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Why is Organic Farming in Demand Today?
The terms "organic" and "natural" are being frequently used in the past few years by the millennials as they have realised the health benefits of organic farming methods. The safety and food quality are the vital aspects of organic farming that have grabbed everyone’s attention. Over the years, the presence of high pesticides, heavy metals, antibiotic residues, hormones, nitrate and genetically modified organisms in the conventionally grown foods have an adverse impact on our health. Moreover, the food grown using conventional methods contain very small quantity of antioxidants and are less nutritious.
Due to these reasons, the demand for organic food products has increased substantially. In organic cultivation, there is less use of synthetic pesticides, chemical fertilizers, antibiotics and growth hormones. Moreover, organic farming protects our environment and provides a good quality of life. It uses natural resources judiciously and preserves it for future generations. Organic farming is very much needed to build an ecologically, economically and nutritionally healthy nation.
3 Advantages of Organic Farming

1. Better Nutrition

The food harvested with organic farming has a higher nutritional value as compared to food produced from traditional farming methods. The organically produced fruits and vegetables are fresh to eat. Besides this, the taste and flavours of the organic products is also considerably better.
2. Supports Healthier Soil

Soil is a non-renewable resource and 95% of our food supply depends on it. The use of chemical fertilizers has been depleting the soil nutrition at an alarming rate. So, sustainable shift must be made by adopting organic and holistic practices to restore our natural ecosystem. Organic farming improves soil fertility by applying organic matter inputs in the form of compost, farmyard manure, green manures, and by adopting crop rotation, intercropping and cover crop methods. Organic farming also implements low soil disturbance tillage. All these methods facilitate nutrient recycling on the farm.
3. Avoids Genetically Modified Crops

Genetic engineering and Genetically Modified Organisms(GMOs) are prohibited in organic farming. GMO contamination is well-documented. GMO agriculture has led to superpests and superweeds, which have become extra-ordinarily difficult to manage by farmers. In organic farming, farmers are encouraged to cross-breed plants for better production levels. The farmers are not allowed to use industry-altered products in their farm if they are practicing organic farming.
10 Best Books to Understand Organic Farming

1. 'Working with Nature - Shifting Paradigms' by Heide Hermary

Working with Nature – Shifting Paradigms by Heide Hermary brings together the research and scientific aspects behind organic and holistic farming methods. Heide (1948 – 2016) was president of Gaia College, Canada until 2016. Densely packed with information, this book is a quick and easy read for those who have been gardening or even new to this field. The book addresses intriguing concepts like biological transmutation, the role of mycorrhizal fungi, trade alliances between microbes and plants etc.
The book gives an understanding of the interconnected processes, which control life of a farmer. Sun, water, soil, animal and plant systems everything are relevant factors. Learning to work with these systems is the key to organic success. In short, when we work in alignment with nature, we face less problems in farming as we are not trying to fight nature, and go outside the natural laws. It is prudent to realize our horticultural objectives, by identifying the existing environmental envelope and working with nature rather than building and controlling a synthetic environment.
The book mentions a few mesmerizing facts about how plants and weeds work together. You can learn about the helpful strategies on how to renew the ground. If you are in doubt about organic farming then this book has the potential to change your viewpoint. You can purchase this book on amazon for INR 4,184..
2. 'The Gardener’s A-Z Guide to Growing Organic Food' by Tanya Denckla

If you want to enjoy the pleasure of growing organic food then the Gardener’s A – Z to Growing Organic Food by Tanya Denckla is the book you must definitely read. Besides the expert advice on selecting tasty varieties of fruits, herbs, vegetables and nuts to grow, the book is also an invaluable resource to know how to harvest and store them. It mentions tried and tested organic remedies to fight off pests and diseases. Discover how easy it is to grow your own organic and healthy food by reading this book. Check out for this book on amazon. The price of the book is INR 2,526.
3. 'Secrets of the Soil' by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird

The Secrets of the Soil is written by the best-selling authors Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird. The book is extremely informative and tells us about the non-traditional and innovative methods to be used in farming to enhance and renew soil. The emphasis is laid on using biodynamic agriculture, rock dust fertilizer and other unusual fertilizers. The book is a wonderful guide to anyone aspiring to do organic farming. It is highly recommended to those interacting with land as you will see our health, soil and earth, in a whole new light. You can purchase this book on Flipkart for INR 267.
4. 'The Non-Toxic Farming Handbook' by Philip A. Wheeler

The Non-Toxic Farming Handbook is a must-read for all entry-level organic farmers. There are research insights about weed control and soil recovery, which is very important to an organic farmer. The book is best read for those who want to practice organic gardening and farming as it addresses the problems faced during organic farming like plant diseases, pest eradication or issues concerning to planning. The book also covers various other things like foliar feeding, tillage, moon cycles, subtle energies, in-the-field testing, refractometers, livestock nutrition, fertility inputs and much more. The book is a result of an extensive research and eco-consulting and is a must read for all those who want to venture into organic farming. You can purchase this informative book on amazon for INR 4,013.
5. ‘The Organic Method Primer’ by Dr Bargyla Rateaver

