वोदका पार्टियों और समूह आयोजन के लिए एकदम उत्तम पेय है,इसीलिए यहां 10 सुप्रसिद्ध वोदका कॉकटेल की आसान रेसिपी दी गयी है,जो आपके दिमाग को अनूठा आभाष देंगी,अब बिना देरी किए शुरू हो जाएँ। (2020)
Drinking Vodka Tonic or Cosmopolitan Again? Why Stick to the Regulars When There's So Much More to Do with Vodka: 10 Recipes of Cocktails with Vodka That Will Blow Your Mind!
Whiskey is Damn Fine on Its Own(2020): 10 Whiskey Easy Cocktails to Explore a New Side of Your Standby Sip
Why Having a Home Bar Makes Sense

Going to a bar with friends and partying all night is fun but if you could do it at home without being disturbed by others or without being forced to listen to the music you detest can be a lot more fun. You can do that if you have a bar at home. It does seem a little daunting to set up a bar at home but it is an easy task. You simply need a few things and you are all set for a hard core party right in your living room. If you have been wondering how to set up a home bar and what barware you'll need you are at the right page. Here are a few benefits of having a home bar before we get into what barware you need.
The most important thing to set up a bar at home is to have all the essential items you'll need to make best cocktails. You'll need a proper bar set up like shelves to display your alcohol, you'll also need a bar counter and chairs for you to serve professionally. You also need specific barware which we will talk in detail below
- Setting up a bar at home saves a lot of money. Drinking at a bar is fun but it is a expensive instead you can buy your favorite drinks from a shop and stock it in your home bar. You can make great cocktails at home without having to spend a lot of money on it.
- Drinking at a home bar is much more relaxing. You can enjoy at a bar as well but it is noisy and won't let you relax the way you want plus you'll have to deal with a lot of people you won't like. You can easily invite your friends at home and relax with them, talk to them on whatever way you like and dance on the tunes you prefer.
- You can also make cocktails according to your taste at home. You can experiment with spirits or drink them warm or cold accordingly. Having a home bar can inspire you to be creative with your drinks which off course you can't do at a bar.
Top Things to Keep in Mind While Stocking your Home Bar

Now, that you know the benefits of having a home bar let us look into how to start with it. You can start with stocking up your home bar which is quite easy. Just follow through.
If you like to entertain your friends at home and make crazy cocktails for them then a home bar is the best way, not to mention the romantic dates you can have with the lady in your life. You can easily work within your budget and buy few essential drinks and start with it.
- You can invite friends now and then at your home bar but most of the time you'll be using it for yourself. You would want to make cocktails you enjoy therefore buy spirits that you like personally. Don't go on a random shopping spree unless you know what your friends buy, stick to what you like to start with.
- You will have to own, one bottle of the six base liquors to stock your bar.
Start with Vodka. It is the most used in most of the cocktails and you can find variety of brands of Vodka and they come in different price therefore you can buy one which fits your budget to make great Screwdriver and Bloody Mary. Also buy a couple of Gin bottles, although not many people like Gin but you might have one friend or two who would demand it plus you can make excellent Dry Martini or Gin and Tonic once in a while. Next on the list is Tequila. If you are fond of Margaritas then you should have a bottle of Tequila at home. The best one to buy is the Blanco or Silver Tequila. A home bar is incomplete without Rum. You can make Daiquiri, Mojitos etc with Light Rum and a Dark or Spiced Rum can be used to make tropical and tiki cocktails.
Rums are quite affordable therefore buy a bottle or two for you bar. Let us not forget about Whiskey. Buying Whiskey can be a little complicated due to the varieties available but you can start with two of your favorite bottles. Buy a bottle of Brandy if you like as it is not essential to have one in a bar but some people like to mix it with their drinks.
Another important thing to have in a bar is ice. You need ice in almost all the drinks that too in various forms. Do some research and decide on how and what kind of ice you want to have ready for your drinks. Lastly are essential juices. Just pick different flavored juices from the market and keep them available in your bar to do some neat experiments. You can also get a juicer and use homemade juices for better taste.
Best Barware List: Essential Tools To Buy For Your Home Bar

Let us look at the list of barware you need to start a home bar. There are tons of different companies manufacturing these barware therefore you can easily choose the one you like. We have listed here top 10 things you will need and where you can buy them from.
Ice Bucket or Wine Cooler

A lot of people either ignore the importance of ice or don't know about it when it comes to making drinks but it is one of the most important things you need. You can make ice at home by using different ice trays that are available in various shapes and sized but to keep them ready for drinks you will need a ice bucket or a wine cooler. It comes in handy when you are sitting with your friends and sipping you cocktail on a lawn and have all the ice you need right there by your side. There are tons of ice coolers in the market but people usually opt for stainless steel ice buckets because it keeps ice frozen for a longer time.

