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क्या आप भी इस दिवाली पर अपने प्यारे कॉरपोरेट्स को उपहार देने के बारे में सोच रहे हैं, तो इस अनुच्छेद को जरूर पढ़ें। 12 शानदार उपहार विकल्प (2019)
Why Do You Need to Gift Your Employees?
Your employees are the most important resource of your firm. You obviously cannot run your firm single-handedly. All your profits, growth and development are directly proportional to their hard work, dedication and creativity. Yes, of course, you are paying them their due salary every month, but sometimes an extra gesture does tones of goodness, more than you could ever imagine. This extra gesture for an employee can be a wonderful gift. When you gift your employees something worthwhile, you connect with them better, you motivate them to do better and you spread goodwill and happiness around. Many companies do indulge in corporate gifting on festivals, birthdays, anniversaries and on completion of an important project. This article throws light on how you can make your corporate gifting better than the rest. Corporate gifting is an art and when done properly can take your gifting to the next level!
Things to Keep in Mind While Selecting Gifts for Employees
1. Customise Your Gifts
It takes some effort to customise gifts for your employees. But all your efforts will be worth the moment your employees open their gift and realize that it has been custom made for them. This not only spreads warmth in the relationship but also make them appreciate you as their boss. Customised gifts can range from laser engraved stationary items to handwritten notes about every employee about their character and performance. You can have these notes framed and delivered to them. It will be appreciated as one of the best corporate gifts they have ever received.
2. Select Gifts Which Last Longer
Gifts such as artefacts, customised stationary items, wall clocks, perfumes, etc last longer. The longer these items last, the longer your employees will remember you. While you can gift chocolates and dry fruits on festival giveaways, sending some long-lasting gifts as add-ons will be a wonderful gesture.
3. Choose Useful Gifts
Don’t just select gifts just for the heck of it but instead take some time and effort to choose something that will really make the other person happy. A company logo t-shirt would not be a great idea as not all would be willing to wear it at all times. Instead, you can opt for something special like a paid holiday or a comfortable office space which will benefit the employee during his long hours of work.
Take Inspiration from These Corporate Companies Who Have Given Some Amazing Gifts to Their Employees
While you are still thinking about what corporate gifts to give, here are some examples of very big firms who have taken their corporate gifting to the next level. It is not necessary that you match up to their level, but you can definitely take inspiration from them and gift awesome gifts to your employees.
1. Google
One of the biggest corporate firms in the world and quite famous for its quirky and amazing offices, Google is also quite reputed for its state-of-the-art employee gifts. A normal person would do anything to get a job in Google. The company has given sleeping pods, free 5-star foods in the cafeteria for its employees, spa treatments and such jaw-dropping gifts to its employees based on their performances, years spent in the company and other thresholds crossed. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that Google employees are a spoilt bunch. Sleeping pods are available in the offices for those who want to rest. Google also offers free laundry service and a fully equipped gym for its people. Google believes that if they want the best and most productive work from its employees, it has got to give them that comfort and atmosphere to perform likeably. Perhaps, you could take the cue and give something to your employees as a gift, that makes them love the job they are in.
2. Chesapeake Energy
The Chesapeake Energy has built an indoor rock climbing wall and a 72,000 sq ft gym in their office campus for their employees along with an Olympic sized pool and a volleyball court. And if you are frowning over the need for such facilities in a corporate office, then you have got to comprehend that the company targets on fitness. Such sporting facilities make the employees have fun while working, stay fit and let go of lethargy and also be excited to come to the office every day. Perhaps, you could also install a few gym equipment in your office for your employees to work out for a few minutes every day. This will prevent them from posture disorders on sitting for long durations at their desks.
3. Yahoo
Yahoo also provides fitness centres for its employees with sessions on yoga, cardio and pilates. All the big companies are targeting on employee fitness these days. Big companies have faced major setbacks in the past when the best of their employees often take leave due to health issues. These companies have a vision of ‘health is wealth’ and are targeting all their employee gifts and benefits around fitness. Yahoo also gives employee discounts on Amusement Parks and Ski Resorts. Perhaps you could do that too for all your employees along with their family members.
4. Oprah Winfrey
This richest African-American celebrity has given all of us some major employee gifting goals. She flew her most loyal fans, around 300 people, to Australia with John Travolta as the pilot of the aircraft. Take inspiration from this great lady and offer discounted airfare to your employees.
5. Facebook
Facebook’s employee gifts basically concentrate on the families and children of its employees. It offers baby cash, 4-month paternity or maternity leave, day-care reimbursement and $4000 payback when an employee has a child. Companies in India mostly offer maternity leave with no concession given to new dads. Perhaps, you could start a new trend by offering paternity leave to your employees too.
10 Ideas for Best Corporate Gifting
Here are some other ideas, which are out-of-the-box when compared to the general trend of corporate gifting but will definitely be more appreciated by your employees.
