year on your wedding anniversary. This message in a bottle can be ordered from gift shopping sites from and This message in a bottle available from for Rs.499.

Spoof Newspaper

Gift this truly amazing newspaper, The Love Times, with a personalised front and back page to your husband as a wedding anniversary gift. The newspaper print has your choice of newspaper name, headlines, and other detailed 'news' articles declaring your love or chronicling details about your life. The good quality print and convincing look makes it the best possible marriage anniversary gift for husband. When your husband opens up the daily newspaper, at first it may not register he is reading a fake newspaper, and then he will surely be surprised after reading an article about himself on the paper. Buy this on for Rs.499.

Name A Star

Your husband is the moon and stars of your life, so why not name a star after him as your marriage anniversary gift? Yep, you can very easily name a star after your husband. You just have to visit and have a star names after your husband. Give the zodiac sign of your husband to them and they will issue a certificate containing details of your star. They will send you a constellation map with the location of your star and certificate. You can even add a personal message to your certificate also. The great part is this will not cost you the moon and you can name a star after your husband's name for Rs.1,950 only.

Future Travel Destination Map

Make a pact on your first wedding anniversary to travel the world together. And, to mark your future travel destinations together, buy this scratch world map for your husband. Out of all the anniversary gift ideas, this idea is very sweet as it holds the promise of the future. So, on your first wedding anniversary select all the places that you both want to travel in the future on the scratch map and over the years you can take turns scratching off the places you've been to. The map can be bought from for Rs.999 only.

The Sexy Activity Book


If you and your husband both like to read before going to bed, then on your anniversary spice up your reading time with some sexually charged books. Well, pick up a sex activities book for your husband anniversary gift and together read it to romantically charge your evening. There are plenty of sex activities related books are available online, but the Let's Get Naked: The Sexy Activity Book for Couples has got some good reviews on Amazon. The paperback edition of the book is available for Rs.699.

Blow His Mind with Some New Bedroom Tricks

You can blow your husband's mind on your wedding anniversary night with some new bedroom tricks. This anniversary gift idea will be highly appreciated by your husband. So, as your anniversary gift for husband, give him some treat in the bedroom and show him your other side. If you are a bit bold, then role-playing and blindfold can be your new bedroom skills. So, ladies, so something to brings your husband to his knees on your anniversary. There are lots of books on how to spice things up in the bedroom, or you can turn to online posts like this one on If you're willing to experiment and try new things, there are plenty of bedroom toys too.

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Go beyond the tried and tested

No matter how much you work on keeping your relationship fresh, romantic and interesting, there are bound to be lapses, or certain areas where more attention is needed. The one year mark is a good time to evaluate your marriage, note the things you are doing right and identify the spots which do with some extra attention. We don't mean problems, although you could address those too. What we mean is ask yourself how you can make your marriage better. Do you always do sweet romantic things together? Throw in a dose of high adrenaline adventure. Do you often take the lead in the bedroom? Let him take charge for a change. Some things may work, some won't but you will never know till you try.