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Having Wholesome Food Can Reduce Stress


The world around us is such that it can increase our stress levels. It could be due to work-related matters or several other factors around us. But one point to take note of is that prolonged stress levels can be harmful to us. It can lead to behavioural and psychological changes in us. We will lose temper quickly with people around us. It can affect us mentally and physically too.

We must take proper actions to minimize the harmful effects of stress. We can start a robust exercise regimen or do yoga every morning. We can take stress buster sessions with experts. Going out for holidays can help unwind our minds and get revitalized for the future. The best option is to have wholesome food to secrete good hormones to beat stress. This article will discuss some of the food we can have to overcome anxiety.

Stress can Change Your Behaviour

Mood and Personality Changes


Stress can engulf us due to various reasons. A common cause is stiff protocols and targets at the workplace. Whatever the reason may be, stress can lead to severe personality changes. There can be severe withdrawal symptoms from even friends and family. It can lead to decreased productivity, loss of interest and even difficulty communicating. There can also be a loss of interest in personal care and appearance.

Leads to Anxiety


Prolonged periods of severe stress can lead to increased anxiety levels. They are common in modern times, and they can be attributed to the higher levels of stress in our lives. It can lead to more increased heartbeats, nausea, and helplessness. If this is not addressed on time, it can be fatal too. Such people may be dreadful in doing simple activities that they usually carry out daily. Stress may trigger avoiding such menial tasks.

Affects the Body as a Whole


Stress can significantly affect your body. The liver secretes additional blood sugar to boost your energy levels as you lose appetite. It can lead to Type-2 diabetes. Prolonged bouts of stress can affect your muscles too. It can lead to joint aches apart from neck and backaches. When you are stressed out, the heart tries to pump more blood, leading to higher blood pressure. It can lead to stroke and heart attack too. The testosterone levels can drop, which can affect sperm production levels. For women, their menstrual cycle can get affected too.

Affects Behaviour


Stress can wrongly affect your behaviour and spread to different aspects of your life. It can make you overeat and have junk food. It will lead to obesity and affect your health badly. Your energy levels will be affected, and you tend to work less. High-stress levels can also affect your sleeping habits. The sleep cycle will be affected, and you may need to take naps at odd hours. The person could be having frequent conflicts with other people around them.

Makes You Emotionally Drained


Stress can lead to unwanted emotional symptoms. It can lead to different psychological disorders and channel them towards being worrisome and sad. The mood will be low, and there could be prolonged incidents of being aloof of your hobbies. You will continuously resent others and lose focus on various other aspects of life. As your productivity dips at the workplace, your stress levels will increase. Those under stress will find it challenging to be patient and develop anger problems.

Best Food Options to Relieve Stress

Sweet Potatoes

Stress can be a part of our lives but can cause harm too. It can release several hormones that are harmful to us. You can have carb-based foods that have the necessary nutrients to minimize the amount of cortisol in the body. Though cortisol can be regulated, never-ending stress can increase stress hormone levels abruptly.

Advanced studies show that the people who have nutrient-rich carbs diet like sweet potatoes generally have lower cortisol levels than those who have a diet rich in refined carbs. It is a whole food that makes it an automatic choice to mitigate the health risks caused due to stress. Sweet potatoes are also known to contain potassium and Vitamin C that works against stress levels.


Eggs are loved by several people and are natural sources of Vitamin D. Are you aware that the nutrients it contains can help as a stressbuster. It contains acetylcholine that can function in your brain as a neurotransmitter. It can help control your mood that will also help regulate your stress levels. They can also help reduce depression and improve immune functions in your body.

They also contain natural multi-vitamins and amino acids, minerals, and antioxidants that can better respond and reduce stress levels. They are also rich in choline that can improve your brain's health and can also be a factor in minimizing stress levels. It is a complete protein and contains tryptophan – an amino acid that helps to create serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that can improve your brain functioning.


If you are looking for stress relief foods, you can also try parsley. It can act as an antioxidant that can neutralise the unstable molecules in the body. Hence it can work against stress too. Oxidative stress can lead to various illnesses, including depression and anxiety. Several studies have shown that a diet with plenty of antioxidants can help work against the harmful effects of stress. Several antioxidants can minimise the impact of inflammation, which is a side effect of chronic stress.

Parsley is a nutritious herb that you can include in your daily diet. Having it in small portions can do wonders for your health. It is also very rich in other nutrients like volatile oils, flavonoids, carotenoids, and various other antioxidants. While it can help reduce stress levels, remember that having antioxidants in plentiful can make you ill.

Herbal and Green Tea

There is a saying that drinking a cup of warm tea can relieve you from stress. But herbal teas can prove to be a better option. Drinking herbal tea can induce a feeling of warmth and friendliness. Several herbs have their flavour, like chamomile and lavender. They can have a soothing effect readily. You can also have some green tea in between if you want a small dash of caffeine. They can suppress neuroinflammation and suppress the neurotoxins.

