क्या आप अपने हसबैंड को कुछ बेहतरीन, चुनिंदा, खूबसूरत, या फिर कामोत्तेजक उपहार देना चाहती हैं? यहाँ पेश है हर प्रकार के 10 उपहार विकल्प (2019)
Counting the Days Before D Day? Use the Time to Pick Out Romantic and Naughty Gifts for Husband on the Wedding Night
आपकी शादी की पहली रात को आपके पति के लिए कुछ ऐसे उपहार जो उसके होश उड़ा देंगे और साथ ही आप दोनों के बीच का प्यार और भी बढ़ाएंगे।
3 Reasons Why 5 Senses Gifts are Unique

It Involves a Unique Gesture to Love Someone with All Your 5 Senses

The concept behind 5 senses birthday gift for a boyfriend is to make him feel your love him through all the 5 senses - sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste. A romantic gesture that is very unique and different from other types of gifts. These gifts involve both mind and soul, are therefore an unforgettable and most searched gifting ideas.
It Connects You to the Emotional Side of Your Partner

Some gifts touch the heart while some touch the mind of your love, but the 5 senses gift touch their inner emotional side. These 5 senses gifts focus on the senses of hearing, touch, taste, sight, and smell which is quite like, covering the entire body parts in one go. It can be kind of overpowering and exaggerating but totally worth, as it will touch the heart of your partner like never before.
This Idea is Way Effective Than Other Regular Gifts

There is no doubt that you can buy lots and lots of amazing gifts from money and deep searching but none of them can match the idea of 5 senses gift. While most of the regular gifts ponder on one specific sense or maybe two, these 5 senses gift arouse all the 5 senses of your boyfriend so this idea is more impressive and impactful.
Ten 5 Senses Gifts for Your Boyfriend on His Birthday

Gift Suggestions for 'Sight'
1. A Photo Collage

This gift belongs to the sense of sight and you might be wondering that why did we include such a common gift into this list? Well, this one is no ordinary photo collage but a canvas photo collage. It perfectly fits into the criteria of 5 senses birthday gift for boyfriend and gives a wonderful final outcome.
Imagine a larger than life-sized photo collage printed on a canvas, isn’t it cool? You can, later on, get it framed for your boyfriend and it is going to be one amazing gift for his sight. The pricing largely depends upon the number of pictures and the sizing you want for the canvas. The final impact looks really amazing and despite being such a simple gift, it looks really effective too. Pictures are something which is the true mirror of a person and nothing else can overpower this gift for the sense of sight. You can buy this canvas photo collage from CanvasCamp starting from Rs.448.
2. Movie Date

Another option you can pick for the sense of sight is a movie date. Now, there are a lot of possibilities with that as you guys can go out to watch a movie or just set up something romantic and cozy at home. It totally depends upon the kind of vibe he would like on his birthday. A movie date is definitely a great idea and focuses on two senses which are sight and hearing. So, basically, you are targeting two aspects of his body.
Another great option you can try is the unbeaten formula of “Netflix and Chill” too but that is a totally different story. Moreover, try to make the night special for him by arranging a dinner after the movie or maybe some long walks. Make sure to pick the movie that he would like because guys and girls have strikingly different tastes about movies. You can book a show from BookMyShow starting at Rs.300 onwards.
Gift Suggestions for 'Taste'
1. A Dinner of His Choice Cooked by You

When it comes to the sense of taste as the gift ideas of 5 senses for boyfriend birthday, nothing can beat an amazing dinner. This gift can have variants, either you can take him out for dinner to a nice place paid by you or you can cook for him all by yourself.
The later one is surely a great idea to give a personalized feel to it. As people say, the key to a man’s heart goes through his stomach, you just need to work on the same as well. There are tons of recipes available online along with YouTube videos. But before that, you should know about the kind of dinner he would prefer. Giving priority to his choices is surely important, after all, it is his birthday. Do not forget to set the mood right too by lighting some scented candles along with some nice music. A perfect birthday gift, any guy would love to receive.
2. A Wine Tasting Tour

Wine tasting sessions are unique on its own and you should definitely consider it, for the gift belonging to the sense of taste. The site provides two location options- One in Nashik and the other in Bangalore. Both the cities have different pricing and you can check out more information on the site itself.
You can prefer the city according to the distance from your own location and then plan everything accordingly. Of course, the idea is out of the box and a bit expensive too but everything is worth when it comes to the birthday of your boyfriend.
Along with this, you guys would be able to spend some great time together and experience something new too. The lavish vineyards and amazing wine are totally going to woo your boyfriend and definitely, he cannot ask you for more. You can book a wine tour from WineTourIndia starting at Rs. 6,499 for a couple.
Gift Suggestions for 'Touch'
1. Shaving Kit

Interestingly, this option amongst the 5 senses birthday gift for your boyfriend is more favorable to you rather than for him. Every girl is annoyed with the wild beards of his guy and this is why you can give him this shaving and grooming kit from Park Avenue.
This shaving kit contains 7 products which are Body deodorants, shaving brush, shaving cream, after shave lotion, Deo Talc, fragrant soap, and apache shaving razor. This is definitely something a man would want in his perfect grooming kit.
So, basically, it is a shaving regime covering every product from starting to end. The razor is also pretty good to glide evenly on the surface of the skin. This one is a triple blade reusable razor which gives a sharp finish. Rest of the products included are also quite great with manly scent in them. You can buy this Park Avenue Shaving and Grooming Kit from Flipkart for Rs.602.
2. Full Body Massage

