Whether it is their first baby or fourth, parents of newborns welcome gifts for their newborn. Raising a child is a very satisfying experience but a baby has multiple needs and parents can be hard pressed to fulfill all of them. Shopping for babies is always fun as there are so many cute toys and clothes to choose from. With a little thought however, you can go beyond the obvious and give them things that will really help with the new baby. Make your gift count.
3 Smart Tips to Buy The Perfect Gift for a Newborn

Practical Gifts are Better Than Unique Gifts
It is but natural to want to buy clever and unique things that no one else may have thought of, but if you really want to be helpful, buy something the parents of the newborn need. A lot of the shopping that first time parents and their friends end up doing aren't always necessary things. For example, as cute as that over sized stuffed doll is, for the first few months all the baby does is eat, sleep and poop, and cannot possibly play with the doll. It will be a surprise that she can even register that the big, soft object is a plaything. Diapers, skincare products and other supplies will make far more useful presents. The cute puzzles and books can wait.
Buy Something For the Future
As useful as diapers and infant formula is, giving these items as gifts to a newborn doesn't appeal to everyone and we can understand that. Gifts for newborns are actually things you think the parents will like; that they can be used for the baby is a bonus. What is the next stage for the baby girl? Once she starts doing a little more than just eating and sleeping, what are the things she will need? When buying gifts she can use in the future, think in terms of immediate future, and not years down the line. Remember, it is quite a task storing things, however nice they may be.
Not Sure What to Buy? Ask The Mom
Mom knows best. She will appreciate you asking what she needs instead of plying her with things she already has or doesn't need. Gifts for newborns are meant to help with the baby, the time for surprise presents will come. For now focus on giving her parents things they need.
12 Perfect Gifts for Newborn Baby Girl

New parents are always stumped by the number of diapers they go through. Unless they have gone through the cycle with an earlier child, people are never quite prepared for how many packs of diapers they will need. As obvious as this may seem, it is a practical and extremely useful gift that the parents will be very grateful for!
It would be a good idea though, to check with the parents their preferred brand and type of diaper as every baby has different needs. It is unusual for parents to use cloth diapers these days but even those who do use them also use disposable ones for its practicality. So it's best to check. MamyPoko Pants extra absorb diaper is a popular choice. It has highly absorbent material and does not get heavy as its design ensures the liquid is spread evenly. It is easy to use, prevents leakage and redness, and features a Winnie The Pooh design. Buy a pack for Rs.642.
Baby Teether

Teething is known to be a difficult time for the baby and the parents. The pressure of growing teeth makes babies drool and be irritable, which in turn means harried parents who are desperate to ease their baby's discomfort.
Teethers are the answer to a number of things. Chewing on teethers helps ease the pain of teething, it gives the newborn something to munch on since they like putting things in their mouth, and even helps them prepare for brushing their teeth in the future. Teethers come in various shapes and sizes; they are made of rubber, silicone, plastic and even wood. Some are even equipped to provide a vibrating sensation that helps soothe the baby's gums.
There are a few important things to keep in mind when buying a teether. Since it goes in the newborns mouth and is chewed on, it should be made from a safe, non-toxic material. It should be sturdy and capable of withstanding all the chewing. The size matters too as something too big will be difficult for the baby to hold while a very small teether can be a choking hazard. The Tinny Tots silicone baby teether/feeder is easy to clean and will not spot or stain while gently helping in making the baby learn to chew. Made with the highest food grade silicone, the nipple shaped design also helps feed the baby. It retails for Rs.229.

What with all the drooling and spilling of food, parents can't have enough bibs at hand, making them an ideal gift for a newborn. A bib is worn around the neck, usually fastened around the back, and helps protects the baby's clothes from being soiled by drool or food. Kurtzy feeding drool bibs are made of waterproof, soft, food grade silicone, making them anti-bacterial and easy to clean. They can be hand rinsed in soapy water just as easily as they go in dishwashers, and the adjustable straps means your baby will not grow out of it in a hurry and can use it till age 3 years. The deep and wide food pouch on it catches spills and keeps clothes and furniture clean. It also rolls up easily so is easy to carry in a travel bag. Buy the pack of two bibs for Rs.599.
Baby Sling Carrier

