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Tips on Managing Frizzy Hair

Causes of Frizzy Hair

We’ve all had frizzy hair at some point in time or the other with the accompanying irritants like heat damage, humidity and more! Frizz essentially refers to hair strands that stick out from the rest of your mane, curl or look different from the rest of the locks. In addition to the varying causes that lead to frizzy hair, there are different kinds of frizz too. For instance, there’s surface frizz which occurs on the outside part of your hair and seems static all around the hair strands, then there’s the halo frizz which occurs on the top and looks like a crown, while the in-the-curl frizz occurs inside the wavy hair strands and make them look unkempt. The frizz at the ends occurs at the hair tips like split ends, while the pouf ball frizz appears at the top, under and throughout your hair.

Whatever be the quality of your frizz, one common factor in the cause of frizzy hair is humidity and the excess moisture in the air, as humidity maintains high levels of hydrogen to which human hair is extremely sensitive. The bond between your hair’s moisture and hydrogen causes the hair frizz. Another cause is dryness, while the excessive use of chemicals also damages your hair and makes it frizzy.

Dos and Don'ts of Managing Frizzy Hair

Since harsh chemicals dry your hair faster, it is imperative that you choose products with gentler formulations which contain super moisturising agents that will hydrate your hair and leave it shining. Avoid washing your hair every day to retain your hair’s natural oils. Work on its upkeep by experimenting with different hairstyles to keep it sleek. When choosing a shampoo, look for one with glycerine high on the content list, for the higher it is on the list, the more concentrated it would be in the shampoo. Glycerine not only helps in combating the frizz by penetrating the hair but also hydrates it from inside out. It also creates a protective coating to keep the moisture trapped in. Also, ensure that you use a conditioner that keeps your cuticle hydrated, and the ones infused with ingredients like coconut oil or Shea butter work the best.

When towel drying your hair, avoid rubbing it together as this causes friction leading to frizz. In addition, switch your cotton towel with a microfiber towel that absorbs water quickly and prevents friction. Avoid using cotton pillow covers and opt for silk ones as they reduce frizziness and also provide extra sheen to your hair. When blow-drying your hair, use a round brush to smoothen the cuticles and take out the frizz and don’t forget to apply a serum on damp hair in addition to a hair protection spray before using any heat styling tool.

Best Treatments for Frizzy Hair

The occurrence of frizzy hair is familiar to most of us and the best way to treat it is to first understand the cause behind it to be able to deal with it. Smooth and silky hair is best achieved with the use of the right shampoo – one that’s gentle, hydrating and will help keep your hair healthy. The best shampoo for frizzy hair is the one that includes humectants which absorbs excess moisture in the air and also creates a protective coat to combat frizz. Choose an anti-frizz shampoo that is sulphate free and won’t strip your hair of its natural oils. Further, oil is yet another significant part of the treatment for frizzy hair, not only to nourish dry and dull strands but also to repair any damage and smoothen the frizzy ends. An anti-frizz hair serum will offer the perfect care to smoothen and hydrate your hair. Pick a serum with ingredients like argan, lavender or castor oil, or a keratin-based serum. Besides a variety of hair products and chemical treatments, what works most in dealing with frizzy hair is the natural benefit of homemade products that are easy to make, fresh off the pantry and work wonders in giving you smooth, shiny and healthy hair!

Home Remedies for Dry Hair

Apple Cider Vinegar

Healthy hair has an acidic pH level that ranges from 4.5-5.5 and this makes the cuticles closed and flat. The cuticles open up when the hair is alkaline giving it a frizzy appearance. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is an alpha-hydroxy acid that’s slightly sharp and when applied topically it can prove to be beneficial for taming frizzy hair. It can also dissolve product residues and make your hair shinier. It contains anti-fungal elements that help reduce dandruff.

What You Need:

  • ⅓ cup organic cider
  • 1 quart water (about 950 ml)


  • Mix ⅓ cup of organic cider with a quart of warm water.
  • Pour the desired quantity on your hair depending on their thickness and length.
  • Leave it for about 1-3 minutes and rinse off with cool water.
  • Then air dry your hair.
  • Apple cider is best used 1-2 times a week.
  • You may get a strong odour on application, but it should wear off post the rinse.

Coconut Oil

High in lauric acid, coconut oil when applied to hair is easily absorbed and helps add moisture to your hair and prevent any further protein loss. Coconut oil applied in small quantities before or after cleansing your hair will hydrate the hair and reduce frizz. All you need to do is gently massage the oil through your scalp and hair, leave it on for about 15 minutes and then wash it off with a shampoo. You can also apply some oil after wash and leave it overnight as a hair mask. You can also apply coconut oil with vitamin-E oil. While vitamin-E helps fight free radicals and prevents hair damage, coconut oil’s penetrative properties will nourish your hair.

What You Need:

  • 1 tbsp vitamin-E oil
  • 4 tbsp coconut oil


  • Just mix a portion of vitamin-E oil with 4 parts of coconut oil and pour it in an airtight container.
  • Apply just 2-4 tbsp of the oil blend on your scalp and hair length.
  • Wash it off after 40 minutes.

Argan Oil

Rich as a moisturising agent with ingredients like oleic acid and linoleic acid, antioxidants and vitamin-E, argan oil is believed to have protective benefits for hair, preventing damage from heat styling tools and sun’s rays. It also aids in preventing split-ends and makes the hair smooth and more manageable.

What You Need:

  • Argon oil


  • Apply a few drops of argan oil to wet hair before styling.
  • Spread it evenly throughout the hair from the scalp to the tips and either comb it in with your fingers or with a comb/brush.
  • Avoid excessive application to prevent greasy hair.
  • You can also use argan oil on dry hair between styling treatments.


