Why Healthy Food Is a Better Option to Gift Others

When you gift a healthy food basket, you inspire to live in a better way. It's great to gift a healthy food gift pack as it decreases the effect of diseases and helps to keep the person active. You also remind your loved ones that it’s easy to lose weight more proportionately without affecting daily food routine. However, everyone needs to stick to the healthy food intake plan after you kick start it by gifting healthy food gift.
How to Eat Healthy & Stick to It

- Think about real motivation when you are facing the temptation to eat unhealthy food.
- Don't expect unnatural improvement as you need to take baby steps regarding the healthy eating lifestyle. The change is not going to come overnight, but you can see the difference as you stick to the plan.
- Start with protein-rich breakfast as it is the critical time to get energised. Cut off sugar at the first meal of the day.
- Keep unhealthy food out of sight when you are at home. Stick to keep healthy snacks and keep no choice for yourself other than eating healthy.
- Carry healthy meals whenever you go out so that you don't have to buy something unhealthy like chips or cheese based foods.
- Don't derail while you travel, always eat small portions of healthy food to keep up the metabolism and stick to the health plan.
- Do what suits you best but always choose healthy items like grilled and baked food whenever you are hungry.
Best Healthy Foods to Gift

Fit & Healthy Hamper

Healthy items make you feel better. Hence we can assume that it will make your loved ones feel great too when you will offer them the excellent gift hamper. Health is, of course, the greatest gift from God, and we should try to maintain that by keeping us healthy with balanced food. We can give this gift to our loved ones too by selecting a fit and healthy hamper by gourmentcompany.in.
This hamper consists of all the organic foodstuffs which will keep the health fit. It includes organic green tea, flavoured honey, quinoa, flax seeds, omega seeds, and nuts. The gift hamper is also decorated with a personal touch which is best as a gift option. The final product is wrapped in fine cellophane paper and tied with a beautiful ribbon. You can easily customize it with gifts along with this gourmet hamper as per your choice or occasion. You can select the quantity from one to ten and the price for single hamper is Rs. 3,500 with a few extra as courier charges.
Healthy Snacking

Snacking seems to be a bad word as it forces us to think about junk food items. However, if you are into diet and want to get an effective way to fit extra nutrients or you are overly hungry in between your meals and then overeating at your next meal, try healthy snacking option. Along with keeping the appetite at its best it also helps to keep the blood sugar level steady which is hugely beneficial for the diabetic patients. It helps to meet the nutrient needs for the day.
Snackible has the perfect healthy snack box which consists of eleven great ways to eat the things you crave for without sacrificing your taste bud. It consists of baked bhakarwadi, chilli garlic pita chips, cream and onion whole wheat thins, dark chocolate ragi cookies, banana and jowar coco chip cookies, oatmeal stroopwafel, roasted soybean mix, spiced ragi chips, oatmeal cashew cookie bar, whole-wheat Belgian chocolate chip waffle, and very berry trail mix. It's a bestseller box, and it only costs Rs. 600. Don’t stop yourself from snacking while you are hungry after the meal!
Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast is no doubt the most important meal of the day as it kick-starts your metabolism which helps to burn calories through the entire day. To improve your healthy lifestyle, you can opt for a ‘breakfast collection’ which consists of five packs of essential nutritious mixes. They are easy to prepare and are tasty and healthy. This will help to keep you fuller for longer.
It contains Dosa mix which is a staple food for South-India and now a global delicacy too. It is prepared from the combination of black ram and rice batter. It provides a rich source of carbohydrates and energy. Upma mix is a source of carbs and protein which is a mix of split wheat and yellow moong dal. Brown rice poha contains health benefits of flattened brown rice flakes, and you can use it to make some delicious mini meal. Red rice poha are the flakes made out of flattened red rice. They are coarser and more fibrous than the regular white poha. You can make excellent breakfast or evening snacks with this rich red rice poha. Sprouted spelt wheat Dalia is immensely nutritious as the sprouting grain or seed increases nutritional value and makes digestion and assimilation easier. With this Dalia, you can quickly make good khichdi for porridges and much more unlimited versatile breakfast. Available at consciousfood.com, the price for this mixed pack of five beautiful collections is Rs. 327 only.
Berry Special

Berries are loaded with antioxidants, and they help to improve blood sugar and insulin response. They are high in fibre and provide many essential nutrients. The antioxidants present in berries helps to fight inflammation. They help to keep the cholesterol levels low and improve skin structure too. Berries keep free radicals under control by neutralizing them and reduce the risk of diseases. The fibre in berries may help to decrease appetite, increase the feelings of fullness and reduce calories that body absorbs from meals. They have several vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C which is important for health and yet low in calories.
When you find these in a hamper which you can gift to someone, it's a great way to show that you care about their health. You can tell your loved ones how much special they are with this great gift filled with the goodness of berries. The hamper contains white raspberry tea, fresh berries fruit preserve, yogurt berry flavoured health bar and a biscuit berry chocolate bar. The gift hamper is delivered in a beautiful box with a tied ribbon and a gift card. You can also add a personalized message if you want. Buy the Berry Special gift hamper from thegourmetbox.in at Rs. 1,660.
Organic Maca

