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It's Your 2 month Anniversary!
Gifts At this Stage Need to be Thoughtful
There are plenty and more reasons to celebrate your 2 month anniversary. You and your boyfriend have sailed through beautifully for two months now and celebrating every monthsary gives you more occasions to celebrate your love. But when it comes to gifting, remember that it is still too soon in your relationship. Gifts at this stage need to be thoughtful, sensible and useful. In fact, a wrong gift given now can shake the foundation of your relationship, unnerve your boyfriend with your choice and even make him think twice before continuing with the relationship. Here is a short guide which will help you pick some cool gifts which are apt for a 2-month anniversary gift.
Remember that Birthdays and 1-Year Anniversary Gifts Have to be More Special
For a 2-month anniversary gift, you have to calculate your boyfriend's birthday gift expenses, valentine day gift expenses and such other expenses. Remember that you need to gift your boyfriend something more special on his birthday and valentine's day. You cannot spend on lavish gift items on monthsaries and then end up giving something ordinary on his birthday. So you need to think practically.
Gifts Given Now Make Your Foundation Strong
At this point in your relationship, if you give gifts to your boyfriend, it helps in making a strong foundation. He knows and will think that he has found the right girl in you who cares for him. A small gift at this point in your relationship will help to strengthen the ties. Your boyfriend will unknowingly find thrill and excitement in this relationship as you keep surprising him. Guys, in general, would not think of gifting their girlfriends on their second monthsary. But if you do, you will pleasantly surprise him.
What Not to Do
Do Not Go Over the Top with Your Gifts at this Stage
While gifting your boyfriend at this point in your relationship, you have to take care not to go over the top. It is easy to get carried away and buy something really costly at this point. But even if you have the funds, it is advisable not to gift something costly at this time. A costly gift might obligate your boyfriend and make him believe that he needs to spend a similar amount on your gift. He will also get burdened by your gesture instead of feeling happy about it. Monthsary gifts are all about sweet gestures and sweet nothings you gift each other just to show you care.
Do Not Expect a Gift in Return
A very important thing to keep in mind for girls while giving a 2-month anniversary gift is that your boyfriend might not think of gifting you something in return. For one, he might not even remember a monthsary date, two, he might think it is silly to spend every month on gifts and three, they do not have the patience to give gifts every month. The beautiful fact about a gift is that it is selfless and given without expecting anything in return. You are gifting a monthsary gift to your boyfriend because you feel words are not enough to express your love to him. You want to give some cute and materialistic item to show him that you care. Expecting a gift in return will lead to hard feelings, unhappiness, unfulfilled expectations and finally fights. Do not let gifts be the reason of fights or any hard feelings between both of you.
Unsure of His Choice and Preferences? Keep It Simple
You might feel like giving him a nice vibrant coloured sweater or a shirt, but are you sure he will wear vibrant shades? 2 months might be too early to know about your boyfriend's colour preferences or even his size. It is best to avoid giving such gifts right now and instead gift other things as mentioned below. If you invest in clothes or such accessories which require his size, you might end up buying the wrong size and then will have to go through the embarrassment of exchanging. You have plenty of time in your relationship to gift such items.
10 Ideas for 2 Month Anniversary Gift for Boyfriend
Here is a list of our hand-picked 2-month anniversary gifts for your boyfriend. Choose your pick according to your budget and preferences.
Car Wash Kit
If your boyfriend loves his car and loves to dress it up, then this Car Wash kit could be the ideal gift for him. Practical, useful and within budget, this is something everyone and anyone would love. Day in day out your car moves through dusty streets and muddy roads, All this makes the car look dull and dirty. This kit consists of shampoo, a premium liquid wax, a tired dresser and dashboard dresser along with 2 microfibre cloth. A must product combo for car care enthusiasts, this one will impress your boyfriend with your thoughtful gesture. Priced at Rs 874, this one is a great choice. Buy it on
iTunes Gift Card
An iTunes gift card is our best pick in this category. Quite non-personal and useful, this one is something everyone needs every month. A loyal Apple crazy fan will use this iTunes gift card to download applications and music he had been wanting for a long time. This one is our personal favourite and best gift for a 2 month anniversary. You can select the iTunes gift card according to your budget.
