Wheatgrass Tea Recipes That Are Simple, Warming and Nutritious Beverage to Enjoy at Any Time of Day.

Wheatgrass Tea Recipes That Are Simple, Warming and Nutritious Beverage to Enjoy at Any Time of Day.

If you’re new to Wheatgrass or haven’t tried Wheatgrass recipes before - it’s super easy to start and you will love how it makes you feel! With so many benefits rendered by wheatgrass, it will be immensely health beneficial if you incorporate it in something that you most likely consume every day, such as tea. We trust you’ll find some recipes here that you’ll be enjoying over and over again!

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What is Wheatgrass

There are many different super foods available around the world which are great for our overall health and one of the best and easily available superfood is wheatgrass. Looking at wheatgrass may seem like thin blades of grass that you grow in your lawn but wheatgrass is much more than that. It is freshly sprouted leaves that come from a wheat plant which is called Triticum aestivum. It is grown in temperate regions around the world and can be easily cultivated indoors or outdoors. Wheatgrass can be frozen, dried or can be taken fresh therefore it is different than wheat malt and when growing wheatgrass it is allowed to grow taller than wheat malt.

Wheatgrass is packed with vitamins and minerals like Vitamin A, E, C, K and B6, calcium, Selenium, Magnesium and Iron. Usually, farmers grow wheatgrass to feed their animals but after finding out its benefits it has become one of the most wanted supplements recently. It is also known as green blood due to the presence of chlorophyll which gives the grass its bright green colour. It is one of the safest ways of staying healthy without consuming calories although some people do feel nausea and constipation after taking it. People who are allergic to gluten or have celiac disease should consult a doctor before taking wheatgrass.

Why You Should Be Adding Wheatgrass to Your Diet

Wheatgrass has an end number of benefits which makes it very popular around the globe. Here are some major benefits you can yield from taking wheatgrass regularly.

  • Wheatgrass is an antioxidant therefore it helps in flushing out the toxins and impurities from the body. The chlorophyll in wheatgrass improves the function of the liver and keeps a person energetic throughout the day.
  • Wheatgrass has certain alkaline minerals in it that help people with ulcers, constipation and diarrhea. It also cleans the colon and prevents acidity.
  • Wheatgrass is packed with tons of nutrients which keeps you full for a long time. It prevents food cravings as it provides an ample amount of vitamins and minerals to our body. Taking wheatgrass every morning can help you lose weight as it won't allow you to eat too much food.
  • It also stimulates the thyroid gland and boosts our metabolism which aids in weight loss immensely.
  • Since wheatgrass has a good amount of Chlorophyll in it, it works as a great anti-bacterial and helps heal wounds faster.
  • Chlorophyll also rejuvenates our tissues therefore keeps our skin looking healthier and younger.
  • Wheatgrass has also proven an effective remedy for respiratory issues like bronchitis and common cold & flu .

Wheatgrass Tea Recipes: 8 Easy Recipes for You to Try

The easiest way of taking wheatgrass is making delicious tea with it. Here are a few recipes of wheatgrass tea you can make and benefit from it.

Wheatgrass Green Tea

Drinking wheatgrass green tea will help you obtain amino acids which are known as the building blocks of protein in our body. It improves the hemoglobin levels in our blood and keeps us healthy.


  • 2 teaspoons of green tea leaves
  • Wheatgrass powder
  • 2 cups of water
  • Honey (Optional)


  • Take a coffee mug and put wheatgrass powder in it.
  • Add water and boil it.
  • Let it boil once and turn off the heat.
  • Add green tea leaves to it and leave it covered for a few minutes.
  • Strain it in a cup and add honey if you like.
  • Serve hot.

Wheatgrass Black Tea

If you like to drink black tea you can now turn it into a much healthier wheatgrass black tea. Mixing black tea with wheatgrass makes it a great beverage and will provide antioxidants to your body. It lowers the bad LDL cholesterol, regulates blood pressure levels as well as blood sugar levels.


  • 2 tsp tea leaves
  • A pan of water
  • Wheatgrass powder
  • 1/2 tsp sugar (optional)


  • In a pan boil 2 cups of water for 3 minutes on medium flame.
  • Add wheatgrass powder to it and turn off the heat.
  • Add tea leaves and cover it for a couple of minutes.
  • Strain it and serve immediately.

Wheatgrass Herbal Tea

You can also make great herbal tea with wheatgrass. It slows down the ageing process, detoxifies the body and reduces stress.


