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Sleep is Important

Sleep plays an important role in your physical as well as mental health. For your body to work fully functional and stay alert, you must get enough sleep. But, are you facing issues with getting proper sleep in the night? Then probably it is because of your improper night routine. Here we have listed the top 5 things that you need to do before going to bed every night. This will help you to sleep properly through the night and wake up fresh to face the next morning!
Top 5 Things to Do before Sleeping

Sleep deprivation isn’t a rare thing nowadays. Statistics reveal that 1 out of 3 adults don’t get enough sleep. Blame it all on your hectic work schedule, craze life relationships, demanding personal goals and anything else. But the truth is different. The real culprit is your sleep routine! Nonetheless, the good news is that you can undoubtedly get some quality shut-eye sleep if you are ready to engage in healthy bedtime habits. So, what are the things to do before you go to bed?
1. Relax

Life is a mad rat race for quite a lot of us. In the struggle to keep up with the expectations, we tend to overburden ourselves most of the time. But it would help if you didn’t take all that tension to bed. Wind up your day at a particular time regularly. Have an early dinner and involve in activities that calm you down. Well, it’s true that relaxing doesn’t come naturally to everyone. In that case, we suggest you take an effort to engage in calming techniques like meditation, listening to music, reading a book or even taking a warm shower or bath before going to bed.
2. Unplug from the World

Science claims that the blue light from your phone or tablet disrupts your brain from getting quality sleep. This visual “noise” contributes to digital eye strain and reduces the production of melatonin in the body, leading to difficulty in falling asleep. So, it is always better to switch off all your electronic gadgets at least 20 minutes before you hit the bed. Apart from this, switching off messages and calls on your phone can literally unplug you from the busy distracting world outside. Besides, you may want to keep away from the hustle and bustle of the social media world. After all, the envy from seeing your rival enjoying a luxurious vacation is surely not going to help you fall asleep fast!
3. Plan out The Upcoming Day

Planning is Key; always! Knowing that you have at least a vague idea of your next morning allows you to overcome stress in many ways. Firstly, maintain a list of the things you want to do in the next day. This list can include anything from your chores to your goals to accomplish. Writing your goals for the next day is one of the most important activities to do before bedtime. Always keep a check on the important events, including meeting a friend or attending your child’s school meeting. Next, you might want to be prepared with what to wear for the next day. Iron your clothes, pack your bag or keep your documents ready for the next day. Ultimately, knowing that you are prepared for the next day allows you to be more relaxed and take off unnecessary anxious thoughts from your mind.
4. Write in a Journal

It is important that you go to bed in a good mood. And, what makes for a good mood than a mindful appreciation of all good things that happened to you that day! This could be as big as a new job offers to something as small as a genuine smile from a stranger. But, no matter what, if it is something that made you happy, then it must go into your gratitude journal. Doing this at the end of the day will remind you to appreciate life more even though you may be facing inevitable hitches. This will certainly let your mind and body drift into a peaceful sleep while thinking of all the things that made you feel grateful and happy.
5. Watch Your Food Intake before Bedtime

As it turns out, the food you eat right before bedtime may play an essential role in the quality of sleep that you enjoy. It would help if you always were mindful of the food and drinks that you have before going to bed. Be sure to avoid foods rich in high fat and sugar content. Also, it is a good idea to avoid coffee, tea and alcohol right before bedtime. In the meantime, you can plan your meal and focus on having nutritious and healthy food for dinner. Light meals compromising of salads, fruits and fish are said to contribute to a good night’s sleep. Also, make sure to have your last meal at least two to three hours before you go to sleep.
What Not to Do before You Go to Sleep

It is equally important to know about things that you must avoid doing right before bedtime, as it is about doing the right things. Here are some pointers that might be useful to you in getting a night of good sleep.
- Don’t work in your bedroom, specifically on your bed. Experts say that the vibes of work stress are sure to reflect on your sleep habits if you tend to work in your bedroom. So, try to avoid this to the maximum.
- Don’t exercise in the night. Strenuous workouts raise body temperature, making it harder to catch up with sleep.
- Don’t take sleeping pills unless of course prescribed by your doctor.
Don’t Compromise on Your Sleep!

Remember that a good night’s sleep is one of the secrets to a productive day. So, you mustn’t compromise on your sleep pattern at any cost; unless of course, you have an occasional excuse to skip the usual routine. Eventually, the idea is to calm your mind well before hitting the bed rather than merely tossing and turning over at vain. So, make sure also to pray wholeheartedly and wish for all the good to happen the next day before you go to sleep.
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Want to Claim the Best Sleep Ever? Here Are 10 Tips on How to Sleep Well; It Will Help You to Ease Yourself into Dreamland (2020)
Set the alarm, So You Have Enough Time in the Morning.
A stressful morning is never worth an extra 10 minutes of sleep. No matter how tempting it might be to set your alarm a bit later or hit snooze when you wake up, you are only doing yourself a disservice. Waking up feeling scrambled is a terrible way to start the day. Plus, it can lead you to forget something or be late. Then, wake up without worry with enough time to do what you need in the morning. It will kick your days off much better and lead to higher energy levels.