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Anxiety Explained


Anxiety is a condition in which a person stays worried and uncertainty of the future causes him to stress up. Also, there are many different causes, symptoms, effects, and solutions to anxiety, and when sometimes one can try and stay happy and satisfied to prevent this, there are times when anxiety is unavoidable.

Anxiety can have various negative effects on the mind and the body. These effects include a sense of doom, depression, headaches, panic attacks, irritability, breathing problems, pounding heart, loss of libido, upset stomach, extreme fatigue, increase in blood pressure, and muscle aches, among others.

And, if it is continuous for a long time, it can be very severe as well. For this reason, you need to know some causes and solutions to it so that you can avoid those circumstances and employ the solutions, when needed, and stay safe.

Reasons for Anxiety


As you may already know, there isn't one particular cause of anxiety and various different factors contribute to it. For instance, it can be caused by problems at work, school, in your relationship, due to your financial conditions, medication, some emotional trauma, use of drugs, a result from a medical illness, or even due to lack of oxygen. You may also have some anxiety disorder. For a better understanding, read on and discover the three major reasons for anxiety nowadays.

Anxiety Disorders


One of the major causes of anxiety nowadays is anxiety disorders. Now, there are many different types of anxiety disorders and you can even get more than one at the same time. Some of the most common types of anxiety disorders include Agoraphobia, anxiety disorder due to a medical condition, and generalized anxiety disorder.

You may also be suffering from panic disorder, selective mutism, separation anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder (social phobia), specific phobias, and substance-induced anxiety disorder, among others. Also, if you are suffering from an anxiety disorder, you are suggested to immediately consult a doctor.



A balanced diet is very essential for a healthy lifestyle. It prevents a person from a number of medical as well as physical problems. A balanced diet comprises of all the vital nutrients that provide energy, necessary for all kinds of physical activities. When a person does not eat timely and properly, there is a chance that his blood sugar levels may drop.

The low blood sugar level can lead to many medical conditions like anxiety, and panic attacks, etc. The person may start feeling a higher heart rate, jittery hands, shivery legs, and a grumbling tummy.

Genetics and Brain Chemistry


Anxiety can also run in families and have a biological basis for this. Meaning, families who have severe anxiety disorders are more likely to pass it on to their coming generations. Additionally, personal life experiences, childhood, upbringing, and traumatic incidents, etc can also add to the depression that causes anxiety.

Furthermore, a chemical imbalance in the brain due to many stressful and traumatic events can also lead to anxiety. The structure and the composition of the brain are affected by stress, panic attacks, and other anxiety problems. Sometimes, the inherited genes can also trigger anxiety and can cause hormonal disruptions, and release the neurotransmitters that may alter the feelings and emotions of the person.

Things to Do When Feeling Anxious


Because anxiousness can cause a lot of damage and have severe results, you need to solve them as soon as you feel anxious. Some of the symptoms of anxiousness include feeling tense, nervous, getting restless, feeling weak, fatigued, shaking, sweating, rapid heart rate, dizziness, nausea, chest pain, feeling too cold or hot, have problems sleeping, having difficulty concentrating, and even having panic attacks.

Breathe in and out


The best solution to anxiety is breathing in and out. It calms the body, relaxes the muscles, and release the tension and stress. For deep-breathing, you are recommended to sit tightly, with your eyes closed, and concentrate on your breathing. You should try to breathe with your nostrils naturally.

For this, put one hand on your belly, and one on your chest. Now, for nearly four seconds, take a deep breath before holding your breath for three seconds. Now, exhale for four seconds and repeat. Make sure that the hand you have placed on your belly goes in when you inhale, and move out as you exhale. Focus on your breathing and do not try to control it.

Challenge Your Negative Thoughts


A person's body is mostly controlled by his mind and thoughts. So, when someone gets negative, he feels very anxious and frustrated. Then, the person starts overestimating the results, making the worst scenarios in his head, degrading himself, and making negative interpretations without any factual evidence, etc.

Various researches have shown that when a person talks negatively about himself and uses humiliating words, he gets anxiety. Therefore, it is recommended to think positively, refocus on your words and language, challenge your anxious thoughts, and look at the situations more positively and realistically. All these things will help to filter out negative thoughts and ideas, helping fasten the recovery process.

Talk to Someone Who Gets It


Another good way of releasing anxiety and stress is to talk to someone who has gone through your situation before. You can discuss this situation, your thoughts, and how you feel, with your confidant. You can either go in-person or through messaging or a phone call.

Letting your feelings out will be really helpful to tackle anxiety. Furthermore, if your stress condition has doesn't reduce this way, you can schedule a visit to a therapist. A trusted mental health expert is the best option if the anxiety is unbearable.

Reduce Sugar, Caffeine, and Refined Flour from Your Diet


In order to reduce anxiety and stress, it is suggested to reduce fats from your diet. Various researches have shown that food directly affects the anxiety and the mood of the person. For instance, caffeine can induce anxiety that can result in heart palpitations if ingested in a large amount. Caffeine also triggers stress and other uncomfortable feelings.

Furthermore, foods like sugar, canned, and packaged products that contain refined flour or wheat can also stimulate anxiety or stress. Also, alcoholic drinks affect the functioning of neurotransmitters and change the level of serotonin that can make the symptoms worse.

Listen to Music


Listening to music can effectively lessen the effects of anxiousness and stress. It does this efficiently by impacting the listener's brain activity in a positive way, hence making him feel better and less frustrated. It also helps build focus and releases the tension in the body, having a good overall effect on the well-being of the person.

However, you need to make sure that you listen to only happy and calm music. This way, it will help you get calm and feel more positive than the loud and sad music will. In fact, the sad and loud music will add to the anxiety even more.

Concluding Note


Even though all the things returns above can work magic and really help you to improve your health when feeling anxious, it is suggested that you visit the doctor if the anxiety gets too much. Also, you should consult a doctor and make sure that you do not have any anxiety disorders and that you get proper treatment, on time, if you have.

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