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The Meaning of Rangoli
The definition of rangoli is that it is an Indian folk art that involves intricate patterns, geometric shapes and other designs to create a sacred, welcoming symbol for deities. It is also said to bring good luck thus you find them at the entrance of homes and at a place where important meetings are held. In India, you would find rangolis being made during Hindu festivals like Diwali, Dussehra and the likes. But rangoli is more than a cultural decoration in Hindu festivals. It has a spiritual significance.
In Hinduism, it is believed that each deity is representative of a principle and that each festival of a particular deity attracts that principle into the atmosphere where religious rituals or other associated acts are being performed. As has been said, rangolis are a sign of welcome for the deities and having rangolis strongly attracts that principle where it has been made, in this instance a home or a place where an important act is taking place. Spiritually, rangoli is a method of attracting divinity in the atmosphere of your home.
Things to Consider when Decorating Your House with Rangoli
Considering the immense spiritual significance of rangolis, it is best that no chances are taken with them. As a devotee, you would want the presence of the deity in the atmosphere of your house and so it is important that the deity receives a proper welcome. According to Hindu spirituality, the physical and the abstract are connected and in fact the physical affects the abstract. So if the rangoli is not done properly then it will definitely affect the attraction of the deity into your house. So, when making rangolis for a religious festival, keep the following points in mind.
The first consideration you must have while making a flower rangoli decoration is placement. Placement of the rangoli is highly important. You must see to it that the rangoli is neither an obstruction nor obscured. Some rangolis are placed in such spots that it makes it difficult to maneuver around the room. One big mistake while placing rangoli is that most of them are made right at the threshold of a room. This makes it difficult to enter and exit that room. People have to jump over the rangoli and that is highly inconvenient.
It is better to make the rangoli at a slight distance from the door so that people can walk around it while entering and exiting. Another point to remember is that rangolis should not be made at a spot where people can hardly see. Like the dark corners of a room or behind the furniture.
One might argue that rangolis are inherently beautiful and design does not matter. No matter what design of rangoli is used, it will be beautiful to look at. That might be true to some extent but there are other factors as well. Not all rangoli designs are appropriate for all occasions. Some may be perfect for marriage while others for a religious festival. Some may be too loud compared to the room décor while some too common for a grand occasion. While making rangoli one must consider the occasion and then decide on the pattern. You must make sure that design of rangoli is apt otherwise it will stick out like a sore thumb.
The Right Flowers
While making a flower rangoli, it is very important to use the right kind of flowers. They should be of the right colors and type. Flowers with an abundance of petals are usually convenient but an even more important aspect of flowers when considering rangoli is the color. The color must be bright and you must get flowers that have colors that will complement each other in the rangoli pattern. The flowers must also be readily available in bulk and must be fresh. Fresh flowers have radiance and have a bright color. This color and radiance fades as the flower ages. If the flower is a rare one and not available readily then it cannot be used to make rangoli because it will lead to incomplete patterns.
10 Diwali Flower Rangoli Design Ideas You can Try
Flowers have been an integral part of all Hindu festivals, whether in decoration or in prayer offerings. Flowers are a beautiful gift of nature and rangolis enhance that beauty by using them in elaborate and sublime arrangements. Though colored powders are commonly used to make rangolis, flowers are also used when available in variety and abundance. The plus point of using flowers in rangoli is that it has a much more aesthetic appeal and gives off a fresh radiance. This freshness seeps into the ambiance of the festival. There are many patterns by which you can arrange flowers to make a rangoli. Some are simple and sophisticated while others are elegant and regal. Follow this BP Guide to make the best flower rangoli decoration this Diwali.
Welcome Design
This rangoli pattern is the most simple but the most attractive. The simple design consisting of mostly white flowers gives off a welcoming vibe.
- Take small white flowers and place them in long lines projecting from the center.
- The lines of flowers should emulate the rays of the sun.
- Place a yellow marigold at the center of the pattern.
- Use flower buds to further decorate it.
- The end result is a simple, uncluttered sublime design that showcases the purity of any religious festival.
Symmetrical Design
This symmetrical pattern of flower rangoli is very soothing on the eye.
- It is a complicated rangoli pattern and requires a lot of skill and patience to make, but it is worth it considering what the ultimate result is.
- This design uses small pieces of flower petals so as to have more control over the pattern.
- Use those petals to make a rangoli that incorporates many shapes, just make sure they are symmetrical.
- It is best that such rangolis are made at the main entrance of the house.
Simple Religious Design
This is a very common rangoli pattern found in religious ceremonies. It is a very refreshing floral design that gives a fresh vibe in the house.
- The cocktail of colors in this pattern instantly heightens the mood and paves the way for an amicable ambiance.
- Make a ring with yellow flowers.
