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How Spirulina Aids Weight Loss?
Low in Calories

Spirulina is very effective for weight loss as it is said to have only 3.5 calories for each gram of protein. One tablespoon of spirulina that is near 7 grams contains only 20 calories. Adding it to your daily foods can suppress your hunger without making you gain more calories. One serving of Spirulina ingested before a meal satisfies your appetite and help you to feel full longer in between meals as well. Therefore, you can include spirulina in your diet to get your daily dose of nutrition. It will help create a negative energy balance. It can be added to your morning smoothie or juice without having to worry about consuming too many calories.
Highly Nutritious

Spirulina is a rich source of protein along with all other nutrients like amino acids, and essential vitamins. When a person takes poor-quality foods, the brain triggers the appetite to find what it needs. Taking Spirulina will improve the concentration of nutrients in the body and may decrease hunger and cravings in the process. Also, it contains about 60-70% protein that aids in weight loss. Moreover, digestive absorption is four times greater than the beef. Easily digestible protein in combination with a regular exercise plan will help build lean muscle mass and in turn, aid the body to burn more calories throughout the day.
Lowers Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure

Spirulina is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids and GLA. Both these help to regulate blood sugar and limit the insulin levels which aid the body to lose weight. Various studies have shown that talking about 2 grams of spirulina for 2 months decreased the glucose levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Including spirulina in the daily diet can help in regulating insulin spikes, thereby protecting you from diseases and preventing weight gain. Furthermore, the GLA and omega-3 fatty acids help you to lose weight by minimizing the binge eating of carbohydrates.
Spirulina also helps to reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure, making it a potent antihypertensive agent. Spirulina supplementation also helps to lower the concentration of fats in the blood and prevents weight gain.
Spirulina Boosts Energy

Spirulina contains chlorophyll that acts as a natural detoxifier. The antioxidants present in it helps to nullify the harmful oxygen radicals and protect the body from producing pro-inflammatory molecules. This prevents the body from being in a state of stress and curbs inflammation. It also contains vitamins b1, b2, b3, and b5 which are necessary for transforming food into energy. In addition to all that, it contains high levels of B6, which aids insulin to work efficiently. You can add it to your drinks, smoothies, salads, and snacks to boost your energy level and to control your hunger.
Spirulina for Weight Loss: Useful Tips on How to Make Use of This Superfood in Your Diet
Spirulina Lemon Smoothie

Spirulina in Salad

Green Spirulina Wrap

Spirulina Bites

Spirulina Pesto

Spirulina Peanut Butter Fudge

Spirulina Greenberry Smoothie Bowl

Chia Spirulina Breakfast Pudding

Green Spirulina Smoothie

Spirulina Energy Balls

Things to Consider Before Buying Spirulina Supplement

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Be Kind to Yourself.
Be your own cheerleader as you endeavour to lose weight. Practice self-care and reward yourself for building healthy habits. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. Focus on looking forward and give yourself pep talks to stay motivated. The important thing is to keep a positive outlook and be persistent in working toward overcoming the barriers to successful weight loss.