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Why Adding Wheatgrass to Your Diet is a Healthy Choice
Wheatgrass is a young grass from the wheat plant. In recent years, it has become popular as a nutrient-rich vegetarian option for health freaks. It is known to contain several nutrients like vitamins, minerals along with the green pigment chlorophyll that is good for the body. It is considered safe and can be taken raw. Generally, it is taken as a powder, or the juice is added into smoothies or sauces.
It contains several amino acids and antioxidants that are instrumental in keeping away chronic ailments and keep us healthy and strong. It boosts our immune system too so that we can ward off diseases. There are specific diseases also that can be treated using wheatgrass. You must know about its health benefits so that you may include it in your daily intake. In this article, we will discuss some of the health benefits of wheatgrass.
How You Can Have Wheatgrass
We understand that wheatgrass is necessary to keep us hearty and free from diseases. But, it is also essential to gradually introduce it to our daily intake. Let us now learn how we may have wheatgrass every day.
As a Juice
You can have wheatgrass as a juice, but a regular juicer may not be sufficient. It will be better if you use a manual juicer that will be slower and preserve the benefits of the wheatgrass. The fresh juice is considered to be a living food. It contains several nutrients that are good for the body.
You can have the juice in a small volume. You can take 50 grams of it at a time and break them into smaller pieces. You can pass these small sticks through a juice extractor and have it with some ice. You can use it with other fruits and make a smoothie out of the ingredients.
Used in Cocktails
When we have cocktails, most of us may like to mix the drinks with some healthy ingredients. So, why not with wheatgrass, that has several nutrients that are good for the body? It has a mild taste and is usually being mixed with several shakes. It can also be blended with several drinks. The ones that have a fruity flavour are the ideals ones where you can experimentally infuse the wheatgrass juice. Wheatgrass juice can be had with vodka, or you can have it with Margarita or Martini.
In Sauces and Dressings
It is preferable that you utilise the nutrients present in wheatgrass to the fullest by having it raw. One of the ways to do this is to include it in sauces and dressings. You can add them at the end of the cooking for an additional flavour. You can add it to the sauces that you make at home or bring in from the groceries. You may also add some of the juice in your salads as a dressing. Another way of having it is to add it in your vegetarian soups. You can blend it well, and it can give a fresh twist to your soups. It is usually added in chilled soups.
As a Powder
One of the common ways of having wheatgrass is in powdered form. Most of the powders sold are organic, which ensures that the nutrients are intact. It is of great taste, and they are packed usually while keeping in mind the prevalent food regulations. The producers always keep in mind the nutrient aspect, and they are air-dried and packed the same day to keep the nutrients intact.
It is a natural source of fibre and other nutrients like vitamins and minerals, including iron, calcium, selenium, etc. The organic powdered wheatgrass is known for its several detoxifying properties and can take care of your health and wellness.
Health Benefits of Wheatgrass: Why You Should Add this Superfood into Your Diet
Wheatgrass is plant-based and has several nutrients and is suitable for your body. It has grown in prominence as a significant source of nutrition for the- health conscious. We will discuss some of the health benefits of wheatgrass.
High in Nutrients and Antioxidants
Are you aware that wheatgrass is an excellent source of nutrients, like minerals and vitamins? There is a high amount of calcium, iron, magnesium and amino acids. It is also high in vitamins A, E and C. It has a high content of amino acids, out of which eight are critical enough to be obtained from food items. It also has chlorophyll that is also beneficial to our health.
It has several antioxidants, including glutathione and vitamins E and C. Wheatgrass also contains phytochemicals like flavonoids. The antioxidants help to fight against the free radicals and prevent damage to the body cells. It can also protect against several conditions like cancer, neurodegenerative disease, heart disease and arthritis. Various studies also show the connection between wheatgrass and the reduction in oxidative stress. Antioxidants also help to reduce chronic inflammation.
Reduces Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a sticky substance that forms a layer in your veins and arteries. Cholesterol may be needed to form hormones, but too much cholesterol can lead to a heart attack. It has been seen in studies with rats that wheatgrass reduced the content of bad cholesterol in their bodies. In another study with patients, it showed that it reduced the level of triglycerides, LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol. Apart from reducing the levels of bad cholesterol in the body, it increases the level of good cholesterol in your body. In a way, it reduces the risk of having heart disease. Wheatgrass shows similar effects to medicines.
Reduces Chances of Cancer
Wheatgrass is known to have a stricture more like the haemoglobin in our blood. So, we can safely say that wheatgrass helps to enhance the flow of oxygen across the body. It also contains various enzymes that have antioxidant properties and acts against the free radicals in our body, that can lead to chronic diseases like cancer. The free radicals can also act against the DNA.
Some studies have also shown a correlation in killing cancer cells. It can also decrease the spread of cancer cells in the mouth and can also act against leukaemia. Separate studies have also shown that it reduces colon cancer too. It can mostly be attributed to the antioxidants present in wheatgrass. It is also known to reverse the effects of cancer treatment and chemotherapy, along with a reduced risk of impaired functioning of the bone marrow.
