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Points to Note When Gifting a Plant

Are you looking to buy a gift? Something unique yet practical and adds value. Why not get a plant? Why get that lifeless stuff that is sure to sit in your closet while you can get something that lives and breathes a new life in your home, all the while cleaning the air for you. If you didn’t know; plants indeed remove the toxins in the air for you and improve air quality. You need not be a skilled gardener to have some plant. Just don’t forget to water it and add some fertilizer occasionally.
However, with the availability of a wide variety of plants in the nursery, you need to keep these factors in mind when you gift a plant to someone.
Availability of Garden Space

If the person you are buying the gift for, has an outdoor or a balcony garden the better option would be an outdoor plant. While indoor plants have their value, it cannot match the beauty and the lushness of an outdoor garden. Consider the space and also the interest of the person before choosing a gift of a plant. For example, if the person prefers roses to other exotic plants, you have quite a large collection of roses from button roses to tea roses to hybrid roses to choose from. If it is a balcony garden, you can go for a compact variety of potted plants rather than plants which need space to grow.
Possibility of Indoor Plants

No space anywhere? No problem! You always have the option of indoor plants. However, there are other factors like children and pets that play a part in deciding an indoor plant. For children and pets, having an indoor plant might turn out to be hazardous. Having said that, if you would still like to gift indoor plants, look for hanging plants and terrariums. Terrariums with succulents are small enough and can be kept out of the reach of children and pets. It can be kept out in the sun for a few hours every day and then put back where it is not reachable.
Consider the Green Thumb

Not all are born with a green thumb. A few people can kill plants without making any effort to do so. Any indoor plant needs a few hours of sunlight and fresh air and water for its survival. If you know the person you are gifting the plant to be of the former type, it is better to go for succulents and plants that are sturdy and need very less TLC.
Check for Allergies

This is the most important point to be considered when buying a gift of a plant. Many people have pollen allergies which can be triggered by flowering plants like roses and hibiscus. So, better inquire about the allergies before gifting a plant to anyone. While it might look trivial to you, it might be a life-threatening condition for the allergic person.
10 Beautiful Plants You Just Have to Gift

Gifting plants is not a widely known concept but it is catching up on to everyone especially those who are environmentally aware. If you are a gardener or even a plant lover, you might know just what to get for your friend. If not, don't worry we’ve got you covered.
Desert Rose Bonsai

When you talk about indoor plants the first thing that comes to mind is the bonsai. Bonsai are artificially dwarfed trees that are grown in pots for ornamental purpose. The Desert Rose, commonly known as adenium, is a beautiful flowering plant which needs sunlight and proper care throughout the year. It needs to be pruned frequently which is essential for flowering. The milky sap from the tree is said to be poisonous. So, proper care needs to be taken especially if there is children or pets at home. The Desert Rose Bonsai is available at dreamgreen.in for ₹650.
Terrarium with Succulents

Succulents are plants that store water in their leaves just like cacti. They need not be native to a desert, it just needs some dry climate where water is a rare commodity. And this makes succulents perfect for someone with no green thumb. It is also perfect to be kept indoors in apartments. Just don't forget to water it once a week and expose it in sunlight once a day. Succulents are available for ₹450, at hariththarang.com. If you want to up your ante, get a Hanging Bottle Terrarium Glass Bowl from terrariumsindia.in for Rs.750 and set up a terrarium for your friend.
Hibiscus Plant

Hibiscus is an integral part of our lives be it in a city or a small town in the middle of nowhere. Your mom might have even used it in hair oils. Apart from that, it is an ornamental flower that grows very easily in our climate. Ranging from red to orange and yellow, you can find hibiscus in various colours. However, hibiscus cannot be an indoor plant and you need to check for the availability of outdoor space before choosing this as a gift. Priced at ₹450, you can get the hibiscus sapling along with a vase from fnp.com. Measuring at about 9 inches, it will also contain some blooms and buds making it ideal for gifting.
Snake Plant

Snake plant is one of the sturdiest lots of plants. Not only that they are also categorized as air purifier plants. According to Nasa experts, these plants can remove formaldehyde, benzene, toluene and the like from the air making this an ideal indoor plant. Snake plants are also known to survive for weeks without water. You can buy a small plant for ₹250 from hariththarang.com.
Money Plant

It goes without saying that Money plants as their names say are said to bring good fortune and wealth to your homes. It is the Feng Shui plant for prosperity. Money plants are also air purifying plants and very charming to the eye. Money plant is available for ₹499 at amazon.in and the plant comes with an Aroez ceramic pot. The pot is inspired by Italian Sgraffito pottery and is of high quality and durable.
Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo is the plant of good luck in Feng Shui. It makes for the tiny size in terms of aesthetic and ease of care. They do not need soil. Just place it in water and top it up when dry. The lucky bamboo from hariththarang.com offers two or three layers arranged artfully and is priced at ₹450. It also includes a glass vase for the lucky bamboo to sit in.
Pink Syngonium

The Syngonium plant or the arrow plant is a perfect plant gift if you are looking for something to add to the decor. They are compact, bushy and low maintenance which makes it perfect for an indoor plant. The green leaves with a touch of salmon pink add a classy touch to the interior. The Pink Syngonium comes with a jute pot making this gift entirely eco-friendly. You can buy it from nurturinggreen.in for ₹500.
Air Plant

