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Staying Healthy is the Key
Parents are usually paranoid when it comes to the health of their kids. And no two kids are the same. Nor are their habits. So, it becomes important for parents to keep tabs on the traits of their kids. They are the future of the country, and their health is of prime importance. While parents are always bothered about the health of their children, very few parents indulge themselves and have a keen eye on what their kids are doing throughout the day.
It is crucial to assess the health of children on a holistic basis. It starts with healthy habits, and it is vital to understand the factors that allow your kids to stay healthy. Their health must be monitored regularly too. In this article, we will discuss some of the habits that are important for children, as it will help them in their growing years.
Essential Healthy Habits for Kids
Kids must be taught healthy habits as it will help them to stay healthy. They can keep away from chronic diseases, and it will also help them in their growing years.
Having a Wholesome Meal
Children must be taught to have a healthy and wholesome meal. It will provide them with the nutrition they need in order to be strong and prevent any diseases. Having a healthy diet from childhood will also help them when they grow up. The willpower to refrain from eating sugary and junk food comes from a young age. Moreover, unhealthy food is also the reason for a few kids to become obese. It leads to several diseases.
This is why, it is essential to make children eat all sorts of healthy items, be it fruits, vegetables or proteins and carbs. They must be introduced to the variety of grains, pulses, fruits, and vegetables and the nourishing benefits that these foods have. Children must also be taught to eat food at regular intervals during the day.
A Good Sleep
Studies have shown that adequate sleep improves the activity of the brain and boosts our immune system. Children who go to bed and wake up early are also known to be healthier. On the other hand, children with faulty sleeping patterns are known to be either obese or weak. An adequate amount of rest ensures that the energy levels are boosted, and they can freshen up for the day ahead. Irregular sleep habits can hamper metabolism, which can lead to severe diseases. In the long run, these could lead to severe sleeping problems and other health issues.
Having Breakfast on Time
Parents must ensure that their kids have a habit of having their meals on time. It starts with having breakfast regularly and on time. Skipping a meal could lead to snacking and munching on some junk food which is harmful to the body. You must inform your kids that having breakfast can help in keeping them healthy, boosts their energy, and keeps away diseases. Studies have also shown that children who skip- breakfast have a likelihood of being obese. Having a breakfast that is rich in fiber can help to break minimise the chances of heart disease and diabetes. When having breakfast or any meal, ensure that the meals are not sugary.
Doing Physical Activities
While there are children who would love to run around all day, there are some others who dislike physical activities. These kids usually develop into couch potatoes. Children should not be allowed to watch television for more than two to three hours a day. Children who are couch potatoes have lower grades in school, are obese and usually have behavioural problems.
So, it is important that parents also indulge themselves in physical activity, as it will be easier for the kids to learn. There are several sports from which you may choose. If they are doing any physical activity, it will help them to stay fit and healthy. Once they stick to a sport, they can continue with it till they are adults.
Washing Hands
Children must be taught about proper hygiene practices too, and washing hands is only one of them. You must teach your kids about the benefits of washing their hands before any meal. They must also wash their hands when they come home from outside and also after using the toilet. The correct way to wash hands must also be taught to them. They must use soap or a liquid handwash and wash their hands for at least twenty seconds. Kids must know that washing their hands removes the germs from their hands.
Reading Habit
Children must be introduced to storybooks at an early age. It removes their urge to watch television or use the smartphone of their parents. Reading habits can keep your kid occupied for a long time. Moreover, it will also open up a world of imaginations for them. It is also essential to make them read stories before going to bed. Your kids will be happy and can have a sound sleep.
This is why children must inculcate reading habits from childhood, as it could go on to shape their personality later in life. They can be presented with books on topics that they like. It has been seen that most great orators have also been great readers themselves. Reading also helps to improve self-esteem and have better relationships with their parents.
Have Good Oral Hygiene
Children must learn about oral hygiene from their childhood. Your kids must learn to brush their teeth twice a day. Children do not like to brush their teeth after waking up, but parents must ensure that brushing becomes a habit. Keep the kids away from too much sugary food. Parents must educate their children about the need for brushing their teeth. Tell them that their teeth will have cavities if they neglect oral hygiene. Their parents must also make it a habit to follow proper dental hygiene, as the kids will learn from them. Also, you must take their kids to the dentist regularly for a formal check-up.
Staying Away from Carbonated Drinks
It's very well known that children fall for junk food when the prying eyes of their parents are absent. It is essential to make children stay away from carbonated drinks and soda. It will cause immense harm to their tender bodies. These drinks contain lots of caffeine and sugar that are harmful to their health.