Works Against Gastrointestinal Problems
Wheatgrass has a large number of enzymes that help in the digestion by breaking down the nutritional content in food and absorb them. It can detox your body so that you do not have any discomfort in the abdomen with less bloating and you experience less gas. The patients do not have any irritable bowel syndrome or digestive issues like constipation.
Studies also suggest that wheatgrass can help in the treatment of ulcerative colitis that can affect your intestine. Wheatgrass ensures that digestion occurs naturally and can cure constipation. It also increases metabolism and keeps the digestive system functioning on an ongoing basis. If your metabolic rate is reasonable, the digestive juices usually flow. It can also reduce the excessive pH content of the blood that reduces the gastrointestinal problems, like diarrhoea, constipation and colitis.
Helps in Regulating Diabetes
Wheatgrass can help in regulating sugar in your blood. Now, high blood sugar can lead to several other ailments like frequent urination and fatigue. It can lead to vision problems and nerve damage. Studies have also shown that wheatgrass can modify the levels of some enzymes that can aid in reducing the blood sugar levels in our body. Wheatgrass is usually gluten-free that helps in preventing diabetes.
Wheatgrass reduces the oxidation of glucose and glycogen, which will reduce the levels of blood sugar. It also has antioxidant properties due to the presence of flavonoids and phenolics that absorb the free radicals. Another benefit arises from the fact that it reduces inflammation in the feet that is a fallout of diabetes in patients. You may also keep your weight in check, as obesity can lead to diabetes. It stimulates metabolism and reduces the craving for food.
Alleviates Inflammation
Inflammation is due to the trigger by your immune system against any infection. It can also be due to chronic diseases like heart disease, autoimmune disease or cancer. One of the major reasons why wheatgrass can reduce the effects of inflammation is due to the presence of chlorophyll. Studies have shown that related compounds can lead to reduced inflammation in humans. But, wheatgrass can act against the proteins that lead to inflammation.
Of late, inflammation has been connected with chronic disorders too, that requires you to have anti-inflammatory foods like wheatgrass. Having wheatgrass can also help you due to its anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties that can enhance your immunity levels. You must imbibe wheatgrass regularly as it can reduce rectal bleeding.
Enhances Immunity
Wheatgrass has high nutritional value that provides you with better immunity and protects you against pollutants and other harmful substances. Moreover, it is known to have antioxidant properties that can help you prevent chronic diseases. It can also enhance your immune system and fight against health problems. If you have it regularly, your immune system will work at optimal levels, and this will help you feel energetic.
The harmful toxins will be removed from the body, and you can utilise the positive energy to perform your daily schedule at your very best. It can also enhance the count of the red blood cells in your body, which will help to improve your immunity levels. A better immunity level can help in getting cured of disease faster. It also contains the necessary amino acids to protect you from the harmful toxins and carcinogens that can make you sick.
Prevents Obesity and Helps in Weight Loss
One of the reasons that we must have a regular exercise regimen is to prevent obesity. It is the root cause of many chronic ailments, including heart diseases. It can also lead to diabetes along with high blood pressure and an increase in cholesterol levels. Studies have also shown that those who have wheatgrass regularly are less prone to obesity. It stimulates the thyroids that help to prevent obesity.
Wheatgrass contains thylakoids that contain chlorophyll and absorb the sunlight. These chemicals slow down the digestion procedure, and you feel that your stomach is fuller. As a result, you feel less hungry too. The thylakoids can also increase the levels of cholecystokinin that increase the stimulation of bile and leads to lower food intake. It can also affect the secretion of ghrelin due to which you may feel like having a full stomach.
Wheatgrass also ensures that your skin is protected and has anti-ageing elements due to the presence of antioxidants. The free radicals present in the body can lead to ageing, which is removed by the anti-oxidants. It can also make blemishes disappear faster as wheatgrass contains vitamins C and K that can help in the healing of the wounds. The chlorophyll is anti-bacterial and can help in acting against pimples and can also be helpful in the treatment of psoriasis and eczema.
Wheatgrass can also protect the skin and can also work against damage caused on your skin due to the sun. The presence of Vitamin E can work as a stabiliser to the skin too and keep it hydrated. It can also cleanse the body from harmful elements and repair any damage caused to the epidermal tissue from within the body. Wheatgrass juice can also be frozen and applied to scars and burns to soothe the skin,
Fights Infections
Wheatgrass can also act as an antibiotic and can work against infections. We have already seen that it can act against any damage to the skin and work against the free radicals and prevent many chronic diseases. It is also used in treating some infections affecting people who may have developed any antibiotic resistance. Studies also show that wheatgrass can act against lactobacillus bacteria and streptococcal infections.
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Enhance Immunity and Prevent Severe Medical Conditions
With immense benefits such as high amounts of minerals like calcium, magnesium and iron as well as the many different vitamins like Vitamin A, E and C, wheatgrass comes at the forefront of the most healthy natural products. The health benefits of wheatgrass are so many such that, only a few could be featured herein. Having other significant aspects as and anti-inflammatory agent, helping in reducing the risk of chronic ailments such as Cancer and Diabetes or even help in balancing cholesterol levels, wheatgrass is one of the healthiest natural products you ought to take advantage of.