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The Perennial Problem of Dry Skin in Winter

Source l Woman under the snow

Winter brings with itself great tasting food, the smell of freshly brewed coffee and steaming soups but it also brings skin woes. Most of the people experience dry and patchy skin during winters. The skin gets rough and ashy in color, it feels tight and dry after a shower or a swim and when it gets worse you might also see lines and cracks on the skin which may also bleed if not taken care in time. The humidity levels drop in the atmosphere during winters and the skin gets cold and dry which makes the moisture in the skin evaporate and makes it look flaky. It is found that the skin loses its ability to hold water in during winters and makes it worse. There are many external or internal factors that may make your skin dry.

Why Your Skin Turns Dry in Winter

Source l Dry skin

External Reasons:

  • If you look into the external factors then you can blame the changing season for dry skin as the low moisture in the air dries up the skin.
  • Another external factor could be the products you use on the skin like the soaps. Soaps are emulsifiers and washing your hands or face multiple times during winter takes away the essential oil from your skin that keeps it moisturized.

Internal Reasons:

  • Internal factors like the medicines we take especially for acne may also cause dry skin. People with high cholesterol, high blood pressure and other allergies may also experience extra dry skin.
  • Aging also plays and important role when it comes to dry skin. When a person ages they start to lose the ability of producing natural oils produced by the skin thus they get dry and flaky skin more in comparison to younger people.
  • Another internal factor to blame for dry skin could be Atopic Dermatitis which is a common kind of eczema. If you find rashes inside your elbows, behind your knees, on your face or hands etc it could be due to this only. Or you could also be allergic to the detergent, perfume you use or even to cigarette smoke.
  • Everybody loves a nice long warm bath during winters, it brings a lot of comfort but it does bring dry skin with it. If you use hot water for showers you will see a significant amount of dryness right after it. Also if you like to take a dip in hot pools or soak in a bath tub you will trigger dryness due to the chlorine used in it. Therefore it is good to use lukewarm water for showers during winters for healthier and moisturized skin.
  • Another important thing is the lack of water we take in during winters. We feel thirsty during summers and drink a good amount of water but when it comes to winter we tend to ignore the thirst because we sweat less and forget that our body still needs water. We also use heaters during winters which absorb a lot of moisture from our body. Remember that our body is made up of 70% of water therefore it is important to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and avoid dry skin.

Home Remedies for Skin Care in Winter

Source l Home Remedies for Skin Care

There are tons of moisturizers available in the market which you can use to keep your skin nice and soft but these moisturizers are loaded with many harmful chemicals. They may make your skin feel soft when you apply them but do bring long term skin issues with them. You can now use some great home remedies to take care of your skin during winters. These remedies are all made from natural ingredients and can be made at home easily. You can use them as much as you like without having to worry about any ill effects. Here are some home remedies which are proven great for skincare especially for winter.

Coconut Oil

Source l Coconut Oil

Coconut works as a miracle worker for dry skin; in fact, coconut does a lot more than to just keep your skin hydrated. It acts like a protective barrier layer that traps the moisture inside your skin and makes it supple. It also reduces inflammation as it has anti-inflammatory properties which are great for irritated skin such that it keeps your skin looking younger as it increases the production of collagen.

If you want to use coconut oil for dry skin during winters all you need to do is to melt little coconut oil by placing a bottle in warm water for a few minutes. Then apply it to your face and body in a circular motion. For better results, you should use coconut oil on slightly damp skin. You can also add some sugar to it and use it as an exfoliator once in 10 days to remove the dead skin. Using coconut oil as a moisturizer in winters will make your skin look fresh and young.

Aloe Vera

Source l Aloe Vera

Another great home remedy you can use for your skin in winters is to apply aloe vera. Aloe Vera is packed with antioxidants, enzymes, Vitamin A and C and has anti inflammatory properties that can heal your skin permanently. It also works great on acne and is perfect for dry skin. Aloe Vera does not only moisturize your skin from the outside but it penetrates into the skin and heal other skin issues as well. You can simply buy Aloe Vera gel from the store or take it directly from the plant. Take a good amount of the gel and apply it on your face and neck at night and wash it off in the morning. You can use Aloe Vera twice each day for best results. It will keep your skin hydrated and reduces dry skin.

Cucumber for Skin Redness

Source l Cucumber

If you want to heal your dry and damaged skin start eating, drinking and applying cucumber. Cucumber has vitamin C and caffeic acid with fights inflammation. Most people with dry skin scratch it which causes redness and rashes which may start to bleed if not taken care of. Since cucumber is 96% water therefore you can use cucumber water to make a ton of different masks for your skin or simply wash your face with cucumber water. You can also make a mask by mixing in cucumber with honey and yogurt to make a hydrating mask or add in oats to use it as an exfoliator. Also don't forget to drink cucumber juice to make your skin younger from within.


Source l Honey

You can't leave out Honey when it comes to caring for your skin throughout the year especially in winters. Honey has antibacterial and antiseptic properties which is good for sensitive skin as well. It is also a natural humectant which keeps your skin moist without making it look oily. It repairs your damaged skin and protects it from infections as well. There are several ways of using Honey for skin. You can apply a thin layer of it on the skin and let it sit for 10 minutes then wash it off with lukewarm water or you can add some milk in and apply it on your face. Let it dry and wash it off and you will feel your skin smoother and hydrated.