Apart from being a delectable toast topping, Avocado is packed with nourishing agents that strengthen your hair, like vitamins A and E. Rich with hydrants, it also has frizz taming elements. You can use the avocado as a mask with coconut oil or yogurt.

What You Need:

  • Avocado
  • Coconut oil or yogurt


  • Blend the avocado (after removing the pit) with the coconut oil or yogurt and mix it well, till you get a mask like consistency.
  • Liberally apply it on your scalp and hair.
  • Let it stay for 30-45 minutes, covering your hair with a plastic cap/towel.
  • Then rinse it off with a thorough shampoo application.
  • You can apply the avocado hair mask once or twice a week.


High in saturated fats, vitamins and biotin, eggs are known to reduce hair frizz and make your hair healthier and shinier. While eggs repair hair damage with the high protein content, almond oil acts as an emollient.

What You Need:

  • 2 eggs
  • ¼ cup of coconut, argon or almond oil


  • To make the egg hair mask, just whip up 2 eggs to froth.
  • Mix it with ¼ cup of an oil of your choice or just plain eggs
  • Apply it to your hair, by sectioning your hair and rubbing it in through the hair’s length.
  • Wash it off with a good shampoo cleanser after 40 minutes and then condition the hair with a product that’s preferably without any sulphate.
  • You can use the egg mask once or twice a week.


Another powerful remedy to combat hair frizz is the use of fresh tea leaves which reduce hair fall, increase hair volume and give it a healthy shine.

What You Need:

  • 1 tbsp tea leaves
  • Few drops of lemon juice
  • Water to boil


  • All you need to do is boil some water and add the tea leaves.
  • Once the colour of the water changes to brown, add a few drops of lemon juice.
  • Take it off the heat and let it cool down.
  • Apply the concoction all over your hair after your hair cleansing routine and leave it for a minute
  • Then rinse off with lukewarm water.
  • You can use the tea leaves remedy every alternate day for a period of 3 weeks to notice a remarkable difference in your hair texture.


Beer’s packed with amino acids, vitamins, nutrients, minerals and antioxidants and can restore moisture to your hair naturally. It also acts as a cleansing agent that helps remove build-up, keeping your cuticles healthy.

What Your Need:

  • 1 pint of beer


  • Begin by de-carbonating a pint of beer and letting it sit overnight in a bowl till it goes flat.
  • Then after you’ve washed your hair with shampoo, pour the beer through your hair, gently massaging your scalp from bottom up.
  • Rinse the beer off under cold water and then condition your hair. You can repeat this process once in two weeks.


Bananas are quite the lifesavers when it comes to handling frizzy hair. With active ingredients like potassium, carbs, natural oils and vitamins, bananas aid in restoring moisture and shine to your hair, also leaving them smelling fruity fresh! Bananas are good for hair conditioning especially when combined with honey which is yet another popular humectant and a banana mask is the ideal hair mask.

What You Need:

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 2 tsp honey
  • ⅓ cup of coconut or almond oil


  • Mash the banana well (lump free) and add oil and honey to form a smooth paste.
  • Then apply the mix all over your scalp and leave it for about 20-25 minutes.
  • Rinse well with a shampoo and then use a conditioner.
  • Use this mask once a week.


Nature’s gift to us, honey is known for its hydrating and conditioning properties, that not only calm down an itchy scalp but also seal the moisture in your hair, leaving it stronger, smoother and shinier. However, being an excellent conditioner, it also lightens your hair and is best used once a week if you don’t want to lighten your hair.

What You Need:

  • 2 tbsp of honey
  • 2 cups of warm water


  • Mix the honey in warm water.
  • Pour it through the length of your hair.
  • Let it sit for ½ hour.
  • Rinse off with shampoo and conditioner.

Mayo-Almond Mix

A mayonnaise and almond mix works like a mask to provide shine, restore strength and nourish your hair, adding an extra layer of moisture that helps control frizziness effectively and proves to be one of the best hair masks.

What You Need:

  • ¼ cup of mayo
  • ⅓ cup of pure almond oil
  • 1-2 eggs (according to the length of your hair)


  • Mix all the 3 ingredients and make a smooth paste.
  • Generously coat your scalp and hair with it.
  • Follow it up by covering your hair with a hot towel or shower cap and leave it be for some time.
  • Wash the mask off by shampooing thoroughly and then using a conditioner.
  • You can easily use this mask twice a week.

Bonus Tips: Best Styles for Frizzy Hair

Half-up hairstyles, braids, updos or ponytails can help a lot when you are having a bad hair day! Choose from some easy to don hairstyles and make the most of your anti-frizz hairstyles without spending a bomb:

  • The Messy Chignon – is a twist to the classic low bun that is best achieved by pinning the hair strands in a loose bun at your nape.

  • Braided Crown – is a half updo for curly frizzy hair, where you can make two messy textured braids meet at the centre, crowing your head over the flowing curls.

  • Braided Faux Hawk – is a kind of French braid for medium length hair that highlights both high and low-lights. With a solid plait that ends at the earlobe and a ponytail finish gives it a more visual complexity.

  • Fishtail – is a French braid perfect for long hair with a variation that entails two braids framing your face in an elegantly casual, functional way!

  • Braided Messy Bun – is a distinct and cute updo that’s best done up with a bright coloured accessory, allowing your flyaway hair to be free. A messy braid goes back to a messy braided knot that’s twisted and held in place with the hair accessory.

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If you start using the right natural hair-care products which don't have strong chemicals that harm your hair, it will be easier for you to manage your frizz and get healthy and shiny hair in quick time. We hope this BP Guide would have helped you in deciding which home remedy for frizzy hair is best suited for you. Stay connected with us for more such engaging content.