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Giving Gifts to Kids is a Rewarding Experience
There is hardly anything more enjoyable to see than seeing kids squeal with joy when they get a gift that they absolutely love. It can be hard to convey a strong emotional message to kids sometimes like you could to an adult. This is because they are not at an age where they could understand and savour the intricacies of relationships. Therefore, one would have to approach kids in a different way to make their feelings known.
Gifts help significantly in this situation. Gifts are basically a universal language for expressing your love and affection to your child which even they could understand. It also in fact eases things out tremendously when trying to cheer up your child who is sad. If you see your darling daughter sulking in the corner, just give her a toy or take her for an ice-cream. You will see an immediate change of her mood.
5 Things to Remember before Buying a Gift for a Girl
Effect of the Gifts
Choosing gifts for kids can be more complicated than one might think. Sure, there are plenty of options available where you might think you could just gift your child anything and it would cheer her up. But, that is not always the case. There are various factors which you must consider when selecting a proper gift for your child. That is because kids are at an age where their minds can be highly susceptible to all kinds of influences. They need special kind of supervision whenever they are coming across new things. Hence, it becomes essential that they must be guarded against any possible things that might have a negative impact on them.
Her tastes
Children are also building their own personal taste by the time they are almost 12 years old. By that time, they might want to play with dinosaurs or want to become space pirates. They might want to be princesses in a disney movie or want to explore unknown places like a brave archaeologist. Hence, with so many diverse range of tastes amongst different children, it becomes easier to pinpoint them and give them gifts accordingly. Children do not have a filter to their emotions. They would openly glee when they see a gift they like or whine when they get a gift they don’t care about. Hence, it is best to give them gifts based on their preferences.
Her Personality
Personality is something that is also developed during this time. Your lovely daughter might be someone who loves to play outdoors with her friends, or might enjoy playing indoors with her toys. Different girls would have different personalities. Some might want to jump and run around and some might just want to stay in one place and want to learn how to bake. Therefore, it is best to give a gift that would best suit their personality.
Your Budget for the Gift
The gifts would be based on how much you are willing to shell out. Young kids do not understand the concept of money or price tags. Therefore, you needn’t feel that you must give your child the most expensive of products. In fact, it might be better if they learn to live with cheaper things as it would help in teaching life-long lessons in humility. Hence, buy gifts within the price range that you feel comfortable with.
Age of the Girl Child
Her age will be a big deciding factor and can make your gift selection very simple. Most toys come with an age recommendation and you can look for the best toys and popular games from the selection available for her age. If you are a parent looking to give her learning a push you can buy toys that are aimed at certain areas of development, and if you are a relative or friend get her new and interesting games according to her age. During the rapid growth of early years, even a few months or a year or two can mean vastly different capabilities, so even if girls aged 5,6 and 7 years look all the same to you, they most certainly are not.
10 Gift Idea Guaranteed to Please a Little Girl
Which kid doesn’t love chocolates? If you are every confused about what to give to a little child, just go ahead and gift them chocolates. Skylofts’ Fancy Basket provides for 27 chocolate bars that are sure to make any child’s pupils wide. All these brown and milky deliciousness can be bought for just Rs.499 on Flipkart. Hence, it is a great safe bet as a gift as well as cheaper on your pocket.
Maze Money Bank
Maze money bank is a unique gift that is sure to teach your kids early about saving money as well test their cognitive mind. It is a money bank box that would only open once the puzzle is solved. So, if you child wants something and wants to use her pocket money, then she has to become good with the puzzle. This would not only teach your child to spend wisely, but will also sharpen her mind. The box is transparent and is built of plastic and costs only Rs.549 on Giveter. Hence, this maze money bank makes for a pretty inexpensive gift.
Kid Microscope
One of the best ways to introduce your child to science is by gifting her a kiddy microscope. Annie Toys Kiddy Microscope is one the best option when it comes to that. It would not only give your child a tool to observe nature and other objects much more closely, but also encourage her to ask for more questions and search for more answers. This microscope is child friendly and has a robust built so that it can survive the clumsy hands of a child. This microscope costs Rs.549 on Flipkart, which makes it an affordable, yet exciting gift for your child.
