Looking for More Calming Essential Oils(2021)?Try These Essential Oils for Relaxation that Might Just Help You Drift off to Sleep.

Looking for More Calming Essential Oils(2021)?Try These Essential Oils for Relaxation that Might Just Help You Drift off to Sleep.

Sleep is a hot topic right now. If you don’t want to use over-the-counter and prescription medications, essential oil is just one type of all-natural sleep aid you can choose.

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How Essential Oils Got Their Name

We all have been calling essential oils 'essential' ever now. However, the inquisitiveness inside us leads to discovering the purpose of calling these oils essential.

First discovered and used by the Egyptians, the masters of cosmetology, essential oils got their name as they were considered an essential element for living just like water, fire, air and earth.

What Can be Called An Essential Oil

There are specific requirements from the distillation to the properties of an oil to call it an essential oil. Let us elaborate on these factors.

Steam Distillation

The process of steam distillation makes essential oils so pure and useful. These are extracted by merely using the all natural steam and no harmful chemicals , solvents and artificial processes are used in the distillation process.

Pure Plant Derivatives

Essential oil is regarded as a fifth element and that's attributed to the fact that it is kept in its natural form without any adulteration. These are pure plant oil, derived wholly from plants. These can be derived from various plants and parts of a plant.

Should Not Mix with Water

Source curiokids.net

Barring a few exceptions, essential oils do not mix in water. So, if you want to DIY essential oil and water spray then the bottle should be shaken well before every use. In addition to that, there are also few natural solubilizing products like hydrosols available that enable the mixing of essential oils with water while making soaps and other cosmetic products.

Extracted from a Single Origin

Essential oils are sourced from a single origin that makes them extremely pure and full of medicinal, aromatic and healing goodness. These are 100% plant-based and can be obtained from various kinds of plants or different parts of a plant.

Use of Essential Oils for Relaxation and Sleep

Here are Essential Oils for relaxation and Sleep that we recommend you to try for the best results

Lavender Oil

Source www.hgtv.com

Among many essential oils for relaxation and stress relief, Lavender is one of the most aromatic essential oils that we know of. Credits to its sweet and mesmerizing smell, it is greatly used in aromatherapy for relaxation and enhancing the quality of sleep. Lavender can be termed as a sleep aid as it can help you fall asleep and is also a great stress reliever.

Researches have shown that the use of this oil reduces the need for painkillers as well as this being an effective antidepressant. One of the best qualities of this oil is that it does not make one drowsy while imparting a calming effect. As lavender oil has a great fragrance, it can be used directly on your body in areas like temples, wrists etc. to make use of its benefits. Also, it can be sprayed on pillows by creating various mists by mixing 10-15 drops of lavender oil with 2 cups of distilled water and 1 tbsp of witch hazel to improve sleep.

Vanilla Oil

Vanilla oil is one of the most popular stress relievers and mood lifters. It is also a natural sedative and has proven useful in treating depression and anxiety. You can use this wonderful oil by creating a mist with distilled water to spray on scarves or on pillows at nighttime. We recommend you add this soothing essential oil to your bath or mix a few drops with body lotion for skin application. Not only your skin will feel refreshed but also you will feel stress-free with the regular application of vanilla oil.

Frankincense Oil

A personal favourite, this oil helps cure headaches ! Our lifestyle and the constant worries of work-life balance and responsibilities often weigh us down, majorly shifting our moods making us anxious and restless. This oil is known to import a calming effect and relief from anxiety.

It even helps reduce the effects of stress like shallow or quick breathing, headaches etc. Adding to the wonderful medicinal benefits, know that this oil was earlier used as eye makeup by ancient Egyptian women and was considered exquisite and expensive. You can date back the use of this oil to the birth of Jesus, where this was one of the presents at the time of his birth. Moreover, the ease of using it also makes us include this oil in our list. You can simply take a few drops on your palm, rub it and inhale the aroma.

Bergamot Oil

Bergamot Oil is popular for the extra citrusy kick that bergamot oil offers. Belonging to the citrus family, it has a clean smell and ideal to be mixed with the high floral scents for use. Studies have proven that the use of this oil helps curb negative emotions, thoughts as well as fatigue. This oil is also known to help with sleep disorders and overall body health. It helps lower blood pressure and slows the heart rate, making it extremely useful for hypertensive people. This oil can cause burns when exposed to the sun. Instead of applying it onto the skin, diffuse it to use its much talked about benefits. Use this oil for aromatherapy in candles and diffusers. This can also be sprinkled on scarves to use its benefits.

Sandalwood Oil

Providing a long-lasting fragrance, sandalwood oil has a woodsy and earthy smell that makes it gender-neutral for application. It is known to regulate breathing and is a great relaxation essential oil. Essential oils have a history to affect each individual differently. As this oil is known as an anti-anxiety formula, it makes certain people drowsy making it sedative while curbing their anxiety and its effects. However, not all people exhibit similar behaviour. For a few, this scent increases alertness and does not make them fall asleep even while it does end up relaxing them. Depending on how this oil affects you, you can use this oil at nighttime for a peaceful sleep or during the day for wakefulness. Use this by adding a few drops in your body lotion or to your bath.

Clary Sage Oil

Clary sage oil is extracted from the buds and leaves of a flowering herb and has great medicinal use as it is known to control hormonal imbalance in our body. This lowers the stress hormone, ‘cortisol’ thereby making it a great stress reliever and anti-depressant. It is also known to have antibacterial properties as well as useful in reducing menstrual cramps in women.