Video Games Controller
If your boyfriend is a video games freak, he will love this gift of yours. Multiple video games controllers enable you to play your favourite games with multiple partners. You too can enjoy an exciting game with each other. This Wired Gamepad, Gaming Joystick USB2.0 Shock Joypad Gamepads Game Controller for PC Laptop Computer by Leonie can be connected to a USB port. It has a 1.8 m long cable. The controller is supported on all Windows versions. Apple MacBook may require special drivers. Priced at Rs 920, this one will really make him very happy! Buy it from
Travel Coffee Mug
This Regent Weston Stainless Steel Travel Mug is the perfect gift for someone who travels very often and loves to sip his hot cuppa coffee. This gift will send a surge of love in your boyfriend thinking that you care about him so much. This is a very personal need and only someone close to you can think of this. Priced at Rs.599, this stainless steel coffee mug is the easiest way to carry your beverage wherever you go. It keeps your beverage hot for 4 hours and cold for 12 hours. It is dishwasher safe and has a smart and sleek built. It can carry uptp 380 ml of liquid. Buy it from
A Cheesy or Quirky Greeting Card
Oww, this one is too endearing! If you don't want to make a big deal of the day, then just opt for a cute greeting card. There are several options available which are sweet and adorable, making your boyfriend feel special withtout over doing it. This option we have here emphasises just how much you love your boyfriend's smile. It will be a very cute and thoughtful gesture for your boyfriend and will make your love journey more exciting. Find it on Amazon for Rs. 198
A Book of Jokes
A perfect gift after two months of a relationship, this book of jokes will make your boyfriend squeal with laughter. You both can have a wonderful time sharing some jokes from this book. Quite a thoughtful gift, this one reflects the fun side of your personality and will make your boyfriend appreciate your gift. This one you can get on Kindle for Rs.486 whereas the hardcover edition costs Rs.431. Buy it from Amazon.
Chocolates can be gifted on any occasion. Experience a pure Belgian chocolate experience 5 ways with Lindbergs assorted truffles box. Roasted almonds, nutty hazelnuts, fruits and nuts with milk chocolate, pure milk chocolate filled with orange and aromatic coffee blended in chocolate, all in one! Crafted by experts using the best couverture chocolate, these are perfect for gifting to loved ones. Try these melt-in-the-mouth treats now! This box costs Rs.149 only. Sweet, inexpensive and delicious, this one is a perfect gift for a 2 monthsary. buy it from
Captcha Qc-10 Wireless Bluetooth Headphones will surprise your boyfriend with your generous gift. Everyone loves a wireless bluetooth headphone and practically everyone owns one. If you know that your boyfriend has been wanting one since long, then you can get it online from at Rs.349 only. This one is available in red, black or blue colour. The headphones have good sound quality, comfort, and hands-free convenience. Thanks to A2DP technology, you can now listen to your favourite music and podcasts through your headset, and also stream GPS directions from your mobile device.
Dinner and Movie
If nothing appeals to you, then take your boyfriend out for a lovely dinner and movie. It is the best way to spend quality time with each other. Choose a cuisine and a restaurant that is his favorite and ensure that you buy tickets of his favorite movie genre. Surprise him by booking your tickets before hand and pamper him on your 2 monthsary. These small gestures make a person feel special and aare crucial factors in making a foundation strong.
Personalised Wallet
A personalised wallet is a simple yet useful gift to give your boyfriend on your 2-month anniversary. This wallet available is elegant option. The wallet is made of synthetic leather and cane be personalised with your boyfriend's name in gold embossing. Buy it on the site for Rs. 795.
In summary 2-month anniversary gifts are essentially small items that your boyfriend might need and enjoy in this day to day life. These gifts are synonymous with your love and care, and offer an opportunity to celebrate your relationship.
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Have A Discussion About Your Relationship
If you have been dating someone for two months then it's probably time to have 'the talk.' The relationship is still casual and breezy but that does not mean that you can't talk about your future expectations from it. Ask him if he wants to commit to you or keep it casual. That way you will know exactly what you are getting into.