A full body massage sounds quite romantic and your boyfriend will be more than happy to get a gift like this. We would strongly recommend you to do it on your own rather than booking a body massage appointment for him.
If you guys have reached such a point in your relationship where you two are physically comfortable with each other then you should definitely do it on your own. This is going to be so much literally in every aspect for both of you.
Now, you need to do some planning and arrangements for it beforehand. Make sure the light of the room is dim along with scented candles and good music. You can check out more information regarding the oils being used and the process on internet easily. This will be an amazing experience not only for your boyfriend but for you also as this will build your bond even stronger.
Gift Suggestions for 'Hearing'
1. A Mixtape

It is the time to go the old-fashioned way while thinking about 5 senses birthday gift ideas for him. A mixtape is definitely your way to select it as a gift for the sense of hearing. The idea is long forgotten and there is no doubt that we have even stopped using the old-taps.
So, rather just get some songs in your PC and merge some of his favorite songs together. All thanks to the technology that we can do such a tedious job just in few seconds contrasting to earlier days.
You just need to download the right app and you can do it on your smartphone itself. Isn’t it just the best thing ever? You can either send it as a mail or through Whatsapp or rather give it in a Pendrive. It totally depends upon your wish but the idea is quite romantic. You two can also dance on these mix songs and everything is going to lighten up with it.
2. His Favorite Instrument

Your guy maybe not fond of instruments or even the music itself but a guitar is a kind of instrument almost every guy loved and would love to learn to play someday. So, keeping it in mind, we have this perfect guitar recommendation for you.
It is this Kadence KCL-01 Spruce classical guitar available in different shades of wood. You get it in a nice guitar box and it has 6 number of strings. It is made up of Rosewood and the string material is nylon. It is ideal for right-hand orientation and you really need to make sure that your boyfriend has a dominant right hand for this.
Moreover, talking about this as a birthday gift, you really need to convince him to join a class for this. It will be a bit boring at first but once he will start learning, this is going to be so much fun. This beautiful guitar can be bought from Flipkart for Rs.7,500.
Gift Suggestions for 'Smell'
1. Cologne

Moving on with our list, the remaining 5 senses birthday gift for boyfriend belongs to the sense of smell. You can easily figure out the possibility of choosing a nice fragrant deodorant or cologne for him for his senses and we are not disappointing you too. This Jaguar classic black cologne is a choice that you can make.
The bottle contains 100ml of cologne and the fragrance mainly focus on the masculinity of a man and hence you are going to find it warm and strong. It mainly ponders only freshness and sensuousness and there is no way your guy won’t like it.
It has a top note of green apple, orange and tangerine with a base note of sandalwood and white musk cedarwood. These ingredients are clearly oriented towards maintaining the freshness of odour and covering the bad smell naturally. Even the packaging bottle itself is so amazing to look at. This Jaguar Classic Black cologne is available on Myntra for Rs.1,254.
2. Hair Wax with Nice Fragrance

Here is one more gift which belongs to the sense of smell. This one is a hair wax by the popular brand Gatsby. Its prime function is to spike up the hairs and the fragrance is just amazing to dedicate it to the sense of smell of a person.
This moving rubber spiky edge hair wax from Gatsby is quite flexible enough to style the hairs in whichever way he wants. In fact, it does not make the hairs go stiff or rigid and hence they can be restyled timely with a little more application of the wax.
It is recommended to the men having short hairs as the hold is not too strong and works on making only short hairs spiky. This hair wax also infuses additional shine to the hairs and has a clear floral note of smell. It can be bought from Myntra for Rs.600.
Tips to Follow To Get The Right 5 Senses Gift For Your Boyfriend
As the idea is unique, you might need some help and tips to carry it out with utmost effectiveness. And this is why we have the perfect solution for you. We really hope that these 2 tips provided below can help you out a bit in your shopping for 5 senses gifts.
1. Pick Such Gifts Which Appeal to More Than One Sense

It might sound a bit technical and complex at first but this is not too tough to pull offer. You can easily find such 5 senses gifts for boyfriend where each one of them focuses on at least 2 or more senses at the same time. For example, rather than an audio mixtape, a video mixtape would surely focus on both the senses of hearing as well as sight. You can also come up with more such ideas.
2. Explore Something New Through These Gifts Especially Outdoor Tours

We totally understand that the tight schedule of people these days does not allow them to explore more especially something outdoor. But occasions like birthday can be a big excuse to do so. We do not come across beautiful scenarios each day and this is why there is nothing wrong in focusing on the sense of sight more than anything. At least, it will be a great excuse for you two to spend some quality time with each other.
Your Search For Unique Birthday Gifts Ends Here! Find Awesome Options in Our List of 30 Gifts for Men, Women and Kids!
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5 Senses Gift for Him
Five senses gifts show love in every sense of the word. The Five Senses gift revolves around titillating the five basic senses(touch, hear, taste, sight, smell) of the recipient with different gifts. These gift ideas can be trinkets, keepsakes or experience gifts which will make your gift memorable. Make them uniquely special to your boyfriend by picking out those 5 senses gifts that he will love and appreciate. So think of what he likes before you make your choice.