#Idea 1 - A Corporate Getaway
How about gifting your employees a Fun Getaway or a 2-day picnic? Your people work hard throughout the week to make your company grow. A bi-monthly or tri-monthly picnic break is just what they will expect from you. Such corporate picnics help you create a friendly atmosphere in the workspace. There are many companies in India offering customised corporate getaways. You can discuss your budget and location with them. You can go through online for such an offer.
#Idea 2 - Corporate Movie Outing
Some exciting movie soon to be released? Surprise your employees by offering to take them for a corporate Movie outing. Also, allow them to bring their wives and children along. This will be a generous gesture and also a very exciting outing when all the employees get to meet each other’s families.
#Idea 3 - Lavish Dinner Buffet for Corporates
As the CEO of a big company, you might have had a lot many lavish dinners and lunches. How about giving a similar experience to your employees? Take them out for a corporate dinner buffet in one of your favourite hotels. Gestures like these make your employees respect you all the more. It builds goodwill and a happy atmosphere in the office and helps you connect to everyone on a personal level. Allow your people to bring their families along so that you also get to meet their wives and children.
#Idea 4 - Corporate Theme Party in a Club
You will be surprised to know that many of your employees might have never been to a Club or a disc before. Offer to take them all to a corporate party in a club. Have one of your employees arrange the venue, theme, gifts and menu. A regular office day for your employees is all about rushing to office in formals, completing their deadlines and then rushing back home to complete their responsibilities at home. Give them a break sometimes, by making office day fun as well. Introduce a specific dress code on Fridays so that your people can also have fun dressing up for office.
#Idea 5 - 5-Star Meals on Fridays
There are many employees who have their lunch in your office canteen. It could get dull and boring to eat the same kind of food every day. Well, we understand that offering 5-star meals for free to your employees daily is not viable but perhaps you could offer this facility just once a week, so as to make it interesting for them. Have the meals catered from outside every Friday or just order pizzas or something similar for the employees on any one day of the week.
#Idea 6 - Paternity Leave
Most offices in India only focus on maternity leave for their women employees. Today, fathers share equal responsibilities of their children. For a lady who has just delivered a baby, she definitely needs the help of her spouse to adjust to their new routines in the house. Paternity leave should be made mandatory for at least a month in your office to help your employee welcome his bundle of joy with a stress-free mind. Also, if it fits in your budget, give these new fathers, an extra allowance to help with the expenses.
#Idea 7 - Medical Insurance for Your Corporate Upto a Certain Amount
There are plenty of stories coming up every day about how the only earning member of a family suddenly dies or gets severely sick and bed-ridden, leaving the family to fend for themselves and in deep distress. Such unfortunate situations can fall upon anyone at anyone. Many employees already have so many EMI commitments in life that they are not left with any money to spend on medical insurance. Perhaps, you could gift a certain amount of medical insurance for all your employees. This will make them feel safe and secure about their future.
#Idea 8 - Yacht Party for Corporates
Yacht Parties are highly trending in Mumbai and Chennai today. You could hire a yacht for a corporate party for your employees too. Give them this exciting gift on a special occasion like the completion of a big project or on your birthday or company anniversary. Your employees will love to spend a day in the sea with their colleagues with some delicious food, drinks and good music.
#Idea 9 - Special Bonuses for Spouses
Give your employees certain allowances or gifts for their spouses. This will be a sweet gesture on behalf of your company and will definitely make your employees happy. This gift could be in the form of a fixed amount given at the end of the year, some home décor gifts or even some jewellery for the wives. Ensure that these gifts target the spouses only and choose accordingly.
#Idea 10 - Education Loans for Corporate's Children
Every employee’s major goal in life is to get a good education loan for their children so that they can study in their dream college and make a good career for themselves. With their meagre savings, most of them are not able to save enough for their children’s future education. Why not do this noble deed yourself? You could offer education loans to your corporate’s children so that they can send their children to study and choose a good career. Even if you cannot give such a big loan, a small amount from your side will be a big help for your employee who may find it difficult to source an education loan. The employee can choose to repay little by little every year or you may agree to take it from the child later on once he settles down in life.
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Just Because Gifts for Your Customer
One thing you have to decide is whether your gift is going to be something the customer receives because of something she did or just because. A just because gift usually can't be readily associated to anything that your customer did. Timing is key. If the gift comes within a few days or weeks of initial purchase, it might be viewed as a thank you gift. The aforementioned holiday gift is another example of a because gift; it's being given because it's the holidays and that's what companies do for their customers.
One of the reasons just because gifts are so impactful is because they are unexpected. Your gift will have the greatest impact if your customers aren't expecting it. Reciprocity is powerful because we have the need to do something for others when they do something for us. Strategically plan some unexpected gifts for your customers and your execs and managers may be the ones saying "thank you" to you for helping to drive greater sales and profitability. Happy giving!