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3 Reasons to Make a DIY Gift
1.Handmade Gifts are Personal and Unique
When looking for gifts for a loved one, how often do you have the perfect idea and are searching for the closest replica of what is in your mind? Why settle for second best when you can make them a great present yourself? Making a gift for someone allows you to personalise every aspect of it - the colours, material, and purpose. It is so much more special than simply personalising a store bought item.
Making things by hand adds an intimacy to gift giving as you are thinking of the person the whole time, and she will be touched that you spent time and energy to make something just for her. Giving gifts are a way to show people how much we care for and love them, handmade things are a way of pouring that love into a gift. To top that, even skilled craftsmen cannot make two things that are exactly identical, so your gift will be unique, something no one else in the world has!
2. Easy on the Pocket
Even when using the best ingredients and material, your gift will be a lot cheaper than something similar available in stores. And when you are running low on funds, the cost of gifts can be cut down dramatically by making them yourself. Depending on the reasons you chose to make a gift - wanting to cut costs or make a unique gift - you can set a budget accordingly. There is a lot of flexibility in using that budget too. Say you have a budget of Rs.1000 to make her bath oils, you can either splurge on expensive cold pressed oils and balance it out by using the cheaper essential oils to add fragrance. Or if she is the kind of girl who loves exotic smells, spend more on buying unusual and expensive aromatics and adjust the cost by using a cheaper, or smaller quantity of base oil. Many DIY projects can be made with things you would already have at home, thus bringing down your costs.
3. Show off Your Creative Side
If you are skilled with your hands and have a creative mind, why spend on store bought gifts? Even if you are flush with funds, if you possess the skills to make her a gift far better than what can be bought in a shop, then you absolutely must; it will be so much more special to her. It will be an enjoyable experience for you as well since you can do something you are good at, and working with the hands is very therapeutic. You will have a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, she, a beautiful gift she will cherish. Anticipating her joy can serve as additional motivation.
10 Unique DIY Gifts for Girl Best Friend
1. Calendar with Instagram Pictures
A cute calendar with your favourite pictures with her, or of something she loves, is a lovely gift to make for a friend. She will have a daily reminder of you, and of happy memories as it serves as a way to display pictures as well. No matter what time of the year it is, you can make a standard calendar that runs from January to December, or, since you are making it, you get to decide which month your calendar starts from!
You will need:
1). prints of 12 Instagram pictures (either use an online photo printing service or drop in at your neighbourhood photo studio), 2). mini calendar to match the size of the prints, 3). poster board, scissors, 4). glue, 5). a punch to make holes, 6). twine or slim ribbon, and 7). decorative paper for the cover.
Cut 13 pieces of the poster board, slightly larger than your Instagram prints so you get a border around the pictures. Trim the calendar pages to fit perfectly on the cut up board pieces.
After everything is neatly trimmed, start gluing. The pictures go on the top, calendar pages below, so line them, stack them or devise a system to make sure pictures and calendar pages are on corresponding pages. Once everything is stuck where it should be, mark the spots where holes have to be punched. Measure the distance and mark the exact spot on each card so you get an evenly spaced stack once you tie them up.
One side of the top card is left blank to serve as cover. You can either put an extra picture here, or decorate it. Simply putting 2018 in glitter paper will also do. As a final step, check one last time to ensure the months are in correct order and tie them together using the twine.
If you are more likely to put glue all over yourself than where it's intended, you can outsource the whole thing. Vista Print allows you to make your own calendar. They provide the layout and design options, you simply upload your pictures to the desired template, mark special dates if you want, and they will print and ship the finished calendar. Customised wall calendars are priced starting at Rs.225
2. Jar of Happiness
Wouldn't it be great if you could bottle happiness in a jar and give it to your friend for whenever she needs a pick-me-up? Well, that's exactly what you can do with a jar of happiness. It is a jar filled with inspirational messages that she can dip in to when she needs to lift her spirits.
