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Being Underweight is a Concern
A lean and fit body is desirable, but a weak and unhealthy body is not a good sight. Girls watch a lot of movies and idolize female actors and models, they try to look like them and go to any extent for that. They forget that these models look thin but are healthy as they follow a nutritional diet and eat healthy food to maintain their weight. An overweight person is not praised although you should not judge anyone by the way they look.
Similarly, an underweight person is not a pretty sight either. It simply shows that the person is not eating enough or is having health issues which prevent them from gaining weight. Being underweight comes with many serious health problems. It is ok to be thin, but you need to be healthy. If you experience sudden weight loss or are not able to eat properly then you might be going through some health issues that you are not aware of and you should consult a doctor immediately.
Why Being Underweight is Bad for You?
Here are some common problems you may face if you are an underweight girl.
- Underweight girls often have problems with their menstrual cycle. Having a regular menstrual cycle is very important for a girl, but if you lose too much weight you might end up disturbing your cycle or stop your periods. When the fat content drops, a girl stops ovulating which can cause periods to stop. Disturbed menstrual cycle also causes problems in getting pregnant and causes infertility. Women who are underweight in their childhood or teens may experience menopause earlier than women who maintain a normal weight.
- Losing too much weight can also cause malnutrition. Malnutrition is when your body does not get the required amount of vitamins and minerals. It will harm your immune system and cause anaemia, which is a leading cause of death in young women.
- Another problem that comes with losing too much weight is depression. It is proven that underweight women show signs of depression more than healthy women.
- Since an underweight girl has weak immune system, she is more prone to cold and cough and other illnesses. If you do not take nutritional food your immune system gets weaker by the day and is not able to save you from infections. A weak immune system makes you prone to cancer as well.
- You many also put yourself at risk of osteoporosis. Underweight and under nourished girls are more susceptible of breaking their bones due to lack of deposition of calcium in their body. It also disturbs the production of hormone oestrogen, which is essential for healthy bones.
How Can You Determine If You Are Underweight?
Most of us know that being overweight or underweight is bad for us but we don't often know how to figure out if they have weight issues. You can find that out by calculating your Body Mass Index (BMI). It is a simple formula through which you can find out if you have the correct weight according to your height. So, if your BMI goes towards the higher side it means that you are gaining weight or the other way around. It is a simple mathematical formula, BMI = (Weight in kilograms) divided by (Height in metres squared).
If your BMI is between 20 to 25 then you are good but if it goes between 25 to 30 than you will be called overweight. If you get BMI under 18.5 then you will be taken as an underweight person. So, now you know how to calculate your BMI, take a break and calculate it and come back to read more on how to gain weight if you are one of those underweight girls and want to maintain a healthy body.
Difference Between Being Malnourished and Being Underweight
Some people think that being underweight and being undernourished is the same thing but that is not true. An underweight person lacks calories and an undernourished person lacks nutrients. Both of these conditions can occur at the same time to a person and can be treated if taken regular precautions.
If you are underweight, than it simply means that you are not taking enough calories but it is not the only cause. It could be your genes as well. Genes can give you great metabolic rate which prevents you from gaining weight even if you eat well. Other issues like diabetes, tuberculosis and cancer can also cause weight loss. An underweight person may feel symptoms like lack of energy, fatigue, lack of interest in eating, low immunity etc.
When a person is undernourished it means that they might be eating but not getting enough nutrition to maintain a healthy body. To maintain a normal growth our body needs proper amounts of minerals, vitamins and fat. Some people who eat a lot of junk food can also be undernourished or malnourished due to eating food with high calories but fewer nutrients.
How to Increase Weight Gain for girls: 10 Top Tips
Having a balanced weight is very important to girls to look attractive and fit. If you are underweight and worried about the condition then you can follow some of the tips given below to gain some extra pounds. Remember, eating junk food can help you gain weight but might put you at risk of other health issues, therefore it is important to eat right to gain weight.
Start Eating More Than You Burn
A woman needs to take in around 1600 to 2400 calories per day to stay fit, but if you are thin then you should start taking in some extra calories. Add in 500 calories more than you usually take in to help you gain some weight but remember to gain weight with healthy foods rather than eating fries and cakes. You can also try taking protein powders, which are rich in lean protein and have extra calories in them. You can mix them with your food and eat daily. You can also talk to a doctor or a dietitian to understand how much food you should eat to gain weight.
Include Staple Food in Your Daily Diet
Eating the same food daily can get a little boring and if you are one of those people who detest eating than it will be difficult for you to keep eating. You can try having staple meals or snacks during the day. Foods like rice, millets, potatoes, meat, eggs etc are good examples of staple food, which provides you with enough calories and nourishment at the same time. You can easily include them in your diet and gain weight naturally.
Take Lots of Liquid
Our body needs a good amount of water to keep it hydrated and healthy. If you don't drink enough water you are bound to face many health issues. We understand that drinking water all day can be bland, therefore you can take in different fruit juices, smoothies or milk shakes to keep yourself hydrated as well as gain weight. People who want to lose weight are asked to drink water right before eating, but if you are looking for gaining weight then don't drink water right before a meal also try and drink water after 10 minutes of eating.