- Use a variety of leaves, petals and whole flowers to make a star shaped pattern within the ring.
- Use flower petals to fill any vacant spaces.
- What you need to keep in mind while making this rangoli pattern is that the main feature of it is being multi-colored.
- So use a variety of different colored flowers and make a riot of colors in the pattern.
Elaborate Design
This rangoli design involves an elaborate pattern. If you prefer elegant and regal rangolis as Diwali decoration then go for this.
- Draw a pattern with chalk on the floor.
- Then use marigold flowers to trace the lines of the drawn pattern.
- Use red flower petals to fill enclosed spaces in the pattern or to make separate complementary patterns around it.
- This design looks best in the corners of rooms.
White Flower Design
This rangoli pattern emanates purity for it is made exclusively with white flowers.
- Heap small, white flowers in a circular pattern.
- Use the same small flowers to make a petal like design around the periphery.
- Place a large orange or bright colored flower in the center of the structure.
- This design is simple yet sophisticated and classy. It is also soothing to look at.
- The rangoli pattern gives a classy touch to the décor of your room and gives a positive vibe to the atmosphere.
Rectangular Staircase Design
Rangoli can also be used to decorate unusual places like a staircase.
- Rangolis usually adorn the entrances of rooms, the center of a room or around the place where the idols of the Gods and Goddesses are kept.
- But, this Rangoli embellishes the staircase so as not to have an anomaly in decoration of the house( one part of the house has a lot of adornment while some parts have nothing).
- The rangoli pattern consists of rectangles to be made on each stair.
- Use white flower petals and red flower petals alternatively to make each rectangle.
- The ultimate result will be a long line of rectangles of alternating colors starting the top of the staircase to the bottom.
Whole Flower Design
This is the most hassle free flower rangoli pattern but is very graceful to look at. You need flowers of two colors to do this pattern.
- You can use flowers of the color of your choice but make sure that they are contrasting colors so they accentuate each other when they come together in the pattern.
- Make a concentric circle by placing one color of flower one after the other.
- Alternate this concentric circle with another color flower.
- End the two concentric circles with a twist at the top.
- In the middle of this twist place a diya.
- You can use beads in the pattern to give it more concentration.
Simple Circular Design
Simplicity is extraordinary. It almost always takes the limelight in any situation. This rangoli pattern is simple but eye-catching and is perfect to decorate your house on Diwali.
- Take a light yellow marigold flower and make it the center of the pattern.
- Surround it with a ring of green leaves, a ring of orange marigold petals and another ring of green leaves respectively.
- Make another ring of pink petals at a palm’s distance away from the outermost ring.
- From the green leaf ring extend projections of pink petals till the ring at a palm’s distance away.
- Fill the space in between the projections with yellow marigold petals.
- Make another ring of yellow marigold flower petals followed by an outermost ring of green leaves.
- This is a very simple design and can be done by anybody.
Sun Design
This rangoli pattern is shaped like a sun. You have to use flowers and petals that are of the colors orange, red and yellow to replicate the brightness of the sun.
- Make a circle of red rose petals.
- Surround it with a periphery of yellow marigold flowers.
- Then make pyramid like projection patterns with yellow marigold petals surrounding this circle.
- From the tip of each triangle extend a long line of red rose petals to emulate the rays of the sun.
- You can use white flower petals to designate the borders of the pyramid.
- Place diyas in the middle of each pyramid and finally float a diya in a bowl of water and place it right at the center.
- Also float marigold and rose petals in the bowl.
Diya Design
Diwali is the festival of lights and at least one of the rangoli designs should incorporate them to go with the spirit of the festival.
- This pattern is extremely easy to do and looks pristine with the soft glow of the diyas falling upon it.
- Take a bunch of any small white flower and form the outer ring.
- Follow it up with another ring of dark pink petals.
- The third inner ring should be made with the same flowers as in the outermost ring.
- The fourth or the innermost ring should be made with petals of a soft pink color.
- Place a large diya right in the center of this circular arrangement.
- Place betel leaves at regular intervals around the outer ring in a projection pattern and place one diya on each one of these leaves.
- Use red roses at your discretion to further embellish the design.
- It is not mandatory to use the same colored petals or placement as mentioned above.
- You can use your own choice of flowers as long as the colors complement each other.
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Practise beforehand for the Best Flower Rangolis
Diwali celebrations are incomplete without giving your house the feel and aesthetics of the festival. So, to ensure the house looks beautiful and the rangoli as grand as you envision, practice beforehand. Make a list of all the items you need, buy them and then create the design a few days before. This ensures you get to know what you need to pay attention and you can then get it right on the day of Diwali. So go ahead and give your home the celebratory look with these intricate flower Rangoli designs this year.