A good quality wrap or sling carrier makes it easy for parents to carry their baby around while leaving their hands free, and the design ensure the baby is in close physical contact with the parent, making them feel safe and comfortable. Newborns like to be close to their parents making the sling carrier a very useful gift.
You may like this Kiddale ergonomically designed baby carrier which is designed with a baby head protector, detachable hip seat and comfortable shoulder straps which can take up to 15 kg. It is made entirely of cotton and the padded straps make it comfortable for the baby as well as the parent. The seat is padded, so is the waist belt which aids the shoulder straps in providing a comfortable fit for the parent. Buy it on Amazon for Rs.1,999.
Memory Book

Caring for a newborn is such a precious time for any parent. There are so many momentous occasions and milestones that are looked forward to and cherished. A memory book is a lovely gift for parents of newborns where they can keep a record of all her keepsakes and milestones, from her hospital bracelet, birth announcement and footprint, to her growth charts and all her firsts.
We liked this Pearhead Cactus memory book that comes with baby belly milestone stickers. The 48-page journal helps parents record all the important memories from her first year and the cover has a slot for the newborn girl's picture to make it even more personalised. Cute stickers, and the cactus design add to the charm of this memory journal which any parent would love to receive. The book retails for Rs.2,716.
Alternatively you can buy the Baby Girl: A Wonderful Gift, another baby girl memory record book. Unlike the other book, this can record milestones up to the age of 4 years and has plenty of space for important memories - like ultrasound pictures, it has pages for baby shower, baby's arrival, pictures at home, first holiday, growth monitoring chart, pages for first day of school and beautifully designed pages for pictures. Buy it for Rs.1,424.
Baby Girl Monthly Stickers

Monthly milestone pictures are all the rage among new parents and you must have come across more than one such post on your social media pages - babies dressed up with monthly age stickers proudly declaring their age. These stickers are a fun way to keep track of the baby's monthly development through pictures. These cute stickers come with a complete 12-month set. The Stick'Nsnap milestones monthly growth stickers measure 3.25' inch in diameter. The peel-and-stick format is easy to use and the stickers have a glare reducing treatment which makes sure you get great pictures! Simply dress up your baby girl, stick on the appropriate sticker, take a picture and post it where you want. While your post gathers adoration and likes, simply peel off the sticker and your baby is ready to go back to gurgling in her bassinet. Buy one complete 12-month sheet for Rs 1,035.
Baby and Child-Proofing Cabinet Lock Safety Kit

Newborn are these adorable little creatures smiling and gurgling back at you from the safety of their cribs. And then they become mobile. That is when every parent's worst nightmare starts taking on newer, scarier dimensions as the curious baby happily sets about exploring her new world, getting into nooks, crannies, edges of the bed and furniture, little fingers into electric sockets, between hinges, cupboards and drawers. You can imagine the rest.
Keeping their baby safe becomes priority #1 for every parent. Many have been known to awake at odd hours (and not because the baby was crying) to check on doors, windows, plugs, switches and appliances. The house needs to be baby-proofed. There is no question about it. Locks for keeping her out of windows, doors, cupboards, toilets and electric sockets are very important. This My Milestones Home Safety Value Kit will be a very handy gift for parents of newborns. It comes with 6 corner protectors and 2 door guards that can protect a wandering baby from serious injury around the home. They are made from non-toxic, fire retardant latex and retails for Rs.382.
Another, more comprehensive, option is the KitschKitsch® Kids Baby Safety Kit with 41 pieces for completely baby proofing the house. It includes 12 corner protectors, 12 plug protectors and one key, 4 cabinet latches, 8 drawer locks, 2 door stoppers and 2 door wedges. High quality material and genuine 3M tape make this an ideal solution for protecting a baby on the move at home. Buy it for Rs.999.
Baby Monitor