What you need:
1). a mason jar with lid, 2). note paper in different colours, 3). coloured pens, 4). some research on inspirational quotes, and 5). a piece of ribbon.
Browse the internet, or use books, to find positive messages and quotes that can act a mood lifter for your friend. Save the ones you like most. Nect cut up the paper into smaller pieces if you are using sheets of paper; if they are the size of small notes, carry on to the next step, which is to write down one quote or message on each piece of paper. Write as many notes as will fit in the jar. Fold them up and rop them in. Make it look interesting by using paper in different colours and patterns. Cut out a piece of paper for the label, make a hole in it to pass the ribbon, and secure it to the neck of the jar. Finish with a bow in front. You can use other embellishments, paint the jar or decorate it in any other way you wish. The wonderful thing about this gift is she can use it for a long time, and it will give her a moment of joy whenever she needs it.
3. Homemade Coffee Grounds Candles
The smell of coffee is an intoxicating aroma. Capture this smell in candles to give to your coffee loving best friend. The best part is you can make delicious smelling candles using used coffee grounds and a few other simple ingredients.
What you need:
1). Two tablespoons of used coffee grounds, 2). a small paper coffee cup as mold, 3). paper towels, 4). bits of old wax measuring a cup’s worth (you can also use fresh candles if you don’t have used stubs at home), 5). candle wick, 6). small saucepan, 7). scissors, 8). small metal or glass bowl.
Dry the coffee grounds first if you are using a freshly used batch. You can spread it on a plate and let it sit till it feels dry to the touch, and then press it down between paper towels to remove the last bits of moisture. Don’t put it out in the sun or leave it out too long as you will lose some of that great smell.
When the coffee grounds are ready, gently melt the wax over a double boiler. While it melts, place the wick at the center of the cup and sprinkle a tablespoon of the coffee into the cup. Carefully pour half the wax in, holding the wick steady to ensure it stays in place. Let wax cool and harden before sprinkling the remaining coffee and topping with the leftover wax. Once the candle has set completely, gently cut away the paper cup to reveal your candle. To make more candles simply multiply the recipe, or use smaller cups to make them in a different size.
4. Marbled Clay Jewellery Dish
Keeping tabs on small pieces of jewellery can be such a nightmare. Most of us are in the habit of coming home, removing the rings, bracelets and earrings and dropping them off on the nearest available surface, only to forget where that was. The next time you go hunting for the other earring, it cannot be found anywhere! Save your best friend from this vicious cycle by making her pretty jewellery dishes she can place around her room to collect all the tiny bits of jewellery.
What you need:
1). Oven bake clay in white, black, and a few pieces of different coloured ones, 2). plastic clay knife, 3). rolling pin, 4). large jar for tracing, 5). gold liquid gilding, 6). a small paintbrush, 7). oven safe bowl, 8). glaze.
Cut small pieces of the colours of clay you want your bowl to have and roll them into strips - you can use a little more of the white to act as base, a tiny bit of black and grey to add contrast, and a few other colours. In all, the clay should be enough to roll out into a moderately thick, 6 inch circle. After rolling them out, bring the strips of slay together and twist them together. Roll it out till it doubles in length, double and twist again. Repeat once more before bringing it together into a ball. Then use the rolling pin to roll it into a circle. Use the can to trace a circle on the clay and cut it with the plastic knife.
Gently place the clay circle into the baking bowl so it takes the shape of the bowl’s curve to form a dish shape. Bake according to instructions on the clay packaging. Once it has cooled completely, turn over the baking bowl and tap gently to release the dish. Paint the edge gold, and when dry, coat in glaze to give it a gloss. You may be tempted to make more of these than you intended so you get to keep a few!
5. Bath Bombs
Bath bombs are such a luxurious treat and anyone who has ever used them can never go back to their old routine. Well, they have to because daily bath bombs can be a very expensive indulgence, but bath time is never the same again. So why not treat to Lush style bath bombs made by you.