The Organic Method Primer is one of the best book for organic gardening and farming as it provides a complete insight into organic agriculture. There are many esoteric secrets mentioned in the book that is of course backed by science. The author of the book Dr. Bargyla Rateaver was a pioneer and crusader of organic farming. She was born in Madagascar and is indisputably the mother of organic movement.
The author implemented the organic farming methods in California and was the first to organize the organic conference. The book includes rich facts concerning organic farming. Although, the book may be overwhelming for a casual reader or a beginner, it is the best read for those who want to shift to organic farming. You can purchase this book on amazon for INR 13,006.
6. 'The Holistic Orchard: Tree Fruits and Berries the Biological Way' by Michael Phillips

Who doesn’t want to relish on tasty and organic fruits? The Holistic Orchard: Tree Fruits and Berries the Biological Way by Michael Phillips shows how to grow the most delicious delicacies in the natural way. Orchard farming needs more than just space. If you have the right dedication and passion then you can become a successful orchardist. The book illustrates how to grow berries and fruits in a holistic way without manipulating nature, but by fostering nature.
The book mentions the basic skills to know about the orchard ecosystem like Planting, Pruning, Grafting, Soil Biology, Orchard Design, Organic health management and choosing the right variety based on the climate. With this wonderful book, you can confidently plant your next fruit tree and successfully harvest the produce in few years. Check out for this wonderful book on amazon. The price of the book is INR 2,619.
7. ‘The Rodale Book of Composting’ by Grace Gershuny

These days, composting has become a household word as gardeners know that it is the best way to improve nutrition of the soil. A few of them turn to composting to dispose of their leaves, tree trimmings or grass clippings. Composting is the best method to generate natural fertilizers, which can be easily made on the farm. However, not every biodegradable ingredient can be included in the compost pile. That is when, the book ‘The Rodale Book of Composting’ by Grace Gershuny comes handy. The book gives a clear idea about the things to be added into compost.
The book also gives detailed information on the latest tools and techniques to be used to make mulch. city-dwellers who have limited space can follow the non-traditional method of composting mentioned in the book. In short, it makes a versatile read and is one among the best organic farming books. You can purchase this book on amazon for INR 1,340.
8. 'The Dirty Life: A Memoir of Farming, Food, and Love' by Kristin Kimball

The life of Kristin Kimball made an unbelievable life shift, when she left New York to interview Mark, the young farmer. She quit her city life on a whim and started a farm with Mark on 500 acres near Lake Champlain. The Dirty Life: A Memoir of Farming, Food and Love captures the chronicle of the couple on their first year on the farm. The book is all about her dreams, hopes, fears, struggles and weaknesses.
Mark and Kristin planned to grow all the stuff needed to feed a community from eggs, milk, grains, herbs, fruits, chicken, pork, beef to 40 different vegetables. The book is a page turner and describes the author’s journey all through from the city girl to farmer. It is an excellent read! You can purchase this book on amazon for INR 965.
9. 'Organic Urban Farming, The Indian Way: Comprehensive Guide to Organic Gardening for Urban Spaces in India' by Prabal Mallick

Access to safe, nutritious and fresh fruits and vegetables is getting harder day-by-day especially for city-dwellers. The decreasing agricultural productions, heavy use of chemicals, rising population are some of the reasons for this. So, more and more people these days prefer growing their veggies and fruits at home. A number of books have been published on organic and urban farming, but many of these are not in context with the Indian conditions. Organic Urban Farming: The Indian Way: Comprehensive Guide to Organic Gardening for Urban Spaces by Prabal Mallick takes readers through various details that one must understand before starting their own food garden.
The procedures and methods mentioned in the book is customized for the semi-urban and urban areas and perfectly suits urban life style. The book discusses every possible aspect of organic farming clearly with pictorial references. Hence, this is one of the best books to read by urban gardeners in India, who is planning or already into organic farming. You can purchase this comprehensive guide on Organic urban farming on Flipkart for INR 349.
10. 'Rodale's Basic Organic Gardening: A Beginner's Guide to Starting a Healthy Garden' by Deborah L. Martin

If you are inspired to start an organic garden, but you are still a novice then it is important to read a guidebook that provides solid information about the organic gardening methods. Rodale's Basic Organic Gardening: A Beginner's Guide to Starting a Healthy Garden by Deborah L Martin gives readers an insight into garden-building skills, specific techniques, garden planning and planting, growing to harvesting. The book also defines common garden terms, simple garden layouts, no-dig garden methods, and many more hints and tips. You can purchase this useful organic gardening book on amazon for INR 836.
Best Organic Brands in India

- Organic Tattva – The company provides synthetic-free and nourishing organic pulses, grains and cereals. There are no adulterated products used and all their products are safe, natural and regular.
- Pro-Nature – This is the best organic brand for spices and offer products that include organic honey, cereals, and pulses.
- Adya Organics- The company employs traditional practices and techniques to produce their products and operate in the farmlands of UP, Jharkhand, Bihar and Dehradun. Their best-selling products include Cow Milk Ghee, and A2 Milk.
- 24 Mantra - 24 organic mantra offer homemade quality organic products with a broad scope of minerals and nutrients in their produce.
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Practice Organic Farming for Sure
Organic Farming is very beneficial, as we all read it in the above article. The one living in the urban areas can also practice it without any problems. The books above are a perfect guide to all. The Principles of Health, Ecology, Fairness, and Care are the roots from which organic agriculture grows and develops. Everyone should take an initiative to practice it for the betterment of our country, economy. Let's get started!