Newborns and babies are fragile little things, dependent entirely on their caregiver. They need to be looked after and cared for if they are to grow up into strong. healthy children. Baby monitors are a useful way to ensuring their safety and keep track of them while also being able to do other work around the house but many parents opt not to buy one because of the expense involved. While it is not an absolute essential, specially when there are people around the house to monitor the child, having one can give the parents immense peace of mind. From basic audio monitors that can alert the caregiver to a baby's crying or sounds of discomfort, to more advanced video monitors that allow parents to have eyes on the baby at all times, there are multiple options to choose from.
There are, however, added advantages of having a video monitor and if the parents aren't willing to shell out for one, giving them one will be greatly appreciated. It will allow them to see if the baby is standing up or if she is lying down and capable of soothing herself. This will save a trip to the crib to comfort her and the parents can catch up with much needed sleep themselves. Sometimes babies have trouble falling asleep and fidget without crying, so parents can check in on her and comfort her till she falls asleep. It is very important for her development that she gets sufficient sleep time. There is also the added security of having eyes on the baby when parents are in a different room, or if there is a caregiver filling in while they are at work. The Motorola MBP26 video baby monitor has a range of up to 520 feet and a 2.4-inch colour LCD monitor with infrared night vision. The parent unit has a low battery alert, an optical pan and tilt, LED sound level indicators, and can be paired with up to four baby units. The box includes one parent unit - the monitor, and one baby unit - the camera, and retails for Rs.8,299.
Baby Shower Gift Basket

Gift hampers filled with lots of small useful things are a good gifting idea. Take any aspect of child care and buy products to fill those needs. We suggest bath time products. Bath time can be a challenge for new parents who are not sure if the water is the correct temperature for their precious newborn, if the products are suitable for her skin and if they are doing everything right. Ease their worries and give them products that will make bath time a breeze.
A bath thermometer will give immense peace of mind to a first time mother. This Aquatopia Deluxe safety bath thermometer and alarm is a cute, turtle shaped bath accessory that checks the temperature every two minutes and sends out an alert if the water is too hot or cold. Buy it for Rs.1,495. In addition to the thermometer you can fill your basket with squirting toys, baby shampoo, soap and oil, a bath visor to protect her eyes from soap suds and a hooded towel. You can also buy this Cuddly Cutie Bug Baby Gift Basket for Rs.7,447. The goodies come is an adorable plush insulated bag, a gift in itself, which can be used to keep feeding bottles on the go. It is filled with cute little baby essentials that mom will enjoy using.
Another alternative is a Himalaya Gift Pack, priced at Rs.877 which includes tons of baby essentials like baby cream, massage oil, powder, diaper rash cream, a pack of gentle baby wipes, baby shampoo and baby soap.
Gift Certificate

When in doubt, give a gift card. There are umpteen things that are needed to care for a newborn and all through her childhood. When all the obvious things have been gifted, and even the parents are not sure what they need at the moment, a gift card can swoop in and save a rainy day in the future when they need something new for their little bundle of joy. There are several kids stores that sell gift certificates and you can buy one from a store they favor.
We recommend an Amazon gift card because it is valid for 365 days from the date of purchase and doesn't require an additional fee. The long validity is unlike most gift cards which have 3-6 months validity, and particularly useful to give to newborns. Her parents can even use it to buy something for her first birthday! It is simple to use and applicable across Amazon apps, though certain global stores and other Amazon gift cards may be exempt. Buy for any denomination ranging from Rs.10 to 10,000.
Bonus: Mom Needs Special Attention Too

When buying gifts for someone who has had a baby, thoughts invariably go immediately to the newborn and the scramble for baby presents begins. Unless the parents are social outcasts, they have enough people buying them baby essentials, and not so essential things, not to mention that they themselves are probably well stocked in terms of bibs, bottles and onesies. This is especially true for people who are not first time parents and who are well prepared. What to do then? There is no point in plying them with things they already have.
Why not buy something for the mom instead? She is the one who has put in most of the effort in making and birthing the baby in the first place, and surely she needs a little attention and pampering too. Don't be afraid to include the dad in your care package too. They have months and years of sleepless, exhausting days ahead and could do with a little caring and pampering. Gifts for new parents can be anything from cosy, comfortable sweats to wear at home, a spa voucher, even an offer to babysit while they go for a movie or dinner. They will even appreciate gifts that make their daily chores a little easier, like a basket of gourmet treats or a heavy duty mobile phone case that can withstand chewing and flinging. In fact, you may find it easier to shop for mom instead.
Keep the Parents in Mind
When shopping for newborns it's important to keep the parents in mind as the baby will not do much for the first several months of her life, so toys and games are not of much use to her at this point. Focus instead on things the new parents need, daily essentials, help with chores if you can, and things to provide them with small comforts. Raising a child can be stressful and physically strenuous so look for ways to make their new job as parents a little easier so they have more time to enjoy the addition to their family.