What you need:
1). A cup of baking soda, 2). 1/2 cup of citric acid, 3). 1/2 cup of Epsom salts, 4). 1 teaspoon of water, 5). 2 teaspoon essential oil (pick one or make a blend of your choice), 6). 3 teaspoon olive or coconut oil, 7). food colours of your choice 8). a big mixing bowl, 9). whisk, 10). a jar, 11). bath bomb mold (you can use silicone chocolate molds used for making chocolate domes)
Whisk together dry ingredients in the bowl. Mix together the wet ingredients in the jar and blend till evenly combined. Pick colours that go well with the essential oils you have used - such as lavender with purple, or you can get creative and make surprise bath bombs!. Slowly add the wet ingredients to the dry bowl, one tablespoon at a time. Once the ingredients come together, work quickly so the mix doesn’t dry up. Fill the molds, pack tightly and shape the bombs. Let them dry up before making your gift wrap.
6. Gift Basket
It is as fun making a gift basket as it is receiving one. Who doesn’t love receiving a basket filled with assorted goodies. It’s not just the gifts inside but also the excitement of discovering your present, one item at a time. They can be filled with any number of things, from edibles, to makeup, kitchen accessories and can be customised according to any occasion! The possibilities are endless! What is the occasion for giving her a gift? Make a gift basket tailored for it. You can even make gift baskets for recipes you want her to try, a get well basket filled with comforting things she can use while she is under the weather, a moving home basket filled with odds and ends that will come in handy at her new place. Use a gift basket to fill your goodies, or go with the theme of your present and use things like a bucket for bath products, or a mixing bowl filled with ingredients and recipe for your chocolate cake she has always wanted to try making. Gift baskets are great when you can’t decide on one present, or want to share so many things with her that a single gift is not enough. You can look up the blog Dreaming in DIY for ideas and inspirations for your basket.
7. Box of Chocolate Chip Cookies
Few problems will seem less severe after one, or a few, really good chocolate chip cookies. Before you start heading out of the door to your favourite patisserie to grab a tin of their divine cookies, here’s a thought. Why not make some yourself? They may not be as fantastic as the ones you had in mind, but who knows, you may surprise yourself. Here is a recipe for an eggless, butter-less, yet supremely delicious cookie. Use dairy free chocolate instead of the regular one for a vegan cookie.
What you need:
1). 2 cups of plain flour, 2). 1 teaspoon baking powder, 3). ¾ teaspoon baking soda, 4). ½ teaspoon instant coffee, 5). ½ teaspoon salt, 6). ¾ cup olive oil (the olive oil taste will be prominent so switch to vegetable oil if she doesn’t like the taste of olive oil, or melted butter if she won’t really care it’s vegan), 7). ½ cup caster sugar, 8). ½ cup of brown sugar, 9). ¼ cup of warm water, 10). 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 11). 200 gms chopped dark chocolate.
Sift together flour, baking powder, baking soda, coffee and salt in a large bowl. In a different bowl, stir the sugars and oil till evenly combined. Add water and vanilla. Gently fold in the dry ingredients and chocolate, mixing just until evenly combined. Cover with cling film and rest in refrigerator for 2-3 hours (you can leave it for up to 24 hours). Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Divide the dough into 15 parts, rolling and flattening each slightly with your hands. Place on a lined baking sheet, two inches apart. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes or till edges are slightly browned. Allow to cool on the baking sheet before transferring them to a cooling rack.
8. Glitter Shot Glass Vases
Every girl needs a few glittery things to add sparkle to her life. Shot glasses with glitter are something you can make. These double as vases when she is not using them for shooters. You can also use regular shot glasses, cover them in different colours, wine glasses, or any other glass or ceramic item.
What you need:
1). Shot glasses (this works better on slightly tall glasses), 2). masking tape, 3). Mod Podge, 4). paintbrush, 5). glitter, 6). sheet of newspaper, 7). clear glaze spray paint.
