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What Exactly is Nausea?

The experience of Nausea is something most people are familiar with during various situations. It triggers suddenly and makes you feel queasy, creating an urge to vomit right then. When Nausea strikes, we have an instinctive need to do anything that will make it go away. Anti-nausea medicines are used to help relieve it, but most of the time, it has side effects; one of the most common is to feel too exhausted. There are several ways and techniques to control Nausea, no matter the reason to trigger. But, before that, let us see why it happens.

Why it Happens

When triggered, the awful queasy feeling of Nausea can ruin your moment whether you are at home or outside. So why does this sickness happen? There are several reasons why Nausea is initiated. It can be due to a virus, a digestive problem, unpleasant odour, or during pregnancy. It is often unclear why Nausea strikes, and we become restless to cope with the situation. Apart from gastroenteritis or pregnancy, sickness can strike almost for any reason, anywhere and anytime. Whenever it happens, we need to retrace our steps and find out Nausea's actual cause for that particular moment.

Types of Nausea

There can be several reasons for a sudden strike of Nausea. It can be a common symptom of anxiety. When you get a panic attack, your body shifts to 'fight or flight' mode; at that time, digestion comes to a virtual standstill, leading to an accumulation of certain toxins in the body. This problem leads to eventually chemical signalling to your brain that sparks the sensation of Nausea. Adrenal insufficiency disease can also be a reason for Nausea too. One of the most common kinds of Nausea is motion sickness. It is a sensation of dizziness that occurs while travelling by car, boat, ship, or another vehicle. A person with motion sickness may feel uneasy, become pale, complain of headache, or trouble maintaining balance.

Symptoms of Nausea

Nausea can come with various symptoms for different people. The most common Nausea is an urge to vomit with an unknown queasy feeling inside the body. Nausea can also come along with severe headaches and scarcity of air or oxygen. You will need to get some fresh air and relax if that happens. Nausea can bring weakness in your body, feeling numbness in the legs and hands. You can get a lot of saliva inside your mouth, which is also a common symptom. It is indeed a stressful situation and needs a lot of patience to cope with all those unpleasant symptoms as it strikes without much prior alert.

How to Get Rid of Nausea?

Nausea is one of the worst among many uncomfortable feelings, and we search for essential remedies for fast relief. Getting some rest or fresh air and avoiding Nausea, and concentrating on something else can be helpful. If that does not help much, you have to think about some medications you can get over the counter. But before that, you can try a few home remedies or natural treatments to get rid of Nausea. Below, we will discuss some of the easy-to-follow remedies that can be a big help during nausea sickness, both immediately and in the long term, to avoid Nausea.

How to Get Rid of Nausea Fast: Remedies to Reduce Nausea Immediately

Peppermint Aromatherapy

Nausea is a common complaint, and it can seriously affect a person's personal and professional life. Among many complementary medicines, Aromatherapy is one of the most common among the complementary medications used to treat Nausea or vomiting. For some people, inhalation of peppermint oil significantly decreases Nausea.

Peppermint is an aromatic herb from the mint family, and it is also called a hybrid mint between spearmint and watermint. The concentrated peppermint oil extracted from the plant can be used for the process of Aromatherapy. It can be diluted and applied to the skin. It is also used for foods with peppermint flavoured and as capsules for a dietary supplement. Peppermint oil has a sharp odour which is cool and refreshing. Menthol and Menthone are two chemical components of peppermint oil, among others.

Nausea in the early stages of pregnancy can also decrease for some women by using peppermint oil. Though more research is needed to know about the effect of peppermint oil on Nausea, you can try it as a diffuser next time you feel sick.

Chew on Cardamom and Ajwain

If you think you can use spices only to make your dishes taste good, then you must also know that you can use them in many other ways for their proven health benefits. Spices can help in curing Nausea-related problems by working as a natural remedy. Cardamom is also known as Elaichi in India, and it is used in many recipes, whether sweet or spicy. It helps in enhancing digestion and appetite. It balances acid secretion in the body and provides relief in heartburn, vomiting, constipation, stomach cramps, and Nausea.

Ajwain or bishop's weed contains a high level of thymol which makes it an excellent indigestion reliever. It helps in sickness, especially when you have a travel-nausea problem.

Acupressure for Nausea

Acupressure is an ancient healing art associated with the practice of acupuncture and the use of Chinese medicines. Our body has some points known as acupoints, where the acupressure is done by putting pressure. Presing specific points can help in blood circulation, release muscle tension and help to subside many side effects of chemotherapy. Acupressure is a traditional treatment like acupuncture with a difference in using needles in acupuncture, with no use of hands in acupressure.

There are several points for Nausea called acupoints. P6 or PC6 is a pressure point for Nausea located on the inner side of your wrist. This can be effective both immediately and in the long term. While using acupressure, you can keep in mind a few tips to avoid any problem. Always stay firm but gentle pressure and use your thumb or index finger to create tension. Press for at least 2 to 3 minutes on each point and repeat for a few times a day. Continue the treatment until you feel relief but do keep in mind that if it doesn't work, then quickly switch to other methods.