Sleep Well
Our body needs proper food to stay fit, similarly it needs proper amount of rest and sleep as well. If you are not able to sleep well at night you won't be able to take good care of your body. Food, exercise and sleep goes together to give you a healthy body. Your body goes to rest when you sleep and it helps in improving your muscles and develop them faster, therefore make sure you sleep at least 8 hours at night to relieve stress and wake up fresh the next day
Do Weight Training
If you thought that weight training is done to lose weight you were wrong. Proper weight training helps in gaining lean muscle mass. You can gain weight by doing various exercises; like lifting weights or doing proper reps or sets. Go for weight lifts that involve all your muscle groups like deadlifts, squats and bench press and you will see a difference for sure. If you are thinking of starting weight training to gain weight you will have to pay close attention to your calorie intake and eat more than you burn to maintain your weight.
Start Eating Meals With Fibrous Carbohydrates and Healthy Fats
A good way to increase the calorie intake is to include foods that are rich is fibrous carbohydrates and healthy fats. They provide you with the required amount of energy and help you in gaining muscle mass. You can eat brown rice in place of normal rice and should stay away from refined and processed foods. You can also eat dry fruits, avocado and fish for healthy fats. Also remember to avoid eating saturated fats and trans fat, which are found in fried foods, beef and lamb.
Eat More Protein
You will also need to eat more protein rich foods. Protein helps in gaining healthy weight, that is why it is called the 'building block' of the body. Most of the calories you take turn into body fat, whereas high protein foods help fat turn into muscles. You can get enough protein from meats, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts etc or you can take in supplements like whey. One thing to keep in mind before you start taking in protein is that it is very filling and prevents you from eating more, which of course you need to do to gain weight, therefore limit the intake of protein and try to eat a balanced diet.
Reduce Your Stress
Stress is a leading cause of weight loss. It prevents us from eating, sleeping or relaxing. All these factors combined leads to loss of weight. Try to relax more often by meditating and breathing exercises. You should take out some time for yourself and do things you enjoy the most to unwind after a stressful day. College going girls are prone to stress due to peer pressure and studies, therefore make sure you know how to de stress yourself. Watch a good movie, chat with your friends or go out for a nature walk and you will feel relaxed.
Use Bigger Plates
People looking to lose weight are asked to eat in smaller plates but you will have to do the opposite if you wish to gain weight instead. This is actually to trick your brain into thinking you are not eating enough. When you see your plate half empty your brain tells you to fill it up which will help you take in more calories. So, next time you are at a party, go for bigger plates instead of reaching out for snack plates and eat your heart out.
Cook Using More Oil Or Butter
Cooking your food in butter or oil is a good way to increase your calorie intake. You can easily stir fry your vegetables in butter or use olive oil on salads to increase the amount of healthy fat in your diet. A tablespoon of butter in your food can add 100 calories to your diet so don't hesitate on eating it. Just keep in mind not to over eat butter, as too much can be unhealthy and avoid using margarine or lard to prevent taking in unhealthy fats and gaining unhealthy weight.
6 Foods You Can Take to Gain Weight
Here are six great food items you can start eating if you want to gain weight. They are easily available and you can use them in variety of ways to make it more delicious.
- Drinking milk is a good way of gaining weight. It has fat, carbohydrates and proteins in it and is rich in vitamins, minerals and not to mention a good amount of calcium. The protein in milk helps in gaining weight. It is recommended to drink protein shakes or milk shakes right after a high intensity workout to help you gain muscle mass.
- One of the best staple foods you can have is rice to gain weight. It is rich in carbs and provides around 200 calories in a cup. It is also loaded with protein and fibre, which makes it quite healthy. You can also go for brown rice, as it provides you the needed nutrition to stay fit and gain healthy weight.
- If you like eating granola bars you are at luck. Making granola bars with honey, mixed fruits, nuts; whole grains etc are a great way to gain weight. You can make a whole batch of them and store them in an airtight container to use them whenever you feel like eating a snack. You can add in oats and other millets in it to help in preventing anaemia and other health issues.
- We have already talked about the benefits of taking protein powders. They are a great way to boost your energy and helps in absorbing protein especially right after a workout. Some good protein powders are whey protein, Casein protein, Collagen, Soy protein and rice and pea protein mixture.
- If you feel tired and dizzy, you might be underweight and malnourished. Your body needs energy and a good way to boost your health is to eat a handful of dried fruits throughout the day. A cup or raisins will give you about 400 calories, that is why eating raisins are a good way of gaining weight. You can also eat dried berries, apricots and other dried tropical fruits to help you stay in shape.
- Most of us consider chocolate to be bad for our health, but if you want to gain weight start eating dark chocolate. They are a good source of antioxidants and benefit your heart. It contains high quantity of fibre, iron, magnesium and copper. A bar of dark chocolate provides you around 600 calories, therefore buy lots of dark chocolate this Diwali and eat it with your friends to gain weight.
Gained Extra Weight in the Lockdown? Best Slimming Tea to Get in the Right Shape and Live a Healthier Life
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When to Seek Professional Help?
Simply following these steps is enough to ensure gradual and healthy gain of weight in the body, but sometimes a patient is suffering from an underlying condition, which just makes it impossible for them to gain weight; like hormonal disorders or even anorexia! These conditions require immediate and regular medical intervention. Anorexia, which is a severe eating disorder, might even need hospitalization. It is important to seek professional help if simple tips and tricks do not yield any result!