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Anger Management Exercises – Reasons Why It Works?

Source l Anger Management

Anger is the most powerful, perplexing and common emotion that we all experience in response to unwanted behaviour from others. Anger can motivate an individual to achieve his/her goals or overcome certain obstacles. However, when it turns destructive and out of control, anger can lead to psychological, behavioural and physiological problems.

So, anger management is very important as it helps us to reduce our physiological arousal and emotional feelings caused due to anger. Physical exercise benefits people who have anger issues. Hence, it is a part of both early prevention methods and continuous treatment process.

    How Physical Exercises Help?

  • It stimulates brain chemicals, which leaves the person happy and relaxed.
  • Regular exercise will improve self-esteem and boosts confidence.
  • Mental and physical well-being are interrelated.

So, improving physical health will also help manage emotions in a better way, especially when it is combined with other anger management strategies and professional therapy programs.

So, a mild-moderate exercise routine will optimally help in improving mental health and also enhance cognitive function and improves psychological well-being of an individual.

4 Top Tips to Control Your Anger

Source l Control Anger

1. Think Twice before Speaking

Source l Think before Speak

This is an important point to remember as it helps control yourself from sudden outbursts. When a person is angry, he usually doesn’t have control of what he says. They may end up saying something hurtful. So, if you are in a situation that irritates you, hold on and think twice before you say something. This will make it easy to handle the situation. Also, you can walk away temporarily and avoid talking or thinking about it. This way, you will gain some time to assess the situation and understand what went wrong. You can handle your anger in a mature way instead of being aggressive.

2. Find Healthier Alternatives to Express Your Rage

Source l Express Rage

If you feel that the situation is such that there is nothing wrong in getting angry and you can do something to make things better, then express your feelings in healthier ways. In fact, anger can become a source of inspiration to bring some change if it is channelled efficiently and communicated deferentially. Always fight fair. This way, you will not only express the need of yours but also respect others needs as well.

3. Avoid Places, People and Situations that Trigger Your Anger

Source l Triggering Anger Factor

Don’t let stressful situations anger you. Understand the events affecting you, so that you are in better control of the environment that leads to unnecessary aggravation. Try identifying people, situations, activities and places that irritate you. Maybe the daily traffic you face while commuting drives you crazy, or you may get into an argument when you go out with certain friends. Try different ways to avoid these triggers or view the situation from a different perspective.

4. Seek Help

Source l Medical consultation

It’s a challenge to control anger. If you are doing things that are hurting people around you, it is making you unhappy or affecting your relationships, and then it’s time to seek professional help. There are several classes, programs and therapists to help those with anger issues. Therapy from professionals will help you learn more about the reasons and triggers for your anger. You will also learn techniques to manage your anger.

5. Eat Healthy Food

Source l Healthy food

Good food will keep you in a good mood. Consuming unhealthy junk and processed food increases irritability and aggression. The Oxford University study shows that if the body does not get the required amount of essential nutrients, then it reduces the production of appropriate hormones and chemicals that affects the healthy mood and thinking of a person. So, to avoid anger issues, one must follow a diet that includes different fruits and veggies and increase the intake of omega-3. Avoid packaged juices and instead, consider drinking cold-pressed juices to get required minerals and vitamins. Yoghurt is also known to reduce stress. It consists of Vitamin D that is essential to reduce depression and anxiety.

7 Effective Anger Management Exercises

Source l Anger Management Exercises

1. Deep Breathing Exercise

Source l Deep Breathing Exercise

You might have noticed that breathing becomes shallow and quick when you are angry. One of the ways, to calm yourself is by breathing slowly and systematically, which helps relax your tensed muscles. Besides relaxing, you will also gain control over yourself. It is important to set aside at least fifteen minutes every day to practice breathing exercise.

    Slow and Deep Breathing

  • 1. Take a deep and slow breath
  • 2. Slowly count to four when you breathe in. Continue your counting. Breathe out at a slow pace at the count of 8.

The breath you take should first enter your belly and then chest finally reaching your upper chest. You can feel the ribs expand as you breathe in. Continue this for a few minutes. If you feel any discomfort, immediately return to your normal breathing pattern.

All things in our body are interconnected; likewise controlling your breath will slow your heart rate and will relax your muscular tension. Anger usually manifests as muscle tension, which collects in the shoulders and neck. If you notice tension in your neck region, then continue slow breathing exercise while slowly rolling your head to either side of your shoulders.

Slow and deep breathing is a useful trick to ease your mind when your anger is rising.

2. Progressive Relaxation

Source l Progressive Relaxation

Anger outbursts are usually caused due to excessive stress, and frequent uncontrolled anger further increases stress in an individual. Few simple yet effective relaxation techniques produce a therapeutic effect and will soothe your anger. The three techniques used are – Meditative Relaxation, Visual Imagery, and Progressive Muscle Relaxation.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation is the most potent relaxation technique of the three that makes the affected individuals get awareness about the changes happening in their body during stress and anger. This will help make the necessary changes to counter these effects.

This technique reverses the effect in a calculated manner. Here, the individual lies down on a mat in a comfortable position feeling those areas of his/her body where the muscles are tense. These areas usually include the neck, arms, shoulders, and back. Relaxing these parts consciously will free the person of anger and stress gradually.

3. Yoga

Source l Yoga

Yoga is an effective and healthy way to deal with anger. Practising regular yoga can help individual manage anger, which otherwise will adversely affect his/her health and mood. The yoga postures will help channel anger towards constructive things. A few poses that you can practice to control anger are –

  • Child Pose (Balasana) – This pose will not only strengthen your body but also relaxes your mind. It is a great asana to establish a healthy connection between your mind and body, which allows you to reflect on your feelings positively.