Source l Yogurt

You can also use yogurt on your skin during winters to keep it hydrated. Yogurt is a natural exfoliator and is great for your skin in winters. It is packed with lactic acid which reduces dead skin cells which lets the moisture go deep into your skin and make it look supple. Yogurt works as a natural moisturizer for the skin as well and firms the skin and makes it look younger. You can add a few drops of honey and lemon juice with it and apply it on your face. Let it sit for 20 minutes and wash it off. It will help reduce fine lines, fight acne and pigmentation as well as deeply nourish your skin.


Source l Glycerine

If you have not yet used glycerin in winters then you ought to try it once to see the kind of result it gives. It has humectants and emollient which moisturizes your skin immediately. It works by trapping the moisturizer in your skin which gets you a healthy glow. It draws moisture to the top layer of the skin and removes wrinkles as well as slows down the signs of aging. Simply take one tsp of glycerin and apply in on your face and neck or to any dry and rough patches on your body. Leave it on a few hours or overnight and wash it off with lukewarm water. You can apply it once every day and will get nicely moisturized skin.

Olive Oil for Peeling Skin

Source l Olive Oil

If you are tired of peeling dry skin in winters you can try using olive oil. Olive oil is a great moisturizer and does not make your skin look too oily. It contains hydrating squalane which is produced naturally in our body thus makes it a great oil for your dry skin. It removes the peeling skin especially from your hands and palms. You can use olive oil on your skin by taking some lukewarm olive oil on your palms and rubbing it on the dry patch. Gently rub it in till your skin becomes soft and peels off easily. You can also try adding olive oil to your hand cream.

Milk for Dry Skin on the Body

Source l Milk

Another great way of getting rid of dry skin in winters is by using milk. Milk is packed with vitamins and lactic acid which nourishes and moisturizes your skin. It is believed that queens in earlier days used to bath in milk for better skin but you can simply wash your face with lukewarm milk to moisturize it or take a bath if you like. It is recommended to use a soap made specifically made for dry skin after washing with milk for better results.


Source l Buttermilk

If you like the goodness of using yogurt on dry skin then you must also know that buttermilk too is a great option. Buttermilk also is packed with lactic acid which removes dark spots and blemishes from the skin as well as provides that extra moisture you need in winters. You can simply put buttermilk on to your face and neck and wash it off. It is a great natural way of taking care of your skin in winters.


Source l Eggs

Let us not forget about what eggs can do for dry skin. The best thing about using eggs is that people with all kinds of skin can use an egg to moisturize their skin naturally. It has fatty acids and water in it which provides a good amount of moisturizer to your dry skin in winters. it also tightens your pores and makes it look younger. You can mix an egg with honey, olive oil or yogurt and apply it on your face to see the difference.

5 DIY Face Packs for Winter

Source l Woman using face pack

Other than these natural home remedies you can make some great face masks for winters to take proper care of your skin.

Milk Powder Face Pack

Source l Milk Powder Face Pack

We already know the goodness of milk and the benefits it brings due to it healthy fats and amino acids. You can mix 2 tsp of milk powder with a pinch of turmeric powder and 1 tsp on honey in water. Apply it on your face and neck and let it dry. Wash it off after a few minutes. You can use this remedy twice a week to treat dry skin in winters.

Lemon and Honey

Source l Lemon and Honey

Lemon as great antioxidant properties whereas honey is a great moisturizer. Mixing them together can do wonders for your skin. Take 1/2 ripe lemon and honey to it. Mix it and apply it on your face. Leave it to dry for 15 minutes and wash it off. Try this twice a week and feel the difference.

Egg Honey Face Mask

Egg white masks are great for treating dry and damaged skin. They are high in protein and repairs damaged skin wonderfully. Simply separate egg white and add 1 tsp on honey to it. Apply it on the face and leave it for 20 minutes then wash off.

Papaya and Raw Milk

Another great way of using milk for your skin in winters it to add papaya to it. Papaya is high in essential nutrients and makes your skin soft whereas milk is loaded with vitamin E and provides moisture to your skin. Take a half ripe papaya and mask it in with raw milk. Apply it on your face and neck and let it dry of naturally. Wash it off with normal tap water and you'll see the difference immediately.

Banana and Milk

If you are tired of dull and patchy skin then you can use milk and banana but if you have oily skin you can use rosewater in place of milk for better results. Banana helps in removing dead skin and milk clears your skin and gives it a natural glow. Simply take one ripe banana and mash it in with milk or rosewater. Apply it on your face and neck and let it sit for 20 minutes then wash it off with warm water.

Sarita Tiwari
Sarita worked in the development sector for 20 years but found her passion in writing. She is a blogger, a content writer and a ghost writer for various industries. When not writing, you will find her spending time with her family, cooking and traveling. She is an introvert and feels that writing gives a voice to her thoughts.

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Easy Winter Skincare Home Remedies.

All natural with beneficial acids, nutrients and vitamins are the home remedies. From regularly used household goods such as eggs, milk or honey, during winter, one could take advantage of their beneficial properties on the skin to avoid dry skin. Some of these goods separately or used together, thus make some of the best home remedies to fight of dry skin. Above, some ways to use them as home remedies have been given.