This oil is also known to have antibacterial properties and alleviate menopause symptoms considerably. Use this oil's antibacterial properties by mixing it with a carrier oil such as coconut. Add about 5-7 drops of this oil with 30 ml of coconut oil and massage it on the wounds. Add a few drops to the bath to help with sore muscles and mood upliftment. Do not directly apply this to your face without a doctor’s advice as well as not suitable for people with low blood pressure problems.Always use a carrier oil when using clary sage.

Rose Geranium Essential Oil

Next in our essential oils for relaxation and stress suggestion of Rose Geranium Oil. Endowed with a floral scent, this is very popular as a powerful stress reliever and highly efficient in anxiety control. It is also very effective in healing burns and wounds and reducing inflammation.

Note that rose geranium oil is different from geranium oil which comes from the same plant species and exhibits similar useful properties and characteristics. Rose geranium oil is however more popular and effective than geranium oil. A great way to incorporate its benefits into our life is by mixing 1-2 drops of rose geranium oil with 7-8 drops of carrier oil like jojoba or coconut and apply it to your skin at nighttime. This works like an astringent that tightens the skin and removes dead skin cells.


Citrus group of scents have proven to have multiple benefits and can be useful to every individual differently. Citrus oils generally have a more gender-neutral aroma making it useful for most of us. Citrus oil such as lemon oil has been known to control anxiety and treat depressions. This can relax some people to sleep, whereas some may not feel drowsy at all. This is also an effective face cleanser and helps in reducing acne scars. To some, it also acts like a skin brightening agent. Bergamot essential oil also belongs to the citrus family and is efficient in elevating sleep quality and lowering anxiety. Use 1-2 drops of lemon oil with a few drops of any carrier oil of your choice that does not block your pores. Apply it to your skin and leave it for 3-5 minutes followed by a facial cleaner to wash it off.

Other Benefits Of Essential Oils

Effective in Migraine and Headache Relief

As essential oils have proven useful in treatment of various ailments and aromatherapy purposes, they are also regarded highly efficient in treating migraines and headaches. Research has shown that a mere dab of a mix of ethanol and peppermint oil on the forehead and temple act as a great pain reliever. Also, peppermint oil when mixed with lavender has proven to have relieving effects on headache. Also, an old and popular persian headache remedy suggests that a mix of chamomile essential oil and sesame oil to temples effectively reduces headaches and treats migraines.

Antibiotic and Antimicrobial Properties

The rise in pollution and population has majorly contributed to the spread of infection, viruses and bacterias in our daily life. Over a period of time, it is seen that antibiotics are always not successful in curing bacterial infections. Additionally, this has led to increased doses and strengths of medicines during infections for remedy and relief.

Essential oils have exhibited many medicinal benefits and it is also a popular research area to understand the benefits it has to offer as an antifungal and antibiotic source. Studies have shown that essential oils like peppermint and tea tree oil have antimicrobial characteristics making them an effective remedy for use during infections. The oils have proven to be antiseptic and have exhibited antibacterial properties against many bacterial strains such as salmonella, Escherichia coli etc.

Reduces Inflammation

As plants are always known to have many other benefits and not merely provide life-sustaining oxygen, the essential oils derived from plants also contain a variety of high benefits that are still being explored. Some essential oils have anti-inflammatory effects and studies on animal subjects have shown some good results.

An experiment on rats involving ingestion of a combination of thyme and oregano essential oils or caraway and rosemary essential oils helped with their remission of colitis. Not limited to the above, there is an array of essential oils that help reduce inflammation like eucalyptus, clove, rose, fennel, ginger, thyme etc. These oils have been known to reduce the effect and footprint of COX-2 enzymes considerably. COX-2 enzymes are our immune system’s reaction to inflammation. Example being thyme reducing this by 75%.

DIY Sleep Essential Oil Mix

If you cannot make up your mind on which one to buy then we have this DIY essential oil mix for you for inducing better sleep.

The benefits and uses of plant-derived essential oils are not hidden anymore. With versatile oils like lavender, citrus, sandalwood, bergamot etc that offer a wide array of benefits and have no significant side effects for most of us makes us all the more greedy to include these in our life. With the current lifestyle, we do have challenges in sleeping, face anxiety issues and often need sleep aids. In these times, we turn to medicinal drugs which usually affect our body and make us addicted to their use. Essential oils on the other hand are 100% natural and have high benefits.

Let's see how to make a very easy sleep aid that will help in taking care of most of the sleep disorders giving you the most comfortable and good sleep in a while.

Make a moderate quantity batch that easily lasts for 15-20 uses and. We would need 20 drops each of lavender essential oil, frankincense essential oil, cedarwood essential oil and bergamot essential oil. Also, we need a dark-coloured bottle with a diffuser and an airtight lid.

We do not want to expose our oils to sunlight which could make them less effective and reactive. Add all the above oils to the bottle and shake well. Add water to your diffuser as directed and add 10-12 drops of this oil mix to it. Power it on a few minutes before you're about to hit the bed.

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Do Check the Quality

Look for a trusted producer that makes pure oils without anything added. You’re more likely to have an allergic reaction to oils that have other ingredients. Not all extras are bad. Like anything else you put on your skin, it’s best to test a little bit on a small area and see how your skin responds.