  • Savasana (Corpse Pose) – Practicing this posture will rejuvenate and recharge your body by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. It helps reduce heart rate and blood pressure, which is beneficial to release anger.

  • Utkata Konasana (Goddess Pose) – Mudras are symbolic gestures that support the flow of energy in our body. Different areas of our hands are connected to different parts of the brain and body. Practising these mudras will activate specific body parts that can change the state of our mind. The Goddess Pose combined with Ganesha Mudra will help release tension in our chest and shoulders and alleviates anger.

  • Ustrasana (Camel Pose) – Camel Pose helps stimulate the Heart Chakra that sends out and invites love, thereby melting away rage.

  • Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose) – This is one of the powerful postures in yoga. It mainly focuses on instilling courage and balance and helps release suppressed sadness and anger in an individual.

Ashtanga and Kundalini Yoga are more energizing practices that some people find beneficial. However, calming and slower practices are also helpful in alleviating anger. Over a while, you can combine both these yoga practices to tame your temper.

If you are stressed, and experience frequent angry outbursts practice these yoga asanas at least for 30 minutes every day to release your anger.

4. Aerobic Activity

Source l Aerobic Activity

Studies have shown that a structured aerobic exercise activity can be an effective strategy to control anger expression. There is a link between fitness, physical exercise and anger. Physical activity has shown to improve symptoms of depression and anxiety in children, adolescents and adults.

Aerobic exercises are one form of physical activity that will burn not only your calories but also a great way to relieve your stress and anger. These exercises will increase your heart rate and pulmonary system. Studies have proved that aerobic exercises improve mood, creating an ‘iceberg profile’ that consists of low scores on emotions like confusion, tension, fatigue and anger.

Some of the lower impact aerobic workouts include –

  • Rowing
  • Walking
  • Swimming
  • Using an Elliptical Trainer
  • Cycling

Higher Impact Aerobic Workouts Include –

  • Step Aerobics
  • Jumping Rope
  • Running

5. HIIT Training

Source l HIIT Training

Some people need a quiet corner to calm down when they are angry while for some, it’s a must to rage-hard. If you belong to the latter category, then HIIT training is a godsend. Channel your temper into those high-intensity movies that will reward you not only physically but also mentally. HIIT training is difficult, but at the same, it is perfect for channelling all your negative energy into it. These workouts will pump in feel-good hormones in your body. So, even if you are working out with anger in you, technically you are releasing endorphins and, in the end, you will feel satisfactory!

6. Boxing

Source l Boxing

Boxing has a range of mental, physical and health benefits. Studies have already established the link between mental health and exercise. Exercise releases endorphins were giving an awesome feeling after the workout. If we talk specifically about boxing, then it is a positive outlet of emotional feelings. The person can put all his aggression on a heavy punch bag that will help deal with the emotions positively and healthily.

Boxing helps deal with anger, stress, anxiety and depression. It is also a great way to draw some confidence as you train along. It is not only a safe and comfortable space to enhance fitness level but also builds self-esteem and self-confidence.

7. Medicine Ball Slams

Source l Medicine Ball Slams

We all have gone through days when you feel that mental tension and negative energy is piling up inside you, and any moment it can explode. In such case, sweating it out and hitting the gym is what is needed to release some steam. Few workouts help in healthily channelling your anger.

Medicine Slam Ball exercise is an extremely explosive workout that is not only good for your core muscles but also an easy way to release your anger and calm yourself.

5 Myths about Anger - Stop Believing Them

Source l Myths about Anger
  • 1. It’s a Negative Emotion
    Humans show a wide range of emotions, including anger. Anger is a healthy and basic emotion. Behaviour accompanied by rage and anger usually serves various purposes. Social injustices have been addressed by individuals who are angry like Martin Luther King Jr. So, really good things in our society stem from angry feelings and anger leads to changes in the system in a positive way.

  • 2. Anger and Aggression are the Same
    Often, aggressive behaviour and anger are treated as same. However, the aggressive behaviour of an individual is not healthy. There are a number of ways to deal with anger without indulging in violence.

  • 3. Anger will Reduce by Just Ignoring It
    It is not at all healthy to suppress anger. Covering up your rage and being in constant denial can turn your anger inwards. Suppressed anger leads to various mental and physical health issues like depression, hypertension etc.

  • 4. Anger is More of a Men’s Problem
    This is another myth that is widely believed. However, research shows that both the genders experience the same amount of emotion. The only difference is in the way they express it. Men tend to be impulsive and quite aggressive in venting out their anger while women choose an indirect approach, like keeping away from those who are responsible for their anger.

  • 5. Anger Management is not Effective
    If anger goes out of control, it affects all aspects of an individual’s life. It leads to career issues, marital problems, legal issues etc. So, the best way to deal with anger is through therapy and anger management classes. These are powerful tools to combat aggressive outbursts in an individual and is very effective in teaching you to deal with anger. So, even if someone is trying his best to push your buttons, you will learn how to respond to it.

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Is Anger the Other Side of Love?

Not really. It is the flip side of acceptance and the opposite of peace. You are angry because you are not at peace with yourself. Christ did not get angry even when on the cross, Buddha did not get crossed even when he was spat at; he did not get angry. Does it mean that the pain they were subjected to was just, was it right, or was it somehow apt? Clearly not. There must be a reason why some of the greatest saints stayed far away from anger, why they chose peace above all else.

Acceptance of other people or his actions does not necessarily mean you agree with them; it means you are nonjudgmental about it. “Anger immediately creates a distance. When two people are angry at one another, and their hearts are no longer close, their feelings are separated, and they go miles apart. To cover that distance! When you argue, don't say words that break your bond of love and end up making you separate from each other.”