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The Life of the Missile Man is an Inspiration

Dr APJ Abdul Kalam was a man of wisdom and the country's ex-President. He is also a respected scientist praised by many. During his lifetime, he visited several educational institutions to share knowledge and educate and motivate the students. He had said that an increase in knowledge could lead to being more creative and more knowledgeable. It could help you to achieve your goals and be great. The growth in his life and being a renowned scientist can inspire many to overcome life's struggles. This article discusses some of the books on this great scientist and scholar.
Some of the Great Books Written by the President and About Him
Books Written on APJ Abdul Kalam
1. The Kalam Effect: My Years with the President by P M Nair

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was a surprise choice as the President of the country. Everyone thought about how he would adapt to the splendour of Rashtrapati Bhawan. After all, he was not a politician but a renowned scientist. However, he became one of the most popular presidents of the country. The detail of his presidency is depicted in the book written by P M Nair. The book talks about how the positive attitude of Kalam had been infected in everyone who came across him. Nair was his secretary who was able to provide such a vivid account of his presidency.
The paperback edition is priced at Rs. 251 on Amazon.
2. Transcendence: My Spiritual Experiences with Pramukh Swamiji by Arun Tiwari

This book was jointly written by Kalam's student Arun Tiwari and himself. The book talks about Pramukh Swamiji, who was an inspirational spiritual leader. He was also the fifth successor of Bhagwan Swaminarayan. There was a chance meeting with Dr Kalam, and they became friends. The book talks about the journey of self-realisation shown through the eyes of Swamiji. It also talks about the unique mix of leadership, science, and spirituality. It also showcases the concerns the Indian diaspora has globally. The book captures pluralistic India and captures the essence of all religions.
The paperback is priced at Rs. 859 on Amazon.
3. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam: A Life by Arun Tiwari

Dr Kalam was an outstanding visionary and rocket scientist. He was also an astounding teacher and an inspiring head of state. He was very popular during his presidency and was a revered leader. His remarkable life had overcome several difficulties. The book discusses the extraordinary life journey of Dr Kalam. It shows him as a person who has the glory and the various paradoxes of the country. It also talks about the different aspects of the country, including the spiritual and scientific aspects, the religious and the secular elements, etc.
The paperback edition is available at Rs. 537 on Amazon.
4. Advantage India: From Challenge to Opportunity by Srijan Pal Singh

Dr Kalam was a man of vision with superior knowledge about various aspects. He could draw examples across a range of incidents. It could be about entrepreneurship in small towns to the elaborate designs of the Agni V. He discusses with Srijan Pal Singh that India would become a world power by 2020. The book discusses various aspects of the country and its initiatives, like the Swachh Bharat, Make in India, etc. It also aims at a movement that will educate the next generation and provide an added meaning to citizenship.
The paperback edition is priced at Rs. 150 on Amazon.
5. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam: Biography of a Saintly Scientist by A. K. Gandhi

The book has tried to read the mind of Dr Kalam – who was an astounding scientist and missile man and had become the President of the country. Dr Kalam had command over several subjects. He visited several countries and made a point to know more things. Nothing could escape his notice, and the book tries to find how he thought across his life. The readers can understand how he felt and guided his life's mission. Various events are narrated to provide a holistic understanding of the great man.
The hardcover edition is priced at Rs. 200 on Amazon.
Books written by APJ Abdul Kalam
1. You Are Born to Blossom by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam/ Arun Tiwari

Dr Kalam believed that conditions must be created to help the growth of various talents. He calls for a scientific mindset that will be guided by conscience. The actions we do must be governed by the moral and social values built into our systems. The book talks about his vision for schools across the country. He expects there would be a symbiotic centre that would cover teachers, students, and the community. It would help to raise the sanctity and safeguard the educational institutions. There is also a reference to several scientists and shows that age is no bar for achievements.
The paperback is priced at Rs. 151.95 on Amazon.
2. The Scientific Indian : A Twenty-First Century Guide to the World Around Us by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and Y.S. Rajan

While India has been achieving several feats in technology, nuclear capabilities, self-sufficiency in food production, etc., Dr Kalam felt it to be only the tip of the iceberg. The century had been predicted to belong to India. He had a great vision about the country's future and felt that it could be achieved through innovations and goals that would help to achieve overall development. The book can speak to the curious countrymen and urge them to work hard to ensure their dreams come true. It also states the crucial sectors that can help achieve scientific advancement.
The paperback edition is priced at Rs. 282 on Amazon.
3. Indomitable Spirit by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

The indomitable spirit in us spurs us to achieve our dreams. It can help us evolve and shape our future lives. He feels that the page we create must be crucial for the country's history. The book talks about the simplicity of Dr kalam, and the words are spoken from his heart. He talks about the various themes related to global and human concerns. The magical words are bound to capture the reader's heart and mind. The book will bring together the thoughts, values, and ideals of Dr. Kalam and has his observations and anecdotes too.
The paperback edition is available at Rs. 249 on Amazon.
How the Vision of Dr Kalam can Affect Us in Our Lives

Dr A P J Abdul Kalam is an inspiration for people across all age groups. According to him, we must have a dream before it can come true. He also sent out a message to the youngsters to have the courage to think differently and invent. The need to travel the less explored can help us conquer our internal problems and succeed.
His views allow us to have a vision and a passion for succeeding. He tells us to work with integrity that can defeat any problem. He also tells us to think and act differently and be humble even if we are in a position of power. He has been a source of immense knowledge but a very humble person.
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The "Missile Man of India" and the "People's President".
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam was a recipient of several prestigious awards, including the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian honour. Widely referred to as the "People's President", he returned to his civilian life of education, writing and public service after a single term. Above are some of the renowned books on APJ Abdul Kalam both biographies and autobiographies that you can also read online. An inspiration to all age groups, his views allow us to have a vision and a passion for succeeding