Use the masking tape to cover parts of the glass you don’t want glitter on. Put a piece of ape over the top of the glass too. You can make patterns on the glass this way. Next paint Mod Podge over the areas you want covered with glitter. Spread glitter on the newspaper and roll the glasses in the glitter. Let them dry for about half hour before retouching the parts that need more glitter. Let them dry completely in a well ventilated, but not draughty area. Spread newspaper over the work area, hold each glass from the top and spray all over the glitter with the glaze to seal it in. Let it dry before peeling off the tape carefully. Gift them to her as they are, or fill them with flowers for an even prettier gift.
9. Terrariums
Terrariums require minimal care and add a nice decorative touch to the home. They are small decorative plants enclosed in a glass container, with just enough opening to be able to access the plant within. She will enjoy having a small plant like this at home. This one can be assembled within minutes.
What you need:
1). A glass container, 2). Small stones or pebbles for the base, 3). activated charcoal to ward off bacterial growth, 4). soil, 5). a plant (use a small air plant, succulent or cacti), 6). small gardening tools.
Place the pebbles at the bottom of the container, add a layer of charcoal and lix it lightly. Add soil on top, sprinkling it so it is loose enough to place the plants in. Make holes in the soil for the plants you are using and place then plants root first inside. Gently pat the soil around them. You can finish by adding another layer of pebbles or coloured stone on top of the soil. Give them to her with the instruction to water them once or twice a week depending on how humid or dry the air is, and to keep it in a spot with indirect sunlight.
10. DIY Tea bags
You can always buy a box of tea bags for your friend but there are two reasons why you should make your own - how often does anyone get to use tea bags made by their best friend? And also because you can make wonderful blends with flavours and combinations that may not be available in any shop.
What you need:
1). A cup of loose tea, 2). a few small bowls to make tea blends, 3). lemon and orange peels, 4). open weave fine muslin, 5). a variety of seasoning and herbs for flavouring, 6). scissors, 7). cotton string, and 8). paper and pen.
Cut the cloth in small squares, the pieces should be large enough to hold about a teaspoon of tea and have enough room on top to be bunched up into a parcel. Mix your loose tea with herbs and seasoning to create different flavours. You can make just one type of a flavour she likes, but adding a few interesting mixes will give her something new to try. Cut the paper to make tags for each tea bag and label them. Thread them using a needle, leaving enough length to tie the bags. Match your tags with the tea bags, making as many as you need. Keep them ready at hand. Next, place a muslin on your work surface and place about a teaspoon of tea in the center. Work with one tea blend and put it aside with a note before moving on to the next batch to avoid mixing them up. Pick up the corners and bring the edges together to make a loose parcel and secure it with the prepared strings, tying it such that the tag hangs at one end. Place them in a tin box with a note about the different tea blends before giving them to your friend.
Bonus: Terrible at DIY? Gift Her Yourself
Often the best gift we can give someone is our time and unwavering attention. The busy world we live in leaves little room to make adequate space for all the people close to us. Your best friend may enjoy spending a day with you more than any other gift. Or better yet, pair a DIY gift along with a day with you, it will be the best birthday present she can get.
By spending a day with her we don't mean simply show up at her door without a plan. Put some time and effort into making a plan of what you can do. List all the things she enjoys and what would be suitable for the celebration - like if it is her birthday you can't hog her time and expect to keep her with you all day. Organise a party or rope in other friends and family to create a fun itinerary for her. You can even plan a day with her either before her birthday or over the weekend following it. Ask her if she wants to do anything specific that day, but have options ready for her to pick from. It should be an enjoyable day for her, so think ahead and make backup provisions to avoid turning it into a dud. Include some fun activities together, maybe a meal, a movie, a hobby class, but also make room for some time to do nothing but talk and just hang out doing nothing in particular. Do it well and you will create a lasting memory for both of you.
Play To Your Strengths
When you are having fun making something, it will be evident in the results you get. Take on a DIY project that is too much for you to handle and is stressing you out, and the result will be a less than perfect gift. Get creative, have fun and take on something you know you can do well. The idea is to give your best friend a gift she will like, not a badly executed item that shows the strain it put on you. Attempt a project you are certain is within your reach.