Freezer Gel Water Sipper Bottle
These make for a great gifts for summer. The freezer gel that comes with the sipper bottle allows the bottle to maintain the cold temperature of the liquids for longer periods of time. This allows the child to have quick access to cold liquid without making trips to the refrigerator or dealing with heavier more metallic thermos. The pipes that come with them allow for easy and convenient sipping without worrying about liquid being spilled. These bottles come in different colours as well such as pink and green, so kids with different tastes can select whichever colour they want. And with a price tag on Rs.394 on they are definitely a steal.
Children's Binoculars
Microscopes might help kids look into the nature much more closely, but binoculars would help them look farther. So, now she can enjoy watching birds in tall trees and animals far away with the help of Wild Republic Girly Girl Binocular Pink And Green. For young girls, these binoculars also come in attractive colours of pink and green that provide for 4.5 x 29 times magnification power. These binoculars are attached with a chord that can be used to hang the binoculars around the neck. And with wits price being just Rs.427 on First Cry, it is a pretty cheap equipment to enable your daughter to become the next big adventurer.
Art and Craft Material
Is your daughter a budding artist? Does she love to draw and sketch and play with colours? Do you wish to harness the talent of your daughter and her painting skills? If so, then you can opt for giving her the MItashi 56 Art set. It comes with 12 watercolour cakes, 12 color pens, 12 crayons and 6 oil pastels that provide her ample ways to try out her creative skills in a number of different medium. And with a price tag of Rs.399 on it is a simple and cheap, yet a very useful gift for your child.
Children's Watch with Changeable Straps
Introduce your child to fashion and technology with multi- coloured watches. The Spinoza Multicolour Watches is a watch set that comes with 11 different vibrant colours for its straps and covers. This is a great and unique gift in which she can wear a new coloured watch every other day. It is just like wearing a new watch everyday. Plus she can mix and match the colours with her outfits. This attractive gift is only priced at an astonishing price of Rs.189 on Flipkart. Hence, it is a great and affordable gift that your little girl is sure to enjoy.
Personalised Sling Bags
Bags are an essential tool for every kid out there. Whether they go to school or the mall, a bag is a necessity for all kids. But now, they can also flaunt their bags thanks to personalised Whoo Loves You cross body bag. These are attractive sling bags for kids that can be customised to their liking. They can even have their names embroidered so that everyone knows who you child is and who the bag belongs to. The price of each bag is around Rs.989, which is a pretty decent price for a customised sling bag for your kid. So, if your little girl is a bubbly little one who loves to roam outdoors, give her one of these cool looking bags. You can buy it from
Bean Bag or Chair
How about a gift that would be suitable for your child’s room? Bean bags and chairs are very comfortable to sit on and you can use different covers for it to match with her room. These cool Farm Animals Collection Bean Chair Cover would be a perfect addition to your child’s room. They come in many different colours that form as attractive bean bags for your child. Each of the bag requires around 1.5 to 2 kg of beans which must be bought separately. These bean bags are priced at around Rs.2,639 on The Pipal. Hence, this can make for a pretty expensive gift, but it is totally worth it as a safe and comfortable furniture that would appeal to your child’s taste and it's a gift she will be able to use for a long time.
Superfie Bow Waisted Gown
If you could think of no other idea, then you could always go for a cute dress to gift your little girl. Like for example, the Superfie Bow Waisted Gown With Lace Trims and Uneven Hem. It is an extremely cute gown dress that is unlike what she might be having in her closet. These look elegant and allow your little girl plenty of freedom for movement and activities. It even has a bow at the back which accentuates the cuteness of this dress. Priced at Rs.1,299 on First Cry, this dress is by no means expensive and is sure to catch the eye of your lady. Dresses make for as pretty conventional and traditional gifts. Therefore, if you are worried and undecided about what to buy, then gift her this cute fancy dress. It is available in navy and in pink.
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Inexpensive Gifts are a Better Alternative
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