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Reading Books on Education is Necessary for Teachers

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic situation has thrown a new challenge to the education fraternity. Teachers have to teach online, and most of them may find it difficult to cope with the change in study methods. Moreover, teachers are always at the crossroads about staying updated with the latest teaching methods.
It is necessary to stay updated with the optimal teaching methods and know-how to relieve the stress. Teachers must have a habit of reading too. They must go through some of the classics related to education by imbibing some of the best practices within their teaching methods. We will discuss some of the books on education that teachers can refer.
Tips on How to Choose the Best Books
Identify the Thought Leaders

When you are out looking for the right book to read on any topic, it is understandable that you will search for it on one of the search engines. You are sure to get loads of results leaving you bewildered. Therefore it can be a better strategy to identify the thought leaders on the subject. You are bound to get inputs about such leading thinkers online. Go through various blogs, read about their background and get to know about these writers. You may delve deep by going through reviews of some of the works of these authors before finalising.
Ask for Recommendations

- When you are trying to search for the best books, it is good to request the people around you who know about the topic for suggestions. You can start with your immediate family. If you cannot make much headway, you can talk to your friends and request them to connect you to someone who may be of help. In most cases, you can gather relevant information to make your mind. If you are still in college, you may request your professors for help. Else, you may be in touch with the college alumni and ask for help.
Understand Your Ability to Read

When choosing a book, it is not sufficient to only search for the best writers or thought leaders. As a reader, you must also be able to understand the content of the book. It is applicable in cases where you are in an in-depth study of any niche subject. The content must be lucid enough that you understand it well. You can get hold of an excerpt and have an overview of the book's tone and tenor. Reading the preface or the first chapter can be another way of ascertaining this.
Check Reviews
When you are through an initial shortlist of the best books, you have to take your research to the next level. It becomes essential that you go through the reviews on various blogs and discuss with knowledgeable persons. They can provide you with the needed information that you need. You may also go through the reviews you may come across online. E-commerce sites can also help. These sites allow customers to leave their remarks about the products bought by them. You can search the books you have shortlisted and go through the comments provided by the customers.
Check in a Library

When you are looking to read a book on any niche subject, you can also consult a renowned library. We generally avoid them, but they are a storehouse of information, and they provide you with the information required by you. You can also go through some of the books on the subject and make up your mind.
Best Books on Education in 2021
Creative Schools: The Grassroots Revolution That's Transforming Education

The book has been written by Ken Robinson – who is an influential personality in the field of education. He also has several TED talk events under his belt. One of his 2006 events is among the highest viewed in the history of the organisation. The book deals with the ways put forward by the author and how the education system can be changed. He has proposed a personalised approach through his book to use technological resources to engage students better.
The author also points out the need to develop a love for learning among the students and face the challenges in this century. The book has loads of recommendations and observations from several professionals. The book also covers case studies, anecdotes and research, along with the author's engaging style of writing. It will help not only the teachers but also the parents and policymakers to reconsider the purpose of education.
The paperback version is priced at Rs. 839 on Amazon.
Enticing Hard-to-Reach Writers

The author Ruth Ayres writes about the experiences as a teacher and encourages the kids to write to heal from any traumatic experiences. Teachers can use the book to gain insights if they work with children with troubling experiences. The author provides flexible techniques to teach writing. The author also uses the book to train teachers to be writing coaches and practical strategies and anecdotes. Evidence is abundant in brain research and childhood trauma.
The author has shared examples of her struggles and hard-earned lessons. The book is about the author's experiences, and she expects that students would benefit by telling their stories. There is also adequate space in the book where the author provides suggestions for everyone and enthuses them to write. The book is ideal for teachers dealing with troubled children and helps them positively impact the world.
The paperback is priced at Rs. 1,945 on Amazon.
Failure to Disrupt: Why Technology Alone Can’t Transform Education

Technology has touched us a lot in our lives. We have also been bombarded with information about how technology can change the way students are taught. This book from Justin Reich explains how technology can or cannot be the classrooms' change agent. The author will take you on a ride of the latest educational technologies and how their problems have made the experts bewildered.
Learning technologies are known to be biassed towards affluent students. But there is also a vast number of students from economically backward backgrounds who would be left out. Moreover, most schools prefer programmes that can be scaled up easily. Reich is of the view that technology is needed in the education field. There is also a need for classroom experimentation, incremental improvements and newer teaching tools.
The hardcover edition is priced at Rs. 2,066 on Amazon.
The Way of Mindful Education – Cultivating Well–Being in Teachers and Students