Bar Spoon

If you think you can get by a normal spoon in your bar you are wrong. You need a bar spoon in a bar. Using a regular spoon can damage the bar glass as well us disturb the consistency of your drink. A bar spoon as a long handle which lets you stir your drink in a perfect circular motion and lets the ice properly dilute in your drink. A bar spoon also has a twisted handle which lets you pour the liquid into the glass with making a splash which is needed in many cocktails. Earlier bar spoons had a fork or a muddler on the end by now they come with a teardrop or bolt shape for comfort. A good bar spoon should be of at least 12 inch long or longer.
The recommended use of a bar spoon is to chill the glass before pouring in the drink. Add spirit and put the bar spoon before you add the ice. Stir it with your fingers rather than the wrist. Make least noise while stirring as it may chip or dilute the ice faster. You can either stir 40 times that is 20 times on each side or for 7 to 10 seconds on each direction.


You may think that a decanter is not an important vessel to have in your bar but it is actually needed. A decanter is used to serve wine. It is used to serve wine into two glasses or pour it back into the bottle without spilling it. It is a handy tool to have around although you can keep it at the end of the list of the things you want to buy.


Another very small and important thing to have in a bar is a corkscrew. They make your life a lot easier when it comes to opening your favorite wine bottles. There are many different kinds of corkscrews in the market and they all come with different advantages. You simply screw the worm in the center of the cork and gently pull it out, easy peasy. Here are a couple of corkscrews you can check out.

Pour Spout

Pour spots may also don't seem like an important device to have but it makes pouring drinks easy and without making a mess. It allows you to pour your drinks smoothly. Make sure you clean them regularly if you use it to pour liquor with high sugar content.

Cocktail Muddler

A muddler is used to smash the ingredients used in a drink especially herbs or spices. Using a muddle is the best way to mix in fresh fruits as well. They come in different materials and sizes and most of them are about six to eight inches long. You simply put the ingredients in a shaker or a mixing glass and press and half turn the muddler. Do it around four to six times which should be enough.

Cocktail Jigger

Get a jigger for you bar for sure. If you like to mix drinks then you should have one handy. It is an alcohol measuring cup and is very necessary for making perfect cocktails. Earlier alcohol was measured by small glasses but an official jigger came into being on September 5th, 1893. They come in different sizes and shapes and are easily available in the market.

Cocktail Shaker

You can not set up a home bar if you don't have a cocktail shaker in it. It is a device used to mix drinks. You put in all the ingredients you want to mix in a shaker with or without ice and shake, shake, shake for 10 to 18 seconds to get a perfect cocktail. It lets the ingredients blen it together completely.

वोदका पार्टियों और समूह आयोजन के लिए एकदम उत्तम पेय है,इसीलिए यहां 10 सुप्रसिद्ध वोदका कॉकटेल की आसान रेसिपी दी गयी है,जो आपके दिमाग को अनूठा आभाष देंगी,अब बिना देरी किए शुरू हो जाएँ। (2020)
Drinking Vodka Tonic or Cosmopolitan Again? Why Stick to the Regulars When There's So Much More to Do with Vodka: 10 Recipes of Cocktails with Vodka That Will Blow Your Mind!
Whiskey is Damn Fine on Its Own(2020): 10 Whiskey Easy Cocktails to Explore a New Side of Your Standby Sip
Detailed Guide on How to Make Green Coffee (Both Hot & Cold) + Delicious Recipes That are a Must-try if You Call Yourself a Caféphile! (2021)
चिया बीज का उपयोग करने के लिए शीर्ष 8 विभिन्न प्रकार के अद्भुत तरीके इसके अधिकतम लाभ प्राप्त करने के लिए। चीया बीज के बारे में आमतौर पर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न (2021)
Don't Go Wrong When It Comes To Bartending
With the right accessories, you add flair to your bartending skills and make for an amazing home-bar-lounging experience. After going through the entire course of this material, you will have picked up on how to stock a home bar as well as the essential barware you will need. These accessories are affordable and complimentary to your home-bar. Moreover, you can research further to learn how to prepare your favourite drinks using the bartending accessories.