  • 1-quart water
  • 1 teaspoon lime juice
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • Wheatgrass powder
  • 1 teaspoon grated lime zest
  • 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 3 leaves fresh mint


  • Take water, tea powder, ginger, cardamom, basil leaves, mint leaves and sugar and put it in a pan.
  • Boil it for 10 minutes.
  • Put in wheatgrass powder to the water and turn off the heat.
  • Strain and serve in a cup.

Wheatgrass White Tea

White tea is made with Camellia sinensis plant and gives a pleasant flavour and aroma. It is not processed like green or black tea therefore has more antioxidant properties it. It helps in reducing heart diseases, helps lose weight and is useful in fighting cancer.


  • 6 ounces of water
  • Wheatgrass powder
  • 2 teaspoons or two tablespoons white tea


  • Boil water in a pan.
  • Add wheatgrass powder to it.
  • Put tea buds or leaves in a pot and pour boiling water on it and cover the pot.
  • Remove the buds after a few minutes and strain the tea.

Wheatgrass Yellow Tea

Wheatgrass yellow tea is native to China. The procedure to prepare this tea resembles that of green tea, but with an added step that involves encasing and steaming the tea.

This tea has gained popularity because of its smooth texture and the various health benefits it offers.
You must practice the daily consumption of organic foods as they adhere to international standards of healthy meals. Organic farming safeguards the environment because of its eco-friendly cultivation practices.


  • Strengthens bones and teeth.
  • Reduces the risk of brain strokes.
  • Retards ageing.
  • Lowers cholesterol levels.
  • Can help regulate blood sugar.


  • Yellow tea (5g)
  • Wheatgrass powder
  • Water (200 ml)
  • Honey


  • Boil half a cup of water and then pour it into a glass.
  • Add wheatgrass powder to the boiling water.
  • Add yellow tea to this boiling water and leave it undisturbed for 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Add honey, then strain out the tea leaves from the solution and serve hot.

Gingered Wheatgrass Tea

Drinking ginger wheatgrass in winters can be very soothing and beneficial. Here is how you can prepare it.


  • 1/2 tsp. ground ginger
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1/4 tsp. Wheatgrass powder
  • 8 oz. boiling water


  • Take a small bowl and add ginger powder and honey to make syrup.
  • Take a coffee mug and put in wheatgrass powder to it.
  • Pour boiling water and add the ginger syrup according to your taste.

Mint Tea with Wheatgrass

If you suffer with indigestion you can make mint tea with wheatgrass. Simply grind fresh mint leaves with wheatgrass or wheatgrass powder. You can also add ginger, honey and a few drops of lemon juice to it. Let it boil for a couple of minutes and strain it.

Wheatgrass Ice Tea

You can make wheatgrass ice tea in summers and enjoy it on a sunny day. Start with washing out the wheatgrass. Grind them in a blender and add a tsp of tea powder to cold water. You can add honey and ice if you like and drink it each morning in summers to keep yourself hydrated and fresh.

Fresh Wheatgrass for Your Tea: How to Grow Wheatgrass at Home

You can easily grow wheatgrass at home.

Things you need

  • Jar or bowl for soaking.
  • 1 cup Wheat Sprouting Seeds.
  • 16" x 16" tray, with holes for draining.
  • Plastic food tray.
  • Growing tray.
  • Soil enriched with fertilizer, compost, or azomite, if necessary.
  • Plastic lid with air holes or extra tray to use as a tray cover.
  • Buy wheatgrass seeds from a reputable store.
  • Measure two cups of seeds for 16" x 16" tray.
  • Soak the seeds by pouring cold water in a bowl of seeds, the water should be three times of the seeds. Soak it for 10 hours. Drain and repeat the process three times and drain and keep it aside.
  • Line the seed tray with paper towel and spread one inch of organic compost in the tray.
  • Spread the seeds on the top of the compost and press them into the soil lightly.
  • Cover it with a moist newspaper.
  • Keep it moist especially the first few days. Water the seeds each day by lifting the newspaper but don't overwater them.
  • Remove the newspaper after the fourth day and continue watering it once a day.
  • You will see green leaves sprouting in about a week and they are ready to harvest and to be used. Cut two-thirds of the grass with scissors and use it however you wish.
Sarita Tiwari
Sarita worked in the development sector for 20 years but found her passion in writing. She is a blogger, a content writer and a ghost writer for various industries. When not writing, you will find her spending time with her family, cooking and traveling. She is an introvert and feels that writing gives a voice to her thoughts.
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