The author Daniel Rechtschaffen is known to have developed a curriculum to focus on the goings-on in class. The levels of attention by students in the class have seen a downswing. However, students must stay attentive in class and understand the topic that is being taught. There is a need to ensure students remain focused, and the book strives to cultivate well-being in students and teachers.
It has been proved through research that being mindful helps in cognitive, social and emotional development. The book has exercises and lesson plans that show how mindfulness practices can be carried out in any K-12 classroom. The book starts by showing the benefits that being mindful brings to students and teachers. The teachers can also be taught how self-care and attention skills allow them to train with more energy. The book has eighteen mindfulness lessons to be used in schools.
The hardcover edition is priced at Rs. 2,416 on Amazon.
Onward - Cultivating Emotional Resilience in Educators

The book is written by Elena Aguilar – a coaching professional. The book helps teachers to have emotional resilience that can allow them to prevent any burnout. The author is instrumental in his book to coax teachers to examine emotions instead of getting exhausted. The stress is higher in subjects like science, mathematics and foreign languages. It s highest in urban secondary classrooms, and the teachers must be engaged and motivated at the same time.
Teachers must handle their physical and mental well-being at the same time. The book acts like a workbook that can help to put the discussed framework in action. There is a four-part framework that is based on twelve main habits. It also talks about resilience that allows teachers to consider that they are teaching in an institution where each student's potential can be recognised. The book talks about understanding emotions and using the energy where it is needed.
The paperback version is priced at Rs. 2,460 on Amazon.
Common-Sense Evidence: What Great Teachers Do Differently: 17 Things That Matter Most

Teaching is no easy task. This book provides advice, wisdom and inspiration that will throw light on the attitudes, beliefs and interaction of great teachers and how they act differently. The author Todd Whitaker is an essential personality in teaching leadership. The book is about how teachers can put them in a student's position and how they should focus only on students. It will also motivate teachers to be at their very best every day.
The book also comes with a DVD that acts as an add-on to the benefits of the book. It is more than your teachers can get through motivational workshops. In the DVD, you can find the author speaking about how great teachers have a different teaching approach. The DVD runs for around two hours.
The paperback version is priced at Rs. 1,799 on Amazon.
The Education Leader's Guide to Using Data and Research

Like most other fields, it is necessary that teachers also find data and interpret them and put the knowledge thus gathered into positive action. There is a need to use improvement strategies to enhance the teaching medium. However, it must be done only when there is actionable evidence. There is a need to utilise the existing research data and gain insights from the teachers themselves' improvement efforts.
The book also mentions that institutions must also have a culture where teachers can use evidence to improve teaching efforts. It is also necessary that teachers understand whether the research is relevant or not. The book also discusses and uses statistical concepts to show how the teachers can scan and search for research. Several case studies detail typical scenarios that a teacher can face.
The paperback edition is priced at Rs. 2,376 on Amazon.
I am Malala: The Girl Who Stood up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban

This book is about Malala Yousafzai – the youngest recipient of the Nobel Prize. The Taliban had taken control of the Swat Valley in Pakistan. She was the one who had fought for her right to education. She was shot in her head one day while going to school, but she miraculously survived. The book is about her story and her fight for girl's education in her country.
It is an ideal read for everyone in the teaching fraternity, including students. The book is also a must-read for those who work for girl's education. It will give them the additional impetus to work against any odds. The book will allow students to believe that a single person's voice can inspire the world around them to change.
The paperback is priced at Rs. 280 on Amazon.
Teaching Effectively with Zoom :A Practical Guide to Engage Your Students and Help Them Learn

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the closure of educational institutions all over the world. The teaching model is mainly online, but many teachers would teach their students only for the first time. There is a need to allow teachers to understand that they can also impart their lessons effectively online. The book by Dan Levy deals with this aspect of teaching and will enable teachers to have practical live online teaching sessions.
The book details whether the chat feature should be used and how. It also helps teachers on the steps to follow when building a community. The author has been a teacher himself, and the book is a testimony to that experience. It speaks about his online experiences and the observations of his colleagues at Harvard University. The book is also peppered with research principles of effective learning and teaching.
The paperback is priced at Rs. 1,446 at Amazon.
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Take Care of Your Book
Purchase a book cover. The cover should be made of archival material and fit the book without any attachment required. Always store your books in an upright position. If necessary, use bookends to give them extra support to avoid your books from slumping. Eating while reading is actually a bad idea. It can easily contribute to unwanted results like stains, grease or crumbs all over the pages. Even if you insist on eating, at least close your book and set it aside for a moment. Remember always cleaning your hand before resuming your reading session.