Plus, children must be taught to have water instead of colas when they are thirsty. The harmful effects of colas and sodas must be told to the children. Hopefully, it will keep them away from these unhealthy drinks. Instead, you may introduce them to fruit juices, smoothies, and milkshakes that are tasty and nutritious too.
Having a Bath
Most children usually love to have a bath, but there are others who cannot be taken into the bathroom. It is crucial to make children understand the need to follow proper hygiene. Improper hygiene habits can lead to skin rashes that can take time to heal. It is important to have some designer bathtubs for the kids to lure them into having a bath. Scented soaps and shampoos can also entice them into having a bath regularly. Parents must ensure that bathing is a fun time for children, that will lure them into the bathroom.
Learn The Importance of Sharing
Most adults are reluctant in sharing their belonging with others, so why do we blame only the kids. Parents must teach their kids the essential values of life. They must show their kids that sharing is an important virtue of life. They must be willing to share their belongings with their friends. Though your kids may find it difficult to share their books and toys, gradually they will find that it can lead to more friends. They must also share intangible elements, like their feelings and emotions. It will enhance the emotional quotient of the children as they grow up. It will also help them to be mature humans when they grow up.
Limit on Viewing Television or Using the Smartphone
It is suggested by experts to limit the time kids spend watching television and using the smartphones of their parents. Indulging in such activities can affect their attention span. Of course, kids love to watch television, and they can sit for hours together. But, as parents, you must note that it reduces the time spent by them in activities. It also causes harm to their tender eyes and can lead to infection.
This is why as parents, you should make a schedule when your kids can watch television or be on the smartphone. You must take care that their kids are not at either of them for too much time; else your kids will become lazy. An adverse effect of too much screen time is that the kids take to junk food and are usually obese.
Having Fun with Friends and Family
Children must not be laid back and instead, hang out and interact with their friends and relatives. They must go out and play in the afternoon for a scheduled period. As they are young, they will need an adult to escort them and ensure their safety. When they mingle with friends, they can share their feelings and emotions. It will help them in cooperating with others when they grow up. Parents must spend more time with their children as it will help them in their growing years. There will be a feeling of togetherness, and the kids will also improve their communication skills.
Few Unhealthy Habits to Be Avoided
Kids have several bad habits, but some practices are worse than others. We have discussed some of the good habits that need to be imbibed in children. It is also crucial that we discuss some of the unhealthy habits of kids and how to ensure that parents can keep their kids away from those habits.
Not Keeping Their Room Clean
It is difficult to discipline a child. A small example is that you will find things strewn all over the place when you enter their room. You need not be astonished to see them drawing on the walls of their room. Parents must teach them not to mess up their room and to keep it tidy. They must be discouraged from painting on the walls. Instead, they must draw on their drawing books.
It is also difficult to make children make their bed after waking up. Though it may be challenging to imbibe this habit in children, it will help a long way in the future. It will also ensure that they do not mess up their room anymore.
Lack of Outdoor Activities
Nowadays, most children stay at home in the afternoon, either using a smartphone, or they would be sleeping. Sitting at home and more screen time is a bad habit and can lead to various health problems. Playing and doing physical activities help in the motor development of children. Children need to go out and play for some time in the afternoon. Parents must also ensure that there is a fixed time when children go out to play.
Chewing Nails
Children can feel insecure and anxious very quickly, and that is when elders need to stand by them. The younger your kid is, the more you need to be by them. There are various occasions when they can get nervous, especially when you talk to them in a harsh tone. Whenever children face an awkward situation, they such their fingers, or worse, they chew their nails. Parents must also teach their children that these are bad habits and should not be done. Their hands must be washed at regular intervals, and their nails must be cut too.
Being Too Picky in Food
Children are known to throw tantrums and have only junk food, like French fries, carbonated drinks, etc. You cannot blame them as they see various enticing advertisements on television. It is not very unusual for kids to be choosy about food. But as parents, we must teach them the benefits of having healthy and nutritious food.
You must not give up trying to make your kids give up unhealthy food habits. Maybe they will have healthy food the next time. Also, make sure they have a balanced diet, and no nutrients should go missing from their diet.
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New Age Parenting
The concept of parenting has evolved over time and now parents are moving towards a more open, accepting approach to nurturing their child. So while following any or all the tips mentioned above, feel free to add your own parenting style to it, and do it your way, after all, you would know what's best for your child and how to communicate things in the most suited manner.