In the central region of Andres, the organic Maca or Peruvian Ginseng has been consumed for ages. It has always been considered as the gift from the Gods. Maca is a powerful thing which can adapt the field easily and grow on its own in low temperatures and difficult weather conditions of Andes. The Incas recognised early the benefits of Maca and used it to improve their mental and physical performance.
You can get this nature’s best product in the form of organic gelatinised powder in an authentic form. The Peruvian is loaded with various health benefits. The gelatinised process has made it denser in nutrient, and it is easily soluble and digestible. Due to the lack of starch, it is easier to digest, and it has nutrients in a more concentrated fashion. It has many good qualities like it balances hormones and helps to prevent depression. It reduces anxiety, stress and enhances mood. It increases stamina and enhances performance among athletes. It is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, 20 different kinds of amino acids, enzymes and antioxidants. It is suggested to use 5 gm serving per day, and it can be used while baking, making smoothies or soups for an extra boost. You can also add this powder in morning yogurt or porridge. The price for this item is Rs. 680, available at houseofmandara.com.
Healthy Oats & Honey Cookies

Oat and honey cookies provide a delicious way to have a treat and gain vital nutrients necessary for everyone. Tough they are not as nutritious as the real fruits and veggies, but they provide more nutritional benefits than other normal cookies. Oat and honey cookies contain oatmeal which is whole grain and fibre based. Honey is also an essential daily ingredient for any individual, especially for kids. It is better for your blood sugar and a healthy way to treat yourself with snacks between meals. The health freaks always look for a good tea time snack, and a gift box of oats and honey cookies from La Reine, available at igp.com is perfect for them to enjoy. The weight of the cookie box is 250 gm and considered to be a good gifting option. The health benefits of honey and oat make it delicious, wholesome and irresistible. The price for this gift box is Rs. 400 with a standard delivery charge.
Herbal Tea Collection

Herbal teas are often loaded with antioxidants, which helps to eliminate free radicals throughout the body and prevent stress and chronic diseases. They also shed pounds and rejuvenate you as they are safer and more natural alternative medicines that help to control stress and anxiety. The relaxing properties of herbal tea can also aid sleep disorders such as insomnia. They also boost the immune system and contains anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.
There are several types of teas, and they perform differently as per needs. You can have a variety of teas at your home or even gift them to a tea-loving person on any subtle occasion. Tulsi tea can particularly serve many purposes like tackling stress, anxiety and inflammation. It can also help in arthritis or fibromyalgia. An assorted tea box has many varieties of pure herbal teas like Tulsi tea, Tulsi jasmine green, Tulsi mulethi, Tulsi sweet rose, Tulsi lemongrass Tulsi ginger tea, Tulsi chai masala tea and more. The gift pack contains 60 assorted sachets of four distinctive herbal blends of refreshment. The shelf life of a tea sachet is months, and the price for the box is Rs. 895 at Fab India.
Coconut Candy

Coconut can be a fruit, a nut or a seed, though it is a one-seeded drupe, it has been used for a long time in various ways. Coconut candy is made from coconut meat or flesh and granulated sugar. It is yummy and full of beneficial goodness for your health. It tastes so good that anyone will be tempted to have more than one at a time. The gift pack of coconut candy is made from organic sugar, natural gram dal and A2 cow ghee. It comes from the certified coconut farm of Tamil Nadu and uses all the natural ingredients. You can keep it for two weeks in normal temperature and four weeks under refrigeration. The price for a 200 gm box of coconut candy is Rs. 169 at healtybuddha.in.
DIY Recipe for Easy Healthy Food Gift

Easy No-Bake Cookies
The no-bake cookies are super easy to make at home and a great gift for kids or even for elders. It takes just four ingredients, and you can make dozens just in ten minutes.
- 2 cups of water
- 3 teaspoons of honey
- 2 cups of organic oats
- 1 cup of old tradition coconut
How to make it
- Add two cups of boiled water, three teaspoons of honey, one cup of oats and a quarter cup of cocoa powder and mix the dry ingredients well.
- Then add three tablespoons of honey to the dry ingredients and add two cups of boiled water.
- Stir this until it cools off. Taste for sweetness if you want more.
- When it looks like creamy chocolate, take a bowl and make a ball out of it.
- Dust some raw coconut, and it is ready to have.
Strawberry Jam
Home-made stuff is always great to taste and make. A natural strawberry jam can be very much tempting for anyone and any time, especially during breakfast.
- Fresh strawberries
- Fresh lemon juice
- Sugar
How to make
- Take fresh strawberries and cut off the leaves and seeds.
- Add lemon juice freshly squeezed and add sugar after that.
- Mix it well and put in a pan to cook.
- Put the pan on the flame and start to stir.
- The strawberries will mix well and look bubbly.
- After stirring in the low flame, it will be like jelly and will thicken up.
- Put them in the jar and refrigerate when cooled down.
- Spread and have with bread or biscuits.
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Make Your Own Food Gift
Next time, when you're going to gift someone with some food item, try to make your own as it adds a personal touch to it and the receiver would love to have been acknowledged that you specially made a dish with your own hands. With recipes available online, it's getting much easier to bake your own cake and cookies. If you still hesitate cooking them on your own, you can always get these healthy and nutritional food gifts online.