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Benefits of Vitamin D
Improves Bone Health And Reduces Risk of Flu

As you might know, vitamin D greatly improves your bone health. It does this by enhancing the absorption of calcium and maintaining proper phosphorous levels. In other words, vitamin D enhances the work of the intestines, allowing them to absorb better the calcium, which would otherwise have been lost through the process of excretion.
Other than that, vitamin D also reduces the risk of flu. Vitamin D supplements help form a protective layer against flu within the body and also help fight against it better. However, there have also been researches conducted out that prove otherwise, and more research is yet required.
Helps with Depression and Weight Loss

Another significant benefit of vitamin D is its ability to fight depression. Vitamin D has been proven to be effective in regulating mode, which, in turn, helps reduce the risk of anxiety and depression while also helping fight it if it is already in work.
Lastly, vitamin D is known to work wonders in helping boost weight loss. It will help suppress your appetite and work even better if taken along with calcium. Through this, they will also be able to help prevent heart diseases and other conditions like obesity.
Tips on How To Take Vitamin D Correctly
Choose The Correct Vitamin D Supplements

There are two different types of vitamin D, Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3. Even though the human body can effectively process both forms, vitamin D3 is considered the better choice. These are already present in your body as well, and researches have shown them to be the more natural choice between the two. Now, vitamin D3 is usually made using lanolin, extracted from the sheeps' wool but is also available from a plant-origin source.
Whether you should take Vitamin D in tablet form, capsules, or sprays, they are all nearly equally efficient in raising the nutrient level. In other words, it all comes down to your preference; which form do you feel more comfortable with?
Know When to Take it

Even though you take the supplements depending on your preference and what suits you, we would suggest that you opt for the morning time. This way, you probably will find it more convenient and won't forget about it as well.
If you take it during the day, you will have higher chances of forgetting it because you may be worried about something else or may have to do other work. By taking it at night, you may be affecting your sleep and causing it to be of low-quality with disturbances as well.
It can also shorten the sleep time by lowering the levels of melatonin. So, it would be ideal for taking these supplements first thing in the morning, and you might even set the alarm for it or keep them next to the dining table to make sure that you do not forget.
Know How Much Vitamin D to Take

The amount of vitamin D required varies from person to person, and various factors weigh into the decision. For instance, a child of under a year is suggested to be given about 400 IU of vitamin D. Any less will affect its muscles and bones and will result in them not growing properly. Similarly, too much Vitamin D will also cause some problems.
Various studies have shown that an amount of 1,000 IU to about 2,000 IU would be ideal for adults. However, if not that much, 6,00 IU is the least amount required. While 1,000 would be fine for a healthy person, for a pregnant person, an elder, a person with a dark complexion, and ones who do not get enough sunlight would require a higher amount.
It is Better Taken with Food

Vitamin D is fat-soluble, meaning it is not soluble in water. Instead, it mixes with high-fat foods and is then absorbed into your bloodstream. For this reason, we suggest you take vitamin D along with your meals, ideally breakfast.
This way, not will it absorb more into the bloodstream but will also be able to work more effectively. Various researches have shown that by consuming your vitamin D supplement along with your breakfast or foods like nuts, full-fat dairy products, and seeds, you will be able to increase their absorption by at most 50%. Also, the results will start to appear in just a day or so.
There Are Some Substances With Which Vitamin D Should Not Be Consumed

While there are some substances with which you should take vitamin D supplements, there are also those that can react badly with them. For instance, aluminum-containing phosphate binders can react badly with vitamin D and, in the long term, can even result in kidney failure. Anticonvulsants, on the other hand, can cause reduced calcium absorption when consumed along with vitamin D, and atorvastatin may not be too useful if taken with vitamin D.
Similarly, taking calcipotriene with these can increase calcium levels too much, and cholestyramine can reduce your vitamin D absorption. Other substances that shouldn't be taken with vitamin D include cytochrome P450 3A4 substrates, digoxin, diltiazem, orlistat, thiazide diuretics, steroids, stimulant laxatives, and verapamil.
Additional Tips on Using Vitamin D

Now, moving on to some other tips that may help with your proper vitamin D intake, you should remember to try and get as much of it from the sun as possible. However, remember that the time that you should spend in the sun varies from time to time and place to place.
So, when the UV levels are three or above, you should use protection to keep your skin safe. For areas with a little under three, a few minutes every day would be fine, while in areas with less than two, you should try getting a couple of hours' sunlight.
It would be best if you also remembered that vitamin D is best is taken with calcium. Also, even though vitamin D from food is safe for everyone, supplements should only be taken after consulting your doctor. Additionally, do not use solarium to increase vitamin D levels and exercise daily to increase your body's vitamin D production.
Hazards Of Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency can have severe effects on a person. For instance, it can cause symptoms like fatigue, bone and back pain, hair loss, impaired wound healing, and low mood. It can also increase the risks of various heart diseases and cause muscle pain as well as regular sickness and infection.
If the deficiency is prolonged over long periods, it can even cause cardiovascular conditions, autoimmune problems, neurological diseases. Other problems caused by vitamin D deficiency are certain cancers like breast, prostate, colon, infections, and pregnancy complications.
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Is Regular Sunshine Enough for Vitamin D?
A majority of people can produce a sufficient amount of vitamin D through their skin by regular but short-interval exposures to the sun. However, many cannot do this because of reasons such as their skin might be too sensitive to the sun or that their bodies might not be able to produce enough Vitamin D through this exposure to the sun. This is why it is especially crucial for people to take supplements to keep up with their daily vitamin D requirements.