Ever thought about a plant without soil or water. Here you have it, the air plant. They are named rightly so since they take the nutrients from the atmosphere which means it is very easy to care for. Tillandsia Ionantha stricta is a stunning variety of air plant that fits beautifully with the interior of the room. The best feature is that they turn red in winter followed by a gorgeous violet flower. How you place it depends on your imagination. You can make hanging gardens or even vertical indoor gardens with air plants. Tillandsia is available at amazon.in for ₹699.
Pony Tail Palm

Ponytail Palm or Beaucarnea Recurvata is gaining popularity as a gorgeous indoor plant all over Europe. It is an indoor plant which needs sunlight and doesn't survive strong winters. But if your friend’s place doesn't have snowy winters, you can even plant them in an outdoor garden. It is also drought resistant but that doesn't make it easy on the owner. It needs patience since it grows quite slowly. It is available for ₹499 at nurserylive.com.
Help Setup an Indoor or Outdoor Garden

Are you looking for a gift to help set up an indoor or outdoor garden for your someone you love? We have listed some varied combinations for you.
5 Plants to Bring Goodluck

Everyone needs some luck in their lives. Bring good luck to your loved one’s home with this combo of 5 indoor plants. Not only that they also add to the aesthetic feel of the room. The vibrant green leaves symbolize growth, wealth and prosperity. Priced at ₹1,171, this combo has a two layer bamboo, a jade plant, snake plant, money plant and a pot of Dracaena Mahatma. You also get appropriate pots for each of the plants including a small bowl with pebbles for the Bamboo plant. This 5-plant pack is available to buy at nurserylive.com.
3 Hanging Basket Plants

You know that your friend loves a garden but they really can’t have one, with their toddler destroying everything in her path. Hanging garden comes to your help. The pack contains some very easy to maintain plants like money plant golden, money plant marble prince and Boston fern. All they need is to hang it in sunlight or partial shade. They are available for ₹1,358 at nurserylive.com.
5 Plants for Butterflies and Bees

If your friend has an outdoor garden, this is the ideal gift for any special occasion. In the city environment, one important factor lacking is the space for birds and bees to find nourishment. With these plants from nurserylive.com in the garden, you can find the garden home to birds, hummingbirds and definitely bees. For ₹1,080 you get a complete set of 5 flowering plants including Krishna kamal, red hibiscus, yellow oleander, honeysuckle and gokarna.
5 Enchanting Roses

Anyone who is half a gardener would love to have roses in their garden. With the varieties of roses available, one is never enough. Roses are such beautiful and fragrant flowers that they are in a class of its own. This pack of 5 plant from nurserylive.com has five gorgeous roses including red, yellow, orange and white for just ₹1,120.
Set of 5 Air Purifying Plants

Air purifying plants are the best gift you might be gifting someone. With all the pollution and harmful air we breathe every day, we deserve to have clean air free of toxins at least in our own homes. This pack has not one but five air purifying plants for ₹1,321. You get money plant, peace lily, areca palm, rubber plant, and snake plant in this air purifier pack. With this pack of 5 air purifying plants at home, your friend would breathe clean air devoid of pollutants and carbon monoxide. Buy it from here.
Benefits of Having Plants at Home

Plants are something that keeps on giving day after day and all you need to give them is a little TLC with sunlight and water. If you are still not sure if you should go for plants as gifts, these reasons will definitely make you go for a plant gift.
They Clear Toxins

If you are living in a city you would already be affected by the air quality and the pollution. While you cannot do anything about the pollution, what you can do is to improve air quality in your own home. Surprisingly plants act as a natural filter and remove the airborne toxins in your home. Not only that plants are known to reduce the background noise making your home a relatively peaceful place to be in.
They Boost Mood

Plants are also known to reduce the stress levels and also boost your mood. They also calm your senses allowing you to relax and wind down after a long hard day. And nurturing a plant is a fulfilling experience which also builds the self-esteem. It brings about a long-lost connection to nature which we desperately need in the current millennium.
They Are Decorative

Plants are naturally decorative goes without saying. Especially when they are flowering plants. The lush green sets off a genuine elegance and gives a cosy touch to the room. Be it on your mantle or your coffee table, they blend with the decor taking it up a notch. You also have the option of arranging it however you see fit. You can create a vertical garden or a hanging garden indoors. Imagine the possibilities once you start to add plants as a part of the decor.
They Are Eco-Friendly

Plants are eco-friendly is an understatement. There is nothing artificial in it particularly when you use natural fertilizers and also clay pots instead of plastic pots. Not only do they add a classy touch to the decor, but they also have numerous health benefits. Plants are known to emit oxygen in the atmosphere at night which improves the air quality in your home. Tending to a garden or even a plant reduces stress and improves your performance throughout the day.
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Gift small plants
Watching a plant grow is part of the pleasure of having it so choose plants that are young or small. It gives the receiver the freedom to decide how they want to grow it, and makes it easier for them to find space for it. Plants are also seen as home decor and while large potted plants look beautiful, they aren't easy to place in any space. Choose good, healthy plants, checking to make sure they are free from infestation and easy to look after. Don't assume the receiver knows how to care for plants, or that all plants need similar care and pick ones that are easy to maintain.