Take a Cool Compress

When Nausea occurs sometimes, our body temperature rises. A calm, soothing compress may help to ease Nausea. Placing a cool ice pack compress on the back of your neck can be relaxing at that moment. If you do not have an ice pack simply a wet cloth compress for several minutes; it can help relieve Nausea. If you do not have compress packs, just put some water in the neck and eyes to get that refreshing feeling, helping you avoid Nausea.

Stay Hydrated and Have Fresh Air

Not only for pregnant women but taking small meals can also help people suffering from Nausea. Staying hydrated is another option to keep your sickness at bay. Always drink plenty of fluids, eat watermelon, or drink lemonade to control the hydration in balance and decrease Nausea effectively. It is quite a miracle how a blow of fresh air helps in minimizing Nausea. When you have Nausea from anxiety or motion sickness, having some fresh air outside or keeping the car's or boat's window down can improve the irritation that occurs during Nausea.

Use Ginger

Ginger has been used since ancient times as a traditional remedy for gastrointestinal problems. This flavorful spice has so many culinary applications for healthy cooking and is used medicinally too. Gingerols and schools are the most active ingredients in ginger, which is considered a safe treatment for nausea and vomiting. It is recommended for its stomach-settling sound effects and naturally treating nausea. It has been shown to be safe, effective, and a natural way to reduce nausea.

Sip on Baking Soda Solution

It might sound strange, but drinking baking soda dissolved in water can give you relief from Nausea. Baking soda is an alkaline base substance, so it alters the acid's pH balance that comes in contact with it, including those present in your stomach. Thus it helps to soothe the upset stomach and decrease Nausea. It is not recommended for children under six years of age. While drinking carbonated drinks or sodas can be soothing for the stomach for some people, it can be irritating as well for others. Soda's high sugar content can make Nausea more rapid as it is not the healthiest option.

Getting Rid of Nausea in the Long Term: Things to Keep in Mind

  • Take care of food allergies or intolerance: Food allergies happen suddenly and usually cause Nausea or vomiting. Allergies are not always directly associated with Nausea, but Nausea also happens sometimes with sneezing, runny nose, or itchy eyes. If you get Nausea along with food allergies, you should check with the allergists. If you have Nausea by taking some of the food products like dairy products, Nausea can lead to lactose intolerance. Food intolerances are commonly diagnosed by eliminating certain foods through diet, which is specially designed to narrow down offending foods, causing Nausea.

  • Eat protein rather than carbs: A few studies have proven that a protein-rich meal significantly reduces Nausea compared to fat and carb-rich foods. Protein can normalize stomach activity while increasing the natural gastrin secretion. Protein-rich drinks are proved as most effective in reducing nausea symptoms, especially during motion sickness. Protein-rich foods are vital, especially who suffer from chronic Nausea due to specific illness. Protein-rich small meals help your body be healthy and reduce malnutrition, which can bring sickness with it.

  • Avoid spicy and fatty foods: Nausea which feels somewhat like uneasiness in the stomach, can occur before you vomit or feel like vomiting. Whether you think the Nausea is going to attack or already in the nausea state, the last thing you can think of is eating. But several foods in Nausea can help your belly and your mind to calm down. However, you must avoid spicy foods before or at the time of Nausea. You can go with a BRAT Diet - banana, rice, applesauce, and toast. Crackers also help in decreasing Nausea which happens during pregnancy or car sickness.

Tips to Avoid Nausea Attacks

Nausea is one of the familiar unpleasant experiences which can arise in a variety of situations. Anxiety, stress, travel, or morning sickness during pregnancy, or stomach flu can be Nausea's causes. If your Nausea is due to any of the less severe illnesses or reason, then you can try to avoid it with some home remedies, or you have to take the advice of the doctor.

  • Do not have foods that are hard to digest: When you avoid spicy or fatty foods or ignore the hard to digest, having Nausea can be avoided easily. A BRAT diet, which is blander than any other food, can be helpful. Similarly, crackers, apple sauce, or baked potatoes can restrict stomach upset and decrease Nausea.

  • Eat small meals throughout the day: Eating small meals throughout the day and avoiding large, heavy meals can reduce your Nausea. Heavy meals or a very long gap between two meals can make your stomach feel gassy, and it can lead to discomfort and Nausea. This method is helpful, especially when you have motion sickness, during the pregnancy period, or any less complication nausea-related problems.

  • Drinking water is essential: Often, Nausea happens due to dehydration, or if you have Nausea for an extended period, you can get dehydrated quickly. Drink water periodically during day time to avoid sickness. If you are having Nausea and vomiting, which may cause you to lose a lot of fluids, then electrolyte-rich juices are a good option. If you know the reason for Nausea, then drink plenty of water as needed.

  • Do not lie down just after a meal: Some people have the habit of lying down just after having their meal. This can cause reflux and Nausea. So it is a good idea to avoid lying down after eating food.

  • Avoid strong odours: Strong smells from perfume or any food can cause Nausea for some people, so it is better to keep away from any fragrance that can aggravate nausea symptoms.

  • Practice breathing exercise: Regular practice of aerobics or breathing exercises like 'Pranayama' can reduce Nausea eventually for many people. The sickness will decrease with time, and breathing exercises can keep your mind diverted from the thoughts of Nausea.

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