Green tea contains flavonoids found in citrus fruits and dark chocolate. This chemical works against the harmful effects of stress. It also has an amino acid, theanine. It has calming and anti-anxiety effects and can also increase the production of positive hormones like dopamine and serotonin. It can reduce tension, induce calmness, and keep you relaxed. It is also a suitable replacement for alcoholic beverages and soft drinks.


It is a delicious fruit that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They can boost your concentration levels, work against anxiety and stress, and elevate your mood. Including omega 3-fatty acids in your diet is essential to improve overall health and reduce stress levels. They contain other essential nutrients like fibre and phytochemicals that provide several other benefits to your body. It can reduce the effects of metabolic syndrome and improve your diet and nutrition intake.

You can have regular portions of this fruit filling your belly and making you have a fulfilling snack. It can keep you satiated for a long time too. If you are on a dieting spree, it can also help you reduce the need to have more food for at least three hours. You will not be pulled towards having unhealthy snacks when you are stressed out at the workplace.


Adding seafood to your regular diet can readily keep away heart diseases. Fatty fish can be a good option for you if you have been lately suffering from bouts of anxiety and stress. The omega 3 fatty acids can interact with the chemicals in your brain that can relate to your mood levels. Some of the fatty fish you can have include herring, halibut, mackerel, tuna, sardines, trout, etc. If you don’t prefer fish, you can take fish oils too.

The omega 3-fatty acids can correlate with mental health and other cognitive functions. They contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) that provides these two essential fatty acids, viz. docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). These chemicals can promote brain function and reduce anxiety levels. The neurotransmitters can be regulated and reduce inflammation. Some fatty fish also contain Vitamin D, which is good for health.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate can reduce stress, both emotionally and chemically. It can be an indulgence, and small pieces can help to reduce stress levels. It is rich in antioxidants that can lower the stress hormone levels in the body. You can have dark chocolate in moderate amounts, but remember, they should not have high sugar content. It is a rich source of polyphenols and flavonoids. While flavonoids reduce neuroinflammation, they can also improve blood circulation to the brain.

Chocolates are rich in tryptophan that can be converted to neurotransmitters like serotonin in the brain. It is also a rich source of magnesium that can help in minimising the effects of prolonged stress levels. As dark chocolate can contain added fats and sugar, always opt for those brands with 70% or more content of chocolate. The cocoa content can relax the blood vessels and lower blood pressure. It improves the blood flow throughout the body.


Oatmeal can keep your mind calm and is warm and comforting too. Your brain can generate the de-stressing neurotransmitter serotonin. These building blocks can get assembled in your brain as a good hormone that boosts your mood. You can have steel-cut oats containing tryptophan, which is the source of serotonin. It is also rich in nutrients like Vitamin B6. It keeps the brain focused, and you are energised. You also don't feel like taking a nap to get rid of stress.

You must have healthy carbs, and refined ones can do more harm than good. Complex carbs like oats can keep you satiated longer and are digested slowly. It does not lead to a spike in blood sugar levels that can cause stress. Oats can be easily paired with other nutrients. Having it with eggs and nuts can boost your mind too. They also contain mood-enhancing chemicals that will help to control stress levels.


Yoghurt is a delicacy that you can have during lunch. It can also be added to other nutritious diets that can benefit your health. It is suggested that you have low-fat yoghurt that can benefit your health. Yoghurt is rich in amino acids that can break down the harmful free radicals in your body. Several of us have yoghurt during breakfast or lunch for better health.

Yoghurt contains the amino acids – arginine and lysine. These chemicals can reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. They also contain probiotics that can improve your mood as your gut condition is improved too. They can help in faster digestion, leading to a better mood. Having probiotics can play a critical role in affecting your emotions, like depression, anxiety, and stress. It can reduce elevated levels of stress-inducing hormones.


We will round off this list of the best stress relief foods with oysters. They can also be delicious and nutritious together. The zinc content can be one reason you feel that the nutrients can be good. They contain several times the recommended intake of zinc. The high zinc content can lower the stress levels in your body. It can strengthen the immune level and can have anti-inflammatory properties too. It can act as an antioxidant too.

While oysters are best known as an aphrodisiac, they can also relieve stress as it is full of Vitamin B and magnesium. The B vitamins can help to alleviate anxiety and depression. It can also help in stabilising your mood. Food rich in magnesium can fight against any side effects of stress. You will not have any headaches and feel rejuvenated. It can also minimise blood pressure levels and prevent heart attacks.

Digital Marketer, Blogger
Sanjay Das
Sanjay is a marketing professional with more than 15 years of experience. He has a penchant for writing blogs and articles and has written over 350 blogs across diverse topics and industries. Sanjay takes a keen interest in SEO-based content writing for websites and social media. He also runs his own blog for digital marketing articles.

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Yoga may help with practicing mindfulness – not only is it a great form of exercise but it incorporates meditation to slow down and calm the body and mind. Get outside for fresh air and to connect with nature. Counselling or other therapies may be beneficial for those having to cope in the face of severe stressors. If you are feeling stressed and anxious, do not disregard